benchmark and character creator when?
Other urls found in this thread:
Benchmark is out.
the new races will also have limited faces, but will have additional facial feature options
stop lying faggot
nothing new
But I'm not lying. The (Stormblood) Benchmark is out!
I just want to eternal bond someone in lamia
he isnt, im downloading it right now
Hes not lying
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
this was the best savage boss in the expac, prove me wrong
it's for stormblood you dumbfuck. you can clearly see the OP is a shadowbringers logo.
is the game so shit that all people ever talk about in these threads is cosmetic crap? i liked the crafting btw forced mainstory made me quit the game, too cringe
To the lovely Anons who said they wanted to visit my house, I forgot I have an appointment coming up, so I won't be around. I'll be in my bed in my room and I left a message in the message book though, so feel free to say hi and I'll get back to you later!
they already showed a different face with the benchmark screenshot
In 2 weeks
So I did the moogle hard trial and now i've been doing quest for like 2 hrs and now im sniffing chocobos, when do I start HW?
>say benchmark is out
>some sude says it's a lie
>prove him wrong
>y-you dumbfuck y-youre still wrong
Around the time you beat up a big fuckhuge dragon
Aw damn, I just got home. it's alright user, I'll make sure to visit and leave a message.
The shadowbringers benchmark is not out you stupid fucking piece of shit. kill yourself.
>tfw you'll never fuck alcibiades boypussy
realistically we won't get the benchmark until next week cause it's golden week now but we don't know for sure, for all we know they already have everything ready and only have to make the new benchmark site go live and upload the benchmark as video to youtube
but next week is a safe bet yeah
Nobody ever said the shadowbringer benchmark was out. Can you read?
Look at the OP image you idiot. The thread was always about the SHADOWBRINGERS BENCHMARK. Imagine being so stupid you can't even read context.
This jeef is dumb. I don't play catgirl but shitnose face is the least ugly face out of all the choices.
You're currently about half way through 2.2. You've still got 2.3~2.5 to do until you reach HW.
>user trying to entice people to fuck his "passed out" character
Fucking disgusting
When people start talking about Iceheart and you spend more time with Haurchefant, also you need to fuck up some Ascian first
>tfw you put the pig on the imp
>get ast to 70
>pretty okay
>helaing not as bad as I thought, bit more oshit than dps but manageable
>decide to go for whm
>mfw looking through these spells
>mfw these potencies
How the nether fuck do people die when there is a whm present, this shit is bonkers
Just take your time and don't get burnt out. Everything that's going to be uncapped has been. You'll only need a week or two to gear up at 70 so there really isn't any need to rush.
>How the nether fuck do people die when there is a whm present
Because most healers are really bad
>SMN gets Bahamut and Phoenix
>SCH is still stuck with the same boring fairy, one side of which isn't even that great
How will we bespectacled brethren cope?
So, we had a discussion about this this morning. Why did you not protect her, why did you turn on her and giving her soul to a primal is the only way to save you?
I was there recently user, I promise it gets better. 2.5 will have you out of your seat and then Heavensward is all gold. Hang in there user.
Healers are selfabsorbed shits obsessed with doing DPS in a healing class and how dare you fucking die you stupid bitch, it's not my fault!!!
Pray the healer overhauls are actually meaningful and they address this with having both fairies be useful at least.
she'll be fine, she'll just be in a coma for half of 5.0, but will fine
Stop posting pictures of my wife
>doesn't cut aggro
>doesn't use party mitigation
>runs out into Narnia
So I just got to the point where everyone is getting mindraped by mysterious voice and dropping like flies. The gridania slut said they were being "called".
The thing that came to mind was summoning magic, ie void call, that enemy characters do. Void is a world, innit? And we're going to another world?
Someone is casting waking sands call and summoning scions?
>Long has their kind lurked in the shadows, laboring to sow chaos throughout our world. I would see each and every kike dragged into the light and put to the sword
Jesus fucking christ, Koji.
its partially explained. but you're about there. keep it up!
Your job is to fucking adjust, if you didn't want to do that you shouldn't have played healer you fuckstick!
The passive aggressive cries of a healer mid-dilate
>replaceable dime a dozen dps seething
>Healer lets you die because they're too busy mashing broil to actually heal their tank
>They have a snarky as fuck passive aggressive quote on their raise
Haha, I'll take the quitting penalty every time thank you.
There are 13 Shards (worlds) that are mirrors of the Source (The PC's world) The 13th Shard was flooded with DARKNESS and all the Voidsent come from there. You're going to a different Shard.
Eos let you die not me.
Why are french allowed to exist
>"oups xd"
Keep playing, youll find out what's going on in like an hour not counting dungeon run time
The sad thing is that there are actually level 70 SCH players that think like this.
>pld in dungeons
your fault for playing on Chaos, nigger
French are shit but German are way worse
What's wrong kid? Can't handle my Total Eclipse spam? Feed me my fucking Goad
Pogchamp got em bro xD
I'll get back to you when I'm home and we can do whatever you'd like together. I'm not picky!
The only one insinuating that is you user.
>people talking in chat like I give a fuck about winning PvP
Holy shit these spergs don't just daily this shit?
Why do they need a benchmark? Isn't it the same shit as Stormblood?
Trannies can try out their bunnies, furries can OwO
fuck off with this awful meme
Character creator for the new races and a trailer featuring new areas, abilities, and all the AF4 gear.
I can't wait for this meme to fucking die
Nope. The light is going to make you kill Alisae so WoL becomes canon edgelord. 5.3 she'll get revived
Don't forget that Shadowbringers is dropping 32-bit support.
because it looks cool and advertises the expansion to newer players
also because character creation/new AF's to build hype
it's a pretty neat idea
Feel free to emigrate to Light mon ami :)
>still looks like shit
That's dancer AF btw
No it's because most people don't raid or do scheduled content and are stuck waiting for lockouts to reset each week.
fuck you I want the mount
Even if you do raid by this point everything should be clear/on farm so you shouldn't have to play past the first day after reset.
