does it have tranny bullshit in it or can i play it? dont care about dykes even though God is coming for them too.
Does it have tranny bullshit in it or can i play it? dont care about dykes even though God is coming for them too
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Its a pretty shitty vn so you should probably avoid it even though it doesnt have trannys
No troons.
No trannies, and it's a fun VN. Recommend
leftist propaganda made by communists from venezuela. Do Yourself And God A Favour And Report And Move On
It doesn't but even if it did it's cyberpunk, sexual deviancy is a staple of the genre.
no but it has a lot of gay shit instead
It's got gay shit but no tranny shit. The game is still shit though. A lot of shit. Waifu shit. Shit.
>spend time on Yea Forums
>they screech about anything and everything
>you believed them
There literally isn't a single tranny in the game. And the one gay guy in it is literally a joke character and it's hilarious cause he's a bitch that tries to act manly.
While this is bait, anime twitter HATES this game and the devs because instead of donating all their money to the black hole that is PSUV, they moved to Japan like horrible class traitors
It's a good VN. Homosexuals and bisexuals aplenty but no transgenders. (Maybe in the sequel)
They're still in Venezuela.
any reason why you capitalized the last few words? you dont need to capitalize unless its the first word after a period, sweetie
Holy shit what a waste of quints
transhumanists don't care what you think, hon
it's cyberpunk baybee
im a gamedev who has never "played" a VN except for a few point and click games which arent exaclty VNs.
What are essentials in a good VN? Of course a good story but people would just read a book if it was the only important thing.
I'm pretty sure the game makes fun of white knights a few times and it advertises itself as a waifu bar sim. Venezuela chads aren't cucked like Californian devs, you shouldn't have anything to worry about
good writing and lewds
that's it
Everybody in this thread is just sucking dick because of the Yea Forums parody
It's okay. The music, atmosphere, and aesthetics are what sell it. The side characters are amazing but end up getting no proper focus. Ideally this would have been a full-fledged VN with actual character routes so these subplots could be properly explored. As it is all of that wonderful worldbuilding is wasted because what ends up being the actual story addresses almost none of it, has fuck-all to do with 99% of the side characters, and is the most utterly mundane and uninteresting story I've ever read.
Also the gameplay strikes an annoying balance of being too complex to ignore entirely but too simple to be engaging. It's like Papers, Please but with no need to pay attention, be quick, or remember anything.
>Too young to remember there are no women on the internet being one of the most basic rules
Zoomers were a mistake
I only played this and Seduce Me: The Otome. I say it's a good VN because it does Cyberpunk in a good way; it focuses on the people. Every cyberpunk game is about the "Resistance" or rarely "the corporations" VA-11 Hall-a is the only cyberpunk game I can think of that actually focuses on the people who live on the cyberpunk dystopia (maybe red string quartet but I haven't played it)
Generally an engaging story and passable art is all it needs. Personally I prefer there to be some interactivity like dr, ace attorney or 999 but it’s not hard to see how people would like what essentially amounts to a move advanced comic/manga.
>It's like Papers Please
Fuck off Matt
>calling out nigger twitter speak is wasting quints
Only one of four moved.
>The Red String Club
That's what I meant to say :/
nah it’s comfy
No tranny shit, but it does have cute catgirls that want to fuck other cute augmented girls. Just don't go in expecting an epic adventure of a story
Jill's a bartender at a shitty dive bar in a dystopian cyberpunk setting. She may have the ear of some major players, but most of the issues are personal or as mundane as having too many drunk Corgis stinking up the bar.
I can't tell if the writers were just lazy or aimed really low, the whole "she's just a bartender, she's not important" strikes me as so fucking lame. Why even bother teasing more interesting subplots and then choose not to focus on them? They're hinting at huge shit like all of the androids in the world suffering glitches simultaneously and I'm supposed to care about Jill and her dead girlfriend? A story is as interesting or as boring as the writer chooses, I don't buy that whole "Jill isn't important" excuse for one second. If that's really what they intended then they need to get out of that underachieving mindset.
What are some fun games with tranny shit?
