What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Being released with steam machines. Its a great controller, still use it regularly
It's ugly af. Aesthetics matter.
Nothing much, it works really well for the most part, and the customization options are insane
[Spoiler]really needs a 2nd joystick for FPS though[/spoiler]
Nothing, it's the GOAT controller. Using it for RoR2 currently.
Based retard, both on fucking up the spoiler and having a fucking retarded opinion.
Track pad is why it's better for aiming than an average controller.
Learn to spoiler you stupid fucking idiot
are there any genres that this controller excels at or is poor at? I'm shopping around for a controller at the moment
Excels at everything as long as you put the work into it, 3D platfomers and GTA style games with driving and shootan if you don't, doesn't work well for 2D Platformers and Fightan
Mainly marketing and being to different
It's not a replacement for the two analog controller that is the standard today
More like a midway point between controller and mouse
Good piece of tech, but nobody has done anything great with it so it kinda just exists if you have money and want to try something cool
It feels really good for games with souls/sekiro-like controls and other third-person games. The controller goes on sale often for at least 40% off though so I would wait until summer sale to purchase.
best controller but might suck for games leaning heavily on d-pad like fighters (never tried them)
>trackpads give almost mouse like movemoent
>can be configured to behave like a stick if you like inferior things
>infinite customisability
>can just use trackpads with clicking them to forgo the face buttons entirely
>never lose camera control so you never have to claw
>can be used on games that don't even support controllers with its infinite customisability
>short and long presses can be customised to do different things
>grip buttons
>trackpads live longer than sticks
>uses AA batteries
>can be used wired or wireless
>on sales, costs 35$ on steam sales 45$ on gamestop
My favorite thing to do is to make it so that I take my fingers off of inputs as little as possible while I'm using it. This is my RoR2 loadout
>Slight pull of the right trigger for primary shooting ability, full pull to activate ability that was formerly on the right bumper
>Left trigger for secondary attack
>Tap the aiming trackpad for movement/shield abilities.
>Left and right backpaddles for jump and sprint
I never have to fumble my finger between bumpers and triggers now and it feels wonderful.
thanks anons. Sounds right up my alley. Last Q: is its use limited to steam or can you use it with other applications like emulators? Sorry if this is question is stupid but I want to make sure before I drop cash.
>The controller goes on sale often for at least 40% off though so I would wait until summer sale to purchase.
>trackpads live longer than sticks
this in particular is making this controller attractive for me. My 360 controller's stick didn't last long at all.
You have to run the program through Steam because the controller customization stuff is run through there.
Emulators should be fine once you add them to steam. Non-Steam games that open up a window before opening up the game tend to fuck up though which is a massive pain in the ass.
Fucking touchpads instead of sticks
Honestly nothing much I think. The controller is fantastic and can be used in a variety of ways. The only thing I'd argue that could be better is I'd prefer if the shoulder buttons weren't as bulky and I'd prefer the left trackpad to be a d-pad instead.
They should cut out the stick for a dpad or figure out how to make it switcheroo.
Nothing, i really like mine
trackpads instead of trackball
>No haptic feedback
>Can only do aiming
Nuh uh stupido
Only issue I had with Steam controller is the bumpers are too high up relative to the triggers (can't slide your fingers between them easily), and the face buttons have a kinda offputting squish quality to them.
It has a high IQ requirement
>No haptic feedback
Haptic feedback is the memest of memes.
>Can only do aiming
Gee it can only do the most important thing it can possibly do to be mouse like in gamepad form factor.
You immediately lose the ability to touch the pad to activate gyro which is one of the most valuable things the steam controller has.
BG NO RE, retard.
The gyro it has is pure meme and is on par with PS4's. It suffers from unusable gyro drift. If you find it acceptable you have extremely low standards.
Nothing wrong with the new one. It's just like flat and embarrassing, man. But you're young so that's why you think that. Well maybe if you do spend the whole night in the garage and you get sick you feel better. Is that a doctor? What Kind of strange things happen when you hold the spellbook? The controller honestly isn't even worse than any of the franchises represented in corn husks and steamed broccoli. Good morning.
Having a touch pad emulate a thumb stick is the fucking worst. It should have two thumb sticks and two touch pads.
>Everything I don't like I call 'meme'
Shut the fuck up kid.
Is still a stealth marketing thread? I just can't even tell anymore.
>performance characteristics are utter shit, only a pleb with no standards would find acceptable
>s-stop calling it a meme!
just kys already
No using the track pads as sticks is the best so long as you're using them right. Joysticks suck.
The only real problem with the controller is people keep thinking of it like a regular controller, they don't read guides, they use default bindings or ones set up by devs who don't play games with the controller.
People are against playing shooters with controllers and they consider the Steam Controller in the same league.
What they need to do is make a more solid built premium controller with an internal battery, better motion aiming with a sensor like the new Oculus headset, pressure sensitive buttons and bumpers, and ACTUALLY show what it's capable of, show someone playing Dark Souls and changing items with the edges of the right pad while dashing or something. The demo videos for this controller were so dumb "You can aim and shoot with one trigger press!" Why not show that the full press can be melee or using an item, the controller can do that and it won't accidentally shoot your gun.
How about you try explaining your point for once you autistic piece of shit. Who is nobody, how are yiu so certain when people are calling to question the basis of your reasoning? You're not infallible. Explain yourself clearly you cowardly, inept fuck.
I did explain. Trackpads are inferior to trackballs for aiming and the gyro suffers from gyro drift. Trackpads are inferior because they rely upon detecting differences in the shape of input rather than a laser tracking a precise surface for example on a trackball. Trackpad will never ever be equal to trackball or mouse for aiming and adding haptic feedback to the pad to simulate a trackball is like taping a card to your rims to emulate a motorbike.
I really liked it when I was using it for Dark Souls 3 and some other stuff.
I really didn't like it when I was using it for emulating older consoles.
The face buttons are kinda weak but the back paddles, triggers, bumpers, stick, and trackpads are good.
they conceded to casuals and replaced the four left face buttons with an analog stick
the controller would have been much better with its original design
analog sticks are easily the least functional input device and they need to be gotten rid of for good
also that it requires steam running and has no basic xinput mode to just function like a controller for games that have issues with steam overlay, which basically disables any configs you try to set
That controller is fucking awful. Who though haptic-feedback tracking pads was better than analog sticks? I use my switch pro controller to play steamgames when I can.
>The only real problem with the controller is people keep thinking of it like a regular controller, they don't read guides, they use default bindings or ones set up by devs who don't play games with the controller.
You really are just better off making all of your own configs from scratch because holy shit the default configs and most user configs are fucking terrible.
It's god tier for fps games compared to other controllers, but it's a pile of shit when compared to kb/m.
It's unusable for platformers, character action games and everything else, so it only gets used when I feel like playing an FPS in bed, which is fucking never.
People give it way too much shit for platformers. Turn off d-pad click, turn haptics to high, you now have a perfectly serviceable d-pad.
Look at it
They wasted billions of development money and time on it when that could have gone to Half-Life 3 instead.
I'm more than sure they didn't waste billions of dollars developing the steam controller.
They ditched the original design.
How do you go from this...
You can use GloSC to run anything, it tricks steam into displaying an overlay over any program you want.