I'm going to play one or the other.
Tyranny or Shadowrun Returns?
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I don’t give a single fuck which game an anonymous teenager plays. Make a decision by yourself for once in your worthless life.
Tyranny is more interesting. Shadow Run Returns was kind of dull. Apparently the Dragonfall one is better.
I've played both returns and dragonfall and the later is leagues better desu, haven't played Hong Kong though, tyranny was alright, I'd say it's better than returns desu, even though I like the turn based tactical combat way more.
Pathfinder kingmaker, trannies o eternity or battlecuck if you actually want to play crpg
Skip Returns, get Hong Kong or Dragonfall
This. Returns is more like a demo of what the engine can do. Like the original campaign in NWN1.
Dragonfall is the best of the three, but Returns isn't bad. I actually prefer Returns over Hong Kong.
during sales they sell the whole shadowrun bundle for peanuts if you wait a month or so.
tyranny i couldn't get into, at all. the writing was too packed with hyperlinks that led to more walls of text with more hyperlinks. the wikipedia-esque presentation of dialogue just lost me.
Too bad they limited the editor so much that people never really got interested in doing things with the engine.
Funny. I liked Dragonfall the least.
What is Tyranny
The game looked like a high-end mobile game.
Ignore people telling you to skip Returns. If you're new to Shadowrun you want to start with Returns as it eases you into the setting and mechanics. Dragonfall is the best game but I still would play Returns first.
Tyranny is better.
>extremely linear and virtually no room for exploration
>inventory/resource management is non-existent: companions get new items spawned in their inventory for free between missions
>virtually no interaction with the world: you can't even attack npcs
>bioware-tier writing, with a railroaded plot and companions dryly expositing their predictably sappy backstories in between missions
>butchers the shadowrun ruleset/mechanics in favour of mmo-esque mechanics, everything is on a fucking cooldown
>baby's first turn-based combat where enemies are artificially gimped and pose no threat (e.g. the enemy can only attack ONCE per turn, whereas there is no restriction on how many times your own characters can attack per turn)
>atrocious mobile/ipad interface
This is my experience playing Dragonfall, but it applies to all three Shadowrun games. They're the definition of boring, streamlined mediocrity.
This. I was new to Shadowrun, and I thought Returns was a great intro.
I also got it on GOG. Really love that game. Never understood the hate the game got here. It is better than other Obsidian games by a longshot.
>>inventory/resource management is non-existent: companions get new items spawned in their inventory for free between missions
Returns doesn't give you a team of companions. You may have Jake with you on a few missions and Coyote on a few but otherwise you have to hire your team. That's why you don't handle their inventory, you only control the MC.
>Returns doesn't give you a team of companions.
I know, but most of the other points I listed still apply to Returns.
A pretty cool 80's album.
>I also got it on GOG. Really love that game. Never understood the hate the game got here. It is better than other Obsidian games by a longshot.
It's inferior to Pillars of Eternity in every way (which was already one of Obsidian's weakest games)
You're supposed to be evil, but you can't do anything as evil as Pillars of Eternity
You can't even kill whoever you want, unlike Pillars of Eternity
You're supposed to be Judge Dredd, but no one respects your authority and you're treated like a chore boy doing fetch quests for everyone
Stronghold is even more annoying and unnecessary than Pillars of Eternity
Combat is Pillars of Eternity except casualized to the extreme
Lantry is the only good character, everyone else sucks
Shit cliffhanger ending for a trilogy when there's not gonna be a second game, as if that isn't bad enough, they add in DLC with a dumb meaningless chapter about the beastmen
Speaking of the beastmen, fuck the beastmen, cringe fucks
Kills-In-Shadows might be the worst party member in the history of CRPGs
Game railroads you into going against Kyros. Yeah, they added a new patch a year later. Too late, nigger.
>Insatiable bloodlust for violence and slaughter
>Unapologetic killer
>Not evil
>Tenaciously loyal
>Unless she sees a weakness
Who the hell writes this crap?
Megan Starks
Fuck shadowrun returns, the entire campaign was as long as a single major questline in most other rpgs.
>Unapologetic killer
>Not evil
Standard Delta Force elite soldier behavior.
>Tenaciously loyal
>Unless she sees a weakness
Standard beta wolf behavior.
Shadowrun, but only Dragonfall or Honk Kong.
should have been pathinder cuckmaker
>The Outer Worlds: Interview with Senior Narrative Designer Kathryn Megan Starks
by Bryan Vitale, 07 December, 2018
The future is bright,let me pretend I'm blind.
That's because they decided to offer the backers a second campaign during the Kickstarter. If they had voted for more Seattle the game would have been more filled out but instead they voted for Berlin so HBS had to create the original Dragonfall DLC at the same time.
>beta wolf
That's not a thing. Wolf packs are families. The "alphas" are the parents, and the "betas" are the children.
>Game railroads you into going against Kyros. Yeah, they added a new patch a year later. Too late, nigger.
they did? man that was one of my major gripes with the game, first playthrough I wanted to remain loyal to kyros but wasn't able too.
Tyranny. Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hong Kong are both great games. Returns fucking sucks and is a literal tech demo.
I can't speak for Tranny, but Shadow Run is okay. Easy, and if you go rigger, prepare to never see the ending due to a game breaking bug.
Also, the dialogue is terrible and the story is bad. Not a bad game, but has bad parts.
Tyranny was one of the few games where the writing actually stood out to me as being really bad. Usually it's not something I'd notice but the writing is overall way too goofy for the setting it's in
I love Shadowrun but I'm biased because I love cyberpunk in general
Returns was good (except for this one section near the end where you have to kill bugs with a specific weapon) but Dragonfall is MUCH better
Been playing through Hong Kong on and off and I really like the atmosphere of it a lot
What is this game breaking bug?
I went into this game completely blind and when that Character showed up I straight up said fuck this and uninstalled the game
Agreed they are really overrated
And Pillars 2 managed to outdo Tyranny in the shitty writing department.