What the hell happened to this company?
What the hell happened to this company?
Head of the company became a born again christian
They were always shit, they just started experimenting with exactly how little of a base game they could get away with selling.
Don't worry, there'll be $800 worth of annual DLC that adds features that should have been in the base game.
Good, games should be much more expensive.
Laziness and greed. You know, the usual shit.
Being a contrarian does not make you an interesting person, nor does it help you fit in here. Old Paradox games were good.
Pretty sure this is not true. He's still a feminist.
Victoria III is going to be shit, isn't it?
Sounds like a Christcuck to me
>Victoria III
good one user
>Laziness and greed. You know, the usual shit.
Basically this, cant believe the amount of """content""" their DLC has for the price tag, jesus christ.
>Factory mana
>One-click pop conversions
>Every country is the same and can accept all cultures
>"Adopt feminism" decision which doubles all your pops and has no downsides
I can already imagine it.
Absolutely nothing. Hoi4, Stellaris and EU4 were all as shitty on launch as Imperator Rome is.
they’ve been in a downward spiral for years with their poor effort and retarded dlc levels. finally other people have wisened up to them.
>preubens gloria $19.99 for fully fleshout preuben experience.
they make their money by promising to fix lack of depth with every dlc, then release an almost completely untested update, break the game, never fix it by hiding behind however many swedish holidays need to exist to not do work, and then start hyping up the next dlc which will surely fix all the problems with the last update
Crusader Kings II.
IR has no glaring issues besides a horrible UI. The continuation of mana is pretty boring but they said 1.1 will reduce the instant effects of mana on things (ie just buying pops to your culture/religion). It's more knowing that it's incredibly barebones on purpose and that 75% of the content is going to be DLC and updates over the next 3 years
They became their logo
People will tell you that "new Paradox went to shit" but in reality they made some AWFUL games in the past, technically.
Pic related is a game that literally crashed for either me or one of my friends EVERY TIME WE PLAYED. Not a single time did we get to click "quit game" in the menu normally after a session. Always crash, crash, crash.
then why is he such a jew?
They realized most of their fanbase were easily exploitable goyim.
Magicka wasn't developed by Paradox.
Seriously. Why the fuck do swedes have so many month long holidays