Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sure he cares as much as Lucas cares about Star Wars (aka none).
Notch doesn't deserve anything, he sold minecraft
when did the content on this board become so shit that tourists find it acceptable to post reddit screen caps here
If he really cared he'd buy a ticket and turn up anyway.
maybe he shouldn't have been such a retard on twitter
Someone post the "I made this" comic
dude I know this is mind-blowing but like i just found this new thing called "free speech", ever heard of it?
are you 15?
that's not what free speech means dumbass
im also free to not invite you to my party if you always say stupid shit.
funny how that works right?
When we all give them tons and tons of attention and break the bump limit every single time.
uuuuumh sorry sweaty but like free speech but not hate speech....ok?
2016 when /pol/ flooded this shit hole with redditgees from r the donald
you can say whatever you want and people can call you a retard and refuse to associate with you if they think what you said was retarded
commies and trannies already triggered and seething in this thread because a random user typed "free speech". damn, feels good to be white
enjoy being wiped off the face of the earth after we get done with your women, mutt
True, and Notch doesn't give a single fuck. Weirdly enough the minecraft autists do.
There is another cool new thing called freedom of association. Mad I know
2015 but you're right.
Notch became unbased the moment he got BTFO'd by that furry on twitter.
Literally the lowest point I've ever seen a man
I think we'll be alright.
I don't think anyone is implying that Microsoft doesn't have the right. It just comes across as petty and vindictive, but that's basically the modern left in a nutshell.
>"if i say something, i shouldn't be held accountable for it because its under free speech!"
Just go back to plebbit and stay there please
have sex
Notch should just run his own 10th anniversary. He's got the money, and it'll blow away that poltitics poisoned sjw-fest.
he just got konami'd
Does it even matter ?
He's a billionaire now, he's well above petty squabbles.
He lives the dream and shitposts everyday in his luxurious house withoiut the need to work.
Man I would love having nothing to do but spending money and shitpost.
what tweet are you referring too?
Based user triggering trannies by reminding them of the 1st amendment.
Remember when we called Notch a fat vacationing fucker who stole from modders who made a lazy unfinished game before r/the_donald tourists showed up to suck his dick for espousing very basic alt-right opinions on twitter? I'm sure you don't 2016 tourist.
Notch has his billions, why would he care about what M$ does
>"2016 election tourist" talking point
easiest method of identifying projecting redditors
>crusade meme
>imperial military meme
>over fucking minecraft
>same filename
Ouch sweaty chapocel, please crawl back, k?
>twitter cap
fucking kill yourself OP holy shit i can't believe you aren't banned yet
Free speech does not equal freedom from consequence. He's free to say whatever dumb shit he wants, but he'll have to deal with companies not wanting to associate with him. See, what's currently happening.
The first amendment of Sweden
rent free
what the fuck is Chapo Trap House
i was here long enough to remember the flood of sjws after the election and all the screenscaps of reddits bragging about going here to "fight le nazis xd"
Obviously, they have many trannies in their midst. It's a commie sub and not in the rightard incel sort of way but actually that retarded.
Commie redditors with a cringy podcast. Like all modern commies they're just hypocrites that make alot of money on patreon by milking their retarded trust fund commie fanbase.
>America is the entire world
As a non American I have to say that their 1st amendment is something I wish i had. I mean at least they aren't the UK where you can get put in jail for saying something offensive about muslims.
>Chapo "trap" house
its in the name, user!
bet if he was a mad sjw saying bullshit he would get an invite
The US jailed people for speech related reasons as well. It literally re-wrote the laws so that they could arrest hippies, communists, and those who spoke badly of the Vietnam war.
A podcast by (actual) trust-fund Brooklyn Communists.
Stay mad trannies, you'll never be a woman. I don't think Notch gives a shit seeing how he has made more money than every single one of your bloodlines combined and then some.
>say word
>invitation revoked
What the fuck?! I didn't used to be like this.
Oh no a douchebag billionaire is a shitty person and people dont want him around kids!
Surely this is time to crusade because jesus would agree this is an outrage!
Nah, he's based.
Most reddit post in this thread, and that says a LOT.
Why do you autist care about this. Notch said some controversial stuff. Therefor his invite got revoked. Why should people be outraged at all?
>including transphobic statements and comments about a “heterosexual pride day,” and that “it’s ok to be white.” Persson has about 3.7 million followers on Twitter.
I don't know. I honestly don't know anymore.
What's so bad about this? Have we come to the point where we must not feel empathetic for others just because of their skin color?
Seems like you're lying to me user. I doubt any of it was upheld in the supreme court or if it was has since been overturned. Nobody was jailed for opposing the Iraq war after all.
Btw I oppose jailing anyone for their political views. Somehow I suspect you favour jailing white nationalists and people who insult trannies amirite?
Dilate harder tranny
>Don't give free money to a transvestite pretending to make video games.
>Get Excommunicated.
>conservative on Twitter bad
>Creepy naked drag queens good
This is the average leftist stance on who should be near kids
He's still the creator of the game, the artist doesn't lose credit when he sells the painting.
>Notch said some controversial stuff.
>"Did you know that chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman?"
Yeah, that might be controversial in clown world.
Corporations don't have to give half a shit about the 1st amendment. Thank God we have all these leftists out here to watch the corporate world's back :)
>you're lying
This was literally taught to me in an American high school level history class, I guess you slept through it.
>I guess you favor jailing white nationalists and people who insult trannies
Arguments are easy to win when you make strawmen aren't they? I only support jailing them if they use white nationalism to do a crime of some sort.
What you faggots consider controversial is the issue. I mean on one side we have mentally insane faggots like you that deny basic biology and on the other you have normal sane individuals who recognize that males can't be females and vice versa.
He didn't lose credit, his name is still in the credits, he just wasn't invited to whatever the hell this is. Microsoft doesn't owe him that by any means, he's no longer involved in Minecraft and hasn't been for years.
This shit ain't stupid shit. If you can't live with these facts then you should get used to the consequences of suppressing them.
Ignore the incels, user
Lmao what is the proper reaction to this then?
Notch is billionaire fag who sits on is ass all day and fucks little fanboy kids like most rich people and you are trying to start a crusade to protect him and his money?
He's also clearly racist posting random ass shit saying "its ok to be white" what the fuck does that even mean? Is it not ok to not be white? Why even say such a dumb thing
He's a racist and he's rich fag. Kys retards
I'm not American so pardon me for not knowing details of American history.
Give me an example of someone being jailed for opposing the vietnam war and the ruling being upheld by the supreme court.
desu if he gave a shit he could probably host his own 10th anniversary celebration and draw in more people, he's rich enough to rent a convention center and everyone knows he's the name behind minecraft.
trannies like think otherwise
>racism is bad
>being rich is bad
go fuck yourself
>Microsoft doesn't owe him that by any means, he's no longer involved in Minecraft and hasn't been for years.
Pretty poor business decision on their part tbph.
People like Notch because Notch made Minecraft.
People don't like trannies because they're disgusting.
Snubbing Notch in favor of trannies only wins you favor with the 0.001% of people who are trannies, who are just going to kill themselves anyway, and pisses everyone who actually likes Minecraft off.
Notch seems pretty fucking miserable you stupid faggot
Its also okay to be a resetera Tranny :^)
>posting a screen cap of a reddit post
>posting a screen cap of a reddit post from your phone
OP is a faggot.
