New Deus Ex logo trademark filed in March

>new Deus Ex logo trademark filed in March
>Today, the company said that it’s opening up more than 100 jobs at Square Enix Montreal and Eidos-Montréal.
is it coming back bros?

Attached: aaaaadam.jpg (665x1280, 127K)

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It never went away, they have worked on the Adam Jensen trilogy's last game for multiple years.

they more or less said the opposite a while back

I want to play as a female Aug. Like Anna Navarre

As a season pass/mobile game

>only people in jensen's life who weren't evil or secretly manipulating him are prichard and aria argento
Jensen had a hard life.

play IW as a grill

Didn't they say they were working on some capeshit project after Mankind Divided flopped?

God I hope they get rid of Jensen if they make another game. He's a cool character and all but I don't think I can take another 18 hours of that monotonous voice.

For a game that thrives on story, they really, really are going to have to make the bridge from their games to Deus Ex work. Their missteps even in HR with the plot don't give me much faith.