I sincerely feel sorry for the sonic fanbase. What died they do to deserve any of this?
I sincerely feel sorry for the sonic fanbase. What died they do to deserve any of this?
Yeah wtf why can't everything be the same and just have a shitty cgi sonic that no one will watch?
>What died they do to deserve any of this?
it's like you havent been on the internet since the early 2000s
Sonic was never good user. This is how it's always been.
One of the only reasons that I'm religious is because I somehow grew out of my furry, Sonic OC drawing phase before I hit puberty and developed into a functioning adult.
I still get hopeful every time a new Sonic game is announced though, and more often than not I regret it.
>shitty cgi sonic that no one will watch?
night of the werehog was good
>Ugandan Knuckles
>Bench Tails
It's the trifectum of Sonic memes, they get exactly what they deserve.
CWC has already done enough to merit punishment for the entire fanbase.
years and years of autism. They totally deserve it.
How long have you been feeling sorry for them? post-Sonic Adventure 1?
Is that a trick question or have you been away from the internet for a couple of decades?
>feeling sorry
You shouldn't. The only good thing is the straight and lesbian porn. As for the fanbase, it's mainly retarded with a lot of diapers and shit fetish.
This. They utterly deserve it. I mean it's still pretty cruel but it's just.
christian sonic art is a major part of the sonic fandom
They made a Sonic game that was actually good
those autists deserve to suffer.
There's been like three good Sonic games in the last twenty years so it's not like disappointment is a new thing to them.
You sound fucking dumb
It might be hard for you to imagine, OP.
But there was a point in time that the Sonic fanbase was the undisputed king of autism.
That was before Tiny Horse show came along and stomped that title into the fucking ground.
>furry Yea Forumsirgin religitard
Every fandom in the internet has its bad and eccentric sides, not just Sonic's. You might as well say that every fandom deserves decades and decades of awful and terrible games plus one garbage movie since they have some bad fans.
Why? I like Sonic, this movie is utter cancer as expected, but I'm just laughing about it and going back to playing vidya
>no one will watch
I guarantee you that if the movie were a traditional CGI movie, people would be much more eager to see it over this.
These are the consequences of their actions
i'd have shitty CGI over all the infinite burger army wank
I can't think of any fanbase worse than Sonic besides maybe Smashfags.
somebody want this?
It would be impossible at this moment for the Super Mario Brothers movie trailer to be worse than this
>Feeling sorry for Sonic fanbase
They deserve everything they are getting.
The point is not which one is the worst. The point is, again, all fandoms have their own quantity of bad, immature and crazy fans. Personally, I don't see the fun on discussing which fandom is the worst, anyway.
>its bad and eccentric sides
Sonic is ALL bad and 'eccentric' (ie insane and degenerate), they deserve the hell they receive
Generalization is a fallacy.
Some KHfans were pretty wild, though it seems to have died down in the past few years.
what about the undertale fandom?
At this point, the sonic fanbase is like a beaten housewife with stockholm syndrome. How can one fanbase take this much abuse over the last like, 15 years, and still be loyal? Y'all need an intervention baka
Genuine question, what is it about the Sonic games' character designs that attracts so many autistic people?
Kill me
Simple, bright colors. Round shapes. Animals, so they're soft and furry.
will we EVER get a good vidya movie?
this can't be real
We already did: Sonic OVA.
Mortal Kombat happened
Mahvelfags and Darkstalkersfags to say at least.
Miserable cunts deserve to get dragged out into the streets and gunned down like the degenerates they are.
Nah I'm good
Feel sorry for what?
You're telling me you didn't like Doom?
not good
If we're only talking about live action, the Ace Attorney movie was great and it was obviously directed by someone who played and like the games.