Heres that (you) you were fishing for
>He's also clearly racist posting random ass shit saying "its ok to be white" what the fuck does that even mean? Is it not ok to not be white?
>He's also clearly racist
Sounds based.
>racism is bad
Hang yourself
>making fun of women devs
just have sex already and stop shitting the forums with your ""redpills""
blame the joos while at it too
in the mad world of america
>OP making a reddit screencap thread is a crusade
>Implying anyone violated his free speech.
>Not knowing what free speech actually means
>Notch: Says some stupid bullshit on Twitter
>Microsoft: You're not invited to the party because of what you said.
For the record I am a christian and i dislike fags. We were all created in the lords image.The only race is the human race If you wish to preserve your race dont try to victimize yourself by implying your a victim or attack others just have kids. The filthy greedy rich will be in hell. Notch is probally a child molestor too as most rich people.
>What's so bad about this?
gee, I wonder what he said that was so bad?
seethe harder trump tranny
We will take back our Steve by getting him in Smash. We will take him back, like we took back our Pepe. Dues Vult
>I want a white ethnostate
>Not controversial
You can all fuck off and make your own country if you hate non-whites so much
Oh, wait, you already tried and fucking lost horribly :^)
Nothing at all
>He's also clearly racist posting random ass shit saying "its ok to be white"
With this one sentence you just let everyone here know how full of shit you are
>be disgusting neckbeard autist
>be billionaire
>marry a gold-digging whore
>too lazy to eat healthy, work out and getting social gainz now that he has all the time and money in the world
I have zero respect for that fat swedish cuck
>I want a black ethnostate
>yay! you go!
I'm glad we have valiant leftists like you defending the rights of a megacorporation like m'lady Microsoft ;')
I don't see the problem here.
>White conservatives should all be shot because I disagree with them
You're okay with this?
lol i didn't think so, hang yourself
>Said no one ever
>not invited to some soul sucking corporate event run by PR/optics-obsessed stiffs
>still wealthy enough to shitpost without consequence and/or host his own event with blackjack and hookers
How dreadful. I bet he's absolutely crushed.
Fucking EVERYONE says it's not okay to be white.
"We don't need to hear from old white men"
"White people are privileged"
"White men are going extinct"
"All white people are racist"
It's in the media, it's in universities, it's every fucking where in this modern nanny state. White people are told to sit down, shut up, and stop loving their religions, their histories, and their families and the fact that you can't see it shows that you are incapable of seeing why people are upset. Fuck you.
"This guy is against racism and doesnt like rich kids! That means he's transgender!
Back and fourth. Thats it im convinced all you people are trolls. expect the media to forever disregard and censor you fools as you brought this upon yourselves.
Your all too pussy to do anything or voice your opinion anywhere besides this website anyways.
Seethe harder cucks.
that whole thread
>we wuz kang
>mortal kombat 11
Everyone prefers the company of their own group. Crime statistics don't lie, they are proportional. Antiracism hurts minorities. Educate yourself, dipshit.
Thirteen minute video. If you actually care about making life better for niggers like me, you'll watch the video. Fucking commie shitstain.
Make like an apple and hang, nigger
Sure thing sweetie, but aren't you late for your MRA meeting? Don't want to be late! Oh and don't forget the tendies I made for you, they're by the door in your lunchbox :3
>proud to be gay
>proud to be straight
This is a strange double standard desu
What's a tranny doing out there on 4channel?
Have sex, leftist incel
Keep seething bootlicker
Apples fall from the tree and are delicious
Tons of arrests of peaceful protesters happened during the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King himself was arrested and served his entire sentence.
Vietnam protesters were also frequently arrested and harassed for their speech, true, most of these protesters were eventually released but that doesn't change the fact that their rights were violated.
The Communist Control Act of 1954 completely outlawed the communist party in the United States, claiming that all communists were not entitled to any rights offered to other citizens. The result was that communist speakers were arrested for their speech.
Almost every administration has had some form of censorship or regulation on speech.
Notch doesn't deserve anything. He's a billionaire incel who turned into an alt right loser when he realized no amount of money will buy him real relationships
And you are?
>The Art Analogy...
Ladies and gentlement and for his next act, he is going to use the Food analogy!
But I'm fucking ur mom right nao :^)
nice double standards tranny
Notch is a suicide risk
have sex, male feminist pedophile
I honestly feel bad for you Americans. To think I grew up idolizing anglo countries... my shithole feels better in comparison, especially when I'm rich
>Pretty poor business decision on their part tbph.
It's actually a great business decision, you don't want someone spewing any form of hate associated with your product. That's awful for business, especially if your product is virtual legos for children.
>People like Notch
Most kids who play the game now have no idea who he is.
>People don't like trannies
Most people are indifferent.
For generations whites have done this shit to every other race.
Just do what they did. Shut up and carry on and ignore it. Your not special. How has this negatively affected your personal life?
Neither is okay you fucking /pol/tard incel
Kill yourself
Video games are a creative work, like a novel or a painting, dumbfuck. It's not an analogy.
He's a fat fucking autistic loser of course he's not getting invited to any parties
That has to do with the government, not individuals or corporations making choices. You're still accountable for what you say, but the government cannot do anything about it unless you're making death threats/inciting panic/trying to instigate a coup like that one vice president did after winning a duel against a senator.
hate to break it to you but being rich in a shithole 3rd world country isnt really being rich
Retard alert
>Muh principles
You wh*Te people are so fucking naive fucking hell lmao
How many layers of irony are you hiding under to actually post something like this?
My lifestyle is far more luxurious than any of you angloloids.
>Most people are indifferent.
I haven't met a normie yet that doesn't fucking hate them now. They were indifferent to them 5 years ago.
Still more successful and famous than you tranny who spend all of your time cross posting screenshot of reddit here to get easy attention, LM@O
>B-but he wasn't invitedbto a shitty party
Why is it so hard for you to just not be racist
There wouldn't be an "anti-racism movement" if people like you would simply stop being and acting racist
>niggers like me
lol you're the whitest shit ever don't play pretend
shitting in a toilet isnt a luxury
So why are you being such a hyprocrite and telling people to kill them self?
>Fat fuck steals a game concept barely improves on it then is too lazy to work on it
The only people who are calling Notch a racist are white girls (the worst type of girl) and people who have no self respect and want to fuck said white girl.
>White men are going extinct
>All white people are racist
I have never heard these two spoken by anyone
Your mom is a child?
How...How does that even work???
If someone bashes you for being white just call them a nigger or a fag.
Whats so hard about this?
Nobody knows or cares who he is outside of Yea Forums you deranged retard. Maybe if Notch didnt want to be such a socially isolated faggot he would have the mental fortitude to reflect on why society is repulsed by him. Yea Forums is only triggered by this because they relate so much to the fat fucks misery
I don't know whats worse
>It's not an analogy.
>Video games are a creative work, like a novel or a painting,
it's kinda ironic that only sjws talk about white genocide
holy fucking shit
>I got banned on Twitter for saying nigger
>This is what real oppression looks like
White isn't a culture.
have sex, closet rapist
Some abuse has happened sure, does that mean you're better off without the 1st amendment?
