This meme doesn’t even make sense, Sonic has never had a game released on Switch
That reminds me, is the Star Wars crying manchild going to react to this trailer?
He's had 3. Mania, forces and 1.
Sonic Mania
Sonic Forces
Sonic: The Movie: The Game
And after the impending trainwreck of a movie, he never will.
Yea Forums really needs to expand it's joke gallery.
If you don’t find it funny, you’re probably a soi boi
A guy already made a thread of this and his edit of sonic is funnier and higher quality than yours.
>sega shits the bed once again
>still used to shitpost about nintendo
this board has a serious issue
t. onion boi
Mouth open means SOI. You should know this if you’ve been here for longer than a week.
I thought it was funny the first 100 times. We've entered well over the two year mark where memes start molding over to the point they stop resembling what it was initially.
Give us a better joke user.
your mom
oh boy, here we go again
god i fucking hate that i share a board with people who think this shit is funny
snoygers have deflected their asian bean addiction on nintendo players for a while now.
Was that your idea of a funny joke? Or am i just too old for zoomer jokes?
haha his mouth is open so he owns a switch. reddit here OP comes!
I think if you livestreamed your suicide you might get a few laughs
I love the new basednic the hedgeog movie! I've been a fan of the series since like forever (2008)!
This is exactly what I always wanted!
Thank god I'm not a zoomer
So this is the power of retards to complain about wojaks... I regret even asking what you think is better.
It helps that's not me and someone else posting shit with no effort. It's just as well though.
If you don't like it, leave soïboy
No one cares, this is Yea Forums, if you are expecting quality PC content here, you're obviously new, things have been this way prior to the sōyboy memes