Is this the most soulless, uninspired, bland cash grab ever made that isn't an HD port/re-release?
Is this the most soulless, uninspired, bland cash grab ever made that isn't an HD port/re-release?
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not by long shot
there's far worse examples
I've only played DS Remastered, have I experienced the best the series has to offer?
DS3 would've been a better game if it followed on DS2 footsteps instead of being "remember gwyn lmao"
The biggest problem is how unfinished it is, with Smouldering Lake and Profaned Capital being an ugly eyesore on the game
not even close
I actually really like the profaned capital and smoldering lake.
Every souls has it's shitty zones and it's good zones, bed of chaos anyone? Blighttown?
Usually, the "series" also extends to Bloodborne and Demon's Souls. Highly recommend those two. If you're planning to play BB, get the DLC with it too.
Name some, then.
There is honestly no reason for this game to exist. It brings nothing new to the series and manages to be the worst in some aspects.
No, because Dark Souls 2 exists.
Dark Souls 3 is great. Its only problem is the linear area progression.
DaS3 has worse teleport grabs and ohkos than DaS2.
Easy. MGSV.
t.braindamaged ds2fag
I prefer 3 to be honest, I've put insane numbers of hours into every one from demons on. 1 was a little clunkier, a little more basic.
Bed of chaos is arguably the most poorly designed boss in souls, hands down.
Bottom line, if you like souls, give it a shot. It's still souls and souls in general is fucking great.
Follow this chart.
Fallout 4.
Everything after Demon's Souls was a soulless cash grab.
Get the dlc with all of them, they're all improved and drawn out with dlc.
Swap bloodborne and DS2 and then it's perfect
yes, but all the other installments are all still a ton of fun and feel quite a bit more "advanced" to speak (the later games are also much tougher).
>Someone points out 3 is flawed
Like clockwork
I wouldn't call them eyesore, the problem is that they barely qualify as an area
Learn to read, cretin.
The question is "Is DS3 the most soulless cash grab ever made".
"DS2" is a valid answer.
i was hoping for something funny but this reads like a 12 year old wrote it. i'm guessing you screencapped your own faggy post?
2 is a better dungeon crawler than 1 in my opinion
>Someone points out 3 is flawed
All I saw was someone attaching a FoTM buzzword to it.
I just saved it, it's not mine. I remember the clusterfuck of a launch that game was, and how sorely disappointed I was.
Yeah Fallout 4.
Also Spore.
Also Dead Space 3.
>Fallout 4
>Dark Souls 3
Is this the holy trinity of JUST vidya?
I loved Ds2. IS it the weakest in the series, yeah probably, but it's still better than the vast majority of titles on the market.
People bitched about soul memory, but it made it the least twinky of the three. Early game pvp was by far the best in the series.
People forget what an unfun shitshow the undead berg in DS1 was with invaders wearing full havels and dragon stones and lightning katanas.
not even close
So you really believe 3 isn't a cash grab?
At least 2 had some cool new innovations, like powerstancing, rearranged enemy placements on NG+ and bonfire ascetics.
What did 3 bring? Nothing.
I'm getting sick of you delusional DS2fags.
Swap out MGSV with the latest World of Warcraft expansion
This is actually the most polished and enjoyable in the series.
It's Dark Souls 1, for everyone who wishes Dark Souls 1 had more modern graphics and visuals.
also, the lore is awful compared to the original game
Fight me
I'm getting sick of bandwagoneers myself.
>blocks your path
Dark Souls 3 looks like some smeared marmalade across every environment. Dark Souls 1 unironically looks better, due to far superior art direction.
not only did 3 not bring anything to the table, it stripped out all the good stuff of 2, and the levels in 3 are literal garbage across the board with the exception of maybe the cathedral. enduring the high wall > road of sacrifice > farron's keep > catacombs gauntlet of utter boring trash is painful as fuck. its the only one of the series where i have no desire to go for platinum trophy because its just shit
2 did the best job with NG+ and I did enjoy power stance.
Though there are some goddamn neat weapon arts in 3.
2 had the best arenas too, getting your red and blue flames enhanced rather than badges was far more exciting.
well the second haf is a rushed piece of ass like 1, why do they even bother making these games and never even make the whole thing
the cucking of poise was lame and bloodborne tier enemies turned it into stunlock souls, r1 spam and unending combos are the gayest shit
Just swap Sekiro and DaS1, then swap DeS with DaS1, after which swap DaS3 with Bloodborne and swap the DeS you did before with DaS2
Only then move Sekiro to Shit Tier and then swap the Shit Tier and God Tier completely. Done!