>dps thinking their opinion actually fucking matters
you're by far the easiest thing to replace
only the opinions of tanks and healers matter
sorry I don't speak tranny
for some reason if you mention raiding or even ex primals a bunch of weirdos come out of the woodwork and start screaming "RAIDTRANNY"
it's fucking weird
it's safer to just not mention it
Getting a pf with 8 tanks to farm 5 minutes trials was too hard?
Tank and healer require no skill so you can always replace them with the most braindead of players and you'll still clear. Good luck clearing anything with grey-parsing DPS though.
clearly made by a healer main
This too
Do we need a new one? I don't think the engine is getting overhauled or changed.
>always need to tank in dungeons because of shitter retards like you
aaa farming ghymlit for uwu bis was so suffering since I couldn't tank
it's all casual scum like and that got memed on by a group of literal trannies who were so focused on progression they let their pets die and shit and generally went insane
now those fags are scared they'll turn into that and use it as an excuse to be bad
stay mad you got benched, faggot
there's an ocean of passable dps out there and you are worth nothing
>he can't read
That isn't the HW tank mount dumbass
>failed to protect her
>depression hits
>can see visions of Alisea
>start remembering the last thing she said to me
>drive my regalia into the river
detto geimu
you've never stepped foot in uwu
*notices progression*
Welp, I moved from crystal to primal. Waiting for everything to go through.
Did I do good Yea Forums?
>everybody's on the family picture except MNK
The devs really hate us don't they?
enjoy your meximemes
crystal has the most bearable players by far aside from the literal transvestites
Yeah! Do you want to be friends?
i am so ready for crystal pf in 5.0
it will be such a shitfest the tears will be delicious
he switched from monk to sam, the superior job
>the MNK enspansion
How do we solve the xivg problem?
datacenter literally does not matter at all.
small indie team, please understand
Erase /vg/. Most generals turn to unbearable faggot shit sooner or later.
does fflogs take into account the gear you're wearing? cause i checked my page and i was playing alt classes or playing with outdated gear
MNK sucks ass anyway.
it's unsalvagable at this point
it was really sad to see the shift from anons playing the game together, helping each other out and clearing stuff together to grown men textfucking each other treating the game like second life
Shadowbringers is actually going to be a PLD expansion.
No, it doesn't know you ilevel.
At least the wol plays monk sometime
What is the best melee job and why is it Ninja.
>not WAR
Every expansion is a WAR expansion because it's one of the devs' pet class or something.
Will DRK be cucked like MNK?
It never was the monk expansion
I think I'm almost to heavensward. I just started preventing titans return with the little kobaldlet, how much of HW is left?
absolutely FUCKING not shut the fuck up we got top bill in the trailer AND the art and we're the warrior of DARKNESS and everything is DARK crystal aesthetic and they'll rebalance us to be the best class the best DPS the best Tank AND selfheal
fuck off!!!!!1
you're almost to the last dungeon
>I'm almost at Heavensward
>How much of Heavensward is left
You'll know you are almost there when you beat Shiva and start messing with dragons.
Because it's the job with the most carry tools with all its aggro management and TA making up for the shortcomings of bad tanks and dps
Now if only it had something to carry bad healers, like being able to shadeshift others instead of just yourself
It was. Yoshida said in an interview that they added SAM and shoehorned weebland halfway into the expansion's production. This is the reason why the Doma half of the MSQ looks like useless filler.
Shut the fuck up and press LB slave
>tfw they nerf TA to 5% in ShB
>Metallica intensifies
Then why do I see so few play it. I think I've seen maybe one other ninja at endgame.
>and make it 30s like hypercharge
Who is the best Elf boyfriend?
but the ala mhigo part is where it feels like underbaked filler
Sorry that you don't have your spot in raid friend, maybe play a job that's useful
it's a pain to play with shitter tanks so nin mains usually play sam in baby content
Because being a cuck is not fun
So what's it gonna be Yea Forums? What's the thing that's gonna push the WoL over the EDGE?
i'm not sure which is worse
all of ala mhigo is a fucking boring empty shitty desert but the ruby sea was the most fucking boring zone i've ever played through
The class is jank since you easily clip GCD with ninjitsu and stuff like TenChiJin is awkward to use. Armor Crush did a lot to make it feel better to play since you don't have to refresh Huton with ninjitsu constantly but it's still jankier-feeling than the other melees, besides maybe Tornado Kick openers on MNK.
I got 3 jobs to lv 50 and finished ARR story a month ago, havent played since.
should i buy SB now for 20$ or wait til shadowbringers come out?
I was just glad it wasn't another Sea of Clouds.
one of the twins dying. probably Alisae as she's less developed
Alisaie's Death
You already have a guaranteed spot with how awful noct ast is, go away sch
there are people who think WoL will become edgy when he becomes the WoD in the 1st. It'll be the same as usual
The Azim Steppe was easily the high point of Stormblood's story despite being a side distraction so that's a point for the weeb side. Hopefully we'll get a more consistent story in ShB.
Depends on if you care about being current when the expansion launches. If you wanna be doing Shadowbringers at the same time everyone else is go ahead and get Stormblood now so you can catch up, otherwise just wait.
>Of all the world's creatures, of all the subversive, slimy, disgusting filth that writhes in the mud, none are so evil and manipulative as the moon niggers. We shall hunt down every last one of them and cut them down where they stand, the shadowless kikes. We shall exterminate them. We shall make sure the shifty shysters can no longer use their puppet strings to run the world, or my name isn't Gaius van Baelsar
Jesus Christ, Koji
DRGbro > Deadbro > I forgot his name
If you want to play ShB with everyone else you still have time to catch up. Otherwise just save your money.
