What's your favorite Warcraft race Yea Forums?
What's your favorite Warcraft race Yea Forums?
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Humans, you filthy criminal
Your other thread already got deleted? Great.
Draenei with nice tits that got the OPs last thread trashed. Draenei with nice horsecocks, which I'll dump in a few minutes to get OPs thread blasted again.
Who /nelf/ here?
Unplayable: forest trolls :c
This but slightly less gay and way more angry.
Scyther, I'm told.
Pandaren because I want a Pandaren wife. Pandas are made for human men.
Draenei because I want to fuck the females. That's all. I don't even play the game. Cheers.
You posted it.
Shame I can't play as a goddess like this on Classic. Ah well.
Maybe one day we get official re-release of TBC.
I wanna rub their hooves.
>want to play classic
>want to play as fem draenei
Why can't I be happy?
Being a High Elf fan is suffering
A few years down the line it will progress to BC and you can race change.
Elves need to fuck off, there's too many of you fuckers
Demon hunter.
I feel ya
I love draenei!
You ruined it. You ruined it and I'm leaving.
Murloc is for the white men.
>posting that abomination
Please leave.
Selama ashal'anore
>free side rice
>no free refill
>being a goathooved tentacle mexican with the most annoying voice lines and combat shouts in the game
>running animation looks like you just pooped your pants and are trying not to open your ass up too much as you waddle to the bathroom
draenei are the worst fucking race in the game and its not even close
I want that bathroom picture with the hello kitty stickers
I wish I could sneak em into classic
hooves >>>> feet
The one with cute tall girls that have neat skin colors.
Unironically Kul Tiran females
Only reason I would want to resub to wow
But fuck that game
Draenei, humans, female elves, dwarves, gnomes
>want to fuck male draenei, male humans, male dwarves, male gnomes
>Resub for a month
>Slut my blood elf ass in RP servers
>get a few clients that want more of me so much they gift me more sub time
Living the life
You have upgraded from Slut to Prostitute!
Now all you need are apprentice sluts, and you can upgrade to Pimp!
Typical blood elf player, you prefer orc or turen clients?
no shoes
Despite being a massive footfag, Naga. They just have a god tier aesthetic.
>"There are too many fantasy races in my fantasy roleplaying game!"
Race power ranking:
1. Human
2. Dorf(ignore their less desirable subraces)
3. High Elf(ignore their less desirable subraces)
4. Night Elf
5. Gnome
6. Goat girls(ignore the males)
7. Tauren(if they weren't horde)
8. Tuskarr
9. Ogres
10. Vrykul
... power gap
9001. Assorted Horde niggers.
>dude NIGGERS lmao
The state of WoW incels.
Btw, only trannies would unironically play the nu alliance of WoW.
I have more Tauren boyfriends for a reason.
Tauren players are mostly terrible at the job but fucking a stupid brute makes it better
Despite making up only 13% of Azeroth's total population elves make up 56% of Horde characters and are responsible for 40% of all raid wipes.
Based refugees welcome poster. We might get the trannies and furfags, but at least we don't have to put up with you. Dumb nigger.
big TRUE
>(((elves))) being that high
I didn't think i had to explain, they're just there for sex. Otherwise the list would just be Human, Dorf, and gnomes because they're cute.
Trolls have a weird furfag following
why are fem belfs so thirsty and submissive? whenever i log in on a low level alt to poke some fun in a rp way any fem belf ends up wanting the dick even if i didnt have any intention to erp
orcs are the one mudhut race that actually wear shoes tho
Your /pol/ memes are just cringe at this point. It's objectively true that the alliance is for faggots like you.
Draenei all the way.
fuck no shoes mudhut niggers
>ooga booga cringe muh boogeyman
Put on some shoes tranny nigger.
>Female humans will never exist
Why even bother.
*looks at your pp*
Lightforged Draenei of course!
That's not a Draenei
Zandalari is a big girl
Basically just an ugly night elf that needs to see a dentist. Blizz could have made them cute, but they still look like the beta to me.
Post the other pic of that OC with the big dick
>nigger is now a pol meme
fuck off
Right. THIS is a draenei.
I wish female humans were real
They exist, but the problem is that you don't exist to them.
Draenei are so hot but I hate their lore so much
the Horde is waiting for you :^)
Kosh'agal! Blood for blood!
We will share our ways
There's no reason for pandas to be that tall
People actually played this boomer garbage?
I think it's mice, but it was the first step toward the alliance being the refugee faction, the core identity of the horde.
why the fuck are you spouting about refugees then
rent free
Blood elves. They’re so cute and I love their tragic backstory and affinity for magic.
rent free of what?
