Why do people mad about MK11 females again?
This looks great to me.
Mortal Kombat 11
Because politics have no place in my over the top fighting game .
Graphics wise yeah sure design wise hell no
where are the politics, peter
What exactly bad about Kitana's design compared to previous entries - 9 and X.
It's nowhere near as good as her mk2-mkt costumes
She looks like superhero and not a fighter
You know where turbo nigger
Honestly where though? I get it if you don't like the realistic look but that has nothing to do with politics.
jesus... the autism
"politics" is probably not the right word, but it certainly feels like they're reaching for a different audience
>Shao Khan
>Jax ending
>Female designs
The Jax ending is the biggest non-issue in the fucking game
>Jax uses time powers to make the world a utopia for everyone on Earth
>This is somehow a bad thing
Nigger, you asked I have you an answer.
>Tires of waiting for ppl to get woke
>women finally look like women and not drag queens
>outfits are stylistically pleasant with the ability to change them
>for a game that gave memorable fapbait, they cut back hard on it
why hasnt anyone replied to this? shills, pls respond to this. convince me to buy this game by proving this poster wrong. you fucking pussies
He's not wrong
I know you are memeing, but still fuck you and fuck your dad.
unironically kill yourself retard.
Anyway , that have no place here.
>this company is following the most popular and mainstream design philosophy of its day
>which is what they did back when everything was over the top and campy
Yeah so that doesn't read so much of SJW politics as it does a shift towards "realism" that you're seeing in just about everything.
Making the world a better place has been a theme since MK1. I'd say it belongs.
While I do agree that what they were saying about wanting to be "respectful" in their design is dumb, male characters being shirtless/partially shirtless (and some of those aren't even the default costumes) is not very comparable to how female characters were dressed in MK9 for example. And for Kotal Kahn, his design was specifically modeled after a specific Aztec look/outfit.
Because they don't look like slutty big tiddy anime girls. They had the same complaints about the last two MK games, except now they post wojaks and cry about trannies instead of just feminists.
have sex incels have sex incels have sex incels have sex incels have sex incels have sex have sex have sex have sex have sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
>>outfits are stylistically pleasant with the ability to change them
I agree, to be quite honest other than them not showing off much skin, I never really got the people who were complaining about how the designs/outfits in 11 look bad/ugly, I think most of them are pretty interesting. Of course I'm not defending them all, there's a few that I really don't like the look of (e.g. Jacqui's default, most of Jade's are good but her brown hood one is kind of meh) but I like most of them.
She cute
yeah kitana isn't bad. i just don't like the x-com space-age plastic armor that they seem to have fallen back on for a lot of the costumes. on top of jacqui's and frost's lame costumes, they traded in cassie's cool bodysuit for another boring flak jacket design that looks like every other character's new redesign
>They had the same complaints about the last two MK games
Post screenshots that prove that, mong, the female characters in MK9 still retained their attractiveness
I know this is weird, but why revenant Kitana is so hot? Same goes to Jade, revenant versions of both characters are much hotter than actual human versions.
Is about why they did not because of how much skin they are showing .
Frost kinda makes sense since she's a cyborg, which I really like the idea of. Her default hair (the longer one where she has side bangs) is pretty ugly though, but her face is cute. It's ironic since I always hated Frost's spiked up hair in the previous games but I think it looks good on her in this game. But yeah I do sort of agree that some of her outfits are too bulky and clunky looking. I don't really like that one alt for Cassie where she has the full body armor, it looks dumb as fuck but I like her default. Jacqui's alts are actually good, why did they choose the worst looking one for her normal outfit.
Why does the console version graphics look so shit?
because the piss4 is garbage
You will NEVER EVER EVER pass for a female. I want you to know that. You're balding. You're fat around the gut. You have a fucking weak chin but it looks like you have double chin not female attributes. Oh and you're hairy as fuck LMAO LMAO LMAO!
Yeah go join 'em fucking failure.
God Frost looks like that kid who always got bullied and would try to ruin everyone's fun because of it. It fits her character perfectly.
i still love her
thats the Switch version though
it looks fine might look better on pc
Females in mortal combat should have exposed butt cheeks and breast.
>NRS shills in full K O P E mode
Dressing up male fighting game characters in gimp suits really isn't and shouldn't be an issue, especially on something like Mortal Kombat. Shao Kahn's most famous outfit looks like bondage wear. I mean, a dude like Voldo wouldn't look out of place in MK.
That's not even Skarlett's default skin, retard
no im not
yes you are
>Is there a wiki or something?
Ok I laughed
no im not
>old MK fatalities
>sick sense of glory, often makes a macabre trophy out of the opponent
>mk11 fatalities
>lmao just pulverize the body and zoom in on the giblets
They both look like shit
>ever being hot except barely wearing any clothing
She's literally she-Goro, she actually looks more like a member of her race now.
Why do the women have such square asses?
well for one thing that's a robot, user
>sHe WaS nEvEr mEaNt tO bE hOt
so you want to fuck four armed giantess?
Based and gaypilled.
Okay really though, Sonya's MK9 outfit is retarded.
Show of hands. How many of you guys in this thread go on Yea Forums just to be called an incel by someone who clearly doesn't belong here? Just trying to prove a point.
> he doesn't wants to fuck a four armed giantess
big gay
It's funny how many responses there are to this that you still haven't responded to you colossal faggot.
in reality it makes sense. A male can fight bare chested without problems. It's a lot more difficult for a woman to fight in lingerie with tits jiggling,or in an awkward bikini that goes up her ass