Is there any way to salvage games journalism?
Is there any way to salvage games journalism?
No now kill yourself white*id and make your eradication quicker
>no white games for white gamers
>white cartoon for white viewers on shirt
Why do people larp as blacks on here?
cut off the negative feelings
We have to separate the head of the snake.
the fuck is a 'white male game'?? can games have race or gender?
we got a long way to go to catch up to niggers in that regard. I bet Chicago outpaces the rest of the US for years to come.
Who said I was black?
>we don't want the white male demographic
Damn i guess i'll spend my money elsewhere then
By ignoring their bullshits and not echoing them
>game just released yesterday where you can't play as women or niggers
stop paying attention to them. every time you give an ounch of attention to them you enable them
There's no salvaging Journalism as a whole.
The rot goes down to the root.
If you DONT buy Days Gone you are killing the future of white males in games
kinda agree, but the new era is asian male gamers, but libs consider them white anyway
Too bad you'll never be rad
God forbid someone try something new
It's self-hating whites that wish they were black because what they crave is victim points for attention. Many become trannies because thats the best way for a white to become "oppressed" and get attention.
who cares? I play weeb games. Let the minorities have all the shitty Sony moviegames they can handle.
Actually nogs don't even like that shit, lel. They're playing DBZ games and fightan games.
we need more wholesome, christ based games. such as halo and halo 2
>no white cartoons
>displays a woke ape with colored glasses
>wearing the simpsons
Does the game make any political statements they disagree with or is the fact that's the protag is a straight white male considered a political statement to these people?
Sounds like a pornstar name
God damn imagine if i straight people said this shit about gays whenever they did something they dont like
>The homos are at it again with their AIDS and sodomy le ugh
I was in this place
no, we don't need more christcuckery, we have enough retards brainwashed on abrahamic morals and acting like prudish niggers with a constant need to govern other people and their behavior, fuck off faggot and eat a shotgun, you fuckface niggers are absolute cancer
>the fuck is a 'white male game'??
real-time strategy
so they are kind of right, when was the last time we had a good RTS?
Replacing it is Politically correct games for nobody.
low-IQ post
RTS is the gook genre user
Came to post this.
We knew they were pointless 5 years ago, and there's no fixing it. Let it die.
Just make your own site. There's such a void for decent content that it should be easy to fill the gap if you know your niche.
>The Era of dogshit games started in 2017
>Games are getting worse and cost assloads more with more and more stupid loot boxes
or God game
or RPG (not action rpg bullshit)
>*tips fedora
Dont give """"journalists""""" click
Dont give """"journalists"""""attention
Dont forget they literally make their bread and butter off of your views and click.
Ignore them. Let them starve.
>SJW's focusing on the writing of hill billy white trash.
>Neglects the games actual faults of 10 min load times every few mins and the game being super fucking boring.
Popularity was a mistake.
No. Let them rot. Steam reviews have better quality and credibility nowadays. I bought many games that got like 6/10 but were actually solid 8 or even 9. Those people can only play press X to win games and have no attention span.
fuck off, retard, your whole religion is designed for those low in iq
>Blacks have been playing vidya for decades with no complaint
>Playing as all races with not a single issue
>Whites still actually believe this shitstorm is led by said blacks and not a rampant band of white SJWs
The game is hillbilly trash people being hillbilly trash people.
The western side of the states doesn't realize that not everyone in the states is sucking down protein shakes and doing yoga every day. in fact. They are pretty much the only ones doing it.
I found the nigger on Yea Forums!
>white male games are coming to a close
Not until the highest grossing tv shows have black nerd main characters
It's led by Jews
cool it with the antisemitism
Ah yes, making a thread on an anonymous image board is the same as retweeting their articles. Game journalists don't pay attention to this place.
He’s a straight white poor male from a culture they’re bigoted towards.
He’s a a biker meathead, like Francis from l4d.
unironically this
>muh "imagine if it was reversed" fallacy
in order for that to be the case you'd also have to flip the long history of straight people oppressing gay people so that too was the other way around. motherfucker.
Final, the era of Japanese games for white males is back!
>SJWs rush to defend MK11 because its respectful to woman and Jax has a "woke" Tower Ending
>disgregards the fact that it has a level of microtransactions that could make Battlefront 2 blush
I feel like I entered a timewarp to 2011-2012, people using political correctness as a shield to deflect from any real criticisms only now its working better then ever
Shouldnt a game featuring stereotypical rednecks be offensive to middle americans? Why are west coast soi drinkers upset by it?
You know if you'd read some of these reviews you'd see that plenty of these reviewers were also complaining about the load times and numerous technical issues that game has. But that's right, you guys don't ever take the time to read the shit you're so obsessed with condemning.
The slow removal of God and religion from the average westerner's life is a direct cause of all of the literal faggotry, identity politics, lowered birth rates among whites, opioid epidemics, effeminite males, trannies, and other nonsense that has become commonplace and even normal.
>We don't need your money, white males!
>okay then
*game fails*
Can we just nuke the US already
simpsons are clearly gooks dumdass
The existence of white males that aren't faggots pisses them off.
Did he died?
Fine by me, I've stopped buying Western games ages ago.
Again, just like I said here if you'd actually read the reviews from these "SJWs" you'd see that they criticized the microtransactions. You people do understand it's possible to both like and dislike different parts of a game, right?
>The era of white male gamers is ending
Huh, not if I can prevent that. Gamers are truly the most powerful organizations on the globe.
let the era of no sales just kill this shit industry already
crash 2020!
Because they hate everything to do with "fly-over states." Being reminded that they exist is incredibly upsetting to them. They spend their entire lives trying to convince themselves that everyone's hip and progressive and just like them. They know that normal rural Americans that don't live in giant feces encrusted piles of litter like Detroit, New York, San Fran, etc, don't have the same values they do and they hate it.
Dumb nigger, its still white cucks making the games, same way as niggers scream we wuz wakanda and shieeet when white people made it up too.