Why did Ann choose such a tiny swimsuit?
Why did Ann choose such a tiny swimsuit?
Why is her ass so flat
How can you have so much cheek but so little
Too attract tourists
She stole Futaba's swimsuit which she herself purchase for her
It’s pretty sad that even Futaba, who is a smelly gross NEET, has a better body and nicer ass than Ann who is supposed to be “the sexy model”.
ass too big
For her cute, tiny butt
What a shitty Lovers.
>He likes negress ass
My wife Anne has the perfect for a respectable woman.
why would any body find this attractive/offensive? she is a fucking stick figure.
>every toe is the same length
>that's big
Ge lost, Irishman.
Nice job picking objectively the worst Lovers.
B-bladerunner anime?!
recently bought this suit (‘paradise found’) from Wicked Weasel for my gf (female)
why are these fucking aussies shipping it through germany to send it to the us?
Models are tall and thin. Neets are short and chunky. It adds up
If it exists, someone out in the world finds it sexually attractive.
That said, perky and petite butts indeed have their own appeal and merits.
>buying your gf slutty clothes
Are you a cuck or something?
>misspelling her own name
some fan you are
>Imagine exposing your wife to Tyrone's gaze
What are the odds this scene will be censored/removed in P5R?
t. Atlus USA
How old is anne?
Because women love showing off to/garnering the gaze of the men around them, even if they would never dream of being in a relationship with them. In a word: attention.
A legit woman strategy, she uses a small size so her tiny butt appears to be bigger.
This. It looks like a generic bottom piece for a Hank Hill ass.
muslims be gone
What call her breast is pressed right up against his arm in that image. She knows exactly what she's doing and love stringing him along.
P5R should let you hook up your teammates.
Ann and Ryuji are soulmates.
That's safe. Now this one...
Wouldn't that be considered gay erasure? You know how much Snoy loves to add more gays.
she has a hank hill ass, it's terrible even by flat standards
Akira is and always will be 100000x cooler of a name than Ren stay seething
Models are usually rail thin. They're supposed to appeal to women to get them to buy clothes, not men.
Then explain why Ann is conveyed as a sex goddess with a bombshell body in-game.
Japs like em thinn
because she is, my wife is so pretty
>not sex goddess
Akira Kurusu is a far better name than Ten Mamamia
I can't believe Ren got cucked!
>Not liking Ren Amami
There's a special Sony exclusive patch which makes both of those characters dateable.
Th ey wouldn't remove them, they'd just change the dialogue so they don't abduct Ryuji or chase the boys all over the beach. Whiny faggots complained about that stuff even when the base game came out, they forget that Japan doesn't put up with faggots shit like the west.
RyuAnn shippers should be burned alive
i like the ones where you can see the upper part of the ass crack.
because she's a whore
He's right though
how big is her dick(feminine)?
This. Everyone knows that Joker/Ann is the true, actual pairing.
Why else would they release their figmas first, if not to pose them together in lewd ways?
Although it doesnt actually show the buttcrack, this swimsuit would reveal a full half of her actual ads. You can just envision the crack being there. So yeah, seriously, who would willingly wear something like this in public?
>everyone knows that the lovers arcana is always the true actual pairing and best girl
Imagine the smell bros. Especially since she's just been eating curry and coffee at Joker's
t.seething minato/soujifag
Yukari is unironically the best P3 girl since she feels the most human out of everyone.
>So yeah, seriously, who would willingly wear something like this in public?
Someone who knows exactly what they are doing to my dick
>letting your wife drink coffee with another man
Be a good boy and post more pictures of her butt for me tho
I want to drink Ann's pee
>user, hurry up, untie and unzip me! I'm seriously about to pee my suit!
>oopsie too late
>noo anne stop sitting on my face stop :S
Speaking of non-Joker pairs with the girls, am I the only one who thinks Yusuke and Futaba should be more popular?
>opens zipper with mouth
>Anne pees on my face
>I pretend I didnt like it
Futaba is perfect
>tfw not sniffing Anne's sweaty shirt right noq
Yusuke/Futaba is the logical pairing after Ryuji/Ann. Joker gets Makoto and Haru can have Morgana if she wants, especially if he's becoming human in P5R.