You serious? It's by far the best looking of the three. They put some serious care into their art direction.
One was great at the time but today it just looks dull and bland.
No, it's amazing and functional, there is no transactions and the DLC adds 10+ hours of content each, why would it be a cash grab
But the gameplay and world map isn't at all like 1.
Unending combos? Dude you have to learn how to roll.
I mean a two hit is easy, an estoc can manage three, but if you're being hit with unending combos that's not the game failing it's you.
2 had the most kino dlc
Look at all this SOUL, there is no way DS3 can compete with this.
>You serious?
Yes, pic related is what the majority of the game looks like.
I was annoyed with how I needed to grind to NG+ to get the moonlight gs.
git gud retard
I mean in the sense every game ever made is a cash grab I guess? it's a great fucking game though and the most polished of the three by far.
Plus the dlc was fantastic on top of the main game too.
>the most polished of the three by far.
you can cherrypick shit like this in any videogame ever made you meme-parroting little cocklover
>you have to learn how to roll
I'm talking about enemy AI, they swing at you a million times to the point that it's just stupid, and I'm not bad at the game so dispense with the git gud shit. I'm just saying it's gay, it's like a shitty version of bloodborne
3 improved the gameplay by a large degree (but at a cost of playing like a bad version of bloodborne) but took a step backwards in just about every other way.
Bloodborne is up there too
But wait it gets better
What if there was a Souls thread were we talked about how we actually like the game? BB is the only one in the series to get good threads.
t. Dark Souls 2 pro
>Dark Souls 2 has shit hitboxe-
I think you have forgotten Nintendo exists there bucko
>3kiddy needs e-celebs to articulate for him
Autism. Literally.
You can't even talk about Bloodborne without console war shitposting now
Why did they pick DS2, specifically? Coincidence? Memes?
The console war shitposting is significantly less that it used to be. Not sure what you're talking about.
Because hating on Dark Souls 2 is what NPCs do, since they can't formulate their own opinions.
>missing the point
Low IQ
If you disagree with this objective ranking, you probably have a more informed opinion than me because I've never actually played any game in this series and I'm just shitposting
just because everyone thinks your game is shit doesnt make it good
the best I can say about DS2 is it's mediocre, it was my first dark souls game and until I got my hands on the other souls games I didnt realize how shit of an entry it was. enemy placement is just retarded and brings down the entire level desighn. Beyond that it is frustratingly mediocre at everything. It made minor improvements to combat and some major improvements to pvp but that doesn't matter when its lost in the sea of bland that is DS2
Was it kino?
>Sekiro just above DS2
based and truthful
Nope that would be ds2. DS3 has best gameplay, soundtrack and bosses of any souls game.
It’s anti-kino. You know you fucked up when the send off patches gives you is more satisfying
>Your Dark Soul Remastered Edition
What did they mean by this?
>several examples
>cherry picking
Fucking retard
>three phases represent the three types of enemies you face throughout the series
>first phase is a beast, on all fours roaring at the player
>second phase is a man, relying on tools like his crossbow and his corona miracle
>third phase is a god/lord, doing ridiculous maneuvers and letting the power of the Dark Soul overtake him
>ends with the world reduced to ash and a dark sky with an uncertain future for the world ahead
Good question. What did they mean by this?
Haven't played Sekiro since it looks like fucking garbage just like 2 and 3
It wasn't directed by Miyazaki so it's free reign
>Dude, red!
The absolute state of DS3 zoomers.
2 was easily the best in the series. 1 was clunky with anything other than minmaxed agility build. 1 also didn’t know what the fuck it was doing. It was like a man from a foreign culture read some european fairytales and thought “huh, what if I just put it all in a blender and use whatever came out to paint over a japanese world”
2 had the most coherence and the least cringe.
2 was surreal. 1 was a nightmare.
3 wasn’t even immersive in the slightest.
Shit is mostly for weebs anyway, 2 is the patrician choice
>2 was easily the best in the series
Stopped right there.
Great bait
>The third game in a trilogy centered around a flame that shoulders the world whose bosses gave themselves to this flame has a motif of flame
Imagine my shock. What a bunch of hacks.