Because it's harder to get the most out of it than the other dps and even then your numbers will be lower, and the effort to carry others is even harder on top of that
Now let's laugh as some MNKey inevitably replies "but muh positionals" and then breaks down crying for DRG and NIN to be buffed so he has a chance at a raid slot
Why are there so many MNKeys in Yea Forums anyway
*Nod head while punching hand together*
Yeah I mistyped, I just woke up. I combiend "I think I'm almost done with HW" and "I think I'm almost to SB"
thanks, I think im gonna buy it now.
how long would it take me to complete all the HW and SB story up to the last patch if I like reading all the text and watching cutscenes etc?
Wouldn't it be the opposite? Kill the more developed one for a bigger gut punch?
aymeric by far
If you start now you probably will finish up right on time more or less.
You're about 15 quests away.
A week if you're no life it
Would be a waste, and they don't have the balls to kill off the most developed character in the game, arguably even in Final Fantasy.
Alisae has far too many deathflags on her at this point as well. Getting soul yanked or whatever happened isn't enough
Too static of a fight. Barely any variation to mechanics. I mean fuck, you got the whole floor tile gimmick but they're arranged the same every single time.
Haurchefaunt: utterly devoted, always makes time for you, maybe a little creepy and overbearing with how totally into you he is
Aymeric: always warm to you, tries to make time despite being always swamped with work, but very secure and stable
Estinien: whirlwind romance, probably the type to bed you then leave before you wake up (but leaves behind a bunch of flowers or something), very hard to make him commit or share his feelings
I take my hands of my keyboard for every trial, msq, and alliance I do. You can't stop me. Think of it as revenge for all the mongoloids who slack in everything else.
Can't wait to level a healer or tank and actually have to look at shit though, fuck me.
Fuck off tranny
gayes post on Yea Forums atm
Why the sudden jab at MNK players, user? We melee should be friends. Now feed me my chakras, Battle Litany and Trick Attack. And don't forget to put your debuff on the boss or mister BRD will be angry at you.
>We melee should be friends
>Now feed me my chakras
>trying to justify your own laziness
You don't pay my sub. :)
eww youre a weirdo
bet you play solo and dont have friends irl
>I'm bad at the game and you can't stop me!
you and 90% of the playerbase
based, thank you user
If Alisae dies it's gonna do a hell of a number on Alphiboy that's for sure.
>Parsing a 24 man
I really shouldn't be top 5 DPS as tank
You don't say
>ultimate cuck job demands to be catered to
That's why people mock you
>Just go to light bro lmao
>have same issue except now the retards are from a country slightly more to the east
WOW truly the best datacenter!!!
>playing an alt to kill time till the expansion drops
>taking Chocobo porters at every chance I get instead of teleporting so I can alt tab and shitpost on Yea Forums
I feel like this is a good use of my time
>trying to learn monk opener
>can't even remember the name of the skills
>her soul is consumed as she's turned into a primal and the WOL has to kill her himself
It's gonna hurt bros. She and Edda were both into the MC too oh no no no
>one twin dies
>the other survives
we already saw how Alisaie reacted when she thought he died at that Castrum, and how she reacted when Gaius was holding his lifeless body.
I don't think I could take it
good thing I won't have to, 100% sure neither will die at any point, if they do, it will be reversed or a fake out
It's alright user, I'll let you LB this time since you like it so much. Can't risk losing my GL stacks now can I? I hope you don't mind me dropping AoEs on you either. I gotta hit my positionals.
Post character
>P-please stay in my party ninja, the monk's dick is too huge and I need the shadewalker!
You have to be retarded to think tanks or healers are anything more than braindead blue and green DPS.
>top 3 as pld past two times I've done lota and left act on
is it that hard to press 1,2,3?
Reddit is the most reddit site on the internet, jesus christ
and Alphinaud is gonna witness it
worse case is that it'll jump back and forth between worlds.
Why do the most annoying characters have to be the favorites of the devs
I hope yoshi sudokus for giving into these fucking faggots
could've given them anything, a unique bunny outfit for males
Fuck yoshi
Half the jobs are barely functional at 50.
Is it worthwhile to do all the old raids to unlock the various parts? Cuff of the Father, Titan Extreme, etc?
Even if they do divide the story between the 1st and the Source, with the roleplay duties they at least don't have to have the WoL run from one to the other constantly in the story itself. Just have us play as someone else during the story segments back on Eorzea.
God i hate tranny so fucking much
why couldn't we have proper chippendaes style bunny gear?
yoshi actually promised male exclusive versions since late arr but he is such a hack they just reskinned the female ones after delaying for years
Absolutely yes. Binding Coil and Alexander are amazing, don't miss out on them. Do extreme trials only if you care about the mounts
And I'm gonna comfort fuck him!
>form shifts after the group leaves him out of content
>y-you can LB, m-muh stacks
Ok MNKey boy
Most of the old raids/primals are only done unsynched nowadays and they lose a lot of their appeal through this. If you wanna do them synched it might prove benefitial to join an fc with plenty of bored people to help you out.
You don't have to do everything, but some fights are really fucking good and you would deifinitely miss out.
Everyone playing the game in this thread should at least beat Thordan EX synced once. It's a great fight in mechanics, music, and presentation.
Yes. It's story content. ARR extreme trials provide important lore for how Shinryu was so powerful.
>and Edda were both into the MC
[citation needed]
literally all it had to be was
>bunny ears
>bare chest with bow tie
>black slacks with bunny tail and black shoes
would've been just as easy to make, and a little less gay. But at least not drag
How the fuck am I supposed to make MGP quickly? I want that four-seater mount.
