Serious questions:

Serious questions:
What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
And why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
Should the government step in?

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The comic book and movie industries are having it far worse than the gaming industry, due to the far higher proportions of normalfags watching movies.

I'm confused, aren't anti-monopoly laws already a thing?

just lobby for legal coercion like everybody else

How when you have no power.

get power

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
You're SOL.
>And why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
It's not the only, it's just among the most blatant cases of customers being exploited and complaints ignored.
>Should the government step in?
I won't imply some intervention isn't due but I'm bot sure getting in that bed would work in our favor. We're assuming they'd do what's best for the customer and not what's best for regulation and control.

So much for consumer first.

Just buy game and then get excited for next games.
There is nothing we can do, the sooner you accept it the better.

>I won't imply some intervention isn't due but I'm not sure getting in that bed would work in our favor. We're assuming they'd do what's best for the customer and not what's best for regulation and control.
Good point. This could also apply to net neutrality. It may reign in the companies but we'll probably get fucked(more than before) by the government. All we can do is shout and keep bringing it up.

>Just buy game and then get excited for next games.
How can you do that when "game" won't exist anymore?

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"Vote with your wallet" movements are destined to fail from the start
For every boycotter theres a dozen morons willing to buy whatever you are boycotting

>"voting with your wallet"
it ALWAYS works

face it, you just want your way to prevail, fuck those that disagree.

All you can really do is hope they don't fuck the next one up, if there ever is a next one. Sometimes it does work, like with Mvci, but then we're just left wondering if they're going to learn from their mistakes or just say fuck it and abandon the series for a few years.

Ain't that the truth.

What next one?

>if there ever is a next one

My bad.

not in us of a

Antisherman? Trust act? All that?

Because the industry is betting and winning on the fact that it's easier to repeatedly extract a small amount of dosh from people than it is to get one large amount. One person who doesn't purchase the product on moral grounds is being offset by several spending more smaller amounts on DLC.

Governments are the reason monopolies exist, brainlets.

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I admit to being a brainlet about these laws and business and shit. Explain and how does it affect vidya?

>why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
Holy shit, all the California Moms buying eco-friendly packages of cookies solved climate change?

Consume the new product and move onto the next. Stop asking questions.

Spoken like a true corporate drone.

>why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
What makes you say that? It certainly isn't, the only thing that normies aren't fucking up because they hold the most buying power is things they are never getting into, like classical music and "hard" books.

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How does a sub-80 IQ actually feel buddy?

It's shitposting, you fucking mong.

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?

It does work, maybe it's time to accept your tastes are shit and find a new hobby.

"Voting with your wallet" is capitalist propaganda
Voting with your wallet is to meaningful protest
Quitting your job all by yourself is to organizing a general strike

Nobody will notice, nobody will care.

Did you know that an inability to recognize sarcasm can be a sign of early dementia?

Make your own video games is the only answer

Only way to change the system is to make your own

"Voting with your wallet" never works on its own.
You need to vote with your wallet AND convince a couple other thousand people to have a tangible effect.

thisYou may be mentally retarded.

It never works because voting doesn't mean that you get what you want. There's too many other people voting against you.

And late-stage capitalism mitigates the effect that you can have.
What's a few thousand people shirking the $60 gonna do when your remaining players are "killer whales" sinking six THOUSAND a pop? How do you think so many mobile games manage to exist healthily with barely anyone playing them?

Wow... actually some pretty well thought-out, smart, and discussion posts in this thread. Good job, anons, proud of you!

That's really only a dynamic in certain areas of the industry. The total lack of collective action is a sufficient explanation overall. That and the fact that all companies, every single one of them, will trade the facade of valuing a niche/loyal customer base in exchange for a larger one, as growth requirements demand in order to stay in business.

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
That people get fucked in the ass.
>And why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
Unfortunately, it's not.
>Should the government step in?
It should, but it won't happen.

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
It always works, you stupid chode. There's more wallets than yours though

>And why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?

Palm oil, corn syrup, Facebook.

"Government bad" is hardly a well-thought out discussion. It's only inherently bad when it doesn't act in the interest of people, which is exactly what the US government has been since the government = bad ideology took over in 80's.

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
You create your own company and outsell em
But if you can't, then you get a rifle and make you can.


>Should the government step in?
As in, compel videogame companies to make niche games? That's completely farcical, and it goes completely against government support of capital. The only way to change the dynamic is to dismantle the capitalist system and remove the profit motive from production.

>tfw pirate games from companies I hate 10x to make them lose even more money

You're correct about the second quoted post, but the first one has a pretty accurate read on the situation and his complaint about the government is 100% historically justified.

>What happens when "voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
Nothing, you are free to live your life.
>And why is the video game industry the only place with this issue?
The developers make the games they want to make.
>Should the government step in?
No, that would be infringing on freedom of speech.

Hard to tell anymore. That's not a detriment to me. That's a detriment to you personally and the state of this board.

Also if you think US Govt. support of capital over democratic interest started in the 1980's you know literally nothing about US history or foreign policy

>"voting with your wallet" doesn't work?
No, it's working. You're just losing. A company that turns down profits for no reason will always be out competed. Companies are trying to expand their audience and are no longer appealing to you anymore.

>never opened a American History textbook in your life
Dumb wojack poster.

So according to this thread, since voting with your wallet doesn't work anymore and you're "Shit Out of Luck". Is that basically it?

>thanks for buying my games and consoles for so long but now you're not needed or wanted. that's it after 20 years, so long good luck

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>That and the fact that all companies, every single one of them, will trade the facade of valuing a niche/loyal customer base in exchange for a larger one, as growth requirements demand in order to stay in business.

What a rare occurrence. A sensible post on Yea Forums of all places. Kids here need to learn that this isn't about some SJW/greedy CEO boogiemen. It's just how business works.


Now you know why there are so many oldfags who haven't played games made after 2005.


Glad you finally get it

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Thats capitalism, baby. If you want that to change, you need to fight for a fundamental change in the way labor and production are organized.

It's your fault in the first place for expecting them to care about you just because you gave them money. That's not how anything ever in this world works.

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you are voting with your wallet
the issue is that the whale beside you is doing the same thing

unironically yes, as theres more shitters that will buy their dumbed down trash

The question is what can be done?

how does one convince a game addicted whale not to spend money?