1 has the most realized theme and presentation of it of the three Dark Soulses.
>Dark Souls 3
I, too, remember the Dancer in Dark Souls 1. What a bunch of hacks.
>Dark Souls 3
Play all of them. They’re all good. Every last one of them. This board can honestly get gassed if they don’t agree with that.
Best game in the series.
everyone complains about Andre but nobody ever talks about how the Shrine Handmaid is one of the old ladies from DS2's tutorial, goes to show how unmemorable the characters from 2 were
I, too, remember the gahbage heap from Dark Souls 1.
Also, there really is nothing wrong with Anor Londo. Sure, if you stop your gray matter from firing beyond the surface of it, I can see how one would take issue. But the vibe I got was similar to MGS4, and then some with the fact that prior to Aldrich and the Pontiff's interference, Gwyndolin was STILL holding on to the Age of Fire like a fucking idiot. The entire world is collapsing and he wants to hide in his "grand city." I wouldn't wish anyone to be eaten alive, but he got what was coming for his crimes.
She was?
Just with a mask, yes. But I don't think it's the same voice actress.
>Dark Souls 3
Because the old ladies in II are solely there to tease and prod the player. Milibeth tells us that they're Fire Keepers, but the game does nothing with this idea. The head old lady will give you a Soul Vessel, and other goodies as you progress, but the fact that they're Fire Keepers is secondary to them teasing the player. It's a shame.
I, too, remember a boss that swaps movesets on the fly at the precipice of the end of the world.
No, honey. MGSV should not be "swapped" out of any garbage list
same outfit but with a blindfold on
>Dark Souls 3
Siegward is far more gallant a knight than Siegmeyer could ever hope to be. That was his entire reason for existing, how did you miss this?: To give the knights of Catarina a more valiant sendoff than their Dark Souls 1 counterpart.
>it's ok when Ds1 does it!
>Dark Souls 3
Siegward's far more involved with the story than Siegmeyer though, and his role correlates to how the theme of every boss in DS3 has a partner or is paired with something in some way
>Gundyr and the Dark/Pus of Man
>Vordt and the Dancer
>Aldrich and Gwyndolin
>Lothric and Lorian (obvious)
>Crystal Sages being siblings and having a gimmick of splitting into copies
>Dragonslayer Armor and the Pilgrim Butterflies
>Wolnir and the abyss
>Pontiff and his double
Yhorm's equivalent in this case is Siegward, only instead of fighting both of them he helps you fight Yhorm, reinforcing the thematic elements of Yhorm being a lonely giant
You were better off showing a screenshot of the Demon Ruins themselves. I would've agreed with you. But Quelana purposely stayed away from Queelag and the rest of her family, some theorize out of guilt. That she went back, in the end, and died by her sister's side is touching.
I don't have an issue with bringing back old characters or concepts, I was pointing out the hypocrisy of deriding 3 for referencing 1 when it pulls from Demon's, 2 and Bloodborne as well. Also as far as I'm aware none of the models from Demon's were reused for 1 either
>the theme of every boss in DS3 has a partner or is paired with something in some way
Deacons of the Deep aren't.
Ancient Wyvern isn't.
Nameless King isn't.
Gundyr isn't.
Oceiros isn't.
Curse-Rotted Greatwood isn't.
>Nameless King isn't.
His dragon doesn't count.
For the lords of cinder that's true
Anri/Horrace -> Aldritch
Hawkwood -> Abyss Watchers
Seigward -> Yhorm
(You) -> Twin Princes
the congregation and the Archdeacon who appears halfway through
>Nameless King
NK and his Stormdrake
I already said him and the pus of man, but in the Champion's case it's the player since the two have already fought prior even if Untended Graves is in the past
the tree and the giant hollow hand that emerges from inside it, or the hollows praying to it/falling out of its shells
him and Ocelotte
I'll give you Ancient Wyvern though, he seems like a last minute addition
Because who the fuck cares about his dragon?
Absolutely. Look at Ubisoft's open world games for example.
>This level of reaching
You can do this for EVERY boss in the Souls games.
he does dipshit
quickly remove this post before someone sees it
>I'll give you Ancient Wyvern though, he seems like a last minute addition
Archdragon Peak, surprise surprise, went through a lot of changes. It was supposed to be called the "Great Bridge," leading to the inside of an archtree where we would fight the "Mother Dragon."
