Dog party member

>dog party member
>they're the weakest, because they get less skills than the other party members, and can't use equipment

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Other urls found in this thread:

its because most dogs will always die before you.

best doge

Attached: Koromaru_render.png (410x803, 329K)

Koromaru is actually a great fighter

I am the thief of the party

Attached: Repede.jpg (866x1585, 305K)

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>Give Patty a skill that increases Item drops if Repede is in the team
>Hunters Monocle on the whole party
>Grinding hard to get drops is now easy
Blessed dog

Am I a dog or a cat? anyhow I have the best Support Limits in the game

Attached: RedXIII-FFVIIArt.png (404x222, 100K)

I love doggies

Attached: 0zd6kcm7wnp11.gif (840x488, 511K)

He is incredibly effective in combat, as he can do three medium to high damage attacks per turn, and has the same number of HP as a full-grown man.

Attached: FO01_NPC_Dogmeat.png (280x200, 43K)

>got a dog for a member
>He's the most OP one

>floating disembodied skull
>can't equip anything (apart from occasionally swapping out different sets of teeth)
>arguably the strongest physical attacker in the game

Attached: Morte.jpg (200x332, 17K)

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Reminder that cats are responsible for 13% of all small mammal and bird extinction on planet earth. Cats kill around 20 BILLION small mammals and birds in the USA every single YEAR. To put that into context, the deepwater horizon spill killed one million birds total. Cats kill far more than even 1000x that every single year, in the USA alone! Counties such as australia have had to take extreme measures against cats, as they have pushed several species of lizards, small mammals, and birds to extinction. The massive decline in bird populations in countries that have high cat ownership has also impacted the number of plants, mainly trees, that grow. This effects not only the air quality but makes it more difficult for insects like bees to survive and pollinate plants!

Did you know most cats carry a parasite called t. Gondii? Toxoplasmosis and the parasites that come with it are estimated to be present in around half of the UK population! The vast majority of cat owners literally catch brain worms from their pets! These worms have been proven to change behaviour in mice, and studies showed they did the same with human beings until cat owners forced the government to shut the research down! Crazy, huh? Imagine defending an animal that gives you mind altering brain worms! Almost like there’s something in their heads influencing them to defend the ownership of cats!

Cats have half the number of neurons in their brains than dogs. This suggests they are half as intelligent. So much more “muh independence!” Turns out they don’t learn skills, because they are just fucking dumb! Probably incapable of love too!

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>dog party member
>one of the best party members in the game

Attached: ss.png (1163x895, 1.6M)

what did you name him?
you did use him the entire game, right?!

Attached: Dog-Dragon-Age-Origins-Mabari-hound-a.jpg (500x738, 116K)

I modded my game so that I could have him by my side at all times

Barkspawn, because I lack creativity.

This is the most based post I’ve ever read

>dog party member
>they're physically weakest, since they can't wear armor or use weapons besides a giant mallet
>they get a new skill every time they level up and match similar characters for sheer versatility

Dogs in Kenshi suffer from this hard. When you buy one, or do the start where you have one, they always start out as pups, and are not only next to worthless, but they are a constant burden, and have a fraction of the stats they gain.
However if you can manage to keep their asses alive for 40 in game days, which is quite a while, they become absolute beasts once they become adults. They can age up beyond that to elders to get even beastlier stats than that.

Attached: kenshilogo.jpg (1200x603, 172K)

I just name all my animal companions Hitler out of sheer habit from my zany edgelord days

bonedog pups are great for str training

The dog in Arcanum is the destroyer of worlds, literally don't need anyone else

Dogs just need some form of armor and they'd be god mode. Elder Bonedogs can bite for like 250+ damage but they get knocked over by a stiff breeze so you have to wait for them to heal after EVERY single fight and it gets super annoying.

What’s wrong with the first paragraph? Cats killing things is cool.

>dog companion
>he uses a knife to attack
koromaru is cute!

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There is one thing I am still unsure of about animals in this game. When they are still pups, more often than not when they gain a stat point, they don't actually get a stat increase. Is this just due to the pup modifier, and they'll get their actual stats at adulthood, or is it just lost to the void?

>Fallout 4
>Dogmeat's armor is bugged and doesn't provide any protection
>None of the human companion perks work on him
>You instead have to take specific Dogmeat related perks
>He constantly runs into your fucking feet or blocks doors
I have never got rid of a dog faster.