Do you consider UK style censorship or worse to be any better?
how are urbanites going to defend themselves when rural people decide they've had enough of leftists destroying civilization?
>commies and trannies
I've never met a tranny that didn't at least toy with the idea of communism. They're pretty much the same thing as far as I'm concerned
>nobody who plays Minecraft knows who Notch is
This really makes u tink
Women by and large are indifferent to them, along with people who are too busy with work to be outraged over every little thing. This statement just tells me you don't have much experience with either.
I guarantee that basically nobody except far-left twitter activists like you know or give a fuck about Notch's political views.
Define racism. Can you do that? You didn't even watch the video. Not 15 minutes. The reason anti-racism exists is to marginalize exactly ONE group of people. What have I done that's racist? Oh, I said the N-word.
>Telling me my race.
Let me guess, you, a white "privileged" individual get to tell me who is and is not a real black person, just like you did with Kanye, right?
isn't tumblr dead?
You'll never have sex because you spend all of your time fighting le evil incel gamers in a pointless culture war with your trannyera folks
Go and stay go.
Based West Virginia.
Most anti-SJWs are cuckservative and centrists though. They are quite literally less racist than the average woke leftist.
>Most people are indifferent.
The only people who are indifferent don't even know that they exist.
Anyone who's ever met a tranny hates them. Only some people pretend not to, purely for virtue signaling reasons.
Send in the nigger/mexican death squads to wipe out the white farms like based South Africa. Have them rape and put mullato babues in all the white women destoring the men forever.
Good thing whites are imcredibly afraid of of niggers so Theyll just run an panic like the pussies they are
>Some abuse has happened sure, does that mean you're better off without the 1st amendment?
I have never argued this.
>Do you consider UK style censorship or worse to be any better?
I would prefer if no one had their right to speech violated, this includes communists along with those who practice hate speech.
the US military has the capability to vaporize niggers and spics by genetic ID, dont kid yourself
You could have just said "...because you chopped your dick off, and nobody wants to stick their dick in your hairy, gaping flesh wound."
For generations EVERY fucking culture did this shit. Holy fuck. Do you not know about the Barbary slave trade? The ways the Incans and Mayans fought? The rape campaigns of native Americans? The Mongol hordes? The Indian colonial movement? The Egyptian empire? The fucking king of Mali going on a global fuck you tour of conquest and economic subjugation? The fucking Ottoman Empire?
Those people weren't white. Shut the fuck up and stop stirring the pot. America has never been less racist.
Go back to the Destiny discord already
>Redneck in a flyover state thinks he can fuck with street gangs and trigger happy inner city cops because he shoots cans in his backyard and LARPs as a soldier on the weekends.
aw shucks you inked all over me
There's a difference between calling someone a nigger and publicly advocating genocide. One is a harmful use of speech that can be traced to millions of deaths and wrongful imprisonment and one is a mean name for black people that means "black person"
>Notch has a reason not to have to meet greasy autists and 9 year olds
>This is a bad thing
Oh well, at least he has millions of dollars to wipe his tears with
>thinks a minecraft event is the same as a high school party
You're tying to tell me that an event for nerds doesn't want a nerd to appear?
This kind of thread always move so fast, huh? sasuga Yea Forums very high quality board
>soiboi retard thinks cops or gangs will defend him
the military and cops all want physical removal of you, tranny faggot
No shit, but if you have European ancestry get used to everyone calling you "white." Get used to people on Twitter being congratulated for calling for the deaths of all white people. Fuck you.
Well good thing you and your girlfriend (sister) and your brother in-law (who is also your brother) aren't the military.
LA has 10 million people living in it alone, that is more than the population of most states.
>losing a shootout with an ape who can't even hold his saturday night special upright
>unironic screencap from a dank meme subreddit
>OP has a an account because he downvoted it
somebody nuke this fucking board
>calls other inbred
>is against free speech
my IQ is at least 40 points higher than yours, soi brainlet
>The only people who are indifferent don't even know that they exist.
Correct, that's indifference.
So you give more of a shit than Notch? Who the fuck cares, and if Notch doesn't care why the fuck are we having hourly threads about this? The autism coming from Yea Forums is insane.
not an argument
>leftist human garbage TRIGGERED by this post
Why should I care about the opinion of some literally whos on twitter?
>Got barred from joining the military for being mentally ill
>this is what real oppression looks like
Apathy is death.
~75% of my coworkers are women and I'm married with 3 daughters. Women are fucking sick of trannies. They don't want men in the bathrooms. They don't want men fucking with their oppression Olympics. They don't want men fucking up their actual Olympics. They want to raise their kids in a safe environment and trannies set off all the red alarms.
You don't know shit about women, and all you DO know is pulled from the internet and your asshole.
Twitter women aren't women. They're mental patients.
Theyll be sent them off to fight muslims in a bloody war for israel while a colored man impregantes and fucks their wife ravegly.
tyranny of the mob
this is what you've been reduced to, Prisoner Obama
>muh anecdotal proof
Free speech is not the first amendment retard. It's much broader than that. It's the idea that we allow and tolerate different opinions as a society. Now that (((some people))) control everything they are taking it away from us.
Trannies are naturally authoritarian. Of course they would. They only reason they don't gravitate towards fascism is that they know they would get gassed for being degenerate fetishists.
Aight so you agree people attacking whites the same as whites did to blacks in the 1800s doesnt matter
My gf is a women, my anecdotal evidence trumps yours because I said so.
>not an argument
oh lord aren't you a smartass, it stopped being an argument since "a bad analogy" reply
>Correct, that's indifference.
"Not knowing something exists" is different from "Knowing something exists but never having to deal with it", which is also different from "Having to deal with something, but not caring."
We're in agreement then
why do burgers think nazism and fascism are the same, is it the poor school system?
>He genuinely believes that a bunch of rednecks dressed in camo with guns they bought from Walmart are going be able to drive through multiple state borders, unload said guns and walk through the streets unchallenged.
A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters.[1] The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play.
>minecraft is a decade old now
Am I a boomer yet?
More like tyranny of the tranny
>Closet rapist
But I raped ur mom XDD
tranny seethe and cope
your time is up
Bud you're likely to get killed by the street gangs you think will be on your side.
choose one nigger
Based amd redpilled
The first LARPs were run in the late 1970s, inspired by tabletop role-playing games and genre fiction. The activity spread internationally during the 1980s and has diversified into a wide variety of styles. Play may be very game-like or may be more concerned with dramatic or artistic expression. Events can also be designed to achieve educational or political goals. The fictional genres used vary greatly, from realistic modern or historical settings to fantastic or futuristic eras. Production values are sometimes minimal, but can involve elaborate venues and costumes. LARPs range in size from small private events lasting a few hours to large public events with thousands of players lasting for days.
I mean, in a SHTF scenario, yeah, practically.
Pavement apes would be too busy settling all their gang scores and looting shoes to put up any real fight.
Corporations and governments listen to them for some reason.
this is a cope
This but unironically
>It just comes across as petty and vindictive, but that's basically the modern left in a nutshell.
So does taking 2 billion dollars and leaving your friends, family and coworkers to move to the US to live like a king and actually turn into a depressed moron.
Unironically yes
Remember that winners write the history, and they wrote it of 1865, 1919, and 1945.
