Petty for no reason
Petty for no reason
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nothing wrong with some rivalry / competition
especially if your competitor is fucking aborted midget sonic
post the gif otherwise the image makes no sense
But the pokemon community was cool with the Sonic community why are so smug now
What? I don't really get it. Both look like shit, is that the joke?
What a fucking traitor.
both movies look like shit
Reminder that we must help Detective Pikachu succeed and BTFO Captain Marvel and Endgame. We cannot allow SJW movies to do better.
Stop making threads.
have sex, loser
t.seething Mahvelcuck still assblasted over MvCI being a disaster.
>Sonic saves Pikachu’s life
>Pikachu shits on him
Top 10 anime betrayals
Endgame was pretty good though. Captain Marvel has like 3 minutes of screentime because she fucks off for most of the movie.
communities, sure, as in the people who played the games.
im pretty sure Warner Bros, who are making Detective Pikachu, dont give a fuck about Paramount
>BTFO Captain Marvel
>and Endgame
Not even the pokemon fanbase is autistic enough for that one.
And for those 3 minutes she sees the day.
And another time it's her and literally every other female member who work together, even though most of them have never met before.
Eh... Pokemon is going to launch in China. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Pokemon is going to overtake Endgame in China, and from there it's anyone's guess.
Pokemon's still the most lucrative franchise of all time
The pikachu movie is loved because it's pokemon and pokeniggers will slurp up any garbage with glee.
The sonic movie is hated because it's sonic and it has a reputation of being autistic and bad, so the hivemind has to conform to the societal expectations.
prove me wrong
and Thanos kicks her ass
sonic is much worse
>philip defranco
Yeah but still that why say anything you know
Wow, the right looks fucking awesome.
Cut them some slack, when they announced with get a Western live action adaptation of Pokemon I was sure we'd get something like this:
And hey, it only just somewhat came true.
No, the power stone acts as a McGuffin for him, and only due to her link with it - the film makes it extremely clear that without it, she fucking stomps him.
Wait and see I guess. But I do have my doubts the worldwide market is big enough for that one. Not that it matters.
Except she never actually stomps him so there's no reason for this autismfit you're having.
>we must help Detective Pikachu succeed
>We cannot allow SJW movies to do better.
have i got news for you :)
Man, China is our best hope against the SJW menace. Let's pray that they all watch Detective Pikachu.
is there anything more autistic than pokemon fans? besides capeshit fans.
>that messi edit
Ash is a literal amerimutt in Detective Pikachu. I am not gonna watch that pile of trailer trash.
How is briefly getting the upper hand in a fistfight equivalent to a complete roflstomp in all battles ever?
Is there a bigger jobber than Ash?
The Night King.
there was one thread during all this that made me crack up even though it was so simple, though it died instantly. went along the lines of
>The Trix Rabbit will get the cereal this time, I just know it!
Sonic fans
I don't know if it'll break Endgame, but it'll put up a hell of a fight.
China, Japan, and India are all going to gravitate far more to Pokemon than American superhero movies.
South Korea and most of Europe will go either way, probably leaning towards superheroes.
South America won't touch Pokemon, and they love them some capeshit.
It would have flopped in North America, but Ryan Reynolds alone will help it break 80m stateside on day one - half of Endgame, but very respectable.
I won't be surprised if it comes close, or even bears Endgame. People keep talking about how Marvel's been building the MCU for 10 years and this is the payoff - Pokemon's been building up for 20 years, and has always been more popular than Marvel with gamers and normies.
It'll really depend on the China box office.
Detective Pikachu will flop in China because they went with a black MC.
>All that salt being poured out during the livestream.
>Briefly getting the upper hand
>Literally cannot touch her, she doesn't move an inch when he throws all his weight on her
He got a magic stone that beats her, that's it - it's clear as day they wanted to demonstrate that she's leagues above him without the stones.