Do your challenge logs and fashion report. You'll get around 100k a week.
Edda wanted your body. She was quite clear with this
Do girls really do this
You do the fashion report 3 times + challenges
What is the easiest class to play?
I wanna play that one.
Yoshi is at least smart enough to know they wouldn't have been happy with anything but drag. He saved himself the whining.
I'd love to stay here and discuss user but I'm needed right now. A static's DRG keeps dying to avoidable AoEs and they want my Mantra to ease the poor healer's pain. Peace out.
daily, weeklies and poopsock the gates
red mage
Game Devs still work on golden week user. Especially so when a expansion is coming out in 59 days time/
t. girl
Is Sadu a tranny?
He's received too much "bunny suits for guys" request, so he thought that's what the people wanted. They were the most vocal about it, that's for sure, but people wanted something like a chippendale outfit or something distinctly masculine
Trannies are actually literally trying to claim the Dotharl are trans because they believe in reincarnation.
He's talking out of his ass
So she could attach her dead husband's head to it
have sex change
That, or he dies/almost dies and Alisaie becomes a primal to save him. She succeeds but has to be put down.
Implied here and there later for both. Do the quests/related content and decide yourself. I'm not a wiki.
shut the fuck up tranny
>saw user reaction to alex a few threads ago
>say fuck it and log on to finish it since all I ever did was the very first part
>mfw summon alexander
>ooh ooh aah aah
You're so eloquent for your kind mnkey
Sadu is actually a woman, which is something impossible for trannies to achieve, so no.
yes. She was a big fan
user, you clearly missed the point of the ladder of love
plus why would you want to have sex with a traitor
>plus why would you want to have sex
why the fuck do you think
Why do you want to see, user?
When did the obsession with trannys start on Yea Forums?
Did I miss something recently?
Shut the fuck up newfaggot
An /r9k/ predatory transsexual discord got outed a awhile back and since then, Yea Forums is convinced that similar is happening here. Considering how eager some people are to collect Discords whenever ERP shit happens, they might be on to something.
That first girl has a caboose, god damn. I'd get up in her guts
Redpill me on The Feast. Is it possible for someone on Light to hit top 100 having never done it before if I poopsock it.
>rez right as the time stop goes off
>can move within stopped time
When trannies became a bigger menace than the common variants of attentionfagging faggots.
The next Ultimate better give you no extended breaks like both UCoB/UWU did. It's what made A8S so fucking great and grueling.
Red Mage
Yes. Play WAR.
AGDQ has always had trannys though. I left for like three years, I come back and it's some kind of hot topic.
t. ranny
>moving within stopped time
are you retarded
of course it won't have any checkpoints
iirc it started after some literal trannies fought on twitter about Ultima worlds first or something. People then posted twitter profiles and discord screenshots to make fun of them. Of course it was only fun for a week or so because afterwards tranny just became another buzzword to fuel shitposting in these threads.
>Time Has Stopped
YOu can hit Top 100 playing anything when you are brand new so long as you aren't actually bad at the game.
You missed it in '17 where 1/10th of the runners were trans and it raised a lot of eyebrows.
I don't understand PvP whatsoever. I just do frontlines as MCH, spam at targets and burst anyone alone or
I'm trying my best there and it's not looking great. Even if I play my best someone will be lazy and just brain-afk as they attack the wrong and make it pointless. I won my first match and 3 matches after it two days ago but since then no luck. Not to say I'm the best player far from it but people can't even focus on a target.
A disproportionate number of trannies play FFXIV. Thought it was a meme until some user posted some tranny goblin sucking cock with XIV's login screen on his monitor in the background.
That is Alphy
How do I meet girls in this game
It's basically the cuck equivalent now. I can't believe I miss cuck because at leas that makes sense as an insult here.
>despite being the 13% of the ffxiv community, the trannies make up to 50% of the raid clears
furfags needed a boogeyman to blame whenever someone told them to fuck off
Join statics. I've talked to more girls playing xiv then I have in real life.
light has more tryhard than chaos but you might still make it if you are not braindead and spam games
funny as it is, don't think Squeenix would do that, especially since their producer thinks that the big stronk hrothgar are appealing to the young audience.
>/r9k/ predatory transsexual discord got outed a awhile back
I remember that, it was a /pol/ false flag so they could feel justified in flooding /r9k/ to "save" them
It started to backfire when they tried to tell them to stop watching porn
Not talking checkpoint. I'm talking about how UCoB gives you a minute break between Nael+Twin being dead, and Golden Bahamut being targetable, or the Zzz that is the NINETY SECOND LONG transitional phase after Titan is dead and Ultima phase starting.
Dang, kinda feel bad for them frankly.
I don't understand why trannys flock to agdq. Must be the amount of support they get there or something I guess.
Final Fantasy has always been a pretty feminine series so I can see why it might appeal to them I suppose.
>tfw Yea Forums doesn't say cuck anymore
time flies
Why are trannys so good at vidya jesus
That's literally not what happened are you retarded? The discord staged "raids" on r9k, b and pol, they would create tons of threads about the "pinkpill" aka tranny shit. Trying to convince people to become trannies
Hey, that was me.
Yeah, it's a shame nobody fucking played it, Alexander is probably some of the best content in the entire game.
thats how i feel about sam
*kills your raid scene*
alexander was pretty cool
shame the fight was locked behind everything else
One of the two only good parts of that raid, everything else was insufferable trash
>again that fight is JUST trash mobs
sam is easy because icons look different
Kaiser Knuckles, or Nyepels? Sasuke’s Blades, or Sandungs?
Because they do nothing else with their lives but collect welfare and play games?
