Why is everyone so mean to Malkuth?
Lobotomy Corporation
Other urls found in this thread:
Because she's shit and deserve all the bad things that could happen to someone.
I want to sexually bully Malkuth!
she's practically has the most inconsequential impact on the overall story though, right next to Yesod
Is this game actually good or is it just an /x/ crossboard meme?
it's a decent management game with a very fun twist
also am I correct in thinking I have to hit medium result to stop the silent orchestra from escaping?
It has good lore and cute characters i want to FUCK Galaxy Boy.
Gameplay is alright but not for everyone. It's a base management sim that demands heavy micro skills to not have your dudes ripped apart by breaching abnormalities. In a way, it's quite possibly the most Korean game that could exist.
malkuth pleases old men for LOB points
beautiful work
Yes, go for the neutral always with Silent Orchestra.
Yes. If he's close to melting down, send someone who has
>high temperance (V)
>half-sanity/low prudence
They're going to freak out in the middle of work and exit the room, guaranteeing a Normal result. You want Temperance to be their highest stat because the highest stat states what they do when Panicking. Temperance means they wander which means you can shoot them out of it and not have them die. For the record, these are the panic states of other stats
>Fortitude: Murder
>Prudence: Suicide
>Justice: Shutdown (starts letting Abnormalities breach just like the Clowns do)
Did he buy his vacation travel though?
I once tried to tank Punishing Birds bite with ALEPH armor and a Red shield, with maxed Fortitude to boot
Still died instantly, let this be a warning to anyone who gets the bright idea in the future
Whay happens if the stats are all even?
It's a decent management game. I have to imagine a lot of the appeal is in the interesting story and likeness to SCP without all the faggotry that currently infests SCP.
It factors whatever additions you have to the stat as well. If they're truly all equal, it chooses randomly.
how the FUCK am I supposed to counter Queen of Hatred?
A lad.
Shoot three Clerks every so often.
how do I order my agents to kill clerks?
you got two options
Somehow get 3 clerks killed (Much easier with Execution Bullets)
or, do the 16 Boxes method where you have someone interact with her until 16 boxes are won, and then you trigger the Meltdown as she has a mental breakdown.
Keep in mind that the second method has some room for error if you want to be impatient, or research he enough that you have like a -15% success rate, so gaining a full page on her may take a little longer if you play it safe.
>Punished bird
A Bird denied by his Forest
One ticket, please
Do missions for Geburah
kill Gebura as soon as possible too
based and Binahpilled
No idea.
I haven’t finished the game yet because goddamn it gets so micro-managy towards the end. I often fuck up something and since each level takes like an hour and a half at that point it gets frustrating because that one mistake spirals into a loss. But from what I’ve seen of Malkuth through the story and her Meltdown event, she just seems like she was really hard working and wanted to be useful and do her best. She’s nice as a sephirot and everything and I always liked her the best of them all.
Could be symbolic though, since the game is based on the Kabbalah and all that. Malkuth is the lowest level of the tree, and while “everything flows through malkuth” meaning it’s basically just as important as Keter or something but on the other end of the tree. But it’s still seen as the base and lowest, and all the others are seen as above it.
Personally Malkuth is my fav though.
Calm down, Myo
No if only she'd stand up straight, she looks like she's got lumbar lordosis alongside her ADD
This was way too tough bros, I don't wanna do it ever again
robots don't have bones user she's fine
I can grinding everything for equipment and mission and just hit memory repository after I finish the day. I wish i know this sooner and save Jacob.
Big bird has just entered your facility, say something nice to make him feel loved!
that blue star doesn't have nearly enough legs
how far do I need to go until I can complete the mission and end the day? I'm barely scraping by as is
birds are not important
Fuck that train. It’s the reason I fuck up in late game levels 80% of the time.
level 8, maybe it was 6, I don't remember
Each of those battles can usually go beyond like 2-4 meltdowns than the average day, so i estimate another 10 minutes if you hurry and nothing goes wrong
>cant get pass day 6
>check the wiki
>I got the easiest monsters in my lab
Im so bad at this game holy shit
How bad is this gonna end if I pick it
Is it your first meltdown?
If so, enjoy the information team's
You'll love it, it'll melt your heart
>tfw you're at day 8 and just started playing and you have to be quick because these threads won't last much longer
>samurai armor sword
7-9 pale damege HE
>long bird sword
2-4 damege ALEPH
How taht works and how pale damege works in general?
Why? what happened?
Weapons deal significantly less damage to Abnormalities at higher threat levels, so you'd only be doing around 30% of that 7 damage, compared to doing a consistent 4 damage+bonuses from gifts/EGO+special moves being better on the higher-tier weapons.
If i were to hug melting love at the start of the day i wouldnt die, right?
>She will get out of the containment in her humanoid form, helping to fight other breaching Abnormalities. For her to breach in this form, the Emergency Level 2 must be activated.
>tfw never reach Emergency Level 2
T-Thanks O-01-04
How do you get Gebura to notice you?
Someone get this hothead out of here
That would be extremely (Redacted)
Micro in late game killed the game for me. It was so tiring to manage all shit that was accumulated, especially that damn train and its fucking tickets
it was 6, thanks, queen of hatred would have busted out and pretty much all of my lower tier guys died to the noon, but now I have that sweet level 3 on newbies
Kill WN with only 1 employee while using ZAYIN equipment
It's possible
What happening in that pic?
there's no rush
just enjoy the game
there'll be more threads
especially during a sale
Attachment work
>workshop support fucking never
i just want more abnormalities damn it
Can we all agree that WhiteNight is the best abnormality?