Anecdotal evidence IS evidence. Not only is it evidence, it's the most important argument to effectively dispute a negative.
Maybe if you weren't acting in bad faith when you said things like that they'd go over better. It's just passive-aggressive horseshit intended to make someone else's movement or struggle about you. It's not born of pride and both of us know it.
>“it’s ok to be white.”
>What's so bad about this?
Being white and not self flagellating yourself for it 24/7 until the extinction of your race is racist.
Microsoft is banning Notch because activists on Twitter hate him? I mean I can't really help you if you refuse to pay attention to the real world user.
That's funny because growing up some of my friends were in gangs and/or gang affiliated and I'm just fine.
It's okay to be white
>Notch is constantly saying dumb shit on twitter
>Surprised Microsoft doesn't want to associate with the bad PR
because siding with the fat retard is gonna make their sales skyrocket.
>white genocide is real
>but um actually literally everyone prefers white ment and we all have lots of sex
>doesn't that mean white genocide is white mens fault for not sticking to white women since they have the luxury to pick?
Yeah, public schooling up to and including college is considered nothing more for than for you to get ahead in society now. Similar to how the school system is in China.
The school system supports and lies about fascism.
>celebrating my identity is ok but it's not okay for you
Yeah whatever you say hypocrite
>People thinking notch was a good developer ever
>Microsoft is banning Notch because activists on Twitter hate him?
They didn't invite Notch because he said people should be shot in a time where church and school shootings are happening like every 2-3 months.
>Notch is constantly stating basic facts that everyone agrees with
>trannies seethe
>clownworld considers basic biological facts to be "dumb shit"
Hey guys. I'm glad you're fighting, and everything, but try to hear people out. I used to be a transexual. I voted democrat for every year I was legally allowed to vote. Donated to all the good groups I was supposed to, went to rallies at school.
Things are not so black and white, and things that sound good and make you feel good are not always good. I'm a pharmacology student, going in for a pharmacy technician position.
When I was trans, it was because of peer pressure. It was because of the group I was in, and it was a group of predators. I was 15, being asked for nudes so they could "teach me to be a better girl." I believed it all wholesale. I was so happy to see all the rainbow stickers on busses and the pride billboards, but still felt seriously hurt every single day because I was constantly reminded I wasn't a woman. I got on the pills. I was prescribed at 17 and nearly went through with bottom surgery when I noticed just how voraciously I was being pressured to sign the paper not only by the people in my friend circle but by the doctors.
In school I was stunned to find out that none of the drugs I were on were FDA approved, despite having been prescribed them under medicaid. I thought I was crazy for seeing a problem in the Open Society Foundation donating so much to trans rights when they also had a stake in the drugs because my professors made me feel insane. I kept taking my drugs and putting myself in debt to do so.
This article validated me.
Please, if you have any curiosity or care for transexual people or those suffering gender dysphoria, please read this article and please take it from me that not nearly all of these cases are genuine dysphoria. This is important stuff and a lot of people are being exploited in the same way I was.
Be skeptical of transexuality. Please.
Eh, they're trying to sell legos to children and don't want to be associated with the guy who complains about the jews and homosexuals on twitter, I understand it.
Oh i didn't realize you're black. That make sense then.
Still black on black crime is a problem. Are you sure you won't just kill yourselves off as much as you die fighting against white rednecks?
>The Communist Control Act of 1954 completely outlawed the communist party in the United States, claiming that all communists were not entitled to any rights offered to other citizens. The result was that communist speakers were arrested for their speech.
And now we have actual communists in office and gangs of masked commies beating people and destroying property. McCarthy was right, and allowing your enemy the same treatment and rights you give yourself and your friends can only lead to your own downfall.
wow, Notch really is lazy. I'm sure your game will be so much better make sure to update me when it's done.
>chapo trap house
Opinion dismissed
It's just as wrong now as it was back then, are you stupid? This is just repackaged original sin.
Yes it is. You trying to play epic mind games is not.
If it really was just a celebration of identity I wouldn't care.
Nobody cares. Do us a favor and die.
Not a argument.
Bad intentions doesn't make a argument invalid.
>look up source
>it's from surveymonkey
thanks doc
yeah and no one respects it, as shown clearly by all the shitty replies
>Actually I hate free speech, I have always said this.
>every single human being who voted in wyoming had a gun
Everyone knows Jeb did all the work, meanwhile Notch went on vacation
If everyone agreed with it there wouldn't be such seething backlash in the first place and Notch would be partying it up. I don't think that many people actually agree with it dude. Or have the balls to speak up about agreeing with it.
>Yes it is
>u-us b-b-based comrades in cucktown, california have epic g-guns too!!!
And 90% of them will starve to death or die in some other horrible manner a month after the lights shut off and water stops running.
I wouldn't waste my degree coding infi-miner rip-offs .
>everyone but be can't be wrong, right?
Trannies are the equivalent of your friends asking you to jump off a bridge.
Yet he spends every day on twitter, searching for mentions of him so he can have a some form of human interaction. All that money and the dude is far more pathetic than any poster here.
>intentionally stir shit on social media
>get soft-blacklisted by megacorp that wants to maximize inclusiveness so that people buy their products
I really, really hope someone knives your throat open, fucking idiot.
>taking online words so literally
Tell me again who is being disingenuous here lol. I can guarantee that if he said "Anyone who opposes gay pride should be shot" then there wouldn't be an issue.
If you can't recognize this then we have fundamentally different perceptions of reality or you're just a dishonest faggot.
I'm sure he'll cry himself to sleep on his mountains of cash.
>money makes you a valuable person
Is destiny really a boogeyman on Yea Forums? Top kek he's all over /pol/ too
>You said something mean back to me after I insulted you and now I'm pulling the victim card!
>Pay up, white boy.
People actually like Notch. Nobody really likes Microsoft, or any major corporation. Besides Nintendo because nintendo fanbabbies.
Thanks for telling your story user :'(
Plenty of devs on the left are super political and say worse shit than him on the daily but he attacked the sacred tranny cows once so he's blacklisted forever. People keep telling me the pendulum will swing back and we'll see some sanity for the first time in a decade, I'm still waiting.
>complains about Jews and homosexuals
Did he ever do that though?
Just like how they knifed your dick off?
Isn't the dude rotting alone in his house with a countries worth of candy?
>McCarthy accuses people of being communist, often without them actually being communist, destroying careers and public images
>right hails him
>#MeToo movement calls out people for being sexual predators
>right goes ballistic
>megacorps own all the means of communication and ban illegal opinions
yeah its pretty tyrannous, but I wouldn't expect an ancaptard to understand that
This is pretty alarming, I’m non-white but even I see problems coming. Whites need to have more kids now!
Trans people are untouchable deities that can do no wrong, and despite them having even more rights than regular human beings they still go around pretending respect out of people 's fear for being fired or blacklisted.
He did.
Why is he all over /pol/? Did the cops finally find his stash?
millionaires can still be fucking losers my man.
he's the only pseudo-popular self-made media "figurehead" the left has to shill for them
even with the CNN/CIA bots he still has a tiny viewercount despite over a decade of streaming almost daily
lefties are so pathetic and unlikable, same with all bolsheviks throughout history- just now these vermin can't pull the wool any longer
humanity will breathe a collective sigh of relief when these neurotic control-freak narcissistic animals are finally put down like the feral anti-human troglodytes they are
Good thing I was talking about why people roll their eyes at you when you desperately claim that oh no you don't HATE anyone you just love your heritage as you then proceed to talk about systematically murdering those damned fags, niggers and kikes then. Thanks for admitting that you are motivated by disgust for the other instead of love of your own though.
