Can we admit he did nothing wrong? I would have done the same thing if I were in his situation

Can we admit he did nothing wrong? I would have done the same thing if I were in his situation

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I’m at the guardian ape fight am I about halfway through the game ?

Also the second phase of this fight is a pain in the dick.

Where those screen monkeys suppose to be some intellectual challenge? Cause I literally just ran around like I fool and killed them all in less than 10mins

use the spear when he falls over

Ashina was a complete shithole and not worth defending in any way. Only gets worse when he causes Wolf to fuck up any real force Ashina had.


If you took ten minutes to kill them, they are definitely an intellectual challenge for you.

he got a reaction out of you, you've got to give him that. you gave him exactly what he wanted - you played right into his hands.

you'll come to understand that the second phase is much much easier and predictable to deal with and get perfect parries on
dont forget to hit up the poison pits again when you get the flower


>If you took ten minutes to kill them, they are definitely an intellectual challenge for you.
All I did was run around bru.

Go to bed, Limmy.

fuck this nigger
I can't read his attacks and any posture damage I do to him goes away again every time he sprints off to do another charge attack.

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did it with the demon bell on, it was horrible
what a pain

Did anyone give a shit about the story during the first run?

This fight would be absolute piss if it weren't for the hitbox on the grabs

I actually really enjoyed the story, simple as it was. The severance ending hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

shitter i oneshot it blind

What's the best time to kill hanbei

Irrelevant like any other sidequest in this game.

his second phase is literally the easiest boss fight in the game

When you can play the game without fucking up

Good god why do I suck at parrying and jumping sweeps so much

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Just mash the parry button faggot.

its not a posture fight. its a hp fight.

His second phase is easy as fuck. All I did was bait him into doing his swipe attack.

>Getting jobbed 3 times in a row by the same dude
>Still thinks he can win the war if he becomes immortal
He did something wrong by being such a jobber.

>Getting jobbed 3 times in a row by the same
immortal dude
>Still thinks he can win the war if he becomes immortal
I wonder why!

Does this actually work? I thought it became ineffective late game

uhhh where do i go after divine dragon

Enemies that do even moderate posture damage will wreck you on any difficulty past NG. Enemies with long combos like Genichiro or Owl will kill you if you can't deflect the whole thing. The deflect window is 4 times as long if you're not spamming it (I think it's 30 frames instead of 7)

the windows for reacting to stuff in sekiro are larger than other action game. Just keep your focus and go to sleep if you're tired.

Why the fuck does he pop out from genichiro? Why is there another isshin back in the castle with emma who's dead? Are they the same? Did one cause the other? Is it a parallel universe thing? What the fuck is going on here?

Further than half way

He failed Ashina.
He did everything to fail.
If he did nothing wrong, he would have made Ashina great again.

His motivations made sense and he was a good rival character. Wish we'd seen a little more of him

ape, ghost monk, dragon, back to kuro

It was fine. Gave context to what I was doing in the game and had some cool characters. Nothing amazing, but enjoyable non the less.

i love characters who do shitty things to achieve a pure goal

Bullshit, just stay in his face and you'll break his posture in like two minutes. Demon of Hatred is the only HP-focused fight in the game.

>hitbox grab: the boss

i really hate this guy but once you know how to beat his 1st phase, the 2nd phase becomes a joke

dodge and counter his normal attacks. Run away or lilac shield his terror scream. His perilous jump attack is actually a swipe attack, you just dont know because the camera in this game sucks ass. Jump when he hits the ground, try to get a double jump for great posture damage. When he does the sword combo that ends in a long-winded overhead strike, deflect all hits and counter with a double spear attack.

So after you beat the dragon and shank his eyehole isshin fuckin dies for real and the black mortal blade genichiro has is called "open gate" cuz it's basically the yamato and opens a portal to the underworld which spits out the now ded papa isshin in his prime so he can slap your cheeks

The Mortal Blade Genichiro has has the power to bring people back from the dead. Genichiro basically slices a portal to hell into his neck to bring Isshin back in his prime to revive Ashina.

Ashina Resevior where you first fought Genichiro

the worst thing about this nigger is that he is somehow immune to shinobi tools. He gets stunned by the firecrackers and the flame barrel but only when he feels like it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Probably has some uniterruptable animation bullshit.

Anyone got the Easy Allies spoiler mode for Sekiro?

