Mahjong Soul thread
>South 4
>one guy calls double riichi
Mahjong Soul thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck that shit I was 1st place and then front guy just won 12k tsumo and next round right player just double riichi and won 12k tsumo. fuck this game. fuck.
>1-shanten hell for several games now
I can't even call tiles fuck this shit
>Save myself via a pin royal flush
WEW LAD, that was fucking close
>match already starts within 2 minutes every time one of you posts a url
So I'll just make my own.
just fucking put me down already
Why can't I play as a shota in this game
>anatomy test in 4 hours and have to study
>want to play mahjong with Yea Forums
Majsoul Friends Room 60618(4-Player East):
>it's a you make good ass hands but everyone outrons you with 1000 points shit episode
Study hard so you can make the big buxx later and get one those expensive Mahjong tables irl.
gomen gomen
I have 4 4th place ever since silver.
And it continues
Christ, today's just been the fucking worst
ahh yes. mahjong. a game where whoever get into tenpai frist win and the other 3 players are going to try their hardest to fold. very interesting. i wasted 7 years playing this hsit.
>"I'll just play one quick game"
>Goes to south
This isn't how I remember mahjong
I played for the first time last night and almost keptplaying till like 4am
It really is true sex can sell anything. I've never played mahjong in my life but some big titty waifus are making me want to try now
>Under the Sea
>In 3rd place in final game, trying to go for a double yakuhai with one dora
>chink steals a kan for no discernable reason
>suddenly I have four dora
>finish 1st
based chinaman
open tanyao is the default setting, correct?
i keep forgetting if it is or isn't and potentially screw myself out of sick 1000 point hands
>start playing for waifus
>stay because to fuck up peoples hands
>unironically lost because of ping
If you rush open tanyao every hand, end your life.
>negative review
>hours played: 1567
>"This game sucks!"
Why not just fap and play a good game instead?
Playing games for your dick is stupid.
>that 12000 + 8000 double ron
>guy calls riichi
>see he's discarded 2 pin earlier
>so the only tile i have that is somewhat safer than the others, assuming he's going for ryanmen, is 5 pin
>he fell for the suji meme
read up on suji traps my dude
and now you're playing super smash bros
no one in bronze and silver know what those are
b-but it's literally impossible, this is too convenient for your opponent!
2-pin alone doesn't make 5-pin safe for a ryanmen wait. Even if the guy also played 8-pin, you should be quite cautious of throwing that kind of tile on ippatsu.
My family calls circle tiles coin tiles, characters are jacks, and bamboo are worms
That was an exciting end.
187/600 now
I swear bronze room is way fucking worse than any game on tenhou ippan
very great luck uh
>not playing because mahjong is a complex and interesting game
Catgirls please go away
It legitimately is because of chinks
It's not my fault I only have 2 characters to choose from
I do play it for that
everything else is a bonus
Why does every chinese player i've seen go for 1/2k hands and instantly ragequits once they get btfo'd into paying up. From the way they're playing you'd think they're trying to grind money in a mahjong parlor
chinks always ruin every multiplayer game they get their hands on
Chinese mahjong rules are different from riichi rules. Calling tiles is much more important in their game
So how do you increase bond with characters? Is there somewhere I can do that?
post roooom or garterbelts
>get in tenpai on the last turn
>riichi button staring at you
The mark of a true yakuza is not how many times he wins, but how many times he can get up after being knocked down.
>rons you for 1k while spamming emotes when you take more than 2 seconds to discard
Give them gifts or play silver ranked rooms
do it coward
The moment you start partaking in that faggottry you'll be a gachafag. Don't do that. The harlots are there just to make it pretty.
Do your dailys and then spend it all on tendies to feed your anime wife
what are you gonna do about it?
>almost had the fucking wind yakuman
But I want them to read my hand! It's not as cool when they're not reading it, and that's all I want.
And how exactly do I give them shiny baubles?
>people actually making threads about and playing mahjong
what would make you take the time to learn a fairly complicated game? anime tiddies?
Why is there no game like this where I can play texas hold 'em with cute anime girls
why havent you made it yet
What's the best way to learn this game?
And don't say "play it" because believe me I've tried
>reaching on a closed wait
>for three remaining 3 sou
What else were you going to do?