Wonder if we'll ever get a fight as overtuned as this again. The ults weren't even as bad.
>not clearing pepsiman on week 2
There is no relation between being transgender and welfare and video games.
What a strange thing to say.
Having all that free time to spend on games is what makes them "good" but even then they're not that great at games
>Kaiser Knuckles, or Nyepels?
Midan Knuckles
>Yea Forums calls anyone outside the top .0001 percent of a game pathetic
My favorite meme
Emperor's New Fists.
>not clearing UCoB the hour it comes out
What are you, some kind of amoeba?
Transitioning sure as hell don't give you the skill to dress fashionably or not look like some 8 year old going nuts with their moms make-up.
>Person doesn't have a job
>It's because they identify as a woman
This is some weird zoomer kind of logic.
Alright bros, crunch time.. Which of these holds the magic sticker for a 3-liner?!
Now you're just being retarded
Rebuilding Ishgard one femelezen at a time
user I saw it all, I remember it all, it was a /pol/ false flag
You'll never get it user
stop with the alisaie death/primal meme it's not funny and there's zero evidence of it ever happening
no lines this week, I'm so annoyed.
You're deluded by prejudice
It was tail-end of week three for my group, but we ran 10 hours a week.
What’s the best way to jew the fuck out of the marketboard?
And I’m on Crystal, so it’s not like you need to worry about my kikery.
I feel your pain. I shuffled like 8 times last week and didn't get any lines.
I more want to know how she fights. Is she going to fight like a fairy would, or fight like what she appears to be, a mage?
Fighting a fairy would involve a lot of trickery. Imagine the tiny lines from the final boss of Ghmlyt Dark but getting hit by one puts a massive dot, but also 3 decoy debuffs that have to be removed first. Shadow clones add phase, all the bad status effects like mini, charm, confusion, toad, reverse, stop. Hoping for more UI screwing shenanigans like Kefka and Ultima did. Having telegraphs move, change shape or just be false all together. Creating shades of your allies and making them become unfriendly, so you may accidentally kill an ally.
Of course her ultimate attack will be some play on 'Midsummer Night's Dream'. The cutscene will show Titania lulling you to sleep and it will pan to the shadows the two models cast, and she takes a knife and stabs you with it.
Maybe they'll go with a jump scare, kind of like Prime Level Death from Zalera in FF12, and have Titania become like Samara from The Ring movies and the music becomes twisted and discordant.
Dating with NPCs when
>people still do WT
Except how Titania is a dead ringer for Alisae and looks more like her than Yotsuyu looks like Tsukuyomi and Ysayle looks like Shiva
They're "good" at games that just require rote memorization and no actual skill.
>he doesn't know
It's fun helping people clear things.
it's a woman with pointy ears, that doesn't mean alisaie you faggot
that's why i put the quotation marks
I'd be totally down to meet a trans person in a professional setting, but I've never met one who wasn't 'disabled' and being a trans person didn't completely dominate all facets of their personality.
the steam page description for shadowbringers said that titania was the fairy king before they quickly edited it so it's obviously not alisaie, it's alphinaud
lemme guess you're even too cool to login and play the game
it can't be alphinaud because alphinaud becomes elidibus. they've been hinting at it happening at some point since ARR.
Oh boy here we go with the grinch tier speculations
>I'd be totally down to meet a trans person in a professional setting
>Alphinaud is the fairy queen
>you can be his king
>a trans person in a professional setting
One works in one of the offices at the building I do security for
Horrible falsetto voice and smells like death but is apparently a good accountant
>tfw the team is fully capable of making the Scions likable characters with actual faults and could actually write stories with proper pacing and comedic timing, but you can feel the marketing department breathing down their necks.
I'm losing motivation to play this game. All you do in end game is farm Orbonne Monastery for 390 gear and 1000 genesis for weapon. How is this anything fun? The WoW equivalent would be to farm LFR for a week straight then spend cache tokens on a wep. Like seriously wtf is there to look forward to? The ultimate/extreme bosses are pointless because the gear is only 5% better.
I dunno user. She looks like Alisaie with longer hair and 'I've had enough of this shit' eyes.
The jaw structure, eye shape, nose. If its unintentional its a huge coincidence
>losing literally everything over and over
Why hasn't our character gone into a mental breakdown yet?
>tfw a mnk in my group pulled a one punch man
That bug was hilarious
the director of the game himself has said if you feel burnout you need to stop and do other things
Shouldn't the lycoris-radiata/spider lily go to haurchefaunt? They say the road to the underworld is lined with lycoris flowers. It symbolizes death.
They're identical twins and have the same face.
Because your control over him as the player doesn't let him
>its another spastic takes the crush weapon AoE into the party again
these faggots are making me hate Orbonne
Play the DRK quests
If you only do content for gear, this game isn’t for you. You should try out WoW Classic when it comes out instead.
Do the DRK questline to find out.
Speedrunning in a nutshell
lol the drk questline is almost part of the main story with how it deals with this exact issue, shit's dark and sad as fuck
They've been deteriorating mentally since Heavensward and has started becoming very directly curt and haggard.
why can't people simply always go left? that's pretty much the de facto rule for those mechanics since Ozma
>Trying to be edgy with mb
>doesn't know gil is being horded for shadowbringers
user pls ever
Fucking this. This is why they're so into speedruns and MMO endgame.
Should I resub to this game to catch up on content and enjoy the somewhat singleplayer side to it such as the story? Reminder, I hate trannies and faggots and raiding is ok. I quit the game 1 month after stormblood launch because of how bad it was. I also am usually a DRK/PLD I prefer to tank on these pve tab target games.
As far as I understnad, it was more likely then not a bad translation
since “queen” in japanese is not “queen”, but is instead “female king”
It's literally autism for people to care more about obtaining vertical progression gear over the satisfaction of clearing hard fights with friends.