>Cares about it
>Doesn't hesitate to evaporate it from existence
not really, it's pretty prominent in 3's DLC as well
>Champion's Gravetender and the wolf
>Sister Friede and Ariandel
>Demon Prince(s)
>Halflight and the painting guardian
>Gael and the Dark Soul
>Midir and the Dark
>Concept art is better than the final product
Defend this.
That Bloodborne lore thread earlier was neat
he does hesitate, you can see his hand shake a bit before stabbing him
it was very comfy too
>It's another "muh favorite Soulsborne is better than yours" thread.
Nioh is better lmao
I really wish they stuck to their ash/desert idea. The Carthus warriors clearly embody it, not to mention the earliest trailers showed the pilgrims beneath a desert Lothric. But nooo, Road of Sacrifices and shit.
Came to post this.
Salt and Sanctuary was better than DaS II and III.
>played Dark Souls on release, loved it
>played Sekiro, loved it
>try DS3 finally after all these years
>every area looks like shit, the bosses aren't memorable, enemies aren't interesting, every part of the game just feels soulless like the team phoned it in just to complete the trilogy
Was it this bad at release?
>every area looks like shit
What's wrong with the Cemetery of Ash, or the High Wall of Lothric?
>enemies aren't interesting
There are more enemy variants from the Cemetery of Ash to the High Wall than the Ashina Outskirts to Hirata Estate.
>every part of the game just feels soulless like the team phoned it in just to complete the trilogy
I think you're suffering from shit taste, to be desu.
>God Tier DaS2 Hitbxes
Video shows him getting pummeled by a mace but not taking damage
What did he mean by this?
I dont understand the reasoning behind the magic system. Fp system is the reason all magic builds are shit except a few niche 1shot pvp builds. What the fuck is the point of making all spells draw from a common source? What is the fucking point then of spamming anything except the most cost effective soul arrow? Also, spells are horribly bland, and most of them are downright useless, it also has the shittiest dlc spells in any souls game (that disk miracle in ariandel for example did 200 damage at 50 faith, what a joke). Its all so unoriginal and reused, there is nothing new or exciting about it. After all this time quality build is still miles ahead of everything else , armor is still fucking useless (and way too heavy for some reason), magic is shit, and you have to walk through that fucking swamp EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A NEW CHARACTER, WITH NO POSSIBILITY OF ALTERNATE PATHS (cathedral is a mandatory dead-end area, doesn't count)
Its linear and bland, and for some reason attracted the worst shitter community ever, who got through the game by summoning and cheesing. These same people shitpost sekiro into the ground before launch then cried when ogre pushed their shit in.
All in all, a pretentious game for pretentious shitters, trying to be colorful and failing hard. It was ok, but the dev lack of effort was very obvious
>armor is still fucking useless
And I like Demon Ruins and Consumed King's Garden, doesn't mean they aren't underdeveloped areas.
Lightning Arrow is kino.
I love the series, started with DeS, played all of them on release. I still fucking love DaS3 and I literally don't get why it gets so much fucking hate.
Yes, it's linear as shit and takes a lot from DaS1, but fuck don't they all? DaS1 is literally DeS reskinned in tons of places. 2 takes some liberties and 3 does as well.
Nowhere in other Souls there's the same feeling from Grand Archives, Archdragon Peak, even Irithyll itself and the Dungeon, all truly memorable areas. Lothric Walls/Castle are really well designed and there's nothing as atmospheric as those fucking huge stairs leading to Lothric and Lorian.
Most bossfights are a great combination of gimmick and solid mechanics. They all feel much more imposing than any other Souls bosses, but styling on them is fucking great once you're into the mechanics.
It also looks gorgeous, has the most amount of outfits for some mad fashion and the weapons' movesets are at their peak, as well as the most diverse (excluding BB) due to the Weapon Arts.
I like it better than Sekiro, DeS and DaS1, tied for very different reasons with BB and DaS2.
DS3 was my 1st souls game and I honestly loved it
Too bad I was terrible at it... I rolled a sorcerer and ended up doing melee because I ran out of mana all the time (didnt know mana pots existed)
Armor isn't actually useless at all. You'll be able to hyperarmor through most attacks if you wear heavy armor and provides good resistance.