Besides Saints Row, I've played those.
butt needs to be bigger
easy bait
begone thot
no subhuman trannies and AIDSfaggots. no niggers and no jews. a single black reporter but no blacked cuckoldry either.
just good old fashioned tribadism. you will like it, OP. it's comfy as comfyness goes, also the ost is GODLIKE.
Never had a 50% discount despite being 3 year old indieshit. Fuck these spics
I've played it, it was pretty okay. But I dropped it after a few hours, Jill was too uninteresting for me to care about her.
It's THE most milquetoast VN i've ever played in my life. Super fucking boring characters.
Hey can you guys quiet down I'm trying to play my tranny game.
I think that's the point. She isn't important and in the grand scheme of things, She's a nobody. It's a story about the "people" not the "rebels" or the "corporations"
rent free
anyone who uses "milquetoast" unironically is an insufferable faggot in real life and deserves to be hanged from a tree.
you instantly come off as a Vice 'journalist' with a bachelor's degree in dance therapy and a PhD in romantic comedies.
I just wanna find some tranny games. Hit me up with those gender sliders!
>I think that's the point.
The point was to write a story that's boring as fuck and teases you with infinitely more interesting side characters and subplots? That sucks. They needed to make Jill WAY more endearing if they were intentionally making her as uninteresting as possible. I finished the game pining for the more interesting side shit, Jill was fine but not enough to distract me from everything else.
I fucking hate this board and all the /pol/tards ruining it
>romantic comedies
thought you were joking
Thanks for the hot anti-intellectual take, electionfag
Saints Row 2
>I say it's a good VN because it does Cyberpunk in a good way
Huh? There's nothing "cyberpunk" about this game beyond the vaguely futuristic aesthetic. There's no grimness, no loss of humanity or subordination of the self. It's anime girls and cute doggies chatting about romance. All of the "cyberpunk elements" like the supposedly dystopian setting are entirely informed. The characters might as well have been pulled out of your local bar. It's like Cyberpunk Zero Calorie™, cyberpunk trappings without any of the actual gravity the genre carries. Cyberpunk isn't just a "slap some gears on it and give them a tophat" aesthetic like steampunk.
The world's not portrayed as "bad" at all, beyond people saying "gosh it's so bad out there". The character never suffers at all. She lives a perfectly pleasant life. And "a perfectly pleasant life" is not cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is supposed to be about something, not jerking off over "OH MAN WHAT IF I HAD A LOLI SEXBOT". They explain a character having cat ears with "I got sick when I was a kid so they gave me a surgery that gave me cat ears." That's an anime level justification for body modification. It's just "hey we want this character to be a cat girl, what justification can we come up with for that".
Your character never actually interacts with any of the supposedly dystopian features of the world. She's living a life that looks like it could be carrying on in any big city right now. Every cyberpunk element in the game is a perfect example of an Informed Attribute. Compare the "dystopia" with Papers, Please, where you're actively living the nightmare. You have to choose between medicine for your child and food for yourself sometimes. Your child can die. Even a whiff of seditious thinking will have you hauled off and executed. That's a dystopia. Valhalla is a nichijou VN that happens to have characters with some prosthetics.
Not to mention the 'gameplay' is even shallower than your average visual novel.
If the story was about "people" then it should have gone the whole way and become a dating sim with multiple routes. Then you could Dorothy and others a full exploration and have a purpose to all those conversations you have with everyone. As is it's just a giant waste of time.
dilate. have sex. etc. etc.
>PhD in romantic comedies
i love he irony of it
You know you come off as the same type of christian mom that wouldn't let her kids play Doom, right?
thanks for proving me right.
wtf there are no trannies in saints row
Lesbian bullshit, the music is great tjough.
The main character is the transexual as in you can make them be men with women voices, looking like they're in transition, etc.
yeah i know. it's really odd how that's normal compared to the gender religion that's completely overwhelmed people now
he's referring to the character creator
cry some more, bitch. this game is officially pol alt-right nazi approved and was voted GOTY by the cis white hetero incels.
>audio files are transition now
go look up lets plays. before all this tranny shit when crossdressing was still funny and not a form of subversion people used to put lipstick and dresses on thier characters all the time.
