Fraps Alternatives

I'm looking for an alternative Fraps for taking screenshots.

The free version Fraps has limitations. BPM format is not convenient. What can you advise me as an alterantive?

Attached: 6xvjjv0V-fraps-logo.png (256x256, 29K)

just use your phone bro easy

Steam has a built in screenshot function, just tie your game to it with the "Add a Non-Steam Game" shortcut and press F12 or F11

does your graphics card not come with a built-in mechanism for doing this

OBS should work however


Is it 2006

or just prt scr button on ur keyboard dumb fuck

MSI afterburner.

My Nokia 3310 does not support screenshots.

Attached: 1023.jpg (300x218, 11K)

How about braps?

Attached: 77452cd7ef4c4f1a62c2326f1a337f63.jpg (1300x1770, 176K)

pirate fraps

i use msi afterburner/rivatuner

Attached: GRW_2019_03_17_02_08_29_667.png (2560x1440, 3.86M)

I'd suggest shadowplay but you fags probably can't afford a geforce that supports that, so oh well

Are you fucking retarded?
Why would you use an external program for taking fucking screenshots?
Just Win+PrtScreen like a non-mongoloid.

print screen key and mspaint

Your printscreen button broken, guy?


>Just Win+PrtScreen like a non-mongoloid.
Holy shit I had no idea this was a thing
I still paste into microsoft paint and save it

You're the retard.
Win+Printscreen takes a screenshot of the active window. It doesn't take a screenshot at save to file.

Fraps in 2019 wtf

Not him but that would be alt+prntscrn

I just use nvidia shadowplay for screenshots and to record last 15min of gameplay if I wanted it.

It saves to a file, silly

Greenshot or Lightshot

Funny you should say that.

Attached: Screenshot (4).png (1920x1080, 382K)

Read it wrong.
So used to people using alt+printscreen when seeing [key]+printscreen.

Carry on.

This is definitely ebin bait.

Poor people still exist

OBS is free though.


Yeah, I rather use ShareX, thanks.

dxtory free version, I don't remember if fraps does this as well but I like the feature to framecap the game whenever.

Doesn't work on Win7 7601.

>hit print screen
>it captures your desktop screen instead of the game

Ya I'll stick to using shadowplay

Shadowplay, if nvidia
I forgot the name of the AMD equivalent

Steam/origin/uplay most launcher overlays come with a screenshot function
if you play in windowed full-screen you can use most screengrab programs like Puush and ShareX

nobody uses fraps anymore?

what you have to do is print screen then copy/paste into program like paint (ctrl c, v)

prtsc + paint

Your keyboard comes equipped with a key for just this function.

Attached: img_59a7178934c72.png (650x289, 117K)

MSI Afterburner with Rivatuner
100% quality JPGs are very good

has some problems with OpenGL for me, though

Attached: UnrealTournament_2019_04_03_22_57_05_703.jpg (1920x1080, 1.59M)

I have a 1080ti and still use fraps.
Because you literally can not use shadlowplay on its own, you need to install the utterly cancerous geforce experience which will fuck up all configs. Big boys use nvidia inspector which allows for manual and deeper configuration.

OBS is a meme, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Fraps just fucking werks, it's literally the AK-47 of recording software, and ancient piece of shit that just gets the job done without fail.
Meanwhile all alternatives have a hook or get super pissy depending on directx, opengl version or wrapper usage.

You need OBS to record whatever you are playing, then use Sony Vegas to make a repeating video of the single frame you are trying to capture, save it as .avi or whatever you want. Then upload it to Youtube in maximum resolution. Play it in full screen and use Sharex to capture the screen. Now it's saved on your hard drive and you can use it at your will.

ShareX for screenshots
OBS for recording
MSI Afterburner for FPS Counter
Don't use Fraps in 2019 please

>Don't use Fraps in 2019 please


just use unregistered hypercam 2

>which will fuck up all configs
False. You're clearly uneducated and have no idea what you're doing. Have sex.

Use the fucking Snipping Tool.

Unregistered Hypercam 2.

MSI Afterburner

Obs bro

>the year of our lord 2000+19
>still using fraps

Attached: Surely-You-Cant-Be-Serious-In-Airplane-Gif.gif (245x232, 472K)

no more fraps

Just buy a monitor that have FPS with it poorfag lmao

Seconding this guy here, use Lightshot. It can be bound to the print screen key and you can change the dimensions of your caps as you please.



It just works.

Attached: chrome_b3AVd7wb0P.png (78x78, 3K)

>fps counter
>video recording

hell yeah brother

Attached: 1509540883127.png (255x270, 156K)

>windows 7

Attached: 1555550361605.png (280x280, 125K)

i just take screenshots by putting games in fullscreen windowed mode and hitting print screen and then pressing control V on paint or some shit since this type of software can often be buggy, incompatible or set off flags for cheating

but it would be nice to have software that could take 4k screenshots


they chose a cancerous name, but outside for it asking to update once every few months it's pretty legit.

If you're going to use Steam, note that it saves compressed (JPG) screenshots by default, but you can make it save an uncompressed (PNG) copy to disk as well. Pic related.

Attached: steam-screenshot-uncompressed.png (739x584, 36K)

>he doesn't own an external capture device that records uncompressed video to a dedicated computer
What are you, poor?

>he unironically uses windows 10

It doesn't even work right with fucking dx11, how could someone still be using it.

Name a better OS.

Name a worse OS.

I'll name three
>Windows 3.1
>the shitty OS I wrote for a project in uni

90% of desktop linux flavors
Win Vista
FagOS X post-Mavericks

Windows 7


It still works just fine.