Depends, are you trying to learn because of the tits?
good game bros
Two-Wind room:
been learning how to play for a while now but i'm shit so i didn't want to ruin games on tenhou, thanks to release of this game and influx of other shitters i don't feel out of place.
I came to this thread just to say that Nikaidou is one hot bitch.
>tfw finally got second place in ranked
man, playing with you fags is much easier
my hands are always either low value, very slow or both what the fuck?
how the fuck
Play South games, East is a chink call fiesta
It was a 18000 points hand too
git gud
Based retard chinks
Go to the dorm, click view on the waifu of your choosing and you can gift them whatever you want from there
How do I avoid these chinese players
Get in here fags
exclusively play Yea Forums rooms
spell out tiananmen square with your discard pile
What was he even going for?
Why are people from the west actually better at this than chinese players where the game is an actual national sport
play south games in bronze until you hit silver
alternatively go for terminal-only hands in bronze east and watch them play in every time because they have brain damage and will literally never fold no matter what
You're like a little baby.
Watch this.
pressing shiny buttons
Looks like you got mad for being Chii'd 4 times
>always get into tenpai with a haneman hand
>chink feeds tile to another chink
They play with different rules and have to adjust to riichi while western players start fresh
The only yaku that chinks know is tanyao. Even then, they don't seem to have a very strong grasp of how that hand works.
>love mahjong
>love that Yea Forums is talking about mahjong
>hate fucking waifu faggotry.
I don't know how I feel about this game and new trend.
ok retard
make your discards spell out "461989" three times in a row
or just play at night when chinks go to sleep
>he can't enjoy mahjong and tits
Shit taste user, stop being a homosexual
Why the fuck are pro chinks hanging around bronze? Is really not fun when you know that the dude is ultra good, winning 4-20k hands every round and fuck everyone over.
the waifus are so fucking expensive the discourse boils down to nee-san > cat
Be glad we're not talking about mahjong and not waifufaggotry.
For a moment, I thought this was a chi.
The waifu aspect is literally just avatars and emotes. If it bothers you just play with voices off
join please
>start with 2 wind tiles that don't get you any yaku
what do?
>Such an absolute faggot that can´t love the feel of tiles and tits
No one even talk about the waifus cause they are expensive and the game gives you nothing to roll waifus for.
All the mahjong parts of the game are perfectly intact, it's not like they cut out gameplay for gacha or something.
The only ones not talking about mahjong are people trying to learn the game because of the titty bait.
So do the girls undress when you win.
Everyone is having innocent and genuine fun, people whining about the girls are just fucking gay and stupid.
It's really cute and charming, if you let your fun get ruined because "hur dur s-stupid waifufags" you're the real fag.
>dealer baiman at start for early lead
>continue dealing into hands of same tittymonster on my left
Oh well.
I'm not expecting this to last any time soon. Soon the threads are going to be 80% asking if you got waifu #37282 and how waifu #2111 feet is for fucking.
Oh fuck it has voices? Please don't tell me it's high pitched anime shit
Big sis > Catgirl btw
The free sex hand.
Depends on the character btw but because 90% picked the catgirl as an avatar...
Of course the shitposting retard hasn't even played the game.
It is, but you can turn it off.
The game just launched so a lot of people are in bronze regardless of actual skill level. Give it a week or two and the rooms should sort themselves out.
blease resbond
Fuck off. Anime faggotry is pretty fucking grating at times.
I'd rather prefer the whole strip mahjong games than "umuuuu kawaii desu ne sempaiiii????"
Majsoul Friends Room 60618(4-Player East):
need one more
imagine being THIS fucking gay
Nobody cares about the waifus and faggots that have admitted to spending money on this game to get them have been laughed out of every thread.
Your autistic whining is pretty grating at times. How about you play the game or fuck off?
>not even playing
>complaining about it
why are you even here?
I hope they'll add league/guild mode or something similar. As far as I can tell, I'll be grinding copper coins in YOLO-mode when I'm out.
Imagine being addicted to 2D waifus lmao. Have fun humping your body pillows.
Fuck off, faggot.
Can i get a change list from this one? why the removal of the Four Kan graphic?
ah I see you're just shitposting
Oh, that would be me
Best emote, really captures the feeling of drawing and discarding two seat winds in a row
Not really. You fucks just get triggered over everything.
