Will Xbots finally stop pretending ps3 sold less than the 360?
Ps3 official numbers at 87.4 million
I guess so considering the lack of replies
The xbox was at 84 million 1 year before this gen even started, OP. Not to mention that the PS3 was bought in droves to be used as a super computer by various companies and not as video game platform.
>sony nigger cope
and RRoD drove up 360 sales
>muh rrod replacement counted as a sale!
rrod warranty only lasted 3 years, after that you had to buy a new console
Better games, better online experience, better exclusives drove up 360 sales.
That isn't answering my question, you fucking moron.
yeah all those exclusives like halo and gears and forza and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>better exclusives
>no GOTYs
>nothing but halo/gears/forza rehashes
I never claimed RRoD replacements counted as sales, after the warranty wore off you were on your own
>The xbox was at 84 million 1 year before this gen even started
and stopped selling immediately along with being discontinued in 2016
the first fatgrill ps3 was shit as well and people bought slim when their fat warranty ran out and they got ylod.
>stopped selling immediately
>after the warranty ran out you were on your own
So, like every single product ever made?
better than Talladega Nights :)
the only thing that has shittier exclusives than the 360 is the xbone
that amount is nothing compared to the 360 revisions driven by RRoD failures considering RRoD's >50% failure rate compared to 10% for the YLOD
microsoft's lack of updated sales figures
was there ever a question Sonybros ?
At least you didn't have to wait literal hours for games to download and install updates.
Here's a tip for PS3 bros, try updating GT6 today.
every single product ever made doesn't have a 50% failure rate
loving this PS3 library revisionism
ps3's library is far better than the 360's, ps3 was only shit in the first few years. 360 was shit for the majority of last gen outside the first few years
>ms lack of updated figures
By your logic, the ps3 stopped selling after 2014 because sony didn't update their sales figures for it until just now. Now give me an actual source.
Wanna know why MS stopped posting 360 sales figures? Because it would make One sales look even worse.
It retarded to think that they literally stopped selling in 2013, when games and a new revision came out later.
nah, ps3's library was shit through most of the gen
we will stop when you stop pretending the wii didnt win last gen
Forever in last place
I think the funniest part about this is that you get this 50% failure rate from a game informer poll that had no more than 5000 people in it as a sample size., and this 5000 also included people talking about their ps3 and wii.
so you're saying ps3 didn't stop selling? What's your point?
>actual source
I don't know what a better source for lack of sales would be than the lack of figures released by the company. If you have better ideas I'm all ears
there were no 360 revisions post 2013 as far as I remember
regardless of the percentage, "every single product" doesn't have a failure rate as high as the 360 did
The PS3 was so shit, that people just bought another 360.
ps3 was shit between 2006 and 2008, I agree. Too bad for microsoft the gen lasted 7 years (8 for the headstart 360 had)
The 500GB artic blue model had a new chipset in 2014.
WOO! How long has the Wii and Xbox 360 been dead again? Oh yeah, Wii stopped production in 2013 and 360 stopped production in 2017, the gen was already over by that time.
A lot of people did actually buy new consoles though. It’s impossible to quantify how many.
Holy shit, you are actually delusional. MS not talking about the sales doesn't mena it stopped sellling. Sony stopped talking about the PS3 sales for 5 years, does that mean it completely stopped selling units?
>microsoft's lack of updated sales figures
You're retarded, in other words, we don't know if the sales numbers are higher, the same, or lower than the PS3s.
So do you have an official source for the 50%?
sure, lets say it's less. Doesn't take away from what I said
>discontinued years ago
>no sales figures published
>surly, this means sales havn't stopped. Do you have a source for no more sales? Despite these two indicating as such, I will pretend it doesn't
Discontinued in 2016 doesn't mean it suddenly stopped selling in 2017, dumbass.
I am genuinely shocked this piece of shit managed to sell that much.
not surprising considering the competition shat themselves after 2009 and ps3 only got more support
this. wii60 4 life
>256mb of vram
If you're wondering why RAGE looked like such garbage, had such claustrophobic level design, and still turned to a fucking blur every time you looked around
The PS3 is why
That doesn't answer my question.
It was still shit, some first party studios pulled off some great games, some of the best of the generation but the console itself was awful.