Its ok to be white.
How could he?
>ever heard of it?
Yeah and response is also part of free speech. People are free to respond to shit and sometimes people with some semblance of power choose to respond by using said power.
Ya pussy ass little weakling of a faggot.
>diversity yay
>safe brand for kids woopie
>i really hope someone brutally murders you
The tolerant left everyone lol
Free speech isn't actually free speech. You're speech may not be restricted by law but it's restricted by your peers and society as a whole.
Have sex
Man, go do something productive with your life like dilating
why the fuck is this a concept I have to be aware of
Who says anything about murder? Deportation to Africa so you can be surrounded by vibrant PoC.
nice emotional projection and lie ya gay guy
this is why we must not let low IQ people run the show any longer
Destiny is an irrelevant manlet. His only skill is being deceptive and skilled at steering debates.
I want borger
Mac downloads
and getting """ambushed""" by Ph.Ds who actually understand issues
>dick makes you sick
those guys on the bottom are pretty good looking though
Uh ok. This is the part where i wait for an example.
>That furry Tumblr cringe shit pic
The funniest part is that in their broken SJW brains, they think they've somehow beaten him even though he's currently more wealthy than anyone working at the game dev/production arm of Microsoft has been or ever will be.
You know, there is going to be a point where we will all start dying over this stuff. I mean it, games aside the shit people just say to each other now... it’s going to happen.
I heard he's pretty skilled at getting nudes from his underage fans too
>USA, the most liberal far-right shithole on the planet
>run by communists
[this is what the mutts actually believe in]
Shut up racist
Nice strawmanning, fucking nazi.
finally humanity can purge the left and achieve space travel
I've seen this post before, try again with a argument against discrimination.
The last 50 years of history since King Jr. goes against your argument whatever it may be.
Ahh the old "buzzwords to silence debate" trick.
Shooting mosques is a thing already.
Subscribe to Pewdiepie.
You do realize there hasn't been an actual Nazi since the NASDAP dissolved, right?
>all these retards thinking that communications networks all being held by corporations and these corporations banning illegal opinions is a good thing
humanity deserves its fate
Cute, but I'm not going to shift talking points. You are dishonest and your propaganda is shite.
Literally nothing wrong with being racist
>International megacorporations trying to make as much money as humanly possible by distancing themselves from someone posting controversial stuff on twitter is suddenly leftist
Nigga what
Are you a legit serf by any chance?
>noooooo why aren't people respecting my trans rights!
>fucking kill yourself, i hope someone slits your throat
A lack of self-awareness is your 2nd biggest problem user. You should work on that, maybe then you'll be able to work on your biggest problem being a mentally ill tranny
>implying it's not an AI chatbot designed by the (((corporations))) to socially engineer and astroturf the pro-censorship worldview
fuck off commie
>white people being somewhat leery of black people due to crime statistics is somehow more racist than black people literally targeting white people as victims for the crimes they commit
Language evolves. Nazi means national socialist fascists in general. Subscribe to Pewdiepie and OK hand signs are racist, liberal means culturally progressive totalitarianism and USA is run by literal communists.
>liberal far-right
you get your buzzwords mixed up or do you think USA is anywhere close to "le ancap paradise"? because it isn't at all. Over half the national spending is gibsmedats
You would think all these anti-freedom trannies would like to stay in their twitter circlejerk where they can ban people like notch instead they go on /pol/ and raid other boards making offtopic political threads like this one, I wonder why.
Its funny how i'm unironically more to the left on economic issues than the average woke leftist lol
>even with the CNN/CIA bots
Actually the dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Great
There's a few, just google "Notch Jew tweets" for all of them
I hope you die of starvation when your artificial empire collapses in on itself bureaurat
gonna call me a schizo boomer next mossad?
it's all just attention-seeking behavior at the end of the day
in 40 years we'll have people becoming cyborgs so they can try and stir up shit about it on 4D internet forums
sorry to say but jews don't have low IQs
>Subscribe to Pewdiepie and OK hand signs are racist
>A couple of hundred people on Twitter sakd it's racist so now it's the new swastika
You americans are literally mentally handicapped
given the gooks faggotry I wouldn't be surprised
2 bombs weren't nearly enough
>it assumes I want him dead because it disrespects trans-rights
Just confirms it, a total fucking idiot. Do the world a favor, don't shit in the gene-pool by breeding.
Holy fuck this is one of the most cringe posts I've seen on this site.
Um he's not the one who tweeted the triple brackets idiot, he just replied to it. Also maybe he wasn't aware of the "secret" meaning behind them
jew puppets are pretty dumb
>dude jews are really smar-
>Free speech does not equal freedom from consequence.
That's literally exactly what free speech means, is freedom from repercussions. Otherwise you could argue the USSR had free speech, you just had to deal with the 'consequence' of the gulag.
whenever non-americans try to turn it into a "my country is better than yours!" debate, they always come up short
especially if you're from europe or canada
Notch is a fat cunt and no one is obliged to be nice to him
same, capped and posting on r/ChapoTrapHouse later (pic rel is my Chapo Trap House club at school, lolz)
Are we literally the only sane people left on this board? I can't believe this site will let OPs get away with posting twitter screencaps from r/dankmemes now. Five fucking years ago this thread would be a public lynching of OP. This board is a fucking shithole now.
They run on pure emotion. The long term ramifications of their actions are completely disconnected from the short term victory they think they achieved.
Ironically, if they actually practiced what they preached, they'd be much better off. Their current platform of "ban offensive speech" has sent 100 times more edgy little shits to seek counsel from literal nazis than the literal nazis could have ever achieved themselves because the leftsits are voluntarily removing themselves, and thus their arguments, form the table.
>You have to invite Timmy to your birthday party user, no, I don't care that he called you a cocksucking son of a whore, he has freedom of speech
Oh fuck off
All of you fuckers already hated Notch because once Minecraft became popular he stopped giving a fuck about his game. This site was rejoicing when Jeb took over and added cats and shit
Y'all just want to like him now to piss off the big scary SJWs
Fuck off you cucks
Yes, that's exactly the point I'm making. This is a predatory movement. It's preying on people who are unhappy with life and convincing them that they're something they can never be. It's based on lies and sexuality and it's lining some very, very powerful pockets.
>pyscho tranny seething this hard
Do you faggots really use reddit? Kill yourselves
>OK hand signs are racist
If you actually believe this and aren't being ironic then you should do another cool unironic thing and off yourself
Why blame SJWs for that and not, you know, the Nazis
that reply the best you got? because he doesn't even directly reference jews here
He was asked if he was aware of the "secret" meaning and he said he was. Like I said there's multiple tweets that he made about the jews, this was just the first one that came up when I googled it.
I really care about the billionaires feelings.
That's not how it works you glue eating shitstain
Prove you aren't the one that hates him because he pisses of SJWs
Are you retarded or just pretending?
I will not click those backlinks and just assume you're talking about neo-Nazis because that makes sense.
MK Ultra was real.