Saints Row games, at least from 2 onward, have a literal gender slider in character creation. Be a manly woman, or a girly man, or completely androgynous. You can adjust it whenever you want by paying a couple hundred dollars to a plastic surgeon.
It's great. All the NPCs in SR2 ask you whether you've changed your hairstyle or something when you first meet them, since you most likely look drastically different from how you did in SR1.
>There's no grimness, no loss of humanity or subordination of the self
Yes, there is. A shit-ton in fact. It's just not in your face, but you can read it in the newspapers and the characters making references and talk about it all the time.
It seems like you haven't even played the game, just dicked around (get it?) for 15 minutes and then uninstalled it.
I still need to do my “get everyone drunk” playthrough
jill was a self insert you fucking tard. you 20 IQ lorefag who doesnt read
Now that the revolution is being restored, will we get a new game that shows the truth of Chavismo?
I can't self insert as a woman dumbass
no there isn't any gender slider
it's male or female
there are achievements/trophies to play 2 hour each of the two genders
appearance is not gender
No trannies, but it is cyberpunk so expect a lot of degeneracy.
I'd still highly recommend it to any weeb though.
iit's still the same. trannies are still their biological male or female. crossdressing used to be a funny joke.
Speaking of barista simulators, what do you think of Coffee Talk?
>jill was a self insert
Of who? Certainly not the player. Pretty bold to make her a lesbian if that's the case. And even that is the case it still doesn't excuse the game being boring as fuck. I can self-insert as interesting characters thrust into interesting situations just fine, my imagination isn't so stagnant that I need to have a boring character with a mundane life to self-insert into.
its because 4channers always have to be counter-culture, which means we all have to feign being conservative hard-line christians.
i actually found christ though. not that god is limited to expression as christ, just that he's a particularly developed form of the imago dei in man. but it is possible user. we can grow up.
Tranny bullshit no
But the plot is about a dead lesbian lover and Jim Sterling is in it so avoid avoid avoid
I am excited
I hate coffee
It’s basically a game about alcoholics hitting their quarter-life crisis in a dystopian cyberpunk world. It was fun I guess. Mostly a memory game though. Good ost and visuals.
>no there isn't any gender slider
There literally is.
You can choose "male" and "female" presets in the previous window, but the actual sex of your character is an integer between -50 and 50.
>But the plot is about a dead lesbian lover
for about 5 minutes
>Jim Sterling is in it
no he’s not
why are you so obsessed?
It does have a loli robot whore though, that might make you a bit uncomfortable.
>Loli robot
What next, your threatened by the muscular police officer woman, the stacked hacker, the fucking cam girl?!
its just buzzwords to get (you)'s. we've had like 4 vallhalla threads in the last two days and its always the same shit.
it's entertaining, looks pretty, and the music is good-- however, the story goes basically nowhere and is trash.
It's just about how main character's ex gf is dead and but they don't ever resolve it-- the character makes up with her ex's little sister, but that's rly it. There's some hints at romance with the boss, but that's never realized either. Side characters are really uninvolved-- they sometimes help the main character develop.
Gameplay is braindead whatever-- secrets are doing certain drinks for certain ppl to unlock little bits of dialogue. You can compare it to papers please because you have to maintain some money, but it's hard to fuck it up.
It's just a chill VN/Game thing that I drink mindlessly click through while drinking.
As for the fanbase, if that interests you:
the community is pretty polarized to me-- from my discord experience you have all kinds of ppl who talk: mentally ill niggas, outwardly racist niggas, commie niggas, capitalist niggas, I'm a little anime girl pfp and I never stop using exclamation marks after sentences niggas, my feelings are hurt by everything pussy niggas, /k/ niggas, tranny niggas, europoor niggas, southamerican niggas-- all sorts of niggas. Pretty comfy and expected.
It's okay but don't blow it out of proportion or let other cucks dictate your opinion.
remember when Yea Forums was shilling this "game?"
i do.
the discord is a Yea Forums discord, what do you expect?