WhiteNight is really qt
wheres 1?
Just a clean version it seems
More importantly, where's 4 where she's filled with even more Attachment work results?
Any good gear/gift to keep a eye out to?
Everything is very mean to Hod
Poor girl she's just doing her best
Early on Fourth Match Flame stuff is pretty cool, but possibly just for style because it's slow firing as fuck. But it's a big Fuck Off cannon that does about 30 or 40 red.
It's weird, the actual gameplay is pretty meh but
1) the story is actually pretty interesting
2) all the monsters are unique and have their own 'rules' which you must learn or get your shit pushed in.
The way you get new monsters and having the ability to basically go to the start of a week with all the info and equipment you earn give the game a good hook without being frustrating.
I've pretty much mastered dealing with the first department and am currently getting the shit kicked out of me in the second. Is it better to have fewer stronger agents or a bunch of weak ones? I tried to go wide with my security team but if anything goes wrong the whole department gets fucked.
i wonder what's the deal with the white fixer if the world is supposed to be devoid of religion
Are there Evangelion references?
I like how at this point in the game, I only farm Alephs now for energy (day 41). I can do ANYTHING with Blue Star and it doesn't care, same with Censored. Unfortunately I only have 6/8 Aleph pieces of gear and not enough people have close to 100 Justice to complete that mission. Hoping to get Nothing to finish the Aleph suppresion and 8 Aleph gear missions.
Harmony is so good. Keeps your dudes sane through psychic rpgs, while blowing away most minor threats.
Just use the best boy gunbro or red hood waifu
Don't forget
3)You have a nice mixture of horrific deaths of Agents, as well as super cute moments of them being happy
At the start I find just getting one or two really beefed up dudes to be preferable, with a couple of shitters as meat shields and for dealing with ordeals
Usually with a new character I'll pump up fortitude, pennitence, and temperance to level 2 at the very least, in case I need to do a quick work with them
Remember to give out some white weapons to ensure shit doesn't go south when they go insane
Choo choo
>come up to hod's suppression mission
>have exactly 4 skips that can be suppressed
>get through butterflies, rudolta, and helper, leaving snow white's apple
>she slaughters half my facility and la luna escaped somehow in the process killing the rest
That's ok I can wait.
Plague Doctor gift is the best you should try giving to all your employees
Oh also if you can get the hunter/sniper guy get his gear asap
It'll basically let one dude solo a whole hallway of bullshit
What hair/eyes for employees MOD do you guys use?
I use pic related
If it's a department no longer affected by qliphoth meltdowns, I'll have two, maybe three, high end guys there. If I'm getting a new abnormality, I'll have at least one basic recruit to throw at it to test the waters.
Magic Bullet is god tier for most of the game as long as you're ok with having to reset every now and again because you made a dumb mistake
>8 gb of ram for chibi mobile-looking garbage
The fuck
Actual spoilers ahead
I know that the Abnormalities are created by the corporation itself but aren' the birds a natural ocurring one?
it has some memory leak issues
Gebura's thighs and hips take up a lot of space, as well as Angela's huge plot
I didn't even know they existed. Where get these things?
The vast majority of abnormalities are naturally occuring, the corporation just captures their essence through the well
"some" is a cute way to put it
Why is this so common nowadays?
The easier it becomes to program a game, the more rookie mistakes start becoming prevalent because the developers don't have strong memory management fundamentals
my dream is to find a setup that just lets you afk fight WhiteNight, but the roaming apostles could make this a bitch
>make a game where movement is complete shit and largely out of the player's hand
>fill it with fights where you constantly have to respond instantly with precise movement
Why the fuck
I'm pretty early on, Day 16, and I just got a big blue mushroom guy who I can't really figure out. It seems like every interaction is a 75%+ fail rate, and he causes so much black damage that even if I put my beefiest guy with 4 fortitude in the best black armor I have (0.8), there's still a good chance that the guy will melt or panic. Am I missing anything obvious, or should I just ignore this blue guy until I get better black armor?
Lurk the deep web
Korean forums and SOME in Pixiv/Twitter
>Get Fetus right next to King of Greed
>Get a normal result
>Immediately spin the wheel and feed it a dude
>STILL breaches
It's not the worst abnormality to have to fight but GODDL DAMN I hate this fat piece of shit
that dude is way overrated. zayin equipment, but gifts out of the ass
Why does the white snapping flower keep breaching and why did my employee just walk in and get chomped
>Can’t room juggle
Lmaoing at your skills manager
I got it pretty late, so it was never a problem for my guys. But if I interpreted it right and am thinking of the one you're describing, you can't ignore it completely.
>just walk in and get chomped
When it is in the ground being a venus flytrap no one can target it or see it, only you can.
It was a zayin suit, he used an aleph weapon
it's not neccessarily the majority, but we definitely know of the birds because of the ingame story. others are clearly manmade and sometimes you can even relate them to certain people/events
carmen = bloodbath
nothing there = most likely the family gebura knew
and so on
I use this megaupload.nz
Also thanks for showing me some cool new shit.
These look nice
It fixes the terribly hex coded hairs too?
Actually I messed that up. They can only target it by you specifically mousing over it in the room and telling them to attack. Otherwise any other form of telling them to oppress it, such as clicking on the room or clicking on the abnormality itself and clicking from list of agents to oppress, won't work.