>When you can play the game without fucking up
My whole life is a fuck up so I guess never

Doesn't really seem like it matters too much from my experience

>Tomoe..There aren't many masters of the sword like her. To see her fight, it's like she is dancing. When you look into her eyes, you feel as if you're being drawn into the depths of the ocean. I was completely taken by her and it almost killed me..I've lived a long life, but that was the closest I've come to death. – Isshin Ashina


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>seething so badly he became a demon of hatred
What the fuck was his problem?

Buddha rejected him.

Pissed that Isshin never visits

He got cucked by Dogen

Why did he have to turn into such a shit boss?

>Genichiro's greatest weakness is Ichimonji, the fundamental skill of the Ashina sword school
>which means he never even tried to train in the same discipline as his grandfather and spent all his time learning Tomoe's techniques
>despite that Sekiro can learn a better version of Spiral Cloud Passage that is so strong it creates wind blasts around him, lighting reversal as well as perfect the Ashina swordsmanship to a point he can perform Isshin's ultimate techniques

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the lady maria/Artorias of the story, ready to become great dlc material

Why was there a second headless Ape after Guardian Ape? Were there multiple Guardian Ape's at one point?

based go to sleep poster

It was noble of him but at that point there was literally no point, the interior minister's armies were too powerful since they had western technology, no amount of immortality would save them.
It would have taken a complete miracle like the dragon himself coming down and killing the invading force or something.

They’re the same ape. You never severed its immortality during the first fight in the watering hole.

it's the same one, a friend of mine went where the second encounter is is first and he did not find it.
It's immortal, so after losing the flower it went to where it's mate used to live and wasted some snake gun people before having a rematch

But I stabbed it's leech with the Mortal Blade

The immortality leech got stabbed with the Mortal Blade though

No you didn't, go check the execution again.

Never mind, just realised that in the Guardian Ape fight you never pull the leech out

just did it again, what a fun fight

Sekiro is a retard. He knows to kill the centipede monks from the moment he gets the sword but doesn't do it on the monkey for no good reason

Most bosses have a stun cooldown with the firecrackers/flame barrel - not only the ape. Red eyed enemies is the exception in regards to the flame barrel.

He’s not a bad guy but was too stubborn to see the message on the wall. Ashina was fucked no matter how you slice it, and no amount of magic voodoo was going to save it unless you are willing to turn half your population into monsters.

He was a pretty cool dude. His love for Ashina was definitely misguided though, considering that even Isshin was ready to let it die.

As a From rival, he was shafted from the beginning, since every Souls MC sooner or later defeats the greatest warrior of all time and he has to go against that.

That's part of it, but it was his will against Wolf's. Wolf won and Genichiro didn't.

A monkey ate his waifu and cut off his masturbation arm

Genichiro was already immortal, he drank the rejuvenating waters. What did he need kuro for?
plot hole?

>woman is the strongest swordfighter in history
anybody else sick of this shoehorned sjw bullshit

How many NG+ runs should I do before farming for all skill points? I'm in NG++ with like 30+ levels remaining

Tomoe fucking sucks ass though and her techniques actively make everyone weaker. She’s likely the source of the dragonrot outbreak in the past meaning she died a fuck load of times

immortal waters just turn you into a zombie. he can't defend ashina if he getsguardian ape'd

Leon Von Albensleben literally did nothing wrong. Science is not a crime nor a sin.

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For people thinking it's strange that sword Saint fights sekiro when you give isshin monkey booze he mentions that Shira enjoy killing and do it for nothing more than pleasure. Than says that he sees the shadow of a Shira in sekiro and if he ever had a cause to. He would kill sekiro.

Upper body strength is the be all when it comes to sword fights. So it's not too far winded.

It's a fantasy samurai game, what did you expect?

I don’t think Tomoe is even human.

Wrong game my dude but

>Making immortals who have a fate worse than death when they run out.
>let them discover said fate
What could possibly go wrong?

Why is there stealth grass in the Guardian Ape arena? Can you somehow get a sneak attack on it?

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He's a loser that can't even defend Ashina by himself (which is odd since he can just cheese everything with lightning arrows against the normal soldiers) when his grandpa managed to conquer the whole area basically by himself when he was younger.

He didn't have sex.

>why is there vegetation in a watery area?

As a trick. I think if you hide there the ape immediately notices you.

It's probably because you can get to the ape before you get the mortal blade if you purposely avoided going to Senpou Temple first.

The time to fix the country was years ago. What he did wrong was try to cling to its already rotting corpse.