The Horde are literally invaders, slaughtering their ennemies and breeding with their women.
That's the opposite of refugees.
Meanwhile you have the nu alliance with nu-humans and their lapdogs and the human prince is literally a twink who enjoys horsecocks of Draenei futas into his boipussy.
This is the gayest picture on the internet right now. That includes all the gay porn.
>literally invaders, slaughtering their enemies and breeding with their women.
>That's the opposite of refugees.
Maybe 500 years ago it was
what about this one?
>ugly night elf
Female trolls have their own savage beauty.
>breeding with their women.
Orcs don't actually do that, even with the draenei it was occasional
god i want to watch her get bred by that brute
>tfw no cute depressed Forsaken gf
The Orcs almost genocided the Humans, had no problem destroying the High Elves, killed Cenarius, nuked Theramore, and recently invaded the entire nelves territory.
you just know
> it was occasional
Lmao of course we do. Night Elves women are literally addicted to our cocks. Ask yourselves why Tyrande made no baby with Malfurion.
>Ask yourselves why Tyrande made no baby with Malfurion.
Too busy fucking her cat.
shh dont tell them, let those cuc.ks take care of my kids.
Agreed. WoW ruined a lot of things.
I know brother but it's so funny to see them being in denial.
The only reason we told Sylv to fuck off was because she was about to genocide our breeding stock. And we don't want that.
loyalty: pledged
it could've been just fine if they had the "naaru are pumping demons with yellow" direction from the get go and keep the draenei and good eredar separate races. give them a more interesting direction instead of "the light protects us, except when orcs make roads out of our bones" and people keep toothy old dudes from WC3/sexy space goat waifus
Blood Elves! My wife is a Blood Elf Futanari addicted to semen (magic).
Holy Eredar would have been dumb but I could have accepted it, merging the Draenei with Eredar was really fucking weird though.
Which race is in demand the most right now, nelf, belt or draeneis? I'm gonna make a new f-list profile
big FAT panda boys
I like the draenei lore, eredar retcon and all that. My only problem is that it is too sci-fi for warcraft, the scale is too big.
Probably belf, it's boring but it's always popular. Like vanilla. Draenei only if you have a big sweaty horsecock.
>hordefag replies to his own autistic cuck fantasy post
Like pottery
Whitemane makes me want to play as fem human priest
Would a shadow priest be more fun than a mage?
>just fapbait elves with horns and hooves instead of the cool aesthetic from WC3
Blizzard went downhill really quick
I'd agree, but we've had a minimum of two worlds since the relatively grounded days of Warcraft 1. Obviously making it cosmic/galaxy scale was a big fucking mistake, but it's not like it's a new development.
It's just the lore of the game. Now go back to /pol/.
Always Draenei.
No you are right. Sci-fi is the wrong issue, I think it's the cosmic size, with crazy light gods and void space monstera.
Ah I want to play as draenei shaman
Sci-fi goes with teh cosmic size.
They completely killed the fantasy setting in one expac.
>in one expac
Legion? or you mean tbc
Cute gnome, she seems like she wouldn't burn my food nearly as much as that panda did
god i wish human females were real
"Fuck off with this cuck fantasy shit! My son Lansthasfasanill is the perfect night elf baby and he looks just l-like me!! NightELF woman are 100% loyal and 100,000 years of night elf evolution has made them prefer small 3 inch NE penises"
I like goblins.
Problem is that Burning Crusade turned the Twisting Nether into space. It didn't used to be space. It was just like a weird other dimension. You could still have had the Draenei retcon without SPACE SHIPS.
Unironically Pandaren women
holy kek
I want to eat big tauren dick.
>f-fuck you le political boogeyman, m-my cuck fantasy is LORE
tfw I’ve beem considering making a profile for Whitemane on f-list for a while now
As I remember it, the Twisting Nether used to be a vaguely chaotic backstage of reality where weird shit happened, but you could also tap into it a bit to juice up your spells, which leads eager mages down the path to warlock stuff. To the point that Fire magic was considered suspicious.
Of course, it's now the result of the Light/Void smacking into each other, and is green space, and has nothing to do with magic, or specifically Arcane magic with a capital A. I'm mad about this change.
Fanart Goblin females are by far the best. When done right nothing compares.
If you're talking classic, remember no transmog so you won't get to wear your chapeau endgame.
If you're talking retail it doesn't matter what you pick it's all the same.
I can wear it while erping.
cute af
Night Elves.
