>game has slime enemy
>drops 5 gold
Game has slime enemy
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to put my pp into this thing
I don't know what this is, but my dick does.
Whats that?
New type of fleshlight
imagine a knot dildo incorporating this tech that expands in your ass
>game has slime enemy
>rapes you after you lose
tick tock roasties
This is going to kill someone's dick, isn't it?
Is it safe?
$799 + TIP
>conductive slime
this is going to fry your dick
The future is now.
This has killed someone dick already.
No I do not want to stick my dick in that squid looking thing
Holy shit I'm not Japanese, what's wrong with you?
>intestines get filled entirely
Soneone is going to mess with it and get himself injured and give it a bad fame that they cause scarring, ED or sumb dumb shit
>but it'll zap your cock!
wow now i want to stick my dick in it even more
Monitoring this thread
Most likely its the currently popular artificial muscle design: silicone matrix with micro etanol droplets and the current is used to cause phase change in etanol, so its insulated system if there are exposed conductors.
Kys furgin
It wasn't just me right?
Oh I get it you post a lizard girl and say you are Monitoring this thread like a monitor lizard!
really dont feel that good
Dare I say it... sauce?
You want to stick your dick into that jello, faggit
In English Doc!
So when does he start sucking her dick?
>no demonstrations on pornhub
Oh my god the future is here
why is this so funny
god bless the japanese
yeah, this is it
My parents wouldn't buy me one whenever I went to Discovery Zone because they thought I might jack off with it.
Because OP is a fucking fagget, its called soft bodied robots.
yes they already fucked it
Is telling her something?
That face angle at the end is extremely drawn out to the point of being awkward
I thought that was the whole point of them
Why is that a bad thing?
Do your parents hate you?
>tfw you own a novint falcon and just waiting for the commercial release
your parents are really creative, wonder what osrt of stuff they used to jerk off
that tech is sick, but this guy's usage list is embarrassingly short sighted. wtf.
Basically it wont be too expensive to manufacture, it wont zap your pp with well maintained unit.
>someone hacks your system
>they fry your dick
The tenga creator was a car mechanic
let that sink in
The future was yesterday lads
The robot uprising won't start with a bang, but with a bang.
This. Some dumbass is going to go "this will be way better warm!" then stick it in the microwave and without even testing it will stick it right on his dick when it's about 300 degrees. He'll then start a campaign of whining about how this thing utterly ruined his dick because the electrodes arced and zapped his cock or something stupid.
Has science gone too far?
>what's the intended use?
>measuring grapes at vineyards
My man out here finessing college grants just to fund his e-fleshlight
id personally like to see science go a little further haha