Just use cheat engine to increase the exp multiplier and get the learn all skills cheevo in like 5 minutes, instead of wasting hours going through new game pluses.

be consistent or you may aswell scrap shinobi tools as a core gameplay mechanic

His mistake was trusting his own family
And letting a fucking ninja be imprisoned in an open pit that you can just fucking climb out of, what the fuck

Depends on whether it was his idea to just start juicing soldiers with it without telling them the side effects, or to give it to them without even knowing if there ARE side effects. Not enough info.

Deflect, you can deflect all his regular attacks. Stay right up on him as much as you can.

Any tips for when his head falls off? Managed to get through his first phase by wasting all my emblems and 6 gourds. I know it's horrible but I'm sure I'll be better in the morning.

>entire technique behind school is swing sword really REALLY hard
>that's it

There is no stamina in this game, so use the sprint to rush away from him when he does his huge terror area of attack. You can also perfectly sprint around a lot of his attacks, like his giant diving stab and his lunge. You want to bait him into using his sword, shit is easy to block and will eventually lead to a big overhander that will make him fall down stunned for a free 5-6 hits. is right, it's a much easier phase than his first IMO.

Imagine if he just asked for Kuro to help him/his country. He'd probably say yes and sic Wolf onto people.

2nd phase to me is easier. Parry his sword attacks. Learn to spot his terror roar befoe it pops and running behind him is safer for getting away. When he lunges into the air you just have to jump when the red kanji comes up.

>Bullshit, just stay in his face and you'll break his posture in like two minutes
It's possible, but depends on the moveset you randomly get. He sprints away pretty regularly, at least in his first phase. Second phase is a bit more doable but staying in close is hard for new players because of that terror damage.

yeah, but REALLY REALLY hard. Gets the job done.

She is ONE of the strongest. Although it's not confirmed, there are possibly some swordsmen out there in the Sekiroverse that are stronger, deadlier, and more skilled than her in the ranks of the Interior Ministry.

parry him to bait his big attack where he stands up with his sword and comes down. Parry that and use the spear twice to drag out the centipede for massive damage. Also careful of his AOE whenever you're close to him.

>only elite swordsman allowed in the holy dojo
>Genichiro can't make the cut and is barred despite being Isshin's heir
>ends up training in the back of the castle by himself
>Tomoe teaches him some techniques out of pity
>As a prank Ashina samurai put up a poster in the dojo showing how to easily defeat the technique

Poor guy gets no respect

Tomoe died so many times while searching for a mortal blade she gave Ashina a major dragonrot epidemic that killed everyone who was infected
She even gave her immortal lord Takeru dragonrot which killed him before they could complete divine severance, and died herself
Her spiritual predecessors in Souls (Ciaran, Maria) were also pathetic failures, Miyazaki does this deliberately because he likes sad pathetic women

>ywn fight all of the Lone Shadows

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Second phase is way easier, just use the umbrella for the scream.

Where is all this stated?

>Imagine if he just asked for Kuro to help him/his country. He'd probably say yes and sic Wolf onto people.
There's literally a vision showing you Genichiro trying to convince Kuro to help him and before they fight he asks Wolf if he will help
Goddamn pay attention, Kuro is a little shit

There's so much in Sekiro that makes me want DLC even if it's mostly learning different patterns.

Path to the purification ending, Emma tells you about it and also gives you a letter Tomoe wrote

wow thanks for the spoilers asshole

You're welcome, Tengu of Ashina is Isshin in disguise too :^)

What even are the mechanics? I brute forced it by accident the first time and just pop a sneak sugar afterwards. I'm guessing you're supposed to activate the various rooms then chase them in?

>What even are the mechanics?
Each monkey has a weakness you can exploit to sneak up on them. One can't see, but can hear extremely well, another makes a shit ton of noise and spawns enemy monkeys if he sees you, shit like that. I've never utilized the rooms for them myself outside of the one with good hearing in the loud water room, but it's an option, yeah. They're all pretty easy if you go into that area on the rooftops and play it slow.

After Genichiro game becomes a cake walk

First phase run away and run towards him when he tries to fling shit at you to punish, then firecracker for more punish
When he flying grabs run straight away and then punish with hits then firecrackers again
Repeat til phase 2

I think that he was taking it first. That's probably why he went into cryo sleep until a way to get rid of withdrawals is developed.

That still doesn’t explain shit, dumbass dumby.

Tomoe was a legendary swordfighter for reals though. Like all larger-than-life figures of the past, their reputation often becomes something of legend and myth and greater achievements that they as a person didn't do more or less become assigned to the archetype that that person fulfilled. It's not SJW if the person was from a millenium ago. It's just people's natural disposition towards religious or mythological folklore.

Once you learn to recognise the scream move, it's pretty much a regular swordfight