>"nigger, refugee, nigger ahahah, totally not /pol/"
>*gets reminded that we are talking about a video game and that the horde races are the alpha ones and that it's literally canon that the orcs are breeding the females of their ennemies*
>"muuuh cuck fantasy"
Mage on paper sounds so awesome but I don't want to be a frostbolt bot
Go for it user, I personally will make a Tyrande, and cum my brains out on fat orc cocks
>and that it's literally canon that the orcs are breeding the females of their ennemies
user you didn't spell enemies right but also that's not canon at all.
>Yes it is
Then link it, this isn't hard
It was basically the warp from Warhammer. The problem is that I guess nobody at Blizzard cared to notice that the warp has nothing inherently to do with space, it's another dimension. But being idiots they thought that the warp WAS space.
I still don't understand why Tauren females don't have 4 tits instead.
Aaaaah I don't know what to play
I like fem orcs and fem undead
I’ve got too many profiles on there already so I doubt I will though I’ve said this like five times now before making another profile on a whim for a character I like so who knows. Her ojou-sama laugh and urge2purge would make her pretty fun to erp as and pairs well with my degenerate kinks.
>Garona Halforcen is a half-orc[2] half-draenei,[3]
Again go back to /pol/
>fem undead
My brother.
Same reason they have hands instead of hooves, it's called anthropomorphization. The arbitrary rules of what parts get humanized and what don't are up to the designer, not you.
>pointing out a single example, of which there are no others
This isn't helping your case, in fact that shows that it's so unusual, it has only happened once ever.
Gul'dan literally forced both of Garona's parents to fuck, good job not actually checking out your own source
>moving the goalpost
You say that it was a cuck fantasy, you have an exemple right here.
We are talking about WoW, it's for children, ofc they won't expend on it and create more characters resulting from a rape, cross-breeding or not.
That's not what i was replying about. Also sauce on this, it's not on the page.
is there more? what could she want them in her private chambers for? I has to know
>You say that it was a cuck fantasy, you have an exemple right here.
user, YOU said that "it's literally canon that the orcs are breeding the females of their ennemies" and there's not even any proof of that in what you posted.
>We are talking about WoW, it's for children, ofc they won't expend on it and create more characters resulting from a rape, cross-breeding or not.
So what you're actualy saying is, there's no proof for what you're saying. ok.
>That's not what i was replying about.
Yes, you were moving the goalposts entirely. Also Garona's backstory has changed since Warcraft 1. She was half human and half orc at first, and was made through magic by Gul'Dan, not sex.
>this autistically desperate for a made up cuck fantasy
Pathetic, user
So dreanei being the child of an orc warrior and a drenaei woman is cuck fantasy.
well they're called high elves, where else would they be?
>daddy tattoo
Now we're talking!
>hot muscular draenei daddy
fuck off faggot
>draenei men will never look like this in-game
I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei so badly.
Underneath human men being bred.
I need to make halflings with her.
they look kinda good
fuck me yourself, you coward!
Their legs are smaller than their arms and they run silly
thats my fetish
i like panderens depiction more out of the game than ingame also the fact they have really short cocks but with a extreme girth and massive balls
cute hoofs
So are dreaneifags just the opposite of footfags?
I want a Panda wife
All the way in, please.
i also like goblins, but remove the ridiculous proportions and just appreciate them for what they are
its a shame all my friends play alliance so I'm stuck as a gnome
Elves and draenei.
godly taste
Shame that in game they look like ass
and not the good kind
> my account
> Tauren Paladin
> Blood Elf Demon Hunter
> rest classes are Trolls
Dunno if i ever return to retail i delete BE and reroll Tauren into Zandalari to keep my account pure.
I want to marry and impregnate this one
i hope she has a futa cock and will shit on me
I like to fuck goblins and gnomes as my worgen.
god i just want her to crush my balls with that hammer
Pls. I may play on an RP realm but I gave up on RP so long ago. Pointless now what with how filled it is with shitters, badRP and just ERP casuals.
Will she at least marry me
No. Sorry. This player is all casual PvE and PvP content for a long time now.
Well I still want to marry and impregnate a Draenei.
So do I, user.
A WoW Human is good too.
I've been waiting for this for years and desu it feels good to finally have it. Zandalar forever!
Her foot must be on fire. Having a heating element that close to her sole, her feet must be reeking.
Glad I'm not a gnomefag
Artist is tektah. It's all futa.
Garithos did nothing wrong and elves are for special snowflakes.
Who should I main in WC3? I played Terran in SC2 WoL.
>All futa
based & dickgirlpilled
just keep playing sc2
Elves are for marriage and impregnation.
just checked the artists twitter...based
lmao epic and based. XD as a modern day crusader myself i agree! garithos is FTW and all the stupid ELFS or KNIFE EARS as i call em should die
Atleast the community is there for you.
I wish I could kill you.