I want to learn japanese, is there a torrent or mega folder with hentai games and porn rpg maker games in raw japanese?
I want to learn japanese, is there a torrent or mega folder with hentai games and porn rpg maker games in raw japanese?
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Go to school.
Yeah, there is. I won’t share it with a retarded frogposter though.
>newfag wants to be spoonfed
some things never change
You will not learn japanese if you're unable to find resources by yourself バカ
Go download duolingo first and see if you really want to learn or if you're just weebing
>not 馬鹿
found the gaijin
learn a useful language like Mandarin, then maybe you won't be such a failure
here's a starting point for general orientation
but you know, games are too hard for beginners, even basic shit like Pokémon.
Try after learning kana, some kanji and grammar I'd jump into basic manga like Yotsuba and Dragon Ball. And Detective Conan if you're feeling cheeky
how is it useful?
I've been getting an itch to play Pokemon again, and am also slowly learning Japanese. Which Pokemon game should I play in Japanese?
Hey man, I saw you on /hgg2d/ yesterday. If you want to know japanese, go to vndb, search and pick your favorite VNs and then go ahead to sukebei.nyaa.si and download the games. Have fun.
I want the raw games, but most of the shit I found is already translated.
its the most spoken language in the world
Dude just visit Sukebei now and again 90% of the shit there is untranslated
companies want that
is useless for weeb shit.
what companies?
dude, 99% of my games are in japanese and I got all of them on sukebei
any company that moves it's factories to china for cheap labor AKA all of them
you cant learn japanese
Fuck you
Most spoken =/= most useful
>Oh wow you speak mandarin, now you can migrate to a third-world shithole and work in a sweatshop for 0.04 cents per day!
This. My hs started offering mandarin just before I graduated 10 years ago. The need for translators was ramping up then and I'm sure it's in even more in demand now
That's not how that works. I agree though I wouldn't want to go to chink land either
SM has the most story to read but its draining as fuck going through it. Still it'll reinforce you reading practice.
>I want to learn a useless language that only 4% of the world speaks.
I've been to japan you dont even need to know nip to get around. English is everywhere and the bugs all have a basic understanding.
Go learn a useful language like frog Latin, spicy Latin,insectoid chink,or pajeet
other languages are more useless than japanese.
japan is the main market of videogames, anime and second market of music globally, third strongest economy IRL.
the rest countries are irrelevant.
>largest video game and anime
So? Learning nip will let you lolita hentai games that's it
>second largest music
Again I've been to japan multiple times there music is shit just like the rest of Asia.
>third strongest economy
You are a neet and if you ever work internationally you will work with others who know English
Fucking weebs man
>what reasons you have to learn a language
>these reasons don't matter
why would I learn meme shit like pajeet, french, german, chinese, korean?
What cool weeb shit does pajeets make or chinks?
>but muh jobs
dumb nigger who wants to work with subhumans.
read the /jp/ pastebin
>""""useful"""" languages
Spoken llike a true amerifat who only speaks english
well yeah i already know the most useful language
And you have to move to that shithole to properly utilize that knowledge. If you live in America, learn Spanish. I work as a dental hygienist. I started at 29/hr. Once I mastered Spanish and a couple more years of practice I make 45/hr now. I’ll finish grad school next year and start out at 220k at this practice.
Post one that's actually readable to people above 5'11 please
About how long would it take to play basic games like Pokemon?
>Frog Latin
>spicy Latin
>Insectoid chink
Uh, what? I assume pajeet means Hindi, but what is the rest?
Depending on how you study it probably wouldn't take long. However, you play games/watch shit to actually learn more rather than to understand everything completely.
>Literally no one uses chinese other than china.
>cantonese and madarin
Get that shit out of my vietnamese basketweaving forum
japan produces a massive amount of media that is consumed everywhere in the world
those other countries produce plastic shit and bananas
you will never have a use for those languages
t. Only spent time in tokyo
>t. tokyo street shitter
i see blacks and other minorities at tokyo, feels so unjapanese there, like another world within japan
Aliright then. Right now I'm doing it to beat the kana down in my head but I should start the grammar and learn some words to make sense of most of what I'm reading.
French, Spanish, Chinese
How do you know pajeet but not chink?
>only speaks english
Yes English, the most widely spoken language in the world.
>tfw you pretend to know 10 languages and in the process accidentally learned to speak said languages
Now I feel stupid, I could have figured those out on my own. I mean I know chink, just assumed it means something else because of the insectoid in front of it.
>lolita hentai games
the peak of humanity
came to post this
Have sex.
I played Yakuza Ishin, Persona 5 (before the japanese voices were announced for the localization) and Rance X in Japanese. What's the next big project? I need something with a decent amount of gameplay interspersed so that I don't tire myself only reading text all the time.