Bruh he almost quoted you word for word. Do you know what a strawman is you fucking imbecile?
I'm talking about transexuals. That's the community I was a part of. If you actually think there's big money fueling "neo nazis" then you have no idea what the world looks like today.
It was so totally ironic when someone shot up that synagogue last week huh
epically owned the libtards
they actually think it was unironic anti-Semitism but joke's on them
Because the SJWs created the problem. Thus the blame for said problem rests at their feet.
>mkultra was actually to make a retarded generation of commies to perpetuate the CIA and other useless make-work bureaucrat jobs
i'de believe it
>He was asked if he was aware of the "secret" meaning and he said he was.
I guess I'm just supposed to take your word for it?
And you really didn't give me the best example then. Maybe you should have searched for a better one.
go to your local bar and start a racist rant, when your kicked out of the bar by the owner be sure to sue him for violating your freedom of speech, I'm sure you'll win.
I don't blame him for selling minecraft, I mean he didn't even have anymore ideas for the game and was like fuck it time to make a sweet billion. Also mojangs next game was a card game so I think he realized he was a one hit wonder.
Anyway, why would he buy such a house in Cali? It doesn't suit his incel lifestyle.
More than you do. But then you're a broke-brained easily manipulated fag so that's no surprise.
No, there's multiple. I just don't want to dig through Notch's twitter to spoonfeed you faggot.
I've seen instances of white people being called racist because they spend money to send their kids to private schools or nice universities, or extracurricular activities. Also, every single time there's some article about stopping global warming or lowering your carbon footprint by having less kids, they show pictures of white babies. But we need to bring in more brown immigrants because of labor shortages.
>sources and evidence are deceptive
The right wing created SJWs, then
>the absolute state of /pol/fags
I'm sure Notch is wiping his tears off with the fat stacks of cash he got from Microsoft. Must be terribly scared for his future no doubt.
I hate him because he's a fat sack of shit that got lucky making a halfway decent video game and the moment it got popular he fucked off and let it get ruined
Are you implying that the corporate board room of Microsoft and your average antifa don't have the same ideology? Communists and Capitalists are the two sides of the same shekel. It's the corporations that fund all the open borders and tranny shit. just like how wallstreet bankers funded the Bolsheviks.
>bad faith
You'll know when I'm acting in bad faith when I elbow half your teeth out. For now I'm just telling you how it is.
>we have to give up our nation and become a 56% mutt el goblino multicult 3rd world shithole because white people had in group preferences back in the day
Because he's a nouveau riche idiot with more money than anyone needs
...I'm telling you that I was preyed on by transexuals to believe that I was a girl. No kidding I was easily manipulated. I don't support the modern LGBT movement at all any more. If you're implying there's groups running around pretending to be nazis, sure, I believe that, but big money is pointed at liberal pursuits. In particular, pharmaceutical money is aimed directly at selling transexuality and astroturfing the world with it right now.
well then fuck you cunt
>I guess I'm just supposed to take your word for it?
You can literally go to his twitter right now, you don't have to take my word for anything, you can see it all yourself.
>my e-celebs good
>your e-celebs bad
Leftists everyone
unless you're a conservative Ph.D then it's just an ambush and not fair
>OK hand signs are racist
Even fucking wikipedia was forced to admit that it was a Yea Forums prank
Bootlickers fucking everywhere
Based retard can't read his own chart
Blame capitalism and the eternal demand for unsustainable growth.
Put me in the screencap.
They didn't.
The entire stereotypical "SJW" movement came to prominence during Obama's presidency.
If you want to go back to the George W era, liberal shit was actually kind of intelligent and meaningful.
Who cares? People die all the time. If you really want to address the real issue look into the mental health aspect instead of turning it into a partisan thing.
dont know what chart you're reading but I see social security and medicare being 2.3 trillion of the 3.8 trillion dollar budget
Strawmanning is when someone associates the counterpart to something irrelevant so that he may have easier time attacking it. What I said had nothing to do with leftism. Someone should beat you to death, you stupid useless fucking animal. You are subhuman trash, you only subtract value from society and world. You should be erased.
I'm really not as invested in Minecraft as you seem to be. I just know that he created it and that SJWs hate him.
Maybe you need to stop obsessing over him user.
Listen, kiddo, just because you're an idiot doesn't mean everyone else is. You're still just as fucking stupid and wrong as you were then, just in a different way.
>humans with different superficial traits is equivalent to entirely different species of dog
Maybe, I don't know. But people actually like him because he made Minecraft and people like that game, whereas nobody really likes a corporation because they're a faceless conglomerate of money and most people naturally have an inclination to at the very least not trust such entities.
It's factually used by actual racists to signal to each other that they are part of the same super secret "ironic" unironic racist club. It's super transparent when they do it, too.
Yes it absolutely is. Losing your job, being denied a bank account for your opinions is not freedom of speech Generally people value freedom of association enough to stifle free speech.
I'm not making a prescriptive claim about how it 'should' or 'shouldn't' be, or even claiming free speech is a good in and of itself. I'm simply telling you how it is.
The U.S. has neither a free speech culture nor free speech laws.
Based on what...? Do you even know what my argument is, what are you attacking here?
Right, you see that because you can't read your own chart.
Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. When you speak politics that might hurt the bottom line you get cut out. Grow up, that's how the world works.
>Are you implying that the corporate board room of Microsoft and your average antifa don't have the same ideology? Communists and Capitalists are the two sides of the same shekel.
k m8
Enjoy your McUnderstanding of anything if you believe Communism and Capitalism is the same ideology.
>The entire stereotypical "SJW" movement came to prominence during Obama's presidency.
Hoo boy
You say that as if Obama's presidency wasn't defined by the right wing going completely off the rails mask-off soul-sucking ghouls. But regardless, you're wrong. This shit is older. Older than you, probably.
More candy then you will ever have tranny
I mean i'm looking at his twitter right now and i'm not seeing anything anti-semitic. So i guess this just means that you're full of shit and just making stuff up?
>government censoring opinions: unacceptable
>corporate technocrat monopolies censoring opinions: acceptable
>committing over 50% of the crime despite being 13% of the population is a superficial trait.
based retard
>conservatives lower than liberals
reminder that notch plagiarised the code and concept for minecraft from a game called infiniminer.
Every game Notch ever made was just seeing what games in-development people were talking about and rushing out the door a half-assed unfinished knockoff before the game he was ripping off could be completed.
minecraft was just the first time his get-rich-quick scheme paid off.
Hre's the mental health aspect: every right winger is factually insane. We need to stop pretending these are legitimate political opinions and start treating them as the psychopathology they are. The utter contempt for human life is just not natural or healthy.
even more relevant
That wasn't relevant to my point, but "superficial" is an extremely simplistic word to use
Would you consider the average black person being taller than the average asian person to be a superficial difference? What about the completely distinct and unmistakable differences in facial features, hair consistency, common health issues, etc?
these are the differences (size, genetics, common behaviors) that are used to classify dog breeds, after all
god please be real
I know americans overuse the word entitled, but this is the absolute definition of an entitled person
the absolute irony
>sickle cell anemia and skin cancer are superficial traits
So explain to me again how Jimmy Kimmel has a job despite making The Man Show.
>Freedom of speech means freedom from consequences.