-The controller was stuck in 1999, and the new stuff (Sixaxis and triggers) were almost unusable which is why shooters ignored the R2 button and used R1;
-The BR drive was slow as hell, so everything took ages to load or had to be installed on the HDD, which took forever;
-Even with that you could only installed them partially, not like the 360, so everything still took forever to load;
-The XMB was fast, but cluttered as hell, I had the thing since 2010 and still get lost in the settings menus;
-The patching system was awful, you had to download and install patches individually and while 360 patches were at most a couple of MBs, PS3 patches had the tendency to go into the 100MB, with mandatory installation and 1 day patches get ready to wait forever to play that game;
-They broke the PSN Store around the PS4 launch, good luck even installing that game you bought, you're either going to use a PC to queue or wait another hour for the Store to respond;
-Most 3rd party games performed awful, even years after 2008, do I have to remind you of Dragon Dogma, Skate 2, Bayo, Skyrim, etc.? Even when the PS3 version performed better, it usually performed good on the 360. The opposite wasn't true
And I could go on, PS3 exclusives are now on PS4, so if you had to play 7th gens games, I'd most likely play them on 360.
Well the own ceo increased the 1 year warranty to 3 because of how many shitboxes were getting rrod, I had a 360 and it only lasted a year before rrod so stfu Xbox is shit just accept it
256mb of memory was pretty much standard for gpus in 2005 though.
They bought another 360 cause the last one got rrod
Why didn't they buy the PS3 instead?
This is anecdotal but I didn't know a single kid in middle school/highschool who had a ps3. Not one. Everyone I ever knew during that time had a 360.
ps3 was 599 and had no games.
Opposite outside of NA
Everyone knows PS3 ended up outselling it, this isn’t news OP.
clearly not, see the Xshills ITT
>better exclusives
I understand that Halo and Gears are cool and all (Even if the first gears isn't exclusive) but let's get real here
Cause their brainless “loyalty to brand” mentality
The 360 sold when it mattered.
the PS3 had a garbage library tho
>Better games
Why are Xbros always conveniently forgetting that PC always had the best multiplats?
>that many units
>not a single game
Amerifat (vast majority of 360 owners) corporate slave mentality
>sold 87 million
>10 billion dollars in losses
>Lost more money than the ps1 and PS2 made combined
W-we won boys! - deluded snoyboy
you did not answer my question, you silly willy
it can play netflix
netflix is ps3 best game
>Still no RDR1
>Meanwhile its 4k on the XboneX
Not every console multiplat came out on PC.
Why is this always Sonyfags excuse?
because consoles are for exclusives and local co op
What local Coop exclusives did the PS3 or even the PS4 have? Just Little Planet and Dragon's Crown?
not much, but it does have a high number of quality exclusives
>high number of quality exclusives
lol this post
yes, if we use score aggregates as a measure. Otherwise it's based off your opinion which means nothing.
It didn't have a better library lmao
lol xbots and nintenkids are so mad because they didn't have literal perfection
true photorealistic graphics and real time ray tracing.....that's just the power of the cell baybee
I'm not sure what you measure that with, ps3 had more GotYs than 360 and higher metascores for its first party titles overall
I had a fat BC :)
and I had a 360 before selling it for a ps3 in 2010
okay retard
well argumented, you really swayed my opinion. It's not just my own though, the general consensus is that ps3 exclusives are better than 360's
glad we agree
You went too far dude never sell a console unless you're getting or have another
yes, ps3's exclusives are better than 360's
there was fucking nothing for the 360 after 2009, not like I lament it. Would probably RRoD by this point anyway and get trashed
>the general consensus is that ps3 exclusives are better than 360's
lol sure
PS3 was probably the worst console released in the last 30 years
yeah, head on over to metacritic and compare critic/user scores of ps3 exclusives to 360's
imagine being this desperate lmao
Go to most reviews sites and you'll see more ps3 exclusives with highscores than 360
yeah, video games journalists also thought TLOU was good
hardcore cope, no xbox exclusive had a legacy aside from halo, and even that's steadily faltering
do you know what a general consensus is? users also thought tlou was good. I think halo is shit but the general consensus doesn't
journalists and Yea Forums thought halo was good
Gears of war
>tfw you will never be an obsessed snoy crying over other people's console preferences.
lmao why even go on at this point?
no one gives a shit about gears anymore
and Halo was never good until 5
nice projection
lol cope
>the consensus is ps3 had better exclusives than 360
>I'm crying despite agreeing the this statement
>I need to prove to Yea Forums that my console choice was superior!
lol just sad desu
I don't need to prove anything, my opinion is the one generally agreed upon. although you're the one trying to sway opinion
>better exclusives
only for the first 3-4 years then it went to shit
Keep coping user
Don't forget that online was broken as fuck, games had to go through 3rd party match making and Sony's support for any exclusive that didn't have skyrocketing sales just died immediately including shutting studios like Incog and Studio Liverpool. The PS3 outpacing the 360 sales at end of life was essentially a phryric victory. It was awful at almost everything it did. It cost Sony billions of dollars and just made the PS4 into the safest, most bland console imaginable with mostly safe and boring exclusives outside of Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2 (The latter no one fucking bought). Even trying to future proof it as a casual Blu-Ray player is a nightmare because the OS is now so creakingly slow and bloated with firmware updates it's a chore just turning the thing on.