They're cute, but they would be awful together. They'd be that couple who's constantly stepping over each other and their dreams. It's not that they'd be beyond liking each other it's just that they have no respect for the other's art.
>when anytime someone says "Akira" the Ren Mama Mia task force never fail to respond
>Well user get to work
I want to make my gf wear skimpy bikinis
I want to wear my wife
Reminder that women's sweat has pheromones which will trigger primitive urges like an aphrodisiac.
>sleeping with Ann
>suddenly hear what sounds like a faucet leaking
>feel liquid around your leg
What do you do?
>get a glass of water and pretend you pranked her
>try and change her panties and dry her down before you wakes up
>say it was you that peed
>Egyptian feet
No thanks slut
>Joker gets Makoto
It's funny. I thought Makoto was the cutest and best girl while playing the game in the moment but now I'm starting to get charmed by Ann
annigger cope
>Joker gets Makoto
Enjoy Kasumi.
>yukarifags are petty, ignorant, cunts
It's like poetry.
Here's something more to your liking my white fellow.
Don't make me post the rest
>Licks the liquid hoping she doesnt wake up
Sniff her panties and finger her saying I couldn't resist and this is simply the result of her orgasming
Post the rest user, I’m almost finished
Keep going
imagine not being able to into perspective.
>this kills the Ann/Ryuji shippers
More please
>Design is quite simple
>Still comes across as pretty cute
How did they do it?
Why does Ann get the best porn out of the Phantom Thieves?
>Yukari is unironically the best P3
you can't be serious
Kick the gross slut out of my bed and tell her that I don't love her and then post that she pisses herself on Twitter
What the fuck I thought this was gonna be cute now I'm sad
probably just sleep go back to sleep and let her wake up before me, if she cleans up before I "wake up" then ill just pretend I never noticed so she doesnt get embarrassed
Even the girl they got to portray her in real life is cute
Why did she grab the handle like that?
Yusuke senses great melancholy from both of them and decides to draw them to capture such despair
Yeah girl sweat is a treasure
i fucked your bitch
his right arm must be extremely numb
To entice the penises of men.
God I hate you faggots.
God, I could crush her with simply my pelvis.
She's cute because she's simple. Normal high school outfit with just enough customization (shoes, hair, bow) to be noticeable. Makes her more approachable and keeps her from being overdesigned.
tiny ass
>nicer ass
It's an illusion. Her ass only appears as fat because of her lifetime of absorbing fat from the junk food she eats while sitting down for copious amounts of time.
Think like one of those disgusting nigger asses that are nothing but fat but the size of a tiny Japanese girl
Only good in fanart. In-game her uniform design is too bland because it doesn't accentuate any of her colors or features. PT outfit is a bit better in that regard. Her casual outfit is easily the best we've seen so far.
Anybody that didn't see these two were flirting constantly is a virgin irl.
I'm ready to pay 60 dollars to wife her already
based YHWH
Shujin's uniform being mostly black makes the bright red of her shoes, hair and bow pop out a lot better than if she had a custom uniform like Ann or Haru.
>Has anyone seen Lady Ann?
But why does she sit like this tho?
You don’t want to rail a thin, healthy girl who’s actually good at sex? Sorry bud, you’ve got a nasty fetish.
Her shoes hardly ever being in frame and never being in her portrait make it pretty negligible and the red ribbon on deep crimson hair makes it hardly stand out at all. It'd look a lot better if the ribbon were black, which they change it to for the PT outfit, or if her hair weren't red. Since those are the only two accessories her uniform's got and it's otherwise all black with no strong contrasting colors it just looks really boring.
I want to use her tits as punching bags.
Maybe her butt hurts
From what?
The fuck's going on with her butt crack? Did Sony edit it out?
Can't show the complete outline of half a 16-year-old's ass user
Dude, where did you get that picture of my ass
The better girl literally siphons ass from the rest of the group
She siphons ass but in exchange gave up all personality and character.