>You say that as if Obama's presidency wasn't defined by the right wing going completely off the rails
In what capacity? Conservatives quite literally drifted left on social policy.
Back in the day free speech just got you kicked out of places. Now you lose your job, your livelihood, everything you have. Its not free anymore its corporations own your speech now
>Yes it absolutely is. Losing your job, being denied a bank account for your opinions is not freedom of speech Generally people value freedom of association enough to stifle free speech.
>I'm not making a prescriptive claim about how it 'should' or 'shouldn't' be, or even claiming free speech is a good in and of itself. I'm simply telling you how it is.
No you're not, you're making up scenarios about Notch being persecuted in ways that aren't even possible.
>every right winger is factually insane
Ok bud, keep watching CNN and believing everything they tell you. What are you going to do about all of the crazies on your side?
mootch can't buy Yea Forums soon enough
Because they're pushing their agenda and trying to change the world to fit their world view.
>that literal discord tranny cult that recruits new members by making them post pictures of them cutting themselves and post face pictures so they can be blackmailed into taking HRT
>one of the leaders talks about contaminating water supplies with estrogen and kidnapping adolescent boys
Let's just say the entirety of your schizoid delusion
What people miss is that the 'discourse' is a pendulum and swings back and forth. That's why you notice cyclical trends in history. The fundamental problem in the current era is that SJW's have pushed the overton window so egregiously that there is now a counter reaction. How often did people complain about forced diversity or whatever in the 90's or 00's not a lot. The authoritarian dialogue has radicalised people on both sides of the political field and you have agents (particularly on the left) who are anti moderate "there is no neutral on a moving train" etc.
Check out this graph to see it in action, post 9/11 dem hatred for repubs increased and then after awhile there was a counter reaction (which is probably responsible for trumps win)
Holy shit dude. So we're supposed to let retired people die now if they can't work and couldn't save enough retirement? Fuck off.
I'm not blaming anyone.
I'm laughing at the useful idiot retards doing it to themselves while smugly thinking they're helping their cause.
>Wow, photos from a screen, so authentic!
>The leaker took the effort to censor stuff too, how mysterious!
>So many buzzwords, it has to be real!
>This is all totally believable and viable!
disclaimer: beep boop I am H.A.N.K.
Skin cancer is more probable in whites because of them being lighter skinned. It really is a superficial feature considering 99.9% of DNA of all humans is the same.
Do you have trouble with reading comprehension retard? I didn't say they were the same ideology, but they're same (((side))). They're both meant to divide the nation through class warfare and manipulate the goyim to do what's best for Jews.
>welfare isnt welfare
go fuck yourself leech
Some jews are smart, but the bellcurve overall isn't any different than some other races. Their instinctual nepotism and united Us vs Them attitude is their biggest advantage. Jews have the highest in group preference of any other race, even blacks or latinos.
fuck off ai
bugmen enjoy having their freedom trampled over by megacorporations. Yea Forums being a hive of soulless automatons that have no aspirations besides consuming shitty vidya will of course defend Microsoft over Notch.
What the fuck dude
Don't you remember the conservative hysteria about the Kenyan Muslim Communist Barack HUSSAIN Obama who was going to murder babies and old people and steal everyone's guns? Don't you remember the upsurge in violence from the right? Don't you remember the Republican party completely obstructing every attempt at bipartisanship?
Clearly, I guess Microsoft just didn't invite him for literally no reason right?
the alternative is all of us dying later since it's a giant ass anchor on the budget
it's political suicide to get rid of it anyway so we're heading merrily to the abyss
Holy fucking christ this article. Are you shitting me? It just gets worse the longer it goes on.
>How prevalent is medical ghost-writing,? The New York Times estimated in 2009 that 5–11% of medical articles are ghostwritten, though this ultimately depends on the drug. With one drug (sertraline), between 18% and 44% of articles on the subject were funded and ghostwritten by Pfizer. But without disclosure, we do not know how prevalent the problem might actually be.
>“The primary risks of pubertal suppression in gender dysphoric youth treated with GnRH agonists include adverse effects on bone mineralization, compromised fertility, and unknown effects on brain development.”
>“There are currently only limited outcomes data to support the ES and WPATH recommendations for care of transgender youth.”
>These people are castrating children based on limited outcome data. This may or may not work as a treatment.
>You think I’m exaggerating about castration? Ehrensaft admits to supporting castrating children:
>“Another critical task for the medical-mental health team is the necessary discussion of fertility implications for each of these interventions. Although advances are being made in reproductive medicine to preserve immature gametes or reproductive tissues for later reproduction, at this point in history a child who begins puberty blockers at Tanner Stage 2 and proceeds directly to cross-sex hormones will be rendered infertile. Administration of testosterone or estrogen to a post pubertal adolescent may compromise a youth’s later fertility, or might require going off the hormones for a period of time if a transgender youth who has not had gonad or genital surgeries later in life desires to have a genetically related child.”
>From the horse’s mouth. Infertile. No gonads. Castrated. No sexual development. A brand new caste of eunuchs.
I'm going to be sick. When did shit get so crazy?
Absolutely based.
I'd rather blame jews because a huge amount of these immigrants don't actually work and only serve to destabilize western countries while outbreeding and then outvoting the native white population. I think out of a million immigrants in Germany during the refugee crisis only 55 got jobs.
>Implying Centrist CNN would ever tell the truth
>What are you going to do about all of the crazies on your side?
Ideally? Arm them.
>the right wing
no, you mean fringe crazy people
the difference is, now the entirety of the left behaves like fringe crazy people
in 2004 or 2005 or whatever, the liberal cuck thing was making a song criticizing Bush or the establishment and it usually be a decent or good song, like American Idiot or Dear Mr President or whatever the Dixie Chicks did that made everyone hate them, or like John Stewart doing a 15 second joke in Bush's voice about whatever
Now the liberal cuck thing is actually being a liberal cuck where you devote 20 minutes of every SNL episode to some new unfunny Trump skit or where nuColbert seethes like a tranny for an hour, or like some This Is America meme song garbage
Rent free
Social security is a pyramid scheme that doesn't work.
Fuck off with this bullshit, we've been steadily drifting right since the 80s at least. SJWs are the pushback. The reactionaries are just the radical rightists who have been biding their time and think their moment has come now that the Overton window favours them.
I guess he'll have to console himself with his billions of dollars.
reddit thread
go back
That's you blaming people. The victims, in fact. Victim blaming rhetoric is never right.
The selection to replace natural selection
>fringe cuckservative partisans looking for any means to disqualify a democratic president
They were just the Russiagaters of that time user except even less influential. Also I don't recall right wing black blocs rioting and attacking left wingers in the streets.
Seems to me like you're really overblowing the crazy elements of the Republican party during the Obama years.
>boomer detected
You say that as if anyone in the next generation is going to get anything out of it while sacrificing 30% of their pay check. Just go die in a pit you fucking vampire
When's minecraft two coming out notch?
The people being deplatformed don't give a damn about the freedom of speech of their opponents, just look at the complete fucking silence on their part whenever leftists are being deplatformed and smeared as hate groups by zionists, they fucking jubilate. I say good riddance to far right niggers and their double standards
>the right wing
>no, you mean fringe crazy people
But you repeat yourself.