The biggest mistake was tying Pyromancy to Int.
Sekiro is the dullest Souls game I've forced myself to finish
I don't even like calling it a Souls game, but they chose to shoehorn it into that template
blighttown is amazing though
Sekiro is not a Souls game.
that was one of the worst areas and you know it
faster, more aggressive combat is not inherently better
It's the third best From game and every single one of you can get yourselves impaled on a stake and watch your putrid guts fall out of your disgusting fat bodies.
The same could be said about your birth but you don't see me complaining.
keep telling yourself that
It's literally not. Stop acting retarded.
That's the weapon super armor, not Poise
It's not even in the top 10 From games.
>Clunky combat instead of great, responsivel controls which are so much more immersive
>Shit levels that get you stuck in them if you want to leave and go anywhere else you have to spend your precious time killing the same enemies over and over again
>Shit weapon balance with some being obviously better than others for no reason, enjoy the shittiest spears in the series
>Stupid traps, the most trial and error gameplay of the series
>Almost no items at the start unless you get lucky drops so each new character has less variety than others in the series.
Play 3, BB and 2, unless you somehow enjoyed the shit world design with no fast travel until the game is at its worst.
>No fast travel
>A bad thing
Skyrim might be more your speed.
>Ds1 is clunky and unresponsive
>So play Ds2
that's what DaS3 poise is, isn't it? I know weapons have their own hyperarmors but doesn't poise stat affect that?
Dark Souls 2 is clunkier and less responsive than even Demon's Souls. Its the shittiest game in the series in regards to controls, and the awful deadzones should easily spell this out for you.
3/10 bait
Or maybe literally all other games in the series. From knows having fast travel from the start only makes the games better. If only they didn't make every path play out the same whenever you cross them, 1 wouldn't be so boring.
80% of my deaths in DaS1 were from falling off ledges while this never happened in 2. I agree 2 has worse rolling attacks and weak/strong attack combos but other than that it is much more responsive.
BB and 3 are the best at that though.
But dude, Souls invented the checkpoint.
None of the Soulsborne games are actually any good.
>having fast travel from the start only makes the games better.
It makes them worse.
have sex
I'm up to Road of Sacrifices and just not liking it. Does DS3 get better?
Yes. You haven't reached any of the good areas yet.
>having fast travel from the start only makes the games better
Dark Souls 2 level design was so great huh
you're only at the start of the game
sekiro > ds3 > ds1 > ds2
No Man's Wharf, Undead Crypt, Drangleic, the lava DLC, all better areas than 1
Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll are good.
kys you stupid fucking faggot.
*blocks your path*
anti-3 is a fucking butthurt Souls 2 fag astroturf and it needs to fucking end.
I absolutely hate the concept of remasters, especially when faggy Steam unlists the original. Glad I bought it years ago I guess.
What if I don't care for either?
>I'm up to Road of Sacrifices
user you're still at the beginning of the game, just play it
honestly, I still have an old screenshot of the build I had in my first playthough and it was utter garbage. if you know what you're doing you might enjoy it more but it's not like you've gotten to any memorable fights, areas or experiences yet
I should have said world design
there are many examples of nonsensical level design that are likely due to the fact that fast travel from the start was always planned
The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.
>Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes
I almost took you seriously until this sentence, 7/10 pretty good
fuck you Dark Souls III is great.
Drangleic was fucking terrible. Is this a joke?
The elevator is right behind the boss room, dumb ass.
>Drangelic was fucking terribl-
Yes that or originally the map was laid out differently and they had to shift transitions to fit when they were running out of time because of the sudden restructuring and replanning of the project halfway through development
>Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
Mismatched skyboxes are present in all three games to show the warped flow of time between areas, in DS2's case the issue is the amount of distance between areas not matching up correctly when in 1 there was an extra amount of attention put in to making the distance between areas match up correctly, barring a few minor exceptions
>Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.
Ash Lake is based in Norse mythology and isn't meant to make sense from a realistic perspective. There's still context behind it (seen in the intro) and it has a basis in real-world mythos. The same can't be said for Iron Keep and Earthen Peak, and the fact that you're willing to excuse and defend it when it's common knowledge the game had a rushed development makes you look desperate as a result
>There's still context behind it (seen in the intro)
Explain please.
it appears in the intro
I counter your anecdote with my own: I never had something like that happen when I played.