>nothing there = most likely the family gebura knew
How do you figure ? I don't see anything that hints to that at all
It's WAW class so it's generally going to be hard to work with on anything lower than a level 4 or 5 employee, preferably with maxed temperance
There are tricks to it but nothing involving just straight up failing to work on it, it's a stat issue
Setup the hair colors to 255 and you are good to go.
Unlock the manager tips nerd
Is that
Real quick just thought I drop some helpful stuff I found out, or not helpful because I didnt see if anyone else also figured this out.
While trying to figure out how to grind stats early I found out the exact number (or close to exact) number of work orders needed for each stat. I don't think its based off whether the work orders are largely bad or good either, as long as they're done.
About 50 work orders of the same type on any Zayin level monster takes the base level 1 stat right to level 5.
I'm doing testing on other level monsters too, but so far im pretty sure, that every next level of monster decreases that amount by 10. So in conclusion:
50 Zayin work orders = Level 1 to Level 5
so if theres 5 tiers of monsters then maybe it's the following to get to level 5 from base?
40 Teth
30 He
20 Waw
10 Aelph ( I might never try to test this to be honest)
I could be completely wrong or maybe this shit was found out already, but it really helped my keep my sanity when I grinded 5 workers to max by day 5.
Post cute birds
>Have a mission to kill worm-like abnormalities
>Can’t even see employee HP yet
I’m not going to risk it. I get the ability to see HP in a few days, right? I just finished Day 6.
yes, just be sure to keep doing yesod's missions
>nothing there
most of it might be me interpreting way too much into it, but the flavour text alluding to the employees recognizing something *in* nothing there shows that it's clearly made out of several humans. geburas story segment shows that whatever the dude was called an his family were most likely put to work into the same containment chamber. at the end, we know that none of them are left alive. another hint might be that nothing there's second form is actually pretty similar to old gebbie. again, that might just be me and my wishful thinking, but I think it makes some sense at least. I actually had a few more ideas towards that, but I'd need to read through the exact segment again
Seeing health bars is unlocked via missions
I was curious about this, but I do not have the patience to actually crunch the numbers. Thanks for the info.
She likes to use Nothing There's weapon too
I got people from II to V in one day before, with the Galaxy kid, and I'm pretty sure I didn't work it 30 times or more with them. There might be other factors aswell, I don't know
Just swarm the bugs and retreat after killing a couple for heals.
You can still check health and SP by the work assignment screen.
It's explained in his description that Nothing Here takes the skin / body / mind / voice of his victims, employees recognize something in it because it killed their coworkers and assimilated then. I doubt there's anything specific that links to that family in any of the abnormalities considering the story was written after they were designed.
The most important thing about the worms is that they attack forward and slow targets during their animation.
Go after them with a large group of red armed/armored agents when the majority of them are facing away from you and cycle out the units as they're damaged
Good data user, but eh, there's other factors that can influence it too. Did you have the research that increases speed of training? Were these training team members? Were your training team clerks still alive?
somewhere in her story it's explained that the abnormality they worked on mimicked the form of the dude she knew. they may have made it related after all
Post humanized abnormalities
Galaxy kid is HE right? If you took someone from level 2 to level 5 in one day...at least if I think my math is right, then maybe it would have been about 18 (give or take).
Like I said, I still need to do more actual recording, I haven't worked past Teth level monsters yet when it comes to finding out how much it takes. So anything past Teth i'm at a loss.
If I happen to be right just based off what I found out with Zayin stuff, then yeah it wouldn't be 30 it'd be more about 18 I think because you're not starting from level 1, could be even less if your workers were already well into about to pass level 2 in those stats.
>played this like a year ago
>story in the later days is literally incomprehensible
>people keep saying they fixed it
>can't find anything in the patch notes and it seems like the exact same broken english
why are you fags lying to me
Actually this was all done in the control team before Day 6 even had past, fresh run. Hardly any research aside from the speed up button.
All clerks still alive and no one went insane.
So basically a near perfect world where all the monsters behave and let you get those good work results, and help your agents better themselves. I will try to find out other factors when I can though.
You might be onto something there then, you're right. Keep trying. Sadly, I don't have any time for stuff like that anymore, the game is forcing me to man up faster than I'd like to.
oh, btw
>daily reminder to regularly make backup copies of your saves in user/appdata/locallow
something COULD happen to your save aswell. I once lost most of my gear, well into the game (no button, before you ask)
Its kinda cute how much the employees rely on you but I know its gonna feel like shit when they start dying off
It just need to merge the folders? or any other thing I should know?
Let's play a game Yea Forums !
It's called Spot the differences
Day 15 here, should I be moving agents to level in another departments? control gains too little stats with safe abnormalities and security have some good stats to farm.
you can and should move people around to deal with new things and move less experienced guys back up to older things
Da fuck
it isn't 0% though.
I read it and it's okay save for 2 lines that annoyed me
If you have no mods installed then you can just merge the folders, if you have more then you need to name them.
IIRC, there IS a mod somewhere on Nexus that changes the usual Low/Common/High to percentages
If you add temperance I'm pretty sure it isn't
I think that's the base chance, and the agent's stats increase it.
>getting attached to employees
Go home Hod, stop trying so hard
Oh hell yeah.
Why is simple artstyle more attractive to me.
>all those times employees call out your name when in trouble
I cant help it. I knew I shouldnt, but I cant stop
user, can you share with us the mod?
I'll give you this mild lewd of the Red Merc
Damn, that's annoying. And nonsensical since it's very obvious unless the lantern does hypnosis or something?