Fuck you guys, you keep saying this but I don't want to level the worst tank job just for the questline.
>I hate trannies and faggots
You must be fun at parties
whenever I get it I go left and always run into someone running right
Your loss.
unlike trannies and faggots
Healers adjust.
shut the fuck you degenerate faggot, get your sodom and gamorrah shit out of my face and play mudwalker dress up with the rest of your european tranny filth in your online dress up simulator
>she doesn't level every job to experience the stories
Relax and go play your video games kiddo
>The world is currently full.
>Players in queue: 26
What's going on leviabros
so many people missing out on crafters having some of the better stories
Tanks are so ridiculously easy to level that you have no excuse not to max them.
50-60 crafting is garbage across the board.
At least Heavensward gathering is ok.
He cant, got fired for calling his boss a sheeny puppetman and mom wont buy more games since
doesn't mean anything servers just can't handle too many people logging in at the same time
No, the people writing main scenario really are that boring.
HW was the start of a whole lot of annoying gathering
Biggest server on Primal according to GitHub census
I'm talking writing, not the awful grind.
>He can't, got fired for calling his boss a sheeny puppetman and mom wont buy more games since
50-60 GSM is great
This. In 1.x hell right now.
Goddamn this shit is so boring, it's literally just
>a primal has been summoned, go kill it
>it died, heres more info about that ascian
>a primal has been summoned, go kill it
>it died, heres more info about that ascian also some people died too lol
>a primal has been summoned, go kill it
>it died, now go back and forth between ul'dah and gridania and waste thousands of gil just trying to speed through this
at least it gives good gear
I'll be honest, I haven't done it.
HW Alc is terrible.
It's honestly nothing special anyways, people overhype it.
*2.x, forgot the shitshow that was 1.0 lol
It didn't use to. The gear and exp were added later.
1.0 was the cancelled game.
DRK is the best tank though
They're using the primals to give you exciting boss fights while they fill you in on vital lore and worldbuilding that comes into play later.
>Can't find an argument so posts a silly internet meme
Stay in school
They were busy making Heavensward and weren't sure what they were doing yet, so they stalled for a year and tried to fill the time with "character development and lore." As you can see, piss all happens until 2.4.
Define your argument? That trannies and faggots are fun at parties or that you are a dumb porchmonkey that doesn't know how to follow conversation?
Wait till they pull out the absolute slammer. Just remember that Haurchefant's your friend
You learn your prejudice from your parents. You don't have to be like this, you can choose to be a good person.
I can't think of a single thing of substance before the Crystal Braves are established. Most of the good stuff was done outside of quests, like NPC dialogue and Revenant's Toll's redesign.
>I don't know how to identify and read foreshadowing
Literally every single story segment has important information.
Introduction of Elidibus and explanation of primal mechanics, the first hints that primals aren't literal gods.
Introduces the concept of using the Echo to steal bodies, introduces the Domans, talks about the War of Succession.
Metaphysical talk about the nature of Light and Dark and man's role in it all, things that are now coming into play. Also the foundation of the Crystal Braves.
Setting up Heavensward. Hard confirmation that primals are not literal gods. Hints that something fishy is happening with the Braves.
Midgardsormr, more Heavensward set-up, and shit hitting the fan.
>My headcanon is real.
Nah son.
Not much of a response, how about instead of standard pipul, you can lay out a nice argument you were supposed to be defining.
So you don't deny that you are a bad person defined by their prejudice. Gotcha.
bruh they've been hinting at the "Elidibus is future Alphinaud" reveal for a long time. They even put a hint in the most recent patches about it as well.
What is bad and what is that based off as a moral value? Societal standards? Constantly adjusting, not relevant. Continue.
Not him, but where did they do that? I don't remember it being hinted anywhere the Elidibus is Alphinaud.
His build doesn't seem very Elezen though. I suppose the body he's been using this whole time has been another stolen one, but that seems a bit unlikely.
I dunno if I completely buy it, but I'd be interested to see where they go with it if it is.
but Alphinaud doesn't have the echo
The way we see Ascians in their robes isn't actually what they look like. The Echo is letting us approximate their forms somewhat, but it's still way off.
Who else play on bryn?
>can literally always get on at any time
>everybody is sickeningly nice
>not so much faggot shit outside limsa
>not a whole lot of faggot shit inside limsa
Is bryn *ourworld*?
that line in particular is one they hinted at back in heavensward but alphinaud stopped krile before she could say it, now they brought it back in the same set of patches as we heard elibidus say it multiple times. not a coincidence
>The stories are padding until the HW leadin with little nuggets placed here and there to tease.
>No way, 2.1 wasn't incidental, what about this single sentence that they actually bring up later!!
You're a buffoon user.
yet, but some time in the future.
>Two characters on opposing sides have the same idealogy.
>This could be setup for a not so different moment.
You people are morons.
I do wonder if something bad is gonna happen to Alisaie. On one hand, all that build up with her before she got soul sucked needs to go somewhere. On the other hand, she's apparently getting a new outfit too, so I doubt she's gonna die as Titania (if she is in fact titania)
2.1 is the introduction of the main villain you fucking mong.
Similar ideology is different than saying the exact same line basically.
Are you the guy who was earlier saying that there's no way Alisaie could be Titania?
Feels fucking good, man.
I thought the RPshitters and marketboarders would swarm the place, but after seeing our really reserved community and how the economy is, they seemed to have left for the most part.
I'll never leave bryn
>tfw this image didn't come true
it's a miracle
Stop skipping cutscenes.
*erps for 12 hours*
>he actually thinks Elidibus isn't bullshitting literally everyone
Everyone wanting to RP just overpopulates Balmung and Mateus even further with world visit. Having them as containment is a blessing in disguise for you guys in Primal.