I am confused and thoroughly intrigued. How do I get started on this game? Sounds like it has a lot of skill to it.
>coming into a thread for a game you're not playing
>Saying everyone else is triggered
you're the one who seems upset
If you're white, get a different hobby. Stop having yellow fever, faggot.
Majsoul Friends Room 10207(4-Player South):
think this is the newest version
Create a friendly room and practice against the AI, the goal of the game is to get 4 sets of 3 (either sequences or 3 of a kind) and a pair, with the 14th tile being your winning, either discarded or drawn. The game itself has a tutorial that covers how the basics of the game works, and:
Explains what the yaku are, just practice building hands and then join some Yea Forums rooms and get pon bullied
keep them of course
can be a pair or a triplet
or safe tiles to discard if the others come out
Fuck yeah, time to get my ass kicked at Japanese Poker.
Who here is actually asian?
I'm going to culturally appropriate the shit out of your territorial stone capture game AND your tile rack building game!
How the fuck do I memorize all these?
I'm hispanic
i'm willing to bet 70% of the people in these threads are chinks, gooks, or some kind of SEAmonkey
Me, never understood shit even though my dad played this with his friend all the time when they came over. He never wanted to teach me.
>in ranked rooms always balance efficiency and value
>in friendly rooms only play stupid big hands in friendly rooms and rarely win
Why am I like this?
my man
Same way you learn a language. Only instead of insulting someone's mother's choice of profession via clever wordplay, you cuck them out of 2 points and get 2 points for yourself.
Over time, start with the simple ones and soon you'll get a grasp on them all
A lot of them also tie in together, like all pon, 7 pairs, or 4 concealed triplets so you can start off aiming for one and then adjust based on the round.
Soon all you'll see when you look at your hand is yaku
will learning how to play mahjong get me laid
Does Indonesia have Mahjong? If so how do we prevent/undo this? Fuck Indonesia.
This might be the most stressful few hanchan I've ever played, it's not about playing correctly or being smarter but being the fastest retard at the table. Why are there so many players that refuse to keep their hand closed?
Why do you hide names?
>turn timer is too fast, so i can't shitpost while playing
please make it slower so everyone gets mad at me, thank you
How the fuck do you roll the gatcha? You get nothing from winning, except a few rank points. And why is it so hard to climb? Winning once will set you back again if you come third place twice, or fourth once. Kind of hardcore.
Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. Greetings. I must move quickly! Greetings. Greetings Greetings. Greetings.
I'm brazilian, bro.
Chinese players are used to playing Chinese mahjong, where the goal is to win quick and fast.
How do you even learn about mahjong? It's literally a game for weebs outside of asian countries.
Rub your brain on information until your brain gets in roughly the correct shape for the information to fall in.
>How the fuck do you roll the gatcha?
You don't, fag.
I'm white as fuck and 日本語で話せる
I got a couple friends that I have board game/card game nights with
We play everything we can get a ruleset for
I'm Arab.
it's also for jews
like not the meme on here where everything i don't like is a jewish trick, but actual jews
I want my tits, it motivates me to learn.
So you just came to shitpost. I see.
You get copper for playing in Silver and above rooms, and you can trade in copper for gifts, which you can trade in for dust, for which you can trade in for summon tokens.
It's a slow ass grind though. 15k copper for a single dust, and you need 50 dust for a single summon token. Occasionally you get a gift from a chest too.
Mahjong is all about tactical shitposting.
Smart people usually prefer go because it's more complex and has more depth to it. Also 100% skill based.
To be honest, your question was pretty much shit-tier, the shitpost was deserved.
Thanks bro.
You already have the cat and the cow, now get to playing brainlet.
He's going for that haitei dora tanki machi.
It's not my problem that you can't comprehend it.
>Not getting into immediate tenpai and waiting for the round to draw for free points
Where does one go for mahjong streamers / tubers these days? I remember watching some strong players on niconico but that was like 6-7 years ago.
Tiananmen square massacre
>some fag double riichi twice
>wins 3 big hands in a row as east
>end up 2nd
I didn't win but I didn't completely lose either.
>1st place is 500 points ahead of me
just kill me
>It's an everybody immediately starts calling tiles to get tanyao episode
Fucking jonglets, I swear
why do people get mad at Ron plays?