Now that I have done this. How do I get around the 40 second thing? If it melts down - it breaches every time because my guys take faster than 40 seconds, and when I send newbies in who can survive him, it's always a Bad result. Why the fuck couldn't it have had a countdown of 2 instead of 1...
They still haven't fixed the Steam Page, I don't know why. It's different, trust me. Not 100% perfect but it's definitely readable with a few ESL tier grammar mistakes. There is 1 pronoun mistake somewhere late game
How do you choose which way der freischütz bullet goes in again
I pirated it because i have no money right now and it's pretty coherent right now, only major error i really noticed was that some employee was sneaking a bear in a water bottle to drink later.
>His employee doesn't have atleast 180 Justice
I shiggy diggy
so, does that mean it's 87% chance to get a positive box or does it mean that it should even out at a 87% positive overall outcome? the first, right?
You don't, it's only left to right.
you don't, i don't think. You just bring it as far left as you can to maximize targets
Yes the first
At least considering how PM got fucked by their translator
>you will never crack open a bear while working at lobotomy corp
So what's the plot of LC?
Neat thanks, I'd sometimes get just below enough to promote someone for the promotion missions.
fuck the clowns that spawn clowns
Have you watched Monsters Inc?
youre the manager
manage your company to success
reverse monster's inc. you perform experiments on unknown horrors to generate energy and try not to get everyone killed
You be a good manager to make Angela happy and take your D
>ywn sneak into the security team HQ late at night with a cold case of fresh bear and enjoy some sips with your bro Netzach
I said plot, not premise you faggots.
make the world great again
how do I rename my agents?
The Apostles look a bit like the Mass Produced EVAs
Play the game, it's more fun to find out the plot as you play
>Knight left out
This is why shes knight of despair.
>implying it's not about Angela's huge plot
morality sucks
"What the fuck happened here?"
That's about all can be said without spoiling too much, you start to piece shit together and it starts getting very fringe
I want to make her happy
Everything would have turned out fine if the manager had just used Angela's huge plot as a pillow during work
Angela is mad and you need to obey her or else she starts sitting on all your employee's faces
Morality is a spook
Thanks for this.
I needed to feel like a gorl could be sad like me.
der freischütz is still the most based of Abnormalities
Damnit, I picked Nothing there for day 42 but since I chose progression on a side which already had 4 abnormalities; nothing actually happened. I really wanted this abnormality so I hope it spawns on day 43. If not then this would allow the removal of one abnormality if you don't like it.
>they impale themselves on their own weapons
Yeah I love when he randomly shoots through an entire level and kills over half my employees.
I seriously hope he appears on the next game
stop being sad you got cucked Sakuya
expand the extraction team next and he'll spawn there
>not getting good results every time and raking in those easy Justice level ups
Count your shots, bro.
Does Freischutz stand there menacingly when a cute agent researches him?
>ywn drink warm coffee with Chesed
Why are the robots in this game so fuckable?
Well to be fair you have 3 counters to work with, but if it makes you feel better he'd easily be a WAW strong enough to rival Queen of Hatred if he ever starts walking around like an active shooter instead sniping in the comfort of his room
>cold case of fresh bear
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself.
Der Freischutz just gives no fucks.
Also, why is he paired with Funeral of Dead Butterflies and Red Hooded Mercenary so much?
I wanna FUCK this BOX!
Phew thanks, I really want to get the Geburah supression worked on soon. Also it's fun having so many normal workers walking next to things like this tree; once had someone right at the door want to get blessed. This was instantly taken on another close one.
>not the other Tiphereth
>Huntsman vibe to complete the Riding hood group (granny, riding hood, wolf, mercenary
>paired with Butterflies because they're both male "object" heads
What the fuck do you think you're doing.
If you could remove any abnormality from the game, which one would it be and why is it Nameless Fetus?
Will I ever reach a point where all combat/suppression situations become doable? Right now whenever there's a breach, I just reset and try not to fuckup next time. Been training Justice on my dudes and going for Aleph equipment to see if it evens the odds
What are you trying to suppress?
Is it wrong to execute my good men if they're marching over to Nameless Fetus?
yes, i am at a point where i can send one guy to 1 v 1 everything at HE and lower, and about half of the WAW's. Though monsters in ALEPH and infamous WAWs still need teamwork to take down
Parasyte Tree
Do employee skills decay if you don't have them do stuff? Just saw my employee drop 1 level in Justice which sucks because that shit costed 3 LOB points. How do I prevent this, especially when I need them to stay put for breaches/purple ordeals and not run around farming Justice
I have an employee that can 1v1 everything, including fixers. some gear slots are just way too broken
Yes, I researched the scarecrow the other day. Had like 5 guys chill in the hallway because he would breach literally every time I worked with it. Didn't even have to pay attention to the fight, they just slapped his shit. Even things like midnight ordeals are doable, but losses are expected.
Army in Black, Blue Star, Snow White's Apple. Also have Plague Doctor and hear unsavory things happen once his clock hits 12 bongs
>unsavory things
That's what nonbelievers and sinners want you to think.
So if I start over, I keep all my research AND my gear?
army in black will always be a bitch since you need to split your forces. it's definitely one of the worse abnormalities, even if it isn't as strong
Yes. Feel free to abuse the Restart button if you get annoying Abnormalities early game.