>the difference is, now the entirety of the left behaves like fringe crazy people
They're the only sane ones left, and you're unfortunately too far gone to see it.
This kind of shit is why I hate the way so many people are treating their loose understanding of pop science as a religion. There's so much corruption involved in so many different studies for so many different things but if you question it you get called a science denying luddite who thinks the moon is made of cheese and the Earth is flat. All it takes for your average retard to consider something a fact is a stupid article from IFLS, or a buzzfeed article, or someone like fucking Bill Nye saying it.
Be sure to include my post in your text to speech YouTube video of Yea Forums greentext compilations for your channel
They didn't invite him because far-left activists on Twitter hate him. Thats just the simple fact of the matter.
>Arm them
I'm not even going to give you a proper response because I'm either falling for more super post-ironic bullshit bait or you're actually one of the crazies and you don't realize it. See my original suggestion.
>A-actions... sh-shouln't have consequences, g-guys.
Does anyone remember when energy drinks like Monster were becoming super popular? They always had all these chemicals in them that were never tested by the FDA, and people would joke about finding out 30 years from now that they give you cancer or something. This is the same thing except it's meant to completely alter how your body functions.
I won't be gaslit by your revisionist history.
>only fringe crazy people are right wing
okay, retard
have fun with the sanity of your fake vaginas and 9 year old drag queens
I am quite sane, and responding in the only sane manner to this sick world.
Oh, you're still here? That's funny, I had forgotten all about you already.
Yes, saying something is an action.
>I don't know what a collective word is.
lel American education.
talking is a free action
Literally nobody outside of 200 internet losers think the okay sign is racist
I'm not a leftist.
trannies RISE UP
antifascist action! don the panties not the donald!
resist gamergate POWERFULLY comrades!
fuck white men and FUCK donald DRUMPBF
aside from his tranny rant what did he say
Nah you're totally right user. Obama was constantly under attack as badly if not worse than Trump. The entire media establishement was always attacking Obama, hell Trump is getting it easy in comparison.
I tried to gaslight you but you're just so right about everything.
Apparently way more than that do if it's already being removed from chat emojis and video games.
Don't be mad though nu-con, the world will keep going despite your asspain.
>putting the tried and tried "no u" riposte into comic form
the left unironically cant meme
The absolute state of the videogame board of 4channel
The largest media company by far was on his ass 24/7.
Just your average anti-SJW comments. You know how leftists are when it comes to that, literally anyone who doesn't agree with them are secret Nazis.
Everything you just said is literally true, yes.
Wait, aside from Homer doing Pony Thread Simulator, who's left?
>Reddit screencap
I fucking hate 2016 tourists
where is obongo's legacy? does anyone remember what he did?
>1 news outlet out of ???
oh dude you got me. I guess fox news is the only news station that really matters in the end.
Daily reminder that this is the kind of thread the want to be on daily when they tell videogame threads to go to /vg/
Oh no, Mortal Cùckbat and the Overcùck esport league removed the racist dogwhistle sign. That totally means that everyone in the world now agrees with the 200 insane fucktards with no life thinking that
user, the comic is literally true. It's not about the "no you", it show that both are NPC.
I fucking hate the internet now
Yeah he was cool. He knew how to shoot a basketball and would fist bump his wife.
Best. President. Ever.
The largest one by far did, as did all of the right wing and left wing ones at home at abroad, liberals were literally the only ones to love Obama.
The internet is srs bsns unironically now.
You're either new, have a poor memory, or foolish if you don't think reddit screencaps weren't a thing before 2016. There was a time when half the front page would be threads just bitching about something reddit said.
Honestly there really isnt, but he is doing it in direct response to other people saying gay pride shit so he can be an asshole
>Le bot sids r Wong guyz
>he doesn't know Kim starting missile testing again last month
Which is "no u" you fucking idiot.
thank goodness risk of rain threads are getting deleted. I couldn't imagine the absolute state of Yea Forums if threads like these had an untimely demise from getting bumped off the catalog.
I agree, the left side is wrong
The influx of new people was never this bad
FOX's viewership is higher than CNN and MSNBC's combined, bro. They're pretty much the number one news organisation in the States by a serious margin.
Do you think we'll ever get an internet renaissance? That way people can have fun again instead of having everything be a contest on who can throw the most shit.
No, half of the dictionary will become a slur against someone and banned from chats
Victim blaming rhetoric is often right.
If my stuff gets robbed after I leave my car door unlocked and unattended then I deserve blame.
As well as this what is the function of blaming nazis for something nazis clearly want? How do you envision this confrontation?
>Yes, we're quite proud of it
How many times were you dropped on your head as a child (so far)?
Imagine if all of those were evenly distributed. I could go to work with a magnetically power monorail with a master's in my field. I could get energy that would be both efficient and clean. USA could have solved half it's world affairs. Maybe we'll finally have converted to metric system
he murdered more arab civilians with drones than the entirety of George W's false-flag invasion
that's an accomplishment
Haha le sipppp memes memes lets only care about women in games or niggers in games instead
Yeah, for instance, it's perfectly right to blame retards who expose their power levels on a public forum and get their asses banned.
seven thousand dollars a year is cool and all but its coming out of your taxes and it probably wont get you that far.
I don't think Notch cares about this desu lad. I don't think you have an understanding of the concept of blame.
>If my stuff gets robbed after I leave my car door unlocked and unattended then I deserve blame.
You fucking cuck, I seriously hope that happens to you.
>As well as this what is the function of blaming nazis for something nazis clearly want?
Are you daft? It's not about making Nazis feel bad you dense cunt, it's about everyone else knowing who the enemy is.
maybe, if the people demonstrating their opposite yet equally ridiculous "power levels" were also getting banned
but this is not the case, and you're totally allowed to say 8 year olds should be allowed to get sex changes
The people who are causing this? The lefties? The ones to blame for current events?
my enemy is the people who say "yass queen" to that 10 year old boy doing a strip tease at the gay night club
Have you had a look at Notch's Twitter? Half of the content is him lamenting that no one likes him or wants to be his friend anymore.
if that somehow makes you feel like you're better off than him despite his billions of dollars, you have a broken brain
>The people who are causing this? The lefties? The ones to blame for current events?
The American schools for teaching terrible reading comprehension and subpar logic skills.
It's their platform, they can choose whatever they want to ban. You should be aware of what is acceptable on said platform, and if you transgress its boundaries, it's entirely your fault. You can use Gab for that kind of shit
I like how you went from admitting that Nazis are the ones responsible for doing the things they clearly want and work towards when you thought you had a point with that, back to saying "no it's really all the left's fault" when you got easily BTFO.
>Please, if you have any curiosity or care for transexual people or those suffering gender dysphoria
Believe it or not I do to a degree. I don't think the way we're treating these people at the moment is the best way to go about it, especially there being as many cases of it as there are at the moment. I know people like you who I care about and watching them delve into this weird cult is kind of depressing and scary, especially because based on what they've told me I don't know if that's what's best for them.
also this is from a self perpetuating cycle of borrowing. its why inflation is constant. govt borrows more money from the fed, fed prints money, and govt raises taxes to pay off the debt while cash loses value. its a cycle that keeps the american people working for the banks while being paid in worthless green circus peanuts.
I don't spend half of my waking hours fishing for pity on Twitter despite being a billionaire, I think I'm fine, thank you.