Probably because you interrupted someone's mangan for 1000 points
noob game
two wind
60sec thinking time
probably because they had a better hand than your fucking tanyao
I want a mahjong server where each player records their own voice lines for "pon", "chi", "ron", "tanyao", etc.
I remember that comic
gay shit
but user my voice is already in the game! ponya
1 more
dumb fag, male version is called incubus
>open tanyao or honitsu every hand
it's like ippan all over again
shut the fuck up my nick is great
Room? Free sex?
your nick is trash
It really is trash mate.
Because they got out fucking skilled by some brainlet who realized the game was moving faster than their 1d chess hand
soread your legs
south room here
Well done well done, HOWEVER
Post room then
before you build your gay ass yakuman they'll win hundred hands
git fast = git gud
Majsoul Friends Room 10207(4-Player South):
One more!
dumb bitch lurk more
>something that you learn just so other people can beat you more easily
why are some tiles shiny
this cute gif will see a lot of use
more points
but we aren't talking about your mom
They grant you bonus points, but only if you have a valid hand.
bonus point indicator for your convenience, you have to still have yaku to cash in though.
Learn at least yakuhai and tenpai. Play FFXIV mahjong with hints turned on, until you understand the hints. Then go back to Mahjong Soul.
>Some dude made a mangan 8k play
>Everyone else are doing 2k play, including me
>Came second while the pon dude won
>Mangan dude 4th
So big dick play is only good if your starting hand allows it? Trying to build it everytime is a bad idea?
>tanyao blitz is true skill, stop trying to play the game as intended
The absolute state of riichi
>20 tiles left
>Hand is in shambles
>Call everything to get into single tile wait
>Called tiles actually look viable so everyone plays around not playing into my hand
>it's a furiten and I get those delicious tenpai points
>Learn at least yakuhai and tenpa
I meant
>Learn at least yakuhai and tanyao, and understand tenpai
>Calling them "plays"
don't hate the player, hate the game
riichi tanyao pinfu dora dora 8k k thx bye
If you lose against someone button mashing in a fighter game maybe you're not actually good at that game. Just a thought. If you go for big yaku when your hand is too far away you're playing worse than someone who recognizes he can only reach a cheap yaku and goes for it.
>garter belt
any porn yet? I live for that shit
>confusing calling for efficiency
There are a lot of pros who play open hands mostly. It really depends on your style. General advice for newfriends is it always aim for mangan.
Good opinion, but low IQ judgement. The game gives almost no chances at more of them girls for free, meaning waifufaggots are either shit outta luck and fucked or support the game and fucked the way they are ok with it.
That's stupid advice.
Does the chinese server already have android and ios apps?
>browser crashed
what's the difference between east and south
Holy shit guys that one was intense as fuck.
Big hands after big hands, I was spooked the entire time.
Can't believe my wait for the white dragon at the very end actually worked. I was sure someone had the other 2 and was just scared to discard it myself
Mahjong Soul uses "south game" to mean "east-south game". It means there's an east round then a south round, instead of just an east round.
I made it to silver, and never manganed. I just think the odds soloing a good hand is hard. Meanwhile, doing wind and dragon Yaku, even simple one are easy wins since you got 3 players working for you.
That way you can learn how to build different yaku instead of just calling everything. Then you can develop your own style.
Mother Russia present.
Aggressive style rapid fire play is largely considered rude and against the spirit of the game. It's why "no open tanyao" is the most common house rule for riichi games.
Don't you need 4 sets and a pair to win? What 4 sets do you have in this hand?
I see 234, 555, 777
that's the joke
Is this a simple four triple hand with a pair? Or do you need terminals?
Dude, I think you should activate your windows.
>pure double sequence
Opening your hand isn't the problem, it's people who do it because they literally don't know how to do anything else but rush trash hands. It's not a viable strategy in the long term and just pisses off anyone who has been playing longer than a month.
22 345 556677 789
note the pure double sequence on the yaku
22 345 567 567 789
Learning to recognize more than one way numbers can form a pattern is an important part of learning this game.
22 345 567 567 789
look again
22 345 567 567 789
>losing by hitting negative points
he had 345 567 567 789 and pair of 2s
inccubus prey on females, succubus (male) are just males who prey on males
HAHAHAHAHAHA you are just like a little worm, BEHOLD
Chinponchinks are fucking unbeatable, lads
thanks anons. I'm trying to find enough newbies to start doing beginner sessions with, but it's been rough trying to learn.
>I made it to silver, and never manganed.
Silver isn't something great. If you can't make a decent hand you'll have trouble later on against actually good players. Mangan isn't something big, it's middle ground between big and small hand.
>I just think the odds soloing a good hand is hard
Good hand is haneman or higher, you need to have 6 han for that. Mangan is literally riichi, pinfu, tanya and either dora, ura dora or bonus wind/dragon.
>Meanwhile, doing wind and dragon Yaku, even simple one are easy wins since you got 3 players working for you.
Fast hand is a double edged sword.
>cat for ants
>eyes light up when you click on it due to shitty image quality
>Opening your hand isn't the problem, it's people who do it because they literally don't know how to do anything else but rush trash hands. It's not a viable strategy in the long term and just pisses off anyone who has been playing longer than a month.
If you know better you will rise in rank and play in higher rooms where that doesn't happen. If you have been playing more than a month and you are in rooms where that happens then you are bad and should get good if you want to stop being angry.
Majsoul Friends Room 65499(4-Player South):
Based Nee-san
chinitsu hands can be pretty hard to understand. Even more advanced players can have a hard time finding all of their waits
why didn't you discard 9p?
Damn, it feels good to git lucky.
Yes, it's all triplets combined with all honors/terminals. You don't need terminals for all triplets.
Played 6 Hanchan today. I went from 300/600 to 290/600. very nice day,
So what do I get if I keep buying my nee-san character jewels every day
look at that time I didn't know much about the game
Brainlet here, is it not a good idea to rush trash hands when you are far ahead to make harder for other people to pull big hands and catch up to you?
>bronze room
a blowjob
it's a good idea to rush trash hand to waste as many rounds as possible so you can win fast.
No, you have less tiles to bail with. It's only the best option if you have a tiny lead in S4.
It's a great idea. Play fast and end rounds early when you're ahead.
Yes except when you're East.
another thing you can do, if you have the balls is try ti richi early to make other people fold, even if your hand is trash.
double edged sword though
>If you have been playing more than a month
Mahjong Soul is a few days old, retard. Back to /jp/ and take away your residdent shitter
Will I learn how to play Mahjong if I play? I've wanted to play Mahjong since playing Yakuza, but I could never really get it.
Thanks for the responses, I knew nothing about mahjong until 2 days ago and I'm having a blast.
Well fun games all around.
I'm tired of retards parroting this bullshit. You can't just choose to win against 3 beginners, you're largely dependent on luck because if you don't get a good starting hand there's almost no way to win strategically. Anything you try to put together will get beaten out by a shitty 2000 point hand before the round even reaches the third row, so the best you can do is drop to their level and try to rush your own hand; but that means you're just playing with what the wall gives you, and if that doesn't just happen to put you in the lead or if someone gets a lucky mangan or haneman, you're basically fucked even if you never deal in. Playing aggressively also means sacrificing defense, and defending against beginners is already hard because they do unpredictable and often nonsensical things, so you'll have a much higher tendency to deal in to trash hands because they're not actively trying to do anything other than win ASAP. The only real advantage you can have is call and discard optimization, but that still doesn't help very much if you can't pair it with strategic hand building.
Pro mahjong strategy largely revolves around knowing you're playing with other skilled mahjong players, and when you've been playing at that level long enough, you can't just set aside that experience and play like a retard on purpose in order to muscle past beginners into the higher ranked rooms. Acting like this is some easy thing to do that anyone could pull off if they were actually good just proves you have never played anywhere close to that level and have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
secret mahjong tech: if you go into dorm and click on the magnifying glass you can see the whole sprite
what it could have been...
I learned about mahjong through Yakuza and never really understood the finer points until playing this mahjongsoul. The tutorial is pretty good and they have a lot of QoL stuff that is very helpful for beginners (bonus tiles have a shine, tells you which tiles you need to win and how many are left in play, etc.)
why can't I be this good?
awful hand. those doras are going to be burdens when defending against eventual opponents tenpai.
not with my flow
Alright Yea Forums, let's get this out of the way.
What do you listen to while during a session?
the game's own music or something else?
I listen to either the Yakuza series OST or Akagi OST
I listen to Blue Man Group. The drums help me think.
So what happened to tenhou?
it doesn't have cute anime girls or emotes
very boring. it's basically a sleep medicine.
“Appear noten when you are tempai, and tempai when you are noten.”
“The supreme art of mahjong is to get the first place without winning a single time.”
“If you know the yaku and follow discards, you need not fear the result of a hundred riichis. If you know your waits but not the opponents, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know don't follow either hands, you will lose in every match.”
“Let your waits be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you open, fall like a thunderbolt.”
“Supreme excellence consists of winning the match without dealing in.”
“Victorious gamblers win first and then use emotes, while defeated gamblers emote first and then seek to win”
“In the midst of riichis, there is also a damaten”
“The greatest victory is that which requires no discard.”
What the FUCK do I have to do to declear a winning hand? I had 2 sequences, a triplet and a pair in hand yet I couldn't do anything.
Thats just bullshited art of war quotes.
What were your yaku?
>“The supreme art of mahjong is to get the first place without winning a single time.”
Yeah. No.
To get first place you need luck. Good player won't always win, but they will never lose.
I don't know what that is but the game did mention something about it, no matching yaku or something.
Did you open your hand by calling a pon or chi? If you did you need to have specific hands to win.
>good players will never lose
based retard
Thanks Captain.
Good players won't get 4th place because they know how to defend.
Winning with that kind of hand is hard but it has an advantage: those 3 doras can't be in other players hands (4 other doras remain in the game though), meaning their potential average value is lower.
Oh, I'm a moron. What does Pon do and when should I use it?
>10 fps
Guess it's back to tenhou for me
How long have you been playing for? A week?
t. bad player
seriously? it's a browser game. don't your PC have a motherboard or something?
Is there a mod to change yakus from english to japanese?
t. frequent 4th place loser
try a different browser
Good players only get more 1st and less 4th. You can't magically avoid 4th. Extremely defensive play is not a viable playstyle.
t. never made it out of ippan
>no matching yaku
Means that you are trying to win off tiles that are no longer in play. Always keep track of what has been discarded
Leave your waifu to me, bro.
stop projecting
t. never won a tournament in phoenix lobby
>playing ranked
>someone drops a tile
>it's a fucking cat paw
A good player can still bust if 2 dealer hanemans spook them.
>stop projecting
I will. Sorry about that.
>ron on last discard
nothing personnel
>no lolis
this game sucks
I hope 4 good players never get matched together, the paradox of none of them being eligible for last place while the game requires that might crash the servers.
Sorry I started rushing when I got into 2nd. I was pretty sure I wasnt going to get the lead anyway. I'm not good enough to go for good hands when I have such little time to think.
>the free girl that everyone uses isn't a loli
you just encountered your first gachashiiter
loli needs cash for lolipops, pay up
Guess why the hag tits are censored.
>still bronze
>english in my username
>osaka catgirl, not tittymonster
>no welfare title
Everyone underestimates me in ranked matches, without fail. Chinamen suddenly start doing their draws really slowly by east 3rd round.
nice game everyone
What? I can see her tits just fine.
The original had cleavage
>This is a game that obviously depends on sex to sell its microtransactions
>lets fucking censor the cleavage
It's so baffling to me.
0cchan take a break.
Pon and Chi are used to steal another player's discard in order to make a triplet or sequence. The downside to this is some hands require you to be 'closed' to win, and of course exposing part of your hand to the other players.
As for when to use it, as a beginner I would only call to complete a dragon or wind triplet since those can be used in pretty much any winning hand
Just beat my high score
>Pon and Chi are used to steal another player's discard in order to make a triplet or sequence.
Guess all catgirl players are niggers
>censored before release
There's the cat and then another premium loli
Is the only way to unlock characters through gacha? Do you get any currency from playing?
need one more
Still waiting for the pic.
is it not censored in china and jp? if it's the same then you're a tard
Why do all fucking gatcha game company go and settle in Calitransonia? Is it some tax dodge law there?