>All of the clerks in the section are dead and I don't want to lose an agent
>I can probably finish the day before it causes another abnormality to breach, so it's no big deal
>Have to listen to its incessant crying instead
The things I do for my agents.
Are they wearing any gear that reduce their stats? Sometimes it's enough of a drop to pass the tiers
Do you guys even bother with department buffs or nah
It's green noon
so far I'm not trying to "game" it that much. I might ahve to on my true end run though
They're nice and all, but if I have queen of hatred or something, those clerks are dying in threes
>suppress 4 different abnormalities in one day
how in the fuck
I kill just about everyone besides a few protected groups for magical girl fodder by the 3rd cycle
Fuck mountain and everything that escapes when the mooks die, destroy the bodies
Is this game actually worth the $25?
Does Punishing Bird having a cheeky peck count as suppression?
Rustling leaves, wind chimes, dripping blood, snowstorms, heavy breathing, angry panting and golden shimmering sounds are what I have going on (and soon Nothing's groaning). I keep the volume lower with all that mess.
Do you have Shelter?
let them out willingly duh
That's Hod. Malkuth is just incompetent. All of the upper Sephirahs are incompetent.
only if you put it down
which you're not supposed to do
Hod does drugs? I thought she forces her department to take it.
you cannot imagine my surprise and terror when these guys came in and starting shooting my workplace up for the first time
SCP mod when
Some will say yes, others no. Pirate it and decide for yourself. The gameplay is fairly simple, the abnormalities really carry it for me, and the story is surprisingly more interesting than I expected it to be.
Most of these are twists on SCPs already. I wouldn't be surprised if every abnormality can be linked to an SCP.
Can clowns fuck with the qliphoth counter of abnormalities that cant escape?
yes. they also steal PE boxes
Post casual LC clothing
If it has a qliphoth counter, they'll fuck with it. They also steal PE boxes for that abnormality
>day 11
>straightjacket guy INSTANTLY breaks out and murder the fresh sec team
It's okay, I had saved those lob points as a joke.
You're going to look back on this and laugh at ever losing to him.
wew, time to watch der freischütz door like a hawk then
it sure is fun dealing with new abnormalities isnt it?
I can't wait till she sees this...
She's gonna freakout!
Does anyone bother balancing their weapon damage types? I just use mostly white damage since I want all my employees to be able to bop each other back to sanity if anyone panics
>perception filter falls off for a second
>there's a corpse right there
What the FUCK
Strong black damage for me, if they die during insanity recovery then they were weak!
Possibly the best image for later days.
Stop posting at any time, Gebura.
I keep at least 1 white weapon guy with high sanity points to act as the bopper. Usually a gun to get those pesky runners. I don't mess with black damage because every time I did they died and that's too many LOB wasted. Sometimes I just speed my shit up and end the day if I've got a runner
Some abnormalities/ordeals can be very defensive or outright immune to certain damage, so I try to have a bit of everything.
What is your favorite strategy?
I tend to keep all departments with one Captain figure with good gear and high stats to deal with the more troublesome breaches/ordeals but this slows downs deployment/supression when a Aleph breaches because they are all so far apart
she would only laugh at your childishness
WAW on everything except Welfare, Disciplinary and Extraction teams I give em all the ALEPH
I also give those guys the N word pass
The control team is the Babysitting Zone with every other department having competent to expert employees.
You vary it depending on what abnormalities are in your department. You should always have someone with high sanity have a white weapon ready to restore other people's sanity.
Other than that, I generally just have a shitload of black weapons, maybe a couple of red.
whats the max amount of ego gifts an employee can have
I mostly kept my employees where I first recruited them, out of autistc lore reasons for my headcanon and my videos mostly
I do spread them out at the beginning of the day though, and then have them work certain abnormalities. again, they have certain ones they like more or less because of my headcanon
these days I'm not really using my strong ones for work anymore, and only have them run around as a killteam though
(except for the one working whitenight, because fuck that whiny bitch)
They knew exactly what they were doing with the AIs.
One per slot.
n=numbers of slots (cheek, head, head2 etc)
My Information team is full of useless Tools so I give those guys super good gear, so far I have only up to Tiphereth unlocked, so Info team is always the ones who run in and help when shit goes down. Everyone else is balanced and has 1 white weapon, 3 red, and 1 black.
Would you anons kindly keep this thread up for some more hours? I’m still at uni and wish to brag about my 1st run’s current progress once i get home
Thanks in advance
sure thing user
which abnormality do you guys want to fuck haha
Let's see
>Head 1 & 2
>Right back
>Left back
>Hand 1 & 2
>Mouth 1 & 2
>Brooch 1 & 2
Plenty I would say
Is there a "death log" for employees? It would be helpful to know the why/how, or at least the where
all of them
for completionists sake
La Luna
Back at 800 energy I thought it would be a nightmare to get 1.7k, now it seems pretty easy with the right people.
How many PE boxes do I need to get Geburah to fuck me senseless against a wall?
Wait till the higher level abnormalities and midnight
More than you can handle, punk
Elijah's brothers
I don't think Gebura could ever get high enough for that
the female ones yes even that one
Aceing Alephs and WAWs consistently will do that
Why does this game get so many threads now?
Nobody gave a shit about it when it released.
I fapped to the magical girls
Yeah so since I now unlocked this wing (and had no space for Nothing on day 42), I didn't get any choices of abnormality for day 43. So I might have lost one but at least now I can supress Nothing, Blue Star and Censored (or at least do the gear mission if they're too tough).