Alisaie being Titania is the most asinine goddamn theory that's based PURELY on "muh forced drama" and "they look same eek ook"
There hasn't been an instance of a primal that's heavily associated with a beast tribe using a person as a vessel so far and there's no reason to believe there will be now. The website description pretty much straight up says Titania already has influence over Il Mheg which means she's most likely been summoned before. You might as well claim Innocence is Xenos because they both have long blonde hair and fair faces.
So what are the chances that Krile plays a bigger role in ShB's patches? I mean its unlikely she'll have much importance during the main story.
Though technically she could theoretically get in later, she has the echo after all.
Shame that server has some of the worst players PvE wise I've ever encountered. It's like pulling teeth to ask a dps to do AOE or to even KNOW what aoe is. I hope it feels fuckin' good to know what a burden you are.
have fun in df
>read up on encyclopedia eorzea in its entirety
>didn't even intend on rping in the first place or anything i just liked reading it
the lore is actually really solid
She'll be relegated to Eureka 2.0.
we need a femlala for our side quest primals. Krile did warring triad, Tataru did the auspices
Do none of you play on the japanese data centers?
single handedly made healthy medium pop servers into the dead ones they are today
>now go back and forth between ul'dah and gridania and waste thousands of gil just trying to speed through this
I'm pretty sure the quest reward gil covers all of your travel expenses at pretty much all points in the game
Could also take the airship that everyone forgets about.
>associated with a beast tribe
Nice way to preemptively cover yourself from people saying Shiva
And funny you bring up Zenos since he made a primal his vessel, the devs play fast and loose with the rules and don't have them clearly defined so they have options when writing the story
I do but will switch to US soon because i'm lonely
I'm still sad that Monks didn't have a special suplex LB against ghost train
Can someone give me quick rundown on this fucker?
>t. just started HW
Face structure is nearly identical. Hair is the same, except more, even with the left side being longer than the right.
Two individuals looking the same is a good argument for saying they are the same individual.
And you seem to be adhering to many rules that have been twisted and broken before. Your only argument is 'I don't want it to be'
>Nice way to preemptively cover yourself from people saying Shiva
Dragonfuckers are essentially beastmen anyway. Fuck scalies.
But there are some de facto english speaking servers, I play on Kujata since I'm located closer to japan than the us or europe.
He was the second boss of the second Heavensward raid tier, and the Savage version of him was extremely overtuned. Most average savage raiders couldn't overcome him with at level gear. It literally destroyed so many statics.
You won't see him til you hit 60 though. The raids are all lvl 60
>Similar ideology is different than saying the exact same line basically.
>Only the same person can say the same thing.
Thal's balls, a primal?! Gods/Kami forfend! Anyroad, pray return to the Waking Sands.
He very literally almost killed the game because of how overtuned he was.
Yes, clearly those are 100% comparable. Good job.
If Alisaie dies I'm buying a one way ticket to Japan and I'm going to murder Yoshi P.
>anime faggot has no friends
color me shocked
3rd fight in the 1st tier actually.
No more games Yea Forums
I suspect she won't. The cover art shows her in a new outfit, so I doubt they'd design her one then kill her off like that.
Wait, Pepsiman was the third fight? Oh right, fight 2 of tier two was the robots.
The point, jackass, is that the game isn't afraid to use mnemonic scripting to push a point. You're unironically trying to spin a case of dramatic irony (these two opposing characters have the same ideology to the *letter*, but only we know that) into fucking time travel shenanigans. Get out of your own ass. There's a huge gap between intentional echoing and your fanfics.
>This retard that claims XIV is filled with trannies with no proof
>Twitter selfies and OF posts always have literal women or hambeasts (still not trannies) that are posting as cute female Miqote, Au Ra, or Elezen.
>He like other obsessed tranny freaks of Yea Forums scour the internet to find one tranny post somewhere with 5 views and calls the entire community filled with trannies
Unironically dilate, faggot.
Why do you get so mad at people coming up with theories? It's one thing not to buy them, but it's another to constantly shit on people talking about them. Nobody is saying "This is DEFINITELY what's going to happen", it's just theories.
What exactly would you have us talk about during the deadest point of the game's cycle until June? Would you rather the shitposting about trannies?
you should be skipping cutscenes anyway as it cuts into your exp per hour. need to get to the tome grind asap and get to Eden fully kitted. Hope you like hunts
How long is the post-Stormblood? I just started the actual expansion and I wanna know how long it'll take for me to be ready for Shadowbringers.
We've already been shown that Ascians can invoke Zodiark's power to manipulate time.
DRG is not hard, it's just about lining up buffs and keeping up piercing.
There are a lotta fights that make it v difficult for dragoons to maximize their dps
Same length as post HW
if this were a second to two seconds longer it would loop perfectly
That was such a cool transition. Shame Omega's transition was so plain
>not the Danny Devito version
>Nobody is saying "This is DEFINITELY what's going to happen"
user was doing exactly that, which was the reason the argument started. They keep pushing their theory as canon and berating people who think it's not.
I don't care what theory you cook up as long as you're not insulting people for disagreeing with your headcanon/acknowledging it's not a fact.
Well slightly longer as you'll actually have to gear up instead of buying the best armor with poetics.
Though once ShB comes out, you can then buy the armor with poetics.
I'm the guy you've been yelling at most the thread. Not sure where I said 'This is canon, Yoshi-p told me'
The proper way to respond to this sort of thing is come up with your own theory. The dude that said 'its not Alisaie, its Alphinaud' had the right idea.
Just trying to have some fun user. You're welcome to join
And I'm still right. Its all gonna happen exactly the way I said, because my uncle is Yoshi-P
Currently leveling BTN and MIN to 50, is it worth it to buy gear while leveling? Anything I should from 50 onwards?
