You do believe the Silent Hill circumcision theory right Yea Forums

You do believe the Silent Hill circumcision theory right Yea Forums

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>hey look I just watched the video from the chinese meme guy on youtube

I've never heard of it and I think I might regret learning about it.


enjoy your mutilated penis

good job retard

im autistic don\t make fun of me

dumb person

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Most interesting thing about SH4.

someone circumsized your brain

>paranoia intensifies

You mean that wiki drama from like 2 years ago?

so that's what the big worm was

>It's a "There is literally nothing wrong with circumcision for boys as it offers health benefits like lower chance of diseases, plus it looks better." episode

How about I cut off your fucking labia majora. Look I can see your vagina more clearly now, plus it looks better!

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>Oh wow user, you watch a chinese YT man and then post something related. Wow whats your reddit?
Jesus Christ come up with your own ideas and threads, redditfaggot.

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It’s a funny thing, when I’m not in a relationship I’m really insecure of the fact I’m circumsisized. But when I actually have sex i’m reminded that it feels so good that I could care less what some 5 incher on the internet tells me about how my mutilated dick should feel

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Your dick doesn't feel better when it's cut. What are you talking about? There is literally no downside for having uncut dick, but on the other hand cut dick is less sensitive which is bad, you will never feel sex how I feel it.

But like does it? How do you even know what my dick feels like? It still feels really good. Unless you are convulsing from pleasure I doubt there’s any difference

>everything i don\t like is reddit

It's really basic. My dick is so sensitive, that I can't touch my pants with it's head. And you can.