Also this guy sure is loud, get out of my ear.
vocal people found out about it. I've been playing it for longer than a year now but never felt the need to start a thread. however, I'm fine with participating in them and I'm glad that a few anons seem to have bought the game thanks to those threads
Not many people speak gibberish.
queen of hatred
after her qliphoth counter has gone down. I'll fuck the despair right out of her
congratulations, you are on your way to beating her mission now. I did it with SO, Censored and Blue Star. just remember to shield up and you're fine
should be a punishing bird edit of that
I haven't bought the game or played it yet, I'm still waiting for a sale or something like the penny pinching asshole I am.
I keep hearing a guy breathing in the background. What's causing it?
>Punishing Bird is out
>Tries to peck at an agent
>Agent keeps walking away from it right before it can hit him
Stop teasing the poor bird! Just let it hit you! You're level V, it doesn't even do any damage.
Getting brought up in SCP threads led to a few people playing it, which led to them making threads, which led to more people hearing about it and making threads, and so on. Golden Week sale helps too but I'm not sure if it's discounted or not. Plus, more people are sticking with it now that the translation is a little less broken.
I'm just glad there's actual gameplay discussion now. The Angelaposting felt unbearable for a couple threads there. Hope we don't get shunted to /vg/ for talking about video games too much.
forsaken murderer
he's fapping, and only stops if you look at him
I wish I could bend her over that piano.
Geburah. She's giving.
pirate it retard
Do you have Nothing There?
The Murder probably, annoying worthless fucker
Either that or Nothing There, but I feel you would already know that if he was making the ruckus
There are a number of abnormalities that do that. Nameless Fetus, Wall Gazer, Nothing There, to name a few.
it's still full price. i don't think it'll ever go on sale
I had a nightmare and one part of it, I found porn of Chesed peeing his pants, then I woke up horny
>tfw La Luna got me into classic music
>ywn fuck your old, but extremely hot piano teacher until you go insane
Don't let me catch you posting/lurking these threads ever again. You're ruining for yourself.
Der Freischütz
unironically, thanks bkmita
Are the first aleph meant to be this easy?
I just did a bunch of research with nothing there and his armor is so powerful it lets me do blue star with ease
>annoying worthless fucker
he's actually been pretty useful for me. I intentionally let him escape before each meltdown and let him kill a few clerks so that QoH won't flip her shit
I'd rather save my pirate points for an overly expensive AAA game than some fairly obscure indie project probably done by a bunch of hobbyists.
>pirate points
i willingly let my employees die so i can watch the death animations, especially by getting them caught between Abnormality fighting matches
galaxy child
ALEPH are not neccessarily "hard to work", at least not all of them. some are harder to research, some are harder to suppress, and some are just gimmicky
judging by your energy level, you'll encounter what I mean soon enough
I've masturbated to the thought of marrying Jeanne d'Arc
The real one
I'm calling the Rabbits on you
That's some pretty fucking hardcore confessions there mate
The Moonlight Sonata is a great song and actually pretty easy to play.
galaxychildXrabbits or Xmagicalgirls /SS/ when??
Censored will make you regret being born.
I always pray for forgiveness, but the guilt still lingers.
I love you I love you I love you I love you.
This is really cool, finding interactions is awesome just like when (redacted) got attacked during a core supression by (redacted).
Holding out for the summer sale then, I guess. I'd normally just get it now at least to show support but figma payment wiped out most of my hobby fund and I pirated it to try and don't play much since I'm a wimp that can't handle the dread. The threads and lore are the most fun I've had thanks to this board in months no matter how they came about, anyway
>Daniel is dead.
What are you talking about, he's right there!!
He's done nothing but sit in his cell breathing and putting my character to half health and giving me stupidly overpowered armor
>Insight on O-06-20
I don't get it , why did Elijah turn into a swan with 2 faces?
It feels pretty soul crushing in the beginning but as you play and farm better gear/weapons and restart, Abnormalities that pushed your shit in get one-hit and it feels so good.
Why did this game suddenly blow up
you better not get spoiled too much until then because finding stuff out on your own is at least 66% of the fun
why do these threads feel like the Yea Forumsermin threads? i.e fully automated
Someone pushed the button
Because I'm a worthless shit I'm thinking of writing a series of lewd ficlets about employees fucking abnormalities and potentially dying from it
what I've got thought up is
>queen of hatred waifu garbage
>galaxy boy /ss/
>la luna femdom
>wall gazer ghost anal
>the wellcheers shrimpbois spitroasting a girl
provide ideas of what you'd like to see so I can not do them at all or just give me shit I guess
What did he mean by this
that these threads look like a bunch of AI replying to each other
I want to marry and make a family with Myo!
But why
maybe its not shitposting? I'm not sure what he means
because people are having fun and are enjoying themselves
>Blue Star
>Thousands of vaginas
We all are a bunch of metal boxes talking to each other while high on drugs user, you should know that by now.
based hank
ironic coming from a wojak poster
Better not give it attention then
Fairy Festival size difference
>Yea Forumsermin threads look like ai
I know what Yea Forumsermin is but what does this even mean?
This has been asked not evem 20 posts above you
Nothing There taking the skin of a guy's beautiful coworker and repeating the "I love you" line over and over at him while he's working on it. Its mouth never seems to move.
fucking kill me
Alright, go to We Can Fix Everything's chamber.
>Little Helper is installed with an onahole. Or a dildo. Or both!
Why did they never do anything like Apocalypse Bird with the Magical Girls
Nothing There undress including skin.