It's due to the pup modifier.

>OMG le epic cats are so badass making unique forms of life disappear forever and ruining the ecosystem
fuck off brain work infested retard

Someone post the webm of him setting of a tripwire and instantly killing the player.

Cool. Thanks. I've been wondering this for a while now, but have yet to have an animal survive into adulthood. I rarely get animals, and when I do, they almost always end up dead well before adulthood.

>fallout 2
>have dogmeat, robodog, k9, pariah dog
>armed with cattleprod
>hoard all beef jerky
I am the Doglord.

Unique forms of life disappear and ecosystems get ruined, that’s just how nature works. Doesn’t mean the process in which it occurs can’t be cool.


How could you be this addicted to arguing?

toxozombies btfo

Koromaru is a GOOD boy but he honestly kind of sucks as a party member. Regular mudo skills feel like crap and I'd rather have the protag do all my damage with a buffed up carded persona with the party members as supports for buffs, debuffs, and heals.

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Human intervention is not nature. Cats would not naturally exist in 90% of countries on earth without humans bringing them over. The issue with cats is that they will decimate wildlife despite being fed and looked after, and since we created the problem we have a responsibility to control it. If you have zero connection to nature and desire to protect and maintain the unique varieties of life you are the very definition of a materialist retard, the kind of normalfag killing society. Also cats are not cool, they are small and pathetic creatures which prey on the weakest and most vulnerable animals. Them doing so is also leading to other predators starving because there’s no food for them. It is nonsensical that there is no legal control on cats.

>killing wrong

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>point out something is dumb
>h-how dare you point out retarded redditor posts!
you don’t belong here

>Human intervention is not nature

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>the kind of normalfag killing society
If you care about society, you’re a normalfag.

What's it with the 13% number?

yes goy destroy all nature only money matters!

>Dog/robot partner
>Use him exclusively because he let's me do whatever i want in the plot and dosen't nag like bitch when i crack open a safe in a way he dislikes

>citing a literal white supremacist
big yikes

>Fallout NV
>Install mod to have Rex and ED-E in the same party
>Don't have to listen to others
>Just a man, his robot, and his dog taking on the wasteland
one of the best playthroughs I had desu

t. niggerman

Literal catcuck cope
>importing a million cats, feeding and housing them, and then letting them in full force go out and kill things is nature

in Suikoden 2 the dog member was the strongest physical attacker in the game and had insane base defense because he couldnt wear armor

>dude... I’m such an outcast... I’m too far gone to care about society
typical brainworm retard
go be an incel on reddit if you are apathetic toward everything

>Dude, cats are better because they don't love you LOL
Are cat holders cuckolds? Do they really buy pets, and feed them and give them shelter, only for the pet to give nothing in return? How the FUCK is that supposed to be a good thing?

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Only cope ITT is from dogcuck retards lol

Based as fuck

>dog thread
>someone makes irrelevant post to derail it for no reason

>can't have a thread with animals without dogsvscatfags

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They have literal mind parasites forcing them to buy more cats and promote cat ownership. They can’t help it. Also why cat owners historically have an issue with desexing their pets, the brain worms don’t want them to. They are the definition of NPC

When they do love you, you know it's genuine.

Attached: catreporter.webm (852x480, 2.48M)

>dogv scat fags

Friendly reminder that Lovecraft's quote right there is proven entirely wrong by our modern understanding of how things work. He was an idiot projecting human-like thoughts and attitudes onto cats and dogs which do not have the capacity for that kind of logic. The simple fact of the matter is cats behave the way they do not because they are smart enough to choose not to obey, but because they are too dumb to recognize and remember those sort of commands that have been bred into dogs.


>dog party member has a solo play questline

Attached: breath-of-fire-2-04.png (960x640, 68K)

Enjoy the brain worms bro.


>our modern understanding

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Human intervention is literally nature. Don’t be so arrogant as to assume yourself seperate from the rest of the universe.

Why the fuck would I want to castrate my beloved pet?

You're foaming at the mouth to fight over dogs vs cats

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>catcucks are balding
Brainlet catfags can’t comprhend this. The idea that cats can’t learn skills because they have a human abstract concept of independence or pride is hilarious. Dolphins, chimps, animals which DO have these thoughts will humiliate themselves for rewards. Any intelligent animal will. Cats don’t simply because they are fucking dumb.

>Finds secret Items

Attached: 1556516664418.webm (314x498, 94K)

The dog in Shadowrun Dragonfall is fucking broken. He has an AoE hellfire spell which wiles the floor.

catcucks are the postmodernists wanting to annihilate nature

>humiliate themselves for rewards
Literal NPCs

(cat) Diversity is our strength.

Go live in the rainforest if you love naychur so much, cuck.

Not an argument. Fact of the matter is people are dumb and like to anthropomorphize or project human-like qualities onto animals when they do not have the capacity for it. The biggest idiots in that regard are pet owners who don't own a mammal or bird, and insist that their pet can think or feel like a mammal when they literally do not have the brain structures to do those things.

You are literally being controlled by mind parasites who want to spread the cat population. I’m not even memeing.
>catfags trying to argue they are high test
lmao you’re all the most effeminate faggots

Truly, the basedest of xXvermin_SlayersXx.

>bird party member
>they're autistic

Attached: cup.webm (270x480, 1.93M)

Humans are part of nature.

I mean, he is a floating skull, that's got to be hard to hit.

No, the NPC is the animal that is on such a basal level it cannot comprehend the concept of a reward. Their entire behaviour is based around urge and instinct.

>effeminate faggots
you mean like this guy?

i love birds

Cope, goy.

People love to say that, but ignore that we are so far removed from it as we currently are, that we might as well be aliens compared to other animals.

Not an argument

>there is zero distinction between humans and the rest of life on earth
Delusional cope
Dude just turn the world into a postmodern concrete nightmare abandon your roots good goy! Fuck life! Destroy it all!

I name all dogs "shit" in the vague and bright hope that one day I will replicate the level of amusement I had at seeing "shit rush" in ff8 after I'd forgotten I'd done that and it happening about three discs later.

>yeah bro humans importing literally millions of animals and plants into foreign ecosystems is completely natural bro we wuz mother nature and shit nigga

Bacteria are far removed from dolphins, they’re still both part of nature.

>dog party member
>is 30 levels higher than everyone else

Cats owners > npc dog owners

He seems like a chad to me?
Concession accepted

Wow so independent, I think I'll name it niggerman

I've never read Lovecraft's fiction so I've no idea if all his prose is like this, but you could have slapped this exact text on a Reddit page and I'd have believed it was a post there.

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>vibrating with motion

It is.

Think about it logically

>your roots
I’m not a monkey you dumb goy. Cope.

>t. Gondii
>literally present in almost all meat
>Blame cats

It's just like the black plague

Yes, but do we treat them as exactly the same? Fuck no. Why should this be different for humans and animals? There is zero argument against this apart from just ignoring reality btw
Let’s see what the brain worms come up with

the absolute STATE of catcucks replying to this

I gave him the name of my irl dog

That’s because you’re a sōyboy just like him
> muh bird genocide
Nobody gives a fuck

Nice argument, my dude. Think I can use it too?
It isn't.

Unless you eat raw meat that doesn’t matter
Good goy! Destroy the natural world and replace it with wageslavery and hedonism!
>literal mindwashed parasite brain people calling anyone NPC

>dog party member
>it's OP as all fuck, blows out half the enemies in the game and often hits harder and faster than you do

Attached: arcanum worthless mutt.jpg (800x403, 38K)

It’s fine to treat them separately just don’t make the distinction that the actions of one are natural while the actions of another aren’t. Is the brain parasite not a part of nature?

>n-nobody gives a fuck about extinction! c-cope
do you care about animals or not?

My borb got diagnosed with an irrecoverable mental embolism that paralyzed one of his legs. Post bibs to help me cheer up pls ;-;

>Nobody gives a fuck
I do. stop acting like a faggot and keep your parasite inside your house, they are detrimental to literally all small animals in the environment.

Not really, I’m not a leftist sōyboy.

>it’s fine to make a distinction just don’t make a distinction
here’s something a little clearer, you have the intelligence as human to bear responsibility for your actions, and therefore should be responsible with things like nature

>but dog of also fastest party member and makes the best item dispenser
>in a game where items a busted

Fuck yeah Boney

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Do I still bear that responsibility when infected with the natural brain parasite?

Fuck you and fuck them.

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>not a onionsfag
>just wants to live in his jewish created “modern” convienient world and get rid of anything else
i bet you’re fat too

>o-only leftists are capable of human compassion, i'm a real man!!!1
you're just a faggot lad.


Yes for not trying to break the conditioning. Although if you are too far gone, then you should be put down like the cats. It’s the most humane thing for a man who’s lost his freedom

>the cat was filming this

The lobotomy corp thread is two treads over


Cats are just part of nature, why do they deserve to be killed when other natural life forms don’t?


>enemy can spawn adds

Attached: 1518731915889.webm (720x480, 2.98M)

“Chads” don’t whine about trivialities.


>Unless you eat raw meat that doesn’t matter
or come in contact with it second hand.

Getting it from cats are only possible from their feces, if you have an outdoor cat and wash your hands regularly there's a much higher chance of getting it from meat than the cat.
If you're a disgusting neet who let their cat shit on the floor then sure, you'll get it, but then again if you let your dog shit on the floor you'd get other diseases, who knew shit was disease ridden?

For the last time catcuck, their spread has not been natural whatsoever. The ecosystem being annihilated by them is a human caused issue. They don’t “deserve” to die, they are following their nature. It is simply necessary to control their population.

you're reverting back to r*ddit insults since you dont have an argument. i would tell you to go to your containment board but we are already on Yea Forums.

>whole thread is catcucks seething and trying to cope with the post
y-yeah c-catchads...

Sorry sweetie, half the UK population didnt handle raw meat. Around that many people do own cats however. You do the math. And fecal matter gets EVERYWHERE. Particles of shit are impossible to avoid.

>The ecosystem being annihilated by them
Nobody cares, leftist s󠛡oyboy

Nobody on reddit uses cope, redditor. Cope.

>wah wah muh ecosystem
Wipe the s󠛡oylent from your chin, s󠛡oyboy.

>Great Wolf Sif joins your party

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Even if I was a leftist like your NPC mind has to label me as to justify why you disagree with me, that would mean the greater majority of the first world cares since most people are leftists. HOWEVER; most people don’t care about this, because the media refuses to cover it. Because left or right wing, catfags are literally mentally ill and would have whole species wiped out to preserve their epic redditor onions tier “pet”

>calling anyone onions while defending the most onions animal of all
Cats are literally the quintessential onions pet. Fit into a “modern” environment, don’t require you to excercise walking them, don’t actually love you (cuckold relationship), zero personality, etc. There’s a reason liberals love cats.

>have whole species wiped out
You’re a leftist s󠛡oyboy if you give a shit about any of this.
>most people are letists
Time for your dilation

Great taste user, ED-E and Rex party is comfiest party

Based & redpilled

>dog party member
>have to feed it
>shits everywhere
>doesn't communicate


Attached: 1552323585195.gif (448x344, 1.6M)

OP for disc 1 and 2 but falls off late game. Still good though

Stop shitposting over which animals are cuter and start posting cute animals

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>Half the UK have never, in their entire life, handled raw meat

Are you listening to yourself right now?


Let me guess, you are seething at “white genocide” yet laugh at the idea of people being concerned about species of life dying out? Based NPC doublethink not based on logic

Nothing more overrated.

>it’s more likely that 50% of bongs repeatedly handle raw meat in their lives (unless you want to pretend touching it once is a 100% infection rate, lmao) than owning cats for around 20 year periods on average is giving people the virus

13 is an unlucky number

I like cats and dogs.

New pasta for dog/cat threads


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Dogs are fucking disgusting and always smell like shit.

Why even have a pet? You could put that money elsewhere.

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I'd appreciate it if only working adults replied, also. Should've included that.

I don't care about how you think your dogs are great if your parents paid for them. I want an actual human's opinion.

Attached: Dogs.webm (640x640, 2.23M)

>I like cats
>and dogs.

Why have kids, why have friends, why do anything if that’s the case? Humans desire companionship and love. If you don’t, fine, but don’t pretend like biological urges are dumb, they are unavoidable to most people

how old are you?
As someone who actually cooks for myself and have done so for years now I handle raw meat atleast once a week, usually twice.

Attached: dog save.webm (480x384, 339K)

Because they can interact with me and are human?
Are you really gonna compare human life to a pet?

what the fuck lmao am i on tumblr

>you will never be this loved

Attached: 1464224243436.jpg (465x509, 36K)

Fucking centrist you have to pick one retarded side or the other fucking fencesitter reeeeeeee

>wagie thinks he’s human
fucking lmao you give most of your life up for meaningless materialism
no wonder you sound miserable
so glad I’m not such a slave I’ve convinced myself being a slave is superior

Attached: Dog and Raven.webm (764x430, 2.89M)

damn that's a big cat

Attached: 1552022101463.webm (480x270, 258K)

>as someone who cooks for myself
Big assumption most people do that in modern times. And people also wash their hands now.

Looks like a mountain lion.

yikes bro. you know nothing about me.

better go clean up after your dog before it makes a mess.

>other forms of life can’t interact with me
okay brainlet
we literally relied on owning animals to fucking survive for thousands of years you dumbshit

The name of my dead dog, RIP Oliver

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I can see that you are literally underage, most people cook for themselves and most people have good hygiene.

but did you know that you can get actual deadly diseases from your dog? not just something that over 70% of the time have no known side effects, but can kill you?

I forgot how important dogs were in both World Wars and all the technological advancements we've made, you're right.

>wanting a pet and companion that acts like a roommate

What's even the point?

Barkspawn baby

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*
*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*
*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: dog drink.webm (1280x720, 537K)

>y-yes sheckleburg! I’ll give my whole week away to you!! M-man I bet I can buy so many temporary distractions with my “compensation” for giving up all of my freedom for this W-week!
>wtf you have a connection to nature and life? Weirdo!!!
Wish I could help you bro

Attached: mars.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

I wish more places approved of killing feral cats like Australia. I'd spend days culling them.

Attached: Dog drinking water.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

You sound like the one who needs help.

You also sound like you don't pay any bills.

I thought I said only humans can reply? I don't want to talk to a NEET.

Go cuddle your """therapy""" dog.

Yikes at this argument.
The last 100 years is human history? We have relied on bulls for farming, horses for travel, dogs for hunting and guarding, sheep for clothing etc. through most of civilised history. Fucking cope

Attached: Dog catches fish.webm (854x428, 2.66M)


Are we housing horses and sheep?

I know your mother is housing bulls, but most of us don't do things like that.

>near 100% to become brainwashed by a worm (has been proven to change human behaviour, cope)
>0.3% chance of dying
Rather die on my feet than live on my knees

Dogs are never the worst party member but they're never the best either.

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Dogs aren't cattle, they're companions.

>named his cat niggerman back in the 1950s

wow such a racist we better burn his books and make sure anyone who ever enjoyed his work can never have a career, also bloodborne is a racist game and cthulhu was a literal nazi

>is true humans give up their agency and freedom to procure “money” and contribute to the “”global economy””
>why aren’t you, goy?

Damn man. I feel for you. I wonder how you arrive at this state?

I'm out this thread. I've never understood petfags and never will.

Cats aren't capable of love. When they snuggle you, they want attention. You mistake it for affection, and then they get bored of you and fuck off.

>Counties such as Australia have had to take extreme measures against cats
Feral cats, Rabbits, Boar, Mynah birds. Probably some other shit too. Plenty of good hunting if you can convince the government you aren't going to shoot yourself.

>t. muhammad

So your first argument was BTFO. And yeah, people do own horses and sheep as pets, cope. It is retarded to assume humans evolved and lived in a vacuum. We have as a much connection to animals as we do to other human beings. Social bonds are part of our DNA and part of animals too

Why do the jews always have to be mentioned?
Is it that crazy of an idea that someone wants to provide for themselves?
Were you all LITERALLY cucked by Jews or something?

You can call it whatever you want, but it's providing for yourself.

>proven to change human behaviour
Source needed my friend. anything I've read says it's harmless in almost all cases

>I feel for you
>can’t feel normal human emotion
you are the pitiable one
but I guess hedonist NPCs are never actually happy

Wrong. Cope.

>Spider companion is secretly a dog

Attached: spider dog.gif (500x377, 2M)

I don't really care about arguing with people who talk to creatures that bark and shit everywhere, for the record.