>accidently put in the 8th sticker before reshuffling
I should know*
No. Not at all. Get a crafter or make your own 50+ gear.
Bruddahs, how do I get that fucking awesome multi-eye cyber Dragoon armor in the Heavensward trailer? I'm on the level 57 Heavensward quests looking for the Mongrel right now and my DRG is level 58. Just wanna know if I can rock that shit before the end of the campaign.
level 60 dragoon mate
>Vote kick has been initiated for user, Reason: AFK
>user has been dismissed from duty
God I love queuing with friends and instantly kicking anyone who cops an attitude.
you get the entire set on the level 60 dragoon quest. you need to upgrade it to dye it iirc
I came in partway, it just read like you were convinced it was canon and any other explanation was bullshit. You're asking for alternatives now but you balked at the alternative that was presented to you.
Get to 52 as fast as you can and buy vendor gear from the merchant in ishgard. Don't buy anything off the marketboard, it's all extremely over priced.
Here. On Kujatan right now so it's not exactly a hub but there's still people around. Japanese aren't as chatty and the SEAfriends are friendly.
Dungeons are pretty straightforward
"glhf" and "gg" but I haven't been able to raid much because people don't queue for it.
Is a DRK worth leveling? I heard it's pretty shit now, but Shadowbringers might make it better.
It's DRG's artifact armor. Every class gets an armor at 50, 60, 70, etc.
Well SB classes only get armors at 70 and HW classes don't get unique armors til 60, though they do get a decent full set at 50.
Fucking wondrous, guess I'll just keep rolling roulettes/dungeons as I do Main Story stuff and be there shortly.
Do you enjoy a good story
DRK doesn't get shitty till the 50s when the other tank classes start playing like they do at 70. there's always deep dungeon
after the events of shadowbringers minfilia will have a potato body
Why in the world would I play on the Japanese server?
>muh clear rates
Yes, at the expense of low latency
I don't see why anyone would do this.
It's balanced just fine. It's good enough that the most recent ultimate tier had a DRK in the world first party.
It's just kinda janky because you are constantly having to weave in dark arts to buff your attacks. But otherwise it's still a very good class. It isn't in the meta comp, but that only really matters to like 1% of players.
The thing that sells a Titania/Alisaie connection harder for me is that right when they were introducing the primal they were like "Hmm I wonder what's happened to Alisaie hmm" at the panel
It's my first tank aside from the like 15 needed in marauder for Dragoon and it's been a blast. I hear the rotation gets real shitty later on though.
But as another user said, DRK is probably the most painful to play while lvling up. It gets so many skills that are all needed for optimal play.
On the other hand, DRK is the only tank class that feels "right" to offtank at 50. War doesn't have a dps stance yet and Pld doesn't have a full non-agro combo.
I do recommend playing DRK anyway, it has hands down the best class questline. That's like a universally agreed statement.
I'm closer to Japan than the US, so it makes sense for me to do it.
Are you from a land down under?
Thanks for the opinions. My first class was ARC and it's now sitting at 65, but I figured I'd level up some other classes while I still had my Road to 60 bonus. Thanks for reassuring me to not take MMO metamaxers so seriously and just have fun.
Ew, get some fucking taste, pleb
Why are the Garlean Royalty such big guys? (for me)
Honestly, the class balance is extremely tight right now. There are some clearly better classes and some worse classes, but all are perfectly viable as things stand to clear all content.
It's impossible to say whether that'll remain so once ShB comes out, but for now just play whatever you wanna play. You can clear any content with any class.
Paladin will continue to be meta as fuck as long as Cover doesn't get nerfed. What the fuck were they thinking?
Give me Yotsuyu's outfit!
Give me a proper kimono!
SB is almost over!
The only reason drk is not meta is because it doesn't have a raid shield to cheese lb gain
I'd rather tank on drk than pld or war any time
So the "complete 3 dungeons via the duty finder" challenge log entry counts even if you don't have the daily bonus right? like it's better to do level roulette again instead of doing lvl50/60 roulette?
Chad genetics
Where women glow and men plunder?
It counts even if you run sastasha unsynced at 70
Literally anything in the DF counts for that.
>mfw mogstation item
imagine being a vanilla game pleb
oops I mean the duty roulette challenge log, it only counts roulettes. You can't just pick a dungeon and go. It's a roulette challenge.
they already said they won't do it because >lol clipping lmao
and they hate giving us villain outfits
Keep at it mate!
>Ixion fate announced on Adamantoise
>Immediately 30+ minute queue to get in
Has there ever been a time where classes have been outright terrible, like you're prone to fail because they fall behind so hard?
Cats and lizards ruining everything again, this time with their shitty tails
>tfw will never get to see this in person
Guess it shows how far they have to go before it's all ready.
There aren't any extra bonuses for doing ixion here is there, beyond just experiencing the clusterfuck?
2.0 WAR and 3.0 AST were both complete shit.
Yes, RDM
Because i fall asleep when playing it
The only time that was the case was WAR at ARR launch and AST at Heavensward launch.
I was just posting what was appropriate for "no more games". If we're actually doing favourites then here you go
at 2.0 warrior was so bad it was shunned from groups.
machinist has been like that for a good percentage of the game's life
AST was laughably bad for a bit too
Dragoons early on, they had less magic defense than fucking gathering jobs
No. I just never got the mount 2 years ago so I figured I'd give it a go.
Paladin was a joke during all of Heavensward but it was never "Please get out of our party" bad, it was just really shitty and had nothing going for it.
I hate SE so fucking much those goddamn faggots
because of the sleeves retard
>they allow all this chinese bullshit on the mogstation that clips through hands like crazy