They're magical girls, not power rangers, they don't form a megazord
did I hit a nerve DiGRA trannies?
The Rayearth girls did, so why can't these?
they were supposed to be a quartet, but the fourth magical girl never got implemented. maybe in LoR, they've been hinting at it
saved for the next game
Who was the fourth? The one in the window?
It's way too late for that, now that I think about it that's probably half the reason I'm not motivated to play. I have a terrible habit of wiki-crawling for horror games because I'm weak-hearted but like the story and whatnot. I realized way too late that this game isn't so bad on that front and decided to go full sunk cost and watch a playthrough, which I would normally never do. Vicarious experience is still experience, r-right?
It's a reversal of this:
If you equip the heart of aspiration and you attack something, can you wear it for the rest of the day? Or do you have to attack something every 30 seconds to keep from going crazy?
Got my first two ALEPH tier abnormalities today and goddamn these things give out a lot of energy. This is why I got my best agents but goddamn Central Command is kinda fucking huge, I got 10 employees in there and I don't even have enough gear to equip for my five new employees.
This question gets asked every 30 posts you retard. Read the fucking thread.
Wait I thought all the AI was powered by the enkephalin thing. Isn't that supposed to be both energy source and drug.
You can keep wearing it, just don't try to return it.
One patterned after the Ace of Clubs.
>King of Greed/Diamonds
>Queen of Hatred/Hearts
>Knight(Jack) of Despair/Spades
What are your ALEPHs?
Who the fuck are you talking about?
Are you calling out some sort of nonexistent boogieman like that one time someone got fucking FUMING because of the Easter princesses and started spamming cock gore while talking like a stereotypical Russian propaganda pamphlet?
we don't really know, but there's a playing card theme to them, and they're also based on madoka characters apparently. as I said, I've read that apparently we might be able to see the fourth in LoR
well I hope that it was at least an entertaining one
can i really not control these nigger clerks? these dumb subhumans keep running into rooms with ordeals, dying instantly and decreasing mountain of bodies' counter
[CENSORED] doing [CENSORED] in the [CENSORED] to a hapless clerk all the way to her [CENSORED] filled with [CENSORED].
dont get fucked by
ignore it and it'll go away, it thrives on attention
Yeah I'm just not gonna give you a (you).
No point in fighting those who gain from fighting.
>they're also based on madoka characters
>queen = meduka
>knight = hameru
>king = mumi?
so ace would be seyiku?
>he has trannies on his head rent free
What the fuck is even [CENSORED] real form.
Reminder that the Head and the Wings and the Claw and the Eye are all fedora tipping LOSERS who have never experienced love
fuck if I know, it's been years since I watched anything madoka, and it's just one of the theories going around.
You couldn't get your dick wet not even once.
Thank you manager, very cool
I have an idea that [CENSORED] is just [CENSORED], I have a good feeling anyone who has been on the internet long enough would realize it too
>furry porn
based and carmenpilled
The final form of the berserk rape horse.
King is definitely Mami, with the yellow colors and the fact that her severed head is dangling outside of the King itself when it's rampaging.
>chromatic aberration
A holding Carmen's hand
Pick one Yea Forums
>can i really not control these nigger clerks?
Afraid not. You eventually unlock the ability to kill them yourself, which doesn't count towards the abnormalities' freak out meter there's one exception to this.
How hard is the filter working if the big bad wolf looks nothing like the basic information picture?
nigger I bought it on sale
don't be retarded
I choose this one.
Just don't take it off and there's no problem
All magical girls
dude a metal box looks like a sex goddess straight from succubus hell, how hard do you think the filter is working
Nothing's there and some tall looking priest guy with a big hat holding a staff.
anyone here going to bit summit 2019
here is a doc from Polygon about it youtube.com
tick tock
I had a dream last night where I brutally murdered phil fish, plucked his eyeballs from his cuck sockets and raped my White European dick into his brain... damn I must be sick in the head!
nope that's normal
fuck the nameless fetus.
user are you ok
Yesod or Netzach, they're all solid though
Why this thread? Are we being attack by LC?
*taps mic*
Dear Employees, Clerks, Staff, and Personnel of Lobotomy Corporation...
*mic feedback*
*i move away from the mic to breathe in*
The reality filter is supposed to process anything into a view-able structure.
Based on this, It's clear that [CENSORED] is exactly what you think it is.
It's a distillation of the irreconcilable and unknowable. It is powerful and awful because it is formed from averting our gaze, and shaped by what it could be.
Of course, we can't turn off the filter: You'd go mad, but...
>why did a bunch of off-topic posts get deleted
delete this
[CENSORED] is obviously a hentai tentacle monster, i'm pretty sure that's obvious to everyone
You got it boss.
>the crowd erupts into cheers as we form a line to run a train on the hottest sephirah around
you wish, idiot
Yes, because you think it is one.
It's also a rape horse.
I want Geburah to fuck me.
The fuck? A Lobotomy Corp thread? Was there an update or something?
What about a rape horse made of hentai tentacle monsters?
What's this about?
Nah, people actually dusted off their copies or got it cheap off of key sites and now there's some good threads going on.
some autist got mad and started spamming, don't reply to it, it only makes it stronger
There have been daily threads for about a week or so.
It is now also this thing.
Why the fuck are you still redacting information? I already told you that you're making it worse.
What if it is a abnormality that takes the form of what people think it is and everyone seems to think it is something truly horrific
Isn't that an SCP?
