

Attached: 8fcd82b1-e3fb-4ae0-b319-ceed39a0907b.jpg (1200x800, 115K)


Attached: 1550180277324.gif (480x270, 2.48M)

It is you brainlet

Attached: 7ba5f364-4914-4efe-aea5-836215f9a47a.png (556x266, 111K)

What the fuck? Is that real?

I feel like I've seen that skin in Forza.


Will GT7 be a PS5 launch Title?
Or will my first 400 hours on the Ps5 be a Ps4 game

post more itasha nerds

bkub hit the big time

Not him but I unironically thought it was just a picture of a car