>Tell people to go see Allita which was directed by a hispanic director, had a female lead and had more of a feminist bent than the Manga
>Tells people to see Detective Pikachu which was written by a woman and cast a black man as the lead human actor
If you have sex maybe you might not have so many brain problems
Good thing that most people care more about pokemon than capeshit.
Tick tock, SJWgame.
Blonde, blue eyed girl sidekick negates the black Mc.
Casting managers did their homework.
Fuck Sonic. This trash heap of a franchise needs to be buried.
>shilliph deCucko
>cast a black man as the lead human actor
Well he plays an american
China hates women even more than black people
You are aware Pokemon is one of the highest grossing media franchises? Though I have doubts Detective Pikachu will catch too much attention given its not too interesting of a movie based on a small spinoff game, but don't underestimate autistic amount of people who consume pokemon products.
Actually, the one thing Endgame does have over Pokemon is a weird market that we have no real data on: Re-Watchers
Endgame is undeniably going to have more people come in for repeat viewings than Pokemon, but there's no telling how much it's going to matter
Detective Pikachu is aimed at the same s®y loving faggots though?
One of the most glorious moments in the series' history. If you had told me there'd come a point where people would actually give a shit about the anime more than 10 years after its primetime, i would've called you a bullshitter, but even my normie friends were kinda hype for this moment. It was funny to watch their disappointment to the results, but i don't know why anyone would think they'd break the status quo considering how autistic the Japs are.
Rewatchers for a 3 hour movie?
You're retarded
Detective Pikachu will be our champion, and ultimately prove the truth that going woke will be followed up by getting broke.
He's right though. Pokémon can get to 1B but it might take awhile to work it's way up further. It hasn't engineered a slavish brand devotion to its movie franchise from teenagers, which is what Marvel has going by all the zoomers I've worked with. They're like fucking zombies. DP by comparison is treated like more of a novelty right now. It's not an event.
>that stupid fucking gardevoir thread in the middle of it all
The pikachu movie will end up like any other video game movie,
Okay, you're starting to sound completely delusional now.
Being highest grossing media franchise=!ticket sales
all three look like shit
>social media PR firms are literally faggots who work in mascots for a living
It's almost as though we don't hate women and black people like the discord trannies would have you believe. That being said, begging people to go see movies to try and btfo the biggest movie brand right now is ridiculous.
>tfw Stan Lee confirmed that Thor is literally a god and he jobbed to Thanos so Captain Marvel Sue could pull a "I am no man" moment.
>It hasn't engineered a slavish brand devotion to its movie franchise from teenagers, which is what Marvel has going by all the zoomers I've worked with.
Pokemon is literally the most profitable, both in gross and net, franchise of all time.
While it's not necessarily built up its movies, it's built up its franchise well enough that any prediction under 1b is fucking laughable, and Pokemon itself is an event that's been ongoing for 20 years.
Wait isn't he complementing detective pikachu?
Shill your shit somewhere else
Fuck, we're less than a year away from Alola's league and Ash's team sucks dick. He's not even gonna be top 4, is he?
Theyre literal retards. Chris Chan is a PERFECT example unironically
>While it's not necessarily built up its movies
No, you're missing the part where there is a big difference between building up games and movies. Pokemon has not proved itself on the big screen in any capacity, it is literally an untapped market (at least live-action wise). There's also that there's no notable pre-sales information coming from DePi the same way there was for something like Endgame to make this kind of bold claim.
I think the best it can aim for with the information we have on hand is 850 million WW which would be a good success
Endgame stands to make 550-600 million by its second weekend in the US alone. Possibly 1.8 billion worldwide in the same timeframe.
Detectve Pikachu seems unlikely to move that much money that fast, and while its market is not overcrowded, I doubt it really has the legs to overtake it in the long run.
No skin off my nose either way, and good on them if it does. I just have some doubts
Seems to me like the tipping point would be North America, assuming Detective Pikachu pulls capeshit numbers in China, is what I am saying.
I don't think anyone is projecting under 1 billion unless its complete trash, but Endgame is poised to pull Star Wars numbers at the box office. Pokemon is not a box office monster, for all its enormous pull in vidya sales. This the same kind of logic that lead to DC completely failing with some of the most recognizable superheroes in its roster.