>generally agreed upon
mom doesn't count
metacritic does
looking back at the ps3 era I kinda want to go back really. I don't get the praise for this gen of consoles, If you had a half decent pc I'd say you didn't miss out on much, rd2, last guardian and... I'm really struggling guys help me out. I beat gow and I prefer the one on the ps3 and the remaster.
gen 7 was atrocious. 8 isn't the best but its certainly better than last gen. Among the ps3 being shit for like 3-4 years, the 360 being shit for like 5-6 years, the entire wii casualization shit, japan shitting itself until like 2010 I can't think of anything in gen 8 that's worse. microtransactions are shit (practices started by gen 7) but if you play western AAA trash you deserve to be milked like a retard. Handhelds of gen 7 were fantastic though, DS was a monster and psp was good itself, only saving grace of last gen's garbage
the ps3 was shit for the entire gen though. Just because it spent the second half catching up the what the 360 accomplished in the first doesn't mean it won by any stretch
PC during that time didn't get many games. Even I had a 360 at the time
ps3 was the only console to be relevant beyond 2010 since it actually got games
I'm still playing on the PS3. Haven't bought a PS4 or XBox because there were signs it would likely get worse. As a spectator this 8th gen has been horrible, there isn't many games that are different beside better graphics. Meanwhile it's quite comfy playing new PS3 games for very low prices. Most retailers want to get rid of their 7th gen stock. You can get factory sealed copies for very little. There's quite a few overlooked and underrated 7th gen games that deserve a second chance.
>W-we won boys! - deluded snoyboy
Yes, they did. There's no other instance in gaming history of a console coming back from a Saturn/SEGA 32x level launch and matching if not surpassing one of its major competitors. The sales pace comparison between the 360 - PS3 shows a huge momentum shift in what was a strong war for second place and this momentum that restored brand strength combined with even more missteps by Microsoft akin to their later era 360 missteps allowed Sony to do one of the most terrible lopsided industry trouncings of both the Wii U and the One with only Nintendo making proper corrections to align themselves with a quick release of the Switch. So in the long run Sony did come off as a strong brand winner which is the name of the game in this industry and unless they fuck up terribly is gonna bite Microsoft on the Xbox One Too.
On the flip side we see a reverse in the portable realm where Sony had giant momentum on the PSP making inroads against a firm market leader that had never been challenged. Then with bad marketing moves and business execution they completely shit the bed on the VITA.
so, what you're saying is, the stockbrokers won, got it.
Figured we'd grown out of playing video games by this point anyway...
>ps3's exclusives are better than 360's
Not really. most PS3 exclusives didn't even had good multiplayer that could rival with Halo 3, Gears 1 and Chromehounds. PS3 is still a joke of a console and you fags are still delusional
single player is always more important
>as of march 2017
Irrelevant. A console war ends when the nee generation is released. The only reason PS3 ended up selling more is because of poor people in 3rd world countries that could finally afford a PS3 Fifa bundle. They still release FIFAs for it to this day
t. /trv/
>A console war ends when the nee generation is released
says who?
read a book
play soccer
MP games also require skill, SP games you're up against cumputer AI wow who cares.
Not in the 7th gen, Halo 3 and CoD 4 was all the rage back then.
lmao get fucked ps3 only got good near the end of the gen
MP is variable, you can stomp some retard in with no problem or get raped yourself, equal footing isn't achieved much. Single player can achieve this with difficulty modes and AI tweeking, not to mention adaptive difficulty in some cases like RE2
NSMBwii sold double what halo 3 did
what is it with sonygoys and platform warring holy fucking shit
Do they still make PS3s?
lol have sex
production ceased may 2017 I think
And PS3 doesn't have a single player game that can hold a candle to FEAR 1
Wii won in sales, but no one cares about the Wii. PS3 definitely won against the 360 in both sales and library and helped Sony to win the disc format war, but it was a major money pit for them. Since I don't give a fuck about Sony's finances, PS3 was the best system because of its games.
>killing some 5 year old who can barely hold a controller
fear is on ps3
I'm just saying the 3rd world countries FIFA thing is very real. Remember the trophy leak?
>Not surprisingly, Grand Theft Auto V is the platform’s most-played game based on the data, with roughly 51,700,000 players world wide. A little less obvious is the success of FIFA. With 32,500,000 players for FIFA 18, 30,000,000 for FIFA 17, and 28,300,000 for FIFA 16,
arn't these the highest selling on xbox as well
>fear is unplayable on ps3
Considering Xboners are mostly americans, I dont thonk so
Are you homos ever gonna get over this console war shit?