Can you tell me the story grandpa?
fair enough desc. I wasn't expecting anything, just saying how it be.
i enjoy it since there are a lot of pretty good smut artists who hang out there. but yeah there are a few based schizos as well
He is
That's not a character that just looks like Jim Sterling, that's literally Jim Sterling playing the role of a pretentious asshole (which wasn't hard for him since that's what he his)
I have no idea why anyone would put that fat fuck in his own product other than trying to Garner favoritism with the journo clique
i feel you.
the dev is one of ours and goes/went to , you should support him.
>jim sterling
fucking kek
its alright
looking back I only gave a shit about the catgirl, her friend, and Dorothy
>There's no grimness, no loss of humanity or subordination of the self
That's the point, isn't it?
Jill is a normal person, she doesn't get to see any of that. Do you think any of the salarymen
in your favorite cyberpunk novel actually are impacted by the stories being told? They're not, they live their normal, moderately cozy lives.
This is that idea valhalla is addressing, that beyond all the grim darkness there is a mundane life.
Calling it cyberpunk is obviously dishonest as it blatently refuses to engage with the rules of the genre. It's post-cyberpunk. It takes elements from the genre and rearranges them in a new unfamiliar manner. Which may upset some of the devoted fans of the genre. Such as yourself.
>She's living a life that looks like it could be carrying on in any big city right now
Do you not recognize the beautiful irony of this statement? The social commentary? Any big city right now is a cyberpunk dystopia, it's just not the cool kind.
>That's a dystopia
Have you read dystopian fiction?
The core tenet of the genre is that the futuristic world is pretty good, except that there is something very wrong to an outside observer. This outside observer also tends to be the source of conflict.
In 1984, Winston is a good and faithful party official until he meets Julia who pushes him to join the resistance. Another point is that thought crime is literally impossible, unless you are confronted with it, it is like an infection.
In Farenheit 451, the book Montag finds and reads is the catalyst to realizing that the world is very wrong.
Dystopia does not mean "man this future sure is shit", it means "this future functions and is pretty decent as long as you don't look too much into it".
In that sense, Valhalla absolutely nails this feeling of "this is actually pretty okay, but if you look deeper you're going to get burnt". And I appreciate how mundane Jill struggles are, even as she learn why the Cyberghost haunts her it's still "normal".
tbdesu his ending was my favorite.
He was actually a good guy. But he also was the worst customer by a mile.
>devs had to apologize for giving the next games heroine big tits
why do westerners hate beauty
>One fun fact is that some folks already hate Sam because I was too horny last year and gave her a big bosom, which is understandable but you should know enough about us to trust our judgement in this kinda thing.
This and based
I have a figurative doctorate in romantic comedies
Isn't the protag of the next game supposed to be a milf? Who cares if she has big breasts?
If your Christian mom was telling you not to cut off your genitals and wear a dress like an insane creep she'd probably be right though
The difference is that back then it was justifiably treated as a joke. The devs didn't have to worry about mentally ill people taking it seriously
this is legit pretty based, why can't you play as androgynous twink in every game?
despite making up less than 1% of the population... trannies live rent free in the heads of 100% of Yea Forumstards
Guys, I heard there was shooting in Venezuela. It doesn't sound like anybody knows much. Are the devs going to be ok?
The devs moved out of Venezuela ages ago. Apparently, they live in Japan now.
Saints Row 2 unironically has the best character customization options of any game ever.
are you black?
I wonder how the coup today has impacted the game. I wonder how many people thought that without actually giving a shit about the developers themselves.
don't shoot me
i mean... you need them to be alive to make the game.
You mean sales? Also, did anyone ever confirm it was a coup?
that's bait, right
Why are you so obsessed with trannies?
Why are you so obsessed with him being obsessed with trannies?
Yes it is. The devs were labeled men of "cultural significance" and disallowed from leaving the country.
Why are you so obsessed with him being obsessed with OP being obsessed with trannies?
no, they can leave but they also have families to think about
Aristotle was right when he said option A
I bought it simply because I really liked the sound track
This is a better screensaver than it is a game.
That said, I highly recommend it.
Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela