Post fashion.
>feint someone
>they start complaining
I was hoping this wouldn't be a thing in this game
>not taking pleasure in making baddies asspained
That's the best part user
>I hit enemy 5 times
>they hit me one time
It's getting real tiring bros
How does the speed of the gameplay feel? I thought chivalry was too slow
It's just as slow as chivalry but much less janky. Things are more weighty.
Play a higher damage weapon if you can get 5 hits on an enemy without them dying then. Fast weapons do shit damage for a reason, they're hard to parry and chamber.
>Female and negroid Knights.
No way my toaster can run this, too bad
use a mace
Is it that bad? I don't know what's considered a toaster these days. I thought it looked well optimized. Could some user tell us how it runs
Couldn't run Witcher 3 so I probably can't run this either. Really enjoyed chiv too
Why didn't they remove that shit? I thought they wanted to make Chivalry without all the shitty combat mechanics. Can you even block them?
>inb4 "just predict it lmao"
what went so right bros ?.
It's slower than Chiv and weapons feel very heavy in a bad way.
how fucking old is your PC, m8? I have a $600 PC from 2011 that can run both W3 and this game
Feinting costs stamina. If you aren't shit then you wont panic and you will read the feint. If someone feints you they lose stamina and you can hit them before they hit you.
Don't block right away lol.
is this a joke?
>Can you even block them?
If you guess correctly, yes. You're in for a treat because they added a second way to feint with morphs, as well as chambering which rewards gambling which is why Mordhau is a piece of shit.
2012 I think, it's the cpu
you have to git gud my fren
stouty is an incel
For Honor update on the 2nd frens
wow I sure enjoy not getting any xp or gold after spending 30 minutes in a frontline match
t. farmed by Stouty
In Chivalry, you could block right before hitframe starts, they'd feint, and then you wouldn't be able to block in time for their next attack. I was asking if this was the case here, where feints can be impossible to block no matter your skill
this is a mordhau thread m8
>someone will pay money for this
ahaha pathetic
just change your steam name, bro. it gives you the exp and gold.
that neutral top 400ms light on LB is going to be so fucking annoying, especially now that static guard heroes can attack faster after switching guard
>20k players
>still can't find a frontline match
Wake me up when they fixed the xp and gold thing. I wont be playing this game forever, so until i get bored of it i at least want to get ingame currency so i can be fashionable
Use the server browser you dumb nigger
>20K players
May as well be fucking zero players.
Nobody answered me in the last thread - what am I in for?
A shit game that is getting shilled like crazy
all the inner circlejerk youtubers are cringey gaytard bootlickers
not working double nigger
why do I keep getting 0 exp from my matches?
it's fucked
devs are so incompetent it's fucking crazy, save yoruself and refund while you can.
I get exactly 0 servers from the browser, no matter what filter I use
I hope you're joking ): I wanted a good knight game
ive pnly played an hour or so, but it seems like you have to feint much earlier in your strike in this game than chivalry, and the block is really short, so if you're not blocking early, it seems like youd have time to see the feint coming. overall the game seems faster and more difficult than chiv
Wait a bit longer
It's an UI glitch, you'll get everything eventually. I woke up this morning and received every gold I earned last night.
>made the only optimized UE4 game on the market
Don't you have some dilating to do?
Okay-ish game
It's fun because it's Chivalry. Thing is there's something not clicking with me, besides the obvious issues like not getting any xp or gold anyhow. There's something wrong, the BR mode is ass, the Horde mode would work better if it wasn't vs Bots but shitters have to play against not-players to not panic, and the Frontline mode is a meatgrinder with little rhyme.
Like everything is there, from picking weapons on the battlefield, but doesn't get enforced. Getting loot like on the BR, but it's on a BR mode. An economy system on the Horde mode, but it's vs bots. I mean, Skirmish mode with Counter Strike economy makes the most sense, but that's what it's NOT.
It's ok. They're not gonna make more depth into it.
>open server browser
>filter as wanted
>press refresh
>alt-tab to shitpost on Yea Forums for a few minutes
>alt-tab back and servers are displayed
Lacks point in working as a squad/team.
There's no objectives other than run to the front and bash someone. It's fun to do so, but only for awhile.
I can taste the mountain dew
>shilling this hard
Mate the game is fun but it literally adds fucking nothing that Chivalry didn't already do. Not to mention the insane amount of bugs, glitches.
It's a 5/10 game, should be f2p with cosmetics at best.
>insane amount of bugs, glitches.
such as?
if it's exactly the same as chivalry but with better graphics, then it sounds fun to me
being fun, for honor babies don't know what that is
I bought it on a whim, it's actually really enjoyable, having come from FH. Only thing annoying to deal with right now is the lag but they're "working on it"
quick rundown on this 'Stouty'?
i remember having him added as a friend years ago for maybe 2 or 3 days, dude was fucking obnoxious and turned out he only added me because some friend of his asked him to try and get private info out of me.
Not getting your rewards for 2 days now, for example. Meaning you can't try new weapons or builds, I'd say that's pretty fucking bad.
Also the non-collision glitch that happens relatively often, happened to me 4 times in 3 hours in 4 different servers.
Also, models getting stuck in terrain all the time.
Also, horrible latency issues.
Also, matchmaking literally not working at all, only server list.
The only reason you would defend the devs for the state of the game it's currently in after fucking release is that you're one of them. And I've heard some pretty funny things about the devs so far.
Reminder that Mordhau has been aggressively shilled on Yea Forums for two years by an autistic Britbong who likely has connections with the devs.
It's pretty much the same, the gameplay is pretty good so if you have a couple day's worth of free time give it a go, because most of the time you'll spend staring at loading and lobby screens. Then you'll disconnect for no reason.
yeah I'm getting a new pc soon, so I'll pick it up later once it goes on sale, hopefully server issues are resolved