It's also baffling since they include spear-chucker and mantis, despite them being excessively outclassed.
>I don't think anyone is projecting under 1 billion unless its complete trash
I am. The best it's looking at right now is in the 800 range
Who cares, just end the SM season already. I want to see if they can possibly make the series even worse. My bet is full CGI like the first movie remake.
Is the Sonic movie designed by Ken Penders? Based as fuck.
>se from teenagers, which is what Marvel has going by all the zoomers I've worked with.
>Pokemon is literally the most profitable, both in gross and net, franchise of all time.
>While it's not necessarily built up its movies, it's built up its franchise well enough that any prediction under 1b is fucking laughable, and Pokemon itself is an event that's been ongoing for 20 years.
> Anonymous 04/30/19(Tue)18:18:29 No.460504381▶
> (OP)
>I think the best it can aim for with the information we have on hand is 850 million WW which would be a good success
You're that 850 mil fag from yesterday. Hello, good to see you again. Pokemania can potentially make it go above a billion, especially if it takes off in China. Captain Foot Fungus got 1 billion while being a proof of concept as well.
Titanic has a ton of rewatchers and its even longer.
Avatar too, but it is shorter.
>Pokemania can potentially make it go above a billion
I believe that it can, I'm just also saying temper your expectations to a reasonable level because I don't want to see a bunch of "IT FLOPPED" if it doesn't make a billion
>Captain Foot Fungus got 1 billion while being a proof of concept as well.
Cause it's MCU
And Wanda wrecked his shit so hard that he had to use his ship's cannons.
Both Wanda and Carol were empowered by infinite gems so probably superhumans created that way are OP.
how did this make cole's day?
The only Pokémon game i’ve played is soul silver on a shitty ds and I’m legitimately more excited for pikachu than for the marvel thing only for how fuzzy pikachu looks
Nah, that movie fuck ain't Sonic.
Sega already lifted their metaphorical Hands to distance themselves from the finished product. They've already publicly stated their lack of confidence in what they've seen, and the creator of Sonic said "That's not Sonic.(just imagine it's Japanese)"
Now I know why they were so upset.
>it's another blatant pikachu shill thread
>South America won't touch Pokemon, and they love them some capeshit.
All they need to do is say that the movie will have a Goku cameo, and the South American demographic will flock to it just to see 30 seconds of new Dragonball material.
The Trix Rabbit actually did get to eat the cereal once.
Why don't the people who like the grotesquely hyper-realistic Pokémon from Douchebag Pikachu feel the same way about the grotesquely hyper-realistic Sonic? Is it just a case of good old brand loyalty? They both look fucking disgusting.
They could've used the one in the right.
Pikachu actually looks like Pikachu however. How do you think a rl Pikachu would look like?
ones more on model than the other. Take a big ass guess
Keep Seething Sega Shill
Pikachu looks cute.
No, Endgame is 15 years of buildup from one of the most loyal cash cows to Disney.
It's kind of disappointing but there's no way the Detective can dethrone it. At best it can get a billion.
If Detective Pikachu makes a billion, I'll be happy.
Is it just me or is it weird that I get tweets from companies who are trying to be friendly with me?
I miss franchise rivalry and all the silly banter. Vidya is treated too much like serious business nowadays.
>Sonicu ja nai
Almost like they knew, huh.
No it that shit's weird. People need to realize that companies aren't your friends. You're talking to some underpaid intern.
>hating on shit because of politics rather than quality
Just as annoying as the left
But what if the underpaid intern is lonely?
Send him pizza
can you not see he has a mustache right there?
>1.2 billion in one week
This is bait but Detective Pikachu is a SJW movie
Gohan if you consider the things at stake when he jobs it
Captain Marvel was good and hardly shoved any agenda down throats
EndGame referenced something that looks on the nose but aside from that and a bunch of other bad plot points it was good.