Why is Kasumi so cute? There’s just something about her
Why haven't they surpassed her yet?
>biggest boobs
>group mom but still a big softie naive girl
Who should I date in my NG+, r/gaming?
Shit autistic fake hair robot.
its her hair
its always the hair even with 3d girls
I can never see that pairing canon. P3's protag is too big of a emo beta twink for Mitsuru to ever fall in love with especially after hanging with Akihiko the brawny fit boxer for her entire teenage life
I just finished this part in P3 FES today. Now Junpei started acting like a dick
This is the 4channel gaming subreddit right?
Velvet Room attendant>Empress>Priestess>Lovers
Johns ass is so much better Jesus christ
>personality and character
who cares
I'll never understand Ryuji/Ann shipping. If anything, the game overtly shuts down Ryuji/Ann with the scene OP posted as well as a couple others. Ann in particular acts in a way that shows she can only view him as a non-sexual brother figure.
Why did she think this was acceptable attire for fighting shadows?
Akihiko and Mitsuru are both too autistic to be attracted to each other.
Well what about the scene where Joker catches them in the school closet and they look all flustered?
Every persona MC is Chad incarnate.
Stylish and easy to move in.
The school doesn't have a closet.
That is actually pretty normal size for swimsuit guess you don't go to beach often.
Is Ryuji okay?
No. A fat pig is smothering him.
Only pedos are attracted to Futaba
I'm your mommy not Kawakami now
>Yusuke senses great melancholy from both of them and decides to draw them to capture such despair
Ann looks a little different today guys
During the fireworks scene on says something to ryuji along the lines of that he would be so much more popular with the ladies if he just took the time to consider some of the things that he said. I can't remember exactly what she says, but it seems to heavily imply that she would be interested in him if he was just a little less of an idiot. Also the friends who always bicker and seem to be a bad match for one another are always the ones who end up together, that's the way it works in anime land.
Did she cut her bangs ?
where is her ass?
where is her pussy?
i bet she looks like these 1000 times fucked skinny teen girls with bracelets when she is naked
futatrash is a piece of shit
>Marie 2.0 puts everyone in a dream land where they're all rule 63'd
How do they all react?
Daily reminder Futaba and Rise, the girl with the strip club dungeon, are the same age
>the friends who always bicker and seem to be a bad match for one another are always the ones who end up together,
t. Tyrone
Skinny girls used to be the standard all women wanted to be before le thicc xD kim kardashian butt rap music hoe shit started
She's cute but i doubt her addition to the cast will give anything more to the story but that's probably just me.
While i don't mind her being generic as a cute highschool student, her PT design is boring af. Who thought making her costume just a leotard bc muh gymnastic self with some thot heels with Joker color palette & Pancake boy mask would be a good idea? It's terrible. They could have done a bit better with her.
>Futa-ba boipucci
>literally pronounced “on”
How the fuck do you get Anne?
>Girl trying to grab lobsters
>Japanese “”””””””humor””””””””
>no uninterested girl has ever given a male friend advice on how to present himself
>siblings never bicker
Ok. You're still not going to overcome the fact that in anime land girls don't react to guys being pervyi with laughter and immediately running to hang all over them.
Why does it smell bad though?
>I like no curves, female characteristics are for niggers
Shut the fuck up, you literal inbred. Go find a nice 9 year old boy, his body is probably perfect for you.
>persona games are based on Jung books about shadows and personas and shit
In case anyone forgot what perfection is
I put it as “on” because it’s pronounced more like that than “an” like in “and”
Even in memetext Yusuke remains based
How does he do it lads
This is a japanese fat neet hikki.
God, I hate japanese games so much.
Like, I get it, you don't want to make her ugly, but don't make her literally have the exact same body as everyone else, except she's short. Jesus fuck, I hate Japan and their pedophile culture, they are literally incapable of designing characters that don't look like thin, underaged girls.
because she wants to attract black males
"on" would be オン
post the one with the nipple masks
>all five toes the same size
I'm not a feetshitter, but that looks cheap.