East block jazz or A Tribe Called Quest
Read gay furry comics, win gay furry prizes.
apparently you have to grind for a stupid amount of time to get the characters if you don't want to pay for them
regardless who cares since it's not like they add anything to the game
You get shit for winning in higher tiers, but playing also costs copper
censored pre-release
to kill 40% of the taxation.
how the fuck do you know its censored if you never saw what it looked like to begin with
>someone riichis
>the very next player who has an open hand and nothing to gain
Look at the emotes
I do this every single time just because it can make the game more interesting. Watching everybody fold until the end of the round when someone riichis gets boring after 100th time.
Because pro artists always draw characters naked, and then add the clothes as photoshop layers. So literally everyone is censored duh!
gotta get that extra tile
could just be an art style thing
it's funny how she's only censored in the game
Based chaosanon
>10 minutes ago: new daily in 10 minutes
>now: new daily in 24 hours
>I'll give you a surprise
>Hobby: making fun of others
how the fuck are gems and hedgehogs a hobby
>final round
>close to making a comeback
>player in last place rons with a 1000 point hand
I'm triggered
The Nee-san was obviously censored pre-release if you look at the art and compare it to the emotes but in this case who really gives a shit desu
>doesn't even take 1st with said ron
Makes my blood boil
"likes" is probably mistranslated as "hobby"
I don't really care about the censorship but it's very odd seeing they're self-publishing and hosting the site themselves
>Red fives only
Fuck this casual garbage
Alright Yea Forumsros, gonna try my first ranked match.
Wish me luck.
Fucking puritans, is this game for kids by any chance? No? THEN WHY IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK WOULD YOU CENSOR A FUCKING CLEAVAGE? I wish I could kill every retarded californian.
>he doesn't like dora lottery
Taeko Onuki
>final round
>I'm at 2nd with 1st only slightly ahead
>1st place riichi, I got nothin' that's how it be someti-
>last place rons 1st
>tiny ass hand worth only a couple k, didn't even bump him to 3rd
>but it was enough to get me to first
Absolutly based
Did you get a yakuman?
I actually like the "censored" version better, her boobs look wierd in the original.
Chibis are probably easier to draw sexy because their proportions are all out of whack. The big portraits will be scrutinized more.
no fuck you sweetie
*censors naked butt in m rated game*
who else is /top 100/?
there's nothing wrong with the rules, just your understanding
Absolutely based retard bro
Well then, I thought about buying whatever the fuck currency is for the gacha. But not now.
Great job, California.
>last round
>be a hundred points behind the first place player who's the dealer
>4th place player tsumos a shit hand
>dealer pays extra, putting me in the first place
Thank you based Chinaman
THEY have to not have the tile in their discard, not you.
>I would only call to complete a dragon or wind triplet since those can be used in pretty much any winning hand
* any dragon, and either the round wind (east or south) or your seat wind
>Lose against bots that are programmed to do everything wrong
It saddens me greatly that these threads probably will be long dead before I understand this game.
>get bumped out of last because some sap dealt into a yakuman
Do winds count as honor tiles?
Honor tiles = Winds and dragons
>mahjong is a skill based game
>two ippatsu baimans in a row
ggs brehs
>thirteen orphans
Tell me your secrets, o man-who-rolled-the-gacha! Did they give you good goy points because you paid?
If they match the round (east or south) or your seat.
luck is a skill
That is, that makes them count for yakuhai or for pinfu. They always count for tanyou.
Just like Poker, the skill is not about winning any single game, it's about winning more than you lose.
cat has more newb oriented emotes than neesan
will this teach me mahjong so i can finally 100% yakuza
I'm working on a short mahjong for retards guide we can put in the OP
4th place
Chii-nya spammers please go back to playing Yakuza
The absolute state of Chinese players.
Somebody start a new game-nya.
just link /jp/ mahjong thread
they always need more newfriends
Ron, Dainyangen
That is why you dont pon off other ppl tiles. You could of had 7 pairs, instead of shitty open hand.
Goddamnit, bros, almost out of bronze
Things will be different in silver, right?