I just wanted to know what traumas you guys had. Every pet owner is the same person.

Imagine them on your dick instead haha

I never knew cats were so BASED. Keep seething, dogfags.

Attached: 1549156924556.jpg (1024x1021, 93K)

>dog party member
>can attack other party members

Attached: 1556602637529.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

small dogs are abominations that shouldve never existed in the first place, the most useful thing it ever couldve done is served as a meal for an actual animal

>provide for yourself
You don’t though? You give up the vast majority of your life (you get ONE, btw) doing something unnatural and rarely enjoyable or fulfilling. You aren’t doing anything for “yourself” in any sane sense
>almost all
So you admit in some it isn’t? Nevertheless
Go to “research”

if a cat sticks its tongue out like that its not fucking cute, it means its really thirsty

basset hounds are cute but goddamn they are sons of bitches

god I hate pitbulls so much

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Attached: 1539449789766.webm (720x720, 2.02M)

Ok bro. Whatever you need to feel good about yourself. Do I sperg at people for playing golf, and paying to maintain golf equipment when it doesn’t give you money? No I don’t
So you support race mixing and mass immigration? Typical catfag

why are pits so disgusting and violent?

Yo lil donnie

Are you gonna say that being broke with no resume or income is enjoyable or fulfilling?

Or even doing anything for "yourself"?



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theyre the literal niggers of dog breeds

Don't open this

Attached: animal gore.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

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It's licking the phone screen you dolt.

>y-you are miserable if you aren’t idoctrinated into the system! y-you have to be! h-how can you be happy without material things?!
I doubt you’ll ever understand

You could throw the same shit at dogs too, you know.
Cats are perfectly capable of love.

Holy fuck, I expected like three in there.

>dog party member
>can kill and cook it for meat for when the party is getting low on food

Because they're d*gs.

shut up, mandaloregaming

Attached: 1488479462221.jpg (750x642, 65K)


Perfect angle and animation for when calling in a dog companion to a fight

How do you eat?

How the fuck is food / rent material things?

I'm convinced Yea Forums is just skinny white NEETs born into families with money. Makes a lot of sense.

I would let a tiger into my house sooner than one of these.

>preserve what's left of the wild
Why would you ever want to preserve Australian wildlife?

>t. t*rk


Shoobas are _____

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Two can play this game

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clicked it anyway because if it were you wouldn't say not to

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When will Ausfags just accept that their native "wildlife" is just a collection of pathetic, mutant abominations that should never have made it this far in the first place? Seriously, imagine having such a poor excuse for an ecosystem that fucking rabbits can dominate the food chain. Those cats are doing them a favor.

>Dog companion is actually your mentor

Attached: 33 - efJh5OY.png (800x1112, 305K)

Assume all you want. Also I’m not skinny because I have plenty of free time to work out, or go on runs through the forest. Cope.
Materialism can give you dopamine but not genuine happiness. I can’t understand someone who is willing to give 40+ years of their life to something they don’t really want to do and say they are happy when they really think about it

Can you explain how you eat, or?

a meme dog for actually dumb people

I hate this kind of dogs but that was cute

Why do shibas look so funny?

Look at this cat

Attached: fox.webm (640x640, 1.75M)

Are you saying you wouldn't save a beaver duck?

Attached: beaver duck.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

Cats are for betamales and emotionally stunted middle aged women.

Just like humans and dogs, then?

t. brain parasites

I think your cat has autism.


Attached: 1538175440887.jpg (600x600, 72K)

Fucking water scorpions

On the taxpayers dime! Cheers, by the way!

>dogcucks are virtue signalling redditor basedboys

How so? I always heard they are supposed to be really chill.

You aren't fooling me, user. I hope you find something soon.

Attached: [suffers].jpg (547x613, 39K)

You still seething catcuck? We’ve moved on already! Please try to have sex

I'm saying I wouldn't save the 1001 things that will kill you in that place

The weak should fear the strong.

>Please try to have sex
Normalfaggot confirmed.

? How do you go to the gym while NEET? Pays for itself?
Why are you jumping through hoops to lie about being happy while unemployed, lol

Cheetahs are only chill with humans in captivity because they're raised with dogs.

