Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
ye bro im satisfied.
ima drop it for a bit because a friend sold me his psp-3001 for 25 bucks. the battery was swelling and shit so i tossed it and bought some random chinese one that came with a wall charger on ebay. waiting for that to come in the mail, wonder how easy it'll be to hack this.
Been comfy.
Good post. Here, have some candy
what games are worth getting for online? i have a modded one but i want to go online for super mario maker and animal crossing, maybe smash bros and tetris. is there anything out now or on the horizon that is made better by online?
no P5 port so no. gonna sell my switch for a ps4
it's collecting dust until mario maker comes out. also i will never not be pissed about the unrealized potential of the switch as a virtual console machine. fuck nintendo.
still waiting for more games to come out before I get mine
Fuck's it to ya, huh?
Wondering how long it will take for SNES games to come.
They've already put out most of the Nintendo published NES catalog, and I can't imagine it being cheap to get the third party games since having them in a "free" service lowers their value in compilations.
Only reason I touch the switch is for smashing bros.
New nintendo games plus last gen ports. I'm satisfied, and i can play them on the go. Definitely satisfied.
The Path of Pain is kicking my ass, what do
Yaaa I’m downloading the FF12 remaster right now, The switch could use like 100 QOL features but I am enjoying it so far
Meh, after beating Mario and botw I haven’t played it much
Haven't played it in a week. It's just sitting in the dock station.
could have just kept your gamecube and saved $1200 on the last 3 consoles and games
i barely used my joycons and they are already drifting
That's too extreme. Just save money and buy a used PS4. P5R ain't coming out til next year in the west.
go take a shower
I sure have been ever since I made the switch to full piracy fuck off if you even dare to say that that was an intended joke you COCKSUCKING TRIPLE NIGGER. Fitness Boxing's fun and i get to make my own waifu
Splatoon machine
Have you bought an USB-C Extender yet so you don't need to dock your switch every time?
come up with that one all by yourself?
No I sold it to pay rent
Your mom had a hand in it
My nigga
bring a clothspin to evo
>Are you enjoying your Switch Yea Forums?
Yes there's a lot I'm looking forward to buying.
Astral Chain
Animal Crossing
Torna DLC
Pokemon Shield
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
Persona 5: Scramble
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet
bought one to play smash but now I dont feel like playing anything else on it :(
Any recommendations for more interesting joycons? I only have the greys that came with my system. I'd be down to buy a new shell or stickers if they're decent quality, but idk any sites for it outside dbrand and they have a very limited selection.
Liked it for about a year or so but haven't found any decent games worth playing since Legend of Zelda. Picked up a PS4 and I'm seriously spoiled for choice now.
I guess. I've only been play Botw recently, but I've been to busy with school and work lately to play any games. Has anything come out recently that I should pick up or is there anything coming out soon that I should look into? I've been seeing people talk about that upcoming Fire Emblem game, but I've never played one before.
Eh, kinda waiting on Astral Chain later this year. Finished BotW a few weeks ago though, was a blast.
Think about to buy myself Monster Hunter XX, i dont know why but i dont get the old MH Feeling with world on my pc
There is a demo for that, you can test it
no i fucking hate it and nintendo
they fucking baited me in 2017
fuck nintendo
make games, assholes
I'm playing XX/GU while waiting for iceborn, still seems like a decent number of people are playing it to slog through low rank guild quests.
I'd love more to play more indie exclusives.
Golf Story was fucking great, it's a shame the only exclusives now are first party games like Mario because i hate platformers and babby games. I only play Splatoon 2 and Smash ATM
Do I buy dragons dogma or FF12.........
Been keeping me up at night
Yeah, I'm playing PW3 Deluxe. If I finish it before Peachball, then I'll get Hyrule Warriors to tide me over. I'm currently at the battle of Marineford.
Can't wait for FE3H
I decided to buy one after they announced RF4 and 5. Waited for a good deal, and since then I've been on a buying spree. I already have a small backlog, and that's just from getting things on sale. There's still plenty of games on my wishlist, so I'm satisfied with the library as is.
I'm currently playing BOTW which I borrowed, and just bought Katamari and Smash. I got a pro controller but I mostly play in handheld mode.
Absolutely no regrets. I've had it for 6 months, take it to work, and play it everyday. The few frustrations I have are mostly with how Nintendo handles content and features.
At this point though i'm a little tired of the library though. I wish there were more 3D adventure games. Many of the popular indie games feel very similar (2D sidescrolling metroidvania). Looking forward to RE4. And AC.
The Eshop is a mess too. So many shitty looking indie games flood the store at 90% off literally on day of release, its hard to tell whats actually a good deal. They really should have some kind of rating system. Also fuck Nintendo for not having Netflix, and giving us the absolute minimum customization options. Its been 2 years and still only Black or White themes wtf?
Just FYI Stardew Valley is overrated, BOTW turely is kind of a bore, Smash is only fun if you have friends to play with (online or offline) and Oddyssey is fantastic and the best exclusive for the system.