She doesn't have to be fat, but yeah, she probably would be and she definitely shouldn't be wearing a bikini on the beach. But everything about Futaba's character is retarded, so this is no surprise.
Stop acting deliberately stupid.
>they are literally incapable of designing characters that don't look like thin, underaged girls.
Yusuke is an endless goldmine of autism. Seriously though, why the hoodie at the hot beach?
Just another cookie-cutter anime girl.
So all the Annefags on /pg/ are from Yea Forums right?
Go away No Good Tora
To protect his delicate skin
>tfw no boozy blogger gf
>posting a picture of a loli in disguise
He’s really pale compared to everyone else. Probably gets sun burned easily.
Fuck you I thought this too, poor guy got suckered in so fucking hard. Bitch has hank hill ass
Animefags have brainrot. If it looks under eighteen and has colorful hair, it's cute. It doesn't need anything more than that to appeal to desperate weebs who's brains have shrunken so much, every single one of their decisions in life is based around how many girls with the same 3 personalities and bodytypes japan always uses are in the game.
Damn why did they draw Ren like a fucking Auschwitz detainee?
Cute pinchable cheeks.
She would at least be fun to drink with and cum on her forehead a couple times
t. Roastie
You tell yourself that, weeb retard.
Enjoy your generic redhead, she's so cute, right? totally not identical to every other girl in the game at all, no.
>they are literally incapable of designing characters that don't look like thin, underaged girls.
They seek perfection and that type of woman is the definition of perfection
Futaba hasn't been outside literally in months other than to drop off the Alibaba letter (which she probably did at night anyway) and to bug LeBlanc and she seems to do just fine.
All these years and I still don't get what the fuck is up with you people and the whole 'smelly, gross' thing.
There's literally nothing hot about that.
For me, it's Futaba.
Fuck off fatfag
Will the game ever let me play ? I'm at Madarame's palace and I feel like I've only had 2 weeks of free time over the 2 months that passed in game.
Will it ease down on the plot later or will it keep its leash like that during the whole game ?
Seething resetera faggot lol
Maybe he has extra dry skin
Or maybe they just wanted to mix up the designs a bit and it fit him, lol
>I have other friends
Isn't Ann's whole character that her only friends in the school are the Phantom Thieves now that Shiho got hee-ho'd off the school building
>thinks you get skin disorders from being inside all day instead of being born with them.
thats wayy to specific to not be someones real experience
I love Anne.
Her chair exploded out from under her one time
Somebody post the picture
Yeah you get a lot more free time right around where you're at right now. The game takes a lot of days early on for plot but now that you're kind of in the rhythm you get more freedom
Yes. This is also true for the entire main cast. They're all social rejects with no friends, that's party of why they bond together. At least until Makoto joins and the game promptly forgets what it was building itself up as.
Because she's a slutty bimbo
5 is overloaded with mandatory garbage, especially at the beginning and in the second half.
>a literal week of daytime is spent on forced socializing with Futaba even though she very clearly doesn't need any help, and this isn't the last time they take away huge chunks of the calendar
>even though she very clearly doesn't need any help
She literally can't go to a store to buy a game alone without breaking down and crying and has zero social skills
Except she literally goes to the store to buy shit by herself during that week.
Once you pass the halfway point of the museum you're basically free the rest of the way except for one day per palace getting through a barrier and several days between palaces setting up the new antagonist or celebrating. Keep in mind you can't spend time with party members if you're ready to send the calling card, once you find the treasure you should fight the boss immediately after so you don't lose sessions
Welcome to Persona 5. If you want to actually play the game you'll have to settle for Persona 3 or 4.
During which she panics, gets confronted by a security guard, and starts crying until Joker helps her out.
No, she goes to the store to buy fireworks by herself completely without incident.
Excellent, I guess they did that because the number of social links is quite low at this time as well
Welp guess I'm in for it then. Do you have time to max social links/raise stats conveniently. From the angle the story took I thought we'd have longer time between antagonists raising Phantom Thieves' notoriety
...after a week of forced socialization which is the whole point
That's the joke
After she spent a week trying to improve herself and constantly go outside.
