If you bought this you are gay & touch mens penises
If you bought this you are gay & touch mens penises
Wait, you can touch men's penises and not be gay?! brb
No stop user it's a trap! A TRAP!!!
Unless you play Halo, why would you buy an Xbox? How retarded are you?
Brainless brand loyalty
Imagine being such a closet homosexual that you think of dicks when you see a gaming device.
what's got the snoyboys triggered this time?
That's not the PS4 though.
Ironically, my wife bought me one and it replaced ps4 as my main console. I feel better buying multiplats on it because of how they do backwards compatibility and prefer xbox live as well as console exclusive multiplayer like gears,halo 5, forza compared to single player exclusives on my ps4.
oops wrong pic
Sorry honey but we all know which console is #ForTheHomosexuals
You’re right jimmy that’s not a ps4, that’s a Xbox here’s your golden sticker
Because I actually like gaming.
Game Pass is the cheapest solution. And the Xbox has good games, even on the Game Pass.
>S All Digital
>Literally called Xbox One SAD
Was it intentional
Oh NONONONO don't post games I can't play on my POS4!
You're right. I bought one and have touched other penises.
>he doesn’t watch me whip, watch me 4K
Imagine not watching me whip watching me 4K
xbox wins again
Nope. You’re literally SEETHING though
seething sonytranny
That’s pretty fucking bad
Wolfenstein 2 is fun if you skip the cutscenes
>skipping half the game
Sorry tranny I'm not falling for your commie shit game no matter how you spin it.
Already played that on PC though. What’s to be excited about here? It’s a shame because I actually love playing on my X1X and this month’s GP was really good.
I've touched feminine penis before and I don't have an xbone
any Xbox One S All Digital Edition™ owners wan't to be my bf? i'll probably bully you for owning an Xbox though
>gay & touch mens penises
that's not a PS4
>Dumb useless stealth for no reason
>Alaaaaarma officers you have to kill in every room or enemies will spawn infinitely and they clearly wanted you to stealth kill them.
That wasn't fun at all.
neogaf/faggotera see dicks everywhere desu
The S and X are great consoles for their price point.
I dont have any illusions about MS pulling out a win, they never have, but I think Lockhart and Anaconda will be good machines
>action game has a stealth section
Why do they do this? Especially bad if it has fast movement.
i love touching men's penises!!!!!!!
I-I’ll be your bf!
Also it's literally $1.
you have to be retarded if you buy an xbox x if you already have a pc
dumb resetera trannie false flagger
thread is about male penisi
god i love cocks
i use it for nhl , forza and also to replay some xbox 360 gayms.
>now watch me whip
>now watch me 4k
isn't the s*ystation 4 the official platform of niggers/trannies/betabois?
I have no idea.
I got one for free and only use it for blurays and streaming.
>IOI acquisition is a done deal
>now there's rumors of MS buying Crytek showing up
Sony is going to die this year
>want to get excited
>know we don't stay in the same country
new crytek game on PC with MS funding would good
obviously if MS allow them to push PCs to their limits like with crysis
Um, I got an Xbone a few months ago, would anyone like their penis touched?
>he doesnt only have latest xbox and latest madden/fifa/2k
>his gaming life doesnt only consist of playing latest sports game with wife after putting the kids to bed
Xchad is lifestyle, xbox is for lifestyle not Yea Forumsirgin gaming jrpgs and fighters.
I don't know about that, but if you bought this, you are probably American.
>Instead of announcing abunch of games at E3 like last year Microsoft is probably gonna focus on hardware
It's not looking good for E3 overall this year
Microsoft will spend literally seconds talking about the Xbox Scarlett Lockhart, Anaconda and xCloud most of the conference will be about first party and third party games like always, xCloud and the two consoles are only there to show off games playing on them and that's it. Microsoft isn't Sony or Google and just show a bunch of tech demos and only talking about what the console can do, they rather show you.
I'm buying it to play ninja gaiden 2.
I'm a gay man and only got the first Xbox One as a gift
What if I am a girl?
>NGB, NG2, DMC 1-5, Bayo, MGR, Vanquish, Nier Automata
>all on the same console
I made the right choice