Was there ever any news about the potential sequel?
user, you better spoiler pictures like that or you're gonna save some employees for others! you don't want that! they need to suffer too.
also, get gud, Hokma is only hard in the last 2 minutes, and if you pause once he's no problem
if [CENSORED] breeds employees that means i can fuck it right?
These threads are the comfiest thing i have participated in a long time.
Taking a break to actually get shit done after my day 39 run got destroyed by the Train, Purple Noon and Army in Black.
If i don't have execution bullets yet, what's the best way to keep clerks alive to not trigger On Death Qliphoth counter reductions?
There's a trailer, Library of Ruina.
Can't pause? What a shame.
Yes, it's confirmed for 2020, here is the trailer
Shield bullets and that's it
>day 3
>already getting dunked on by a fucking radio frequency
I'm useless
Her Arbiter form is hotter than her regular projected form
>get a nice tree thing
>looks peaceful
>gives out nice buffs, not too hard to do actions on
>tree turns to rape
>everyone becomes trees
>gas the clerks tree war now
>everything is gas or trees
was my first department wipe, was fun in a morbid sort of way
Whats "Our" End goal?
stop replying to it
>Finally beat these 2 anti-pausefags
>mfw day 49
Threadly reminder that Angela is very cute and helpful and the manager should at least kiss her on the cheek to show he appreciates her
And then you win but everyone is dead.
There was an attempt.
If I pull that off will she die?
yeah fuck me, I did day 47 and then it dawned on me what was to come, I don't think I can do it, but I have to. I'll try 48 tomorrow, then 49 a few days later. I'll make both Gebura and Binah submit again, make them beg for my...forgiveness.
Falling in love with AIs just mean they're working as intended right?
Reminder that everything is C's fault. If C was stronger then none of this would've happened.
I wonder if Khanna has PTSD
Just Angela.
I fully agree. Her being selfish and burdening A with completing her ideal is actually one of the worst things she could have done. then again, maybe she just wanted to make sure that he has a purpose in his life
When I see this I only imagine some kinda DOOM scenario play out in my head. A lone agent fights off the vast hordes of horrors. I mean shit, just do a lobotocorp DOOM cover
>want to know the story
>keep getting my shit kicked in
My current run, I've tried my hardest to actually research HE and above abnormalities and the game won't give me new ones, so when I'm forced to deal with Dusk events I die. And the story is getting good, everyone but Yesod so far seems like they're going to snap and do something wrong.
keep going manager, you're on the right track!
>54 people dead
>+1 HP has been deposited into your account
It would be extremely painful
On the plus side, you don't have to experience despair if you fade away early.
I'm glad this penalty is removed after each meltdown, just got to reach 205 boxes and I unlock the 25% chance of not losing equipment on death (and maybe also the core supression). 17 or lower and Daniel would have become an abnormality again.
Can anything 1v1 Nothing There?
So if a chamber star flashing in red the abnormality is going to get out unless I pull a good research? How much I hate to send someone to do one research so he level up his stat?
Okay you fucking got me, please explain your bait.
>party wipe in progress
dem legs
what user, you don't want to be sucked??
Melting love
I'm going to call this the rave party heart from now on
>well equipped employees
Yes. Good research doesn't matter unless it's an Abnormality that decreases Qlipoth on bad research results.
I'm assuming you're asking how many times you send someone in to level up, this guy has some non concrete calculations. Basically, if you want to level up fast, research difficult abnormalities
Shit, really? They're that strong?
>that one guy facetanking it all
get him promoted to sefirat
is it actually possible to suppress queen of hatred, or should I just restart as soon as she breaches?
Thanks Im stuck in day 6
You are a big Sephirah
It's actually not too bad. Her most bullshit attack is her teleport, which can kill low level agents. Besides that, just walk behind her before she does her beam. It's more tedious than anything
He's got a PHD in not giving a fuck
it depends on the apostle and nothing there's form (chad or dog)
there's a video of many abnormalities fighting against each other in a battle royale
Guys I need your help
I don't want to get too spoiled so I haven't looked at the wiki, but no matter what I do or who I send or what outcome I get the scarecrow searching for wisdom escapes containment no matter what.
I'm barely on day 14 and he is unkillable at my current gear and level please help
It's a pain in the ass because of the clerks other than that just attack her from behind while she is using her laser.
I just got raped by Hokma, how the fuck am I supposed to micro without time control.
Try unlocking managerial tips
>Hod Sephirah Meltdown
>Energy is maxed
>Qliphoth Meltdown Level is at the end of IV
>Violet Noon
>I thought only the clerks directly underneath would die
>Turns out they kill EVERY clerk in the room upon drop, even if they're on opposites of the room
>Army in Pink flips out
>Gotta kill the monoliths quickly before they release more abnormalities
>Also gotta make sure my weaker guys stay clear away from the Army
>Which is hard because the screen is garbled to fuck, can't see shit
>Monoliths are down, I split my main forces to try and take out two of the Armies that will end up releasing the worst abnormalities
>Except it's too late for one of them, Apple is breaching
>Let the other Armies explode, they won't affect anything important anyway, just gotta make sure all of my agents are out of dodge
>Apple is teleporting to opposite sides of the base, forcing my guys to run around
>Don't want to risk sending the weaker guys to do work out of fear that they run into the Apple
>Finally take it down
>Everything is clear
>Still nervous as fuck as I finish getting to Qliphoth Meltdown Level VI
This game is fucking stressful, and the abnormalities I've got aren't even that bad.