Fraps Alternatives

I'm looking for an alternative Fraps for taking screenshots.

The free version Fraps has limitations. BPM format is not convenient. What can you advise me as an alterantive?

Attached: 6xvjjv0V-fraps-logo.png (256x256, 29K)

just use your phone bro easy

Steam has a built in screenshot function, just tie your game to it with the "Add a Non-Steam Game" shortcut and press F12 or F11

does your graphics card not come with a built-in mechanism for doing this

OBS should work however


Is it 2006

or just prt scr button on ur keyboard dumb fuck

MSI afterburner.

My Nokia 3310 does not support screenshots.

Attached: 1023.jpg (300x218, 11K)

How about braps?

Attached: 77452cd7ef4c4f1a62c2326f1a337f63.jpg (1300x1770, 176K)