>retrieves the human's kill, earns his meal by cooperating with the human
>loyal, will defend human's life from predators
>does nothing
>still expects a meal
>if you don't provide, they'll just move on
>will run and hide as human gets eaten

good boy. Catfish good eating

>ah naw moite, thi normie crittahs is killin' oll me goose-toed changblarglahs

A cat would kill and eat you if it had the capacity to do so. You shouldn’t want to protect animals on some human projected basis of a mutual exchange, just because you want to preserve unique forms of life. If you don’t care about that, fine, but you have no soul

Thanks. I'm starving to be honest. I eat twice a day.

>gets mad about cat vs dog shit
>not normalscum
ok pal

What the fuck is this have sex thing I keep seeing everywhere?

In dragon age the hound was pretty good. The interuppting and disabling was valuable. Only wish you could romance him...

Attached: The_Mabari_Hound.png (797x664, 562K)

This is like letting a charged gun in the table with kids around

Is he samefagging now lol? I have weights at home. If you literally cannot believe a person is happy without material wealth memes aside you are brainwashed.

That's the cutest thing I've ever seen

Attached: RIP Silver.webm (640x640, 2.87M)

These are the best dogs.

Attached: capybara-unusual-animal-friendship-fb__700-png.jpg (700x368, 61K)

Oh nonono he’s falsefagging as me to cope lmao. Peak wagie
It’s a meme

Too bad his actually combat efficiency is just a worse junpei

It looked like shit though.

ey, that's the dog from that old cartoon movie. what's it name again? the one with the fox and that dog...

The arcanum dog is a good boy



Wild Arms XF?

The BEST boy.

finally someone that isn't a newfag

why would you give someone a grenade for selfdefense.
that dog wants the kid dead in the blast

this, boney's speed made him super useful for giving out healing items and lifenoodles when i didnt want to waste lucas or kumatoras turns or pp on healing PSI

Attached: Boney_scarfed_sprite.png (135x161, 2K)

Is that a fucking panther!?

it's literally called The fox and the hound.


Ask a pizza delivery guy who has run over 7 cats in his lifetime anything but braked for every wandering dog anything.

Also, Amy best girl.

Attached: ccd.jpg (285x326, 15K)

>285 replies
>no D-Dog
I am disapoint

Attached: friend.jpg (640x360, 47K)

>He doesn't carry a grenade on his belt for self defense
It's like you want to get robbed and murdered or something

Attached: brendan fraser.jpg (540x720, 33K)

That dog looks middle aged. Shame they don't last very long. Puppies are fun but older dogs get to be maximum bro tier.

No need to ask, I know you are based and doing God’s work. Nature thanks you.

>ayo lil doggie das a nice bone, mind if I take it for a while?

>Horse companion is OP

Attached: 1547059952212.png (460x544, 203K)

That is clearly a wolf

wtf I love dogs now

Catfags btfo, caturday is a thing of the past, Yea Forums is a dog site now.

>tfw dog is getting old

Attached: 1442715161595.png (509x411, 18K)

The weak are destined to be colonised by the strong. The age of pedophile catfags is over, dogbros have arrived on Yea Forums shores

>yfw that's what doggies do

Attached: missile.png (643x600, 224K)

Quite welcome, user.

>Possum companion can spawn allies

Attached: possum mom.webm (360x640, 1.86M)

I'm so glad people are finally starting to realize what a garbage tier breed Pitbulls are. Damn thing is I still see them fucking everywhere irl.

literal normalfags and newfags celebrating openly

I can't fucking handle it.

Attached: 1365177058447.jpg (990x646, 34K)

>letting a charged gun in the table

Attached: gooby.jpg (241x209, 7K)

he actually does in the dlc

You can literally see the "why me" in her eyes

catfag cope
only Yea Forums ever liked caturday and it’s always been the most normalshit board

Attached: preciousandfragile.png (500x484, 488K)

Disgusting creatures.

Only breed of dog I will not be friendly with. Maybe Rottweilers too but they're still not as bad. I'm convinced people don't really get pitbulls for the companionship, they just get them to be a home security system.

is there a better plot twist in gaming?

Rotweilers are very friendly in my experience

style is always better than min/maxing

Attached: bear.webm (480x720, 2.18M)

how does bird know what bone is

Attached: 1494218335245.png (612x491, 98K)

>fighting for mid in dota 2.webm