And then she later goes to buy a game and immediately starts crying after a guard tries helping her.
Thank you for this
More autistic Makoto/punished Saw please
Also where is Sae-user at with his saga? Last I saw was part 6
It's not after a week though, it's during the week, and that week also has her freely leaving the house and learning to socialize with complete strangers. The party does not need to spend an entire week on her when she has a fucking parent in the room with them.
Did you play the game?
I managed to just barely max all social stats and confidants on my first playthrough without a guide.
Because bacteria thrive in sweat. Sweat has no odor that's detectable by humans- it comes from the bacteria that live in it.
It's almost like the writing is inconsistent and forgets character development whenever it's inconvenient.
You can comfortably max out all social stats and around 7 ish Slinks (not counting mandatory ones or strength) in one playthrough (there's a new game + which keeps your money, compendium and social stats)
Just remember to watch new movies whenever they appear, keep a library book on you at all times and take the burger challenge when you can
No because a small fireworks shop right next to where you live in a small part of town where you don't have to exchange a word between you and the owner is different than a busy electronics store in the middle of a big city.
>one person I've never met is totally different from this other person I've never met
>small shopkeepers never talk to customers but big stores are all about that personal touch
Need bimbo Kasumi right fucking now
You're retarded if you actually think that a superstore in the electronics capital of literally the most densely populated city in the world compares to a fireworks shop down the street in the small neighborhood where you live
>siphons ass from the rest of the group
D-did I just discover a new fetish
user, for people who have a genuine crippling social/anxiety issue being in a crowded area can fuck you up infinitely more than a shop with one other person in it.
Think about how packed Tokyo is, and how packed an electronics store would be, versus a small shop in a literal fucking alley.
I need stuff like this to remind me I'm still alive
You are aware they still live in the middle of Tokyo, right? They're literally a mile or so from Shibuya. Even that area they live is filled with random faceless NPCs.
I'm still around, don't worry
Part 7 was posted about a week ago, sorry you missed it!
Here it is
The imgur's not updated yet, but I'm working on it
Hope you enjoy!
It's my lewdest chapter yet
Except it's clearly a quaint little neighborhood and they live in what is essentially an alley and most of the people there are elders and some kids. A small shop located in the middle of said alley that sells fireworks isn't going to be busy, and especially not NEARLY as busy as a fucking electronics shop in the middle of Akihabara. especially if she went at night or early in the morning, there would be little to no people in the shop.
I genuinely don't know why this is so complicated for you.
I genuinely don't now why you're pretending this required over a week of game time to be taken out of the player's control.
Because you can't get over genuine anxiety issues in less than a week. Hell, even then it was only really that quick because of the change of heart helping Futaba accept a lot of what was bothering her. If they didn't change Futaba's heart it likely would've taken months.
If you haven't realized by now, the game just didn't give you the entire months and could have just stopped early. There are several weeks for testing to skip days, the p3 protag gets sick and stays unconscious for no reason to fill time, there are time skips, etc. They just decided to give you character development instead for those days.
the animators in persona 5 weren't exactly good
>I live in a rural countryside which is only a few hundred miles from NYC, so I'm basically living the city life
Fucking retard
I thought P5's animated cutscenes were great.
Better than the fucking anime at least.
Yes, that was my original point. It's filled with time wasters of varying degrees of arbitrariness. Exams are probably the least offensive in that regard since they're justified by the premise and take a predictable amount of mandatory time.
Who are you quoting?
sauce me nigga
>it's my lewdest chapter yet
I've been waiting for this since chapter 2. Gonna have to save thos for later since im at work.
Both were pretty bad and stiff and the actual anime was down right criminal especially after how good the p4 anime was
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
I'd rather they use this time to give us actual character development than have entire timeskips to fill for time like in previous games.
We are best friends now.