I needed the points.
they all fucked off to their sikrit discord in fright HA
there's nothing but majs*ul now
>tfw jacking off while playing mahjaaan
oh man
Several threads back some user put together a pic about not being a chiipon nigger
Might wanna find that
>Discard the same dragon three times in a row
>Catnigger uses the superb emote
Fuck you catgirl faggots
you'll get the bond points and the gift chest bar points even for your fourths
>4th place chink calls ron on a 1000 point hand to knock me from second to third
>stays in 4th anyway despite the fact that they could've gone for second or first if they had built their hand very slightly differently
I'm actually mad
What the fuck
>doesn't remember me
>have to resend verification to log back in
>sometimes it doesn't send
first hand
>he discards north
>you declare riichi
>he gets north (your genbutsu and a worthless tile for him)
>he discards the 1-sou
second hand
>has MULTIPLE one edge waits that are genbutsu
>discards randomly
chinks are retarded huh
>/jp/ mahjong thread
>playing vs 3 chinks
>they always cooperate to keep the gwailo down
fuck you tittymonsterfag
was it u
>discard dragon
>safe tile
>next turn
>discard another
>get sent to the fucking 3rd place
Big sis no bulli with your big titties.
#41314 +2
no, I've actually managed to think most of the time
I had troubles only close to the edge
What does it mean when a tile is dark/greyed out in the logs?
Every pon you call off my tiles just brings me closer to the edge.
Why only CN has a free shit giveaway event HUH
Good boy! Now go score a yakuman while climaxing. Go.
they should fucking decrease it
ive never spent 10 seconds thinking on what tile to discard and i have a 9% deal in rate
I was close to having the greens-only yakuman, but pon'd the wrong tiles
Tenhou lacks any of the polish that Majsoul has, it's literally a barebones mahjong client.
The only real competitor in japan was the old JRM which had arguably even more polish than Majsoul (but importantly lacked the anime tiddies) but became P2P several years ago.
Majsoul is essentially the replacement for JRM for everyone who likes Mahjong but doesn't want their client to look like it was made in 1999.
>but Tenhou doesn't make you deal with Chinese players
It's become kind of a meme on all three of the relevant boards who play this game to complain about Chinese constantly calling, and going for cockroach 1-2han hands but if you're actually losing to that in the long run, you're just a shit player.
Hora, hora!
Some of you really need to learn how to be more defensive.
while you are all here chillin the nyangers click [yes please]
Tenhou is still the place to hold all the online torneys which matter and the only place to meet the real jap puros at the table.
How do you check the %? Is defense just 100 - deal in %?
Can you gain jade without paying?
>"Half Outside Hand"
No, but you can roll for cocaine dust. Tho you have to grind for thosand years before you get enough dust for a roll.
ryuuiisou huh? Lucky bastard, huh? That seems even harder to get than the more popular ones like kokushi musou. Don't stop until you get that yakuman, user. No excuses.
Based cats giving out free dora
kill yourself censorship lover
>there is no atama hane
Shit game
As opposed to Junchan which would be full outside hand. English yaku names are inconsistent and often make no sense, you should just be able to set them to the romanized japanese ones.
I like how all the girls have a unique placing tile animation and hand model
I still would've won anyway, your hand was pretty stale.
The thing this client needs most is random wait time so it's not obvious when another player is slow to decline a call. Tenhou had that, and I didn't see this anywhere in the live match I watched last night.
I wish they were placing the tiles with their feet
It isn't generic?
>Gacha whale bullying us three cats
Man, this bullying was superb, I've probably exhausted all of my luck for ranked for today
>right declares riichi
>has 3p in discards
>I draw 4p
>switch my wait from 2p to 3p, right deals in
>turns out defense had nothing to do with that and he was going for kokushi
There were still a few hands left to play. Hope dies last
Sure is noten in here.
Die footfaggot
are there any good video guides i can watch for this
Scroll down on your profile
>One turn away from first place
>Deal into double riichi ippatsu
Finally paired with 3 other westerners in ranked
for some reason I've never gotten a new quest
>local cat deals into everyone's hands
Please don't bully me.
>some stray cat reaches at the last possible turn
new thread?
I'm a fucking idiot. Someone explain what the hell the sideways discards people do are.
How about you do the fucking tutorial
Delicious free sex.
Someone bake a new bread, keep mahjong alive
Delicious free sex is riichi button
how do i tell which direction im sitting in.. it's diagonal
Guys what do tiles taste like... they look good
You make them part of the hand you're building but in return you're revealing part of your hand because you've put part of it on the table for everyone to see.
They're delicious.