Endgame is gonna dethrone Avatar, bruh
Infinity War alone got $2 billion. How about its sequel which is one of the most anticipated movies of all time?
Capeshit get billions
They can have some spandex wearing faggot just farting for 2 entire hours and it would still rake in more money than 90% of the movies around nowadays
I thought it too.
Get a load of this faggot
>black main character
>not SJW
Team Rocket, that's about it.
The show should have gone to a new protagonist ages ago
This is how I feel.
I want Detective Pikachu to dethrone NuWars and I don't think it's possible.
What are you even mad about you faggot
There is something about the movie they're not revealing. This gotta be a 250 IQ ruse, the deformed Sonic is actually real Sonic's alternate universe counterpart or some deep lore specific shit like that.
The only banter I recall was those two Battleborn / Overwatch posts. And in hindsight, it's not that happy a memory.
>reminder we must help my preferred corporate overlord succeed and BTFO my less desired corporate overlord. We cannot allow subject matter that does not fit my personal sensibilities to do better
I'd say they should just redo the CGI for the movie but seems like the writing is garbage too so it would probably still turn out subpar.
>saves the day
Her jobbing to Thanos is the reason Tony sacrificed himself.
detective pikachu is also benefiting from the nintendo drones who obsessively deflect any criticism away from anything nintendo ever does. both movies look like utter dogshit.
audible kek
pokemon is actually THE highest-grossing media franchise. however, that's mostly coming from merchandise and the games, not from movies. it doesn't mean they can necessarily compete with capeshit right away.
-has a pokemon movie that while creepy, it actually tries to respect the franchise, its fanbase and the spinoff game its based off.
-Makes a disgusting sonic movie whose main attraction is Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey.
-Makes a movie based on a preeschooler kids show where the main protag becomes Preteen lara croft and has to adjust to the realistic school life.
How is it that the mountain hasnt followed the fate of sony pictures yet?
Cringe and bluepilled
Pokemon is the biggest IP right now and currently there are advertisements everywhere in heavily populated areas. It's going to do well and it will definitely be propped up by non western countries(if fucking Yo-Kai Watch can beat Force Awakens in the Box Office in Japan, Pokemon could annihilate capeshit)
Detective Pikachu can outgross Captain Marvel and the Star Wars this year but Endgame is impossible.
>has a pokemon movie that while creepy, it actually tries to respect the franchise
if nu-hollywood had any respect for the franchise, they wouldn't have made almost all of the actual pokemon look ugly. it's just typical hollywood arrogance thinking they can do better than a franchise that made $90 billion without them.
>its fanbase
make no mistake: neither of these films are catering to actual fans of the franchises. these movies are designed entirely to elicit bug-eyed, slack-jawed reactions from youtubers and trick nu-males into seeing them "ironically." it's the next soulless hollywood formula alongside capeshit, nothing more, nothing less.
Reminder that the mutt in Detective Pikachu does not make the movie anti-Europe propaganda. The problem is when the European race is portrayed as either evil or stupid, when European women are shown with non-European men or traditional values are displayed as bad, and i see none or very little of that in the movie
Detective Shitachu is already SJW. The original game had a white boy as the MC. What does the movie has? A fucking nigger.
Guys, don't fall for ironic shitposting.
>Torracat most likely going to evolve into Incineroar despite not being properly trained compared to his Pokémon from previous seasons
>his Rowlett can never evolve because it ate an Everstone
>Dusk Lycanroc is probably the only decent thing on his team aside from Pikachu
>had one of the new UB introduced in the Ultra games but released it a few episodes later
This is the worst Ash as been since fucking Kanto. Turns out he has a Meltan now though. I doubt that's going to make hella difference though.
At this point I'd rather have a Jessie and James spin off.
I'm not a huge pokemon fan, how does Ash even stay motivated after so many failures? How old is he in the most recent show anyways?
>How old is he in the most recent show anyways?
and how many tournaments has he failed till now?
Literally every single one except for the made up Orange Island tournament that was put in the anime.