I agree with that. Skipping days entirely is much worse.
godlike taste user
Glad to here it, dude
Hope you like it
There's only 2 parts left in the saga, and after that's done I can finally start on the Makoto story
Just because there is a crowded area in some vicinity doesn't mean she actually interacts with those people or is used to those crowds, especially considering, you know, she doesn't leave home.
this is /pol/ enjoy your stay
Fuck I forgot about the Makot o story. What's the jist of that gonna be? Also what time of day do you post completed chapters, I always seem to miss them and find them like a week later.
if a girls personality doesnt improve of worsen her biological assets you're a gay man
A womans personality ultimately improves or lessens the value of her chest orbs
Skinny with thicc assets (aka ass and tits) > thicc > skinny >>>>being sad and alone forever >>>>> fat girls
Yukari is a prickly bitch, but that's what I like about her.
Well I don't like to spoil my work, but I can tell you that Ryuji is a very prominent character, and that it is not related to the Sae Saga. As for when I post the parts, I always do so in the evening, around 6ish Central Time. Of course, on the day of posting I often announce when it will be much earlier on the day, and whenever I update you all when I am nearly complete with a part.
They have absolutely no interaction with people, and their parents never had the conviction to raise them and make them aware of being gross, that's why they're here
Ann is the type of girl you want to spread her ass as wide as you can and check for hemmorhoids, and after finding one just taking a sharp needle and piercing it and licking up Ann's delicious rectal blood
>Kamoshida got to cum in this every day
I wish I was ryugi having awkard teenage sex with anne and then never speaking again
I have no interaction with people either but I cannot see the appeal of someone being gross or smelling bad.
its a fetish user
a hot/cute girl making a sterotypically bad smell is hot
I was thinking of making a quick montage of all the glory shots the anime has of her ass. Literally just her ass in several shots. They absolutely know what they're doing.
>a hot/cute girl making a sterotypically bad smell is hot
you disgust me
t. normalfag
New boots? Aren't the shoelaces usually a different color?
>If you don't share my self-described disgusting fetish then you're a normalfag
Thanks, I'll just make a point to keep a closer eye on the persona threads in the days leading up to a potential release then.
>Ryuji has a prominent role
Do you fap exclusively to 3d porn, or do you also fap to drawings
I believe the official definition is that if you dont fap to anime girls you're a disgusting normalfag who should be hung along with the rest of them
You deserve to hang normalfaggot
The Japanese don’t know how to draw butts. This isn’t news.
t. normalfag
Are you ready for penis inspection day, inmate?!
I still can't believe they got away with putting that in the game, but it was fun.
Caroline seems more like the "deep cavity search" type of person.
Even worse than a normalfag, he’s a fucking tanyafag.
I'm on phone right now. Is the imgur in the pastebin link?
I am!
Have you SEEN photos of real life models?
They dont have ass.
Most of the time they dont have tits either.
Also they starve themselves to keep in twig shape.
You say that now, but you'll be a fartfag/scatfag after being here long enough
Incredibly tall lanky people are usually models though.
I only fap to drawings these days
>how good the p4 anime was
Jesus fuck this is some serious delusion.
I like the show but i'm no Tanyafag.
She's not even my favorite girl in her own show.
Been here for years, user, I really don't have any fetishes but am boggled by the ones that pride themselves on how disgusting they are.
Joker and Makoto are going to be the ol' Yu and Yukiko.
That Kasumi bitch is going to be pushed as canon pretty hard.
>actually liking "Ren Amamiya"
This thread needs more husbandos
Unfortunately no, though I should really add it
Here it is, I'll try to get that on the pastebin
Did they really need so many shots of Sae's ass in the anime?
thank you for you autism sae user
The fact that its a simple design makes it hard to fuck up.
Doesnt change the fact she is literally P3P femMC.
White people have no ass this is known.
Is she forever going to be a 'can't have' or are they going to upgrade her this time around?
P3P FemMC had more hollow eyes desu
No problem
The link is now on the pastebin, but as I mentioned before, It only includes Parts 1-6 so far. I'll try update it as soon as I can
Funny how everyone still lusts after white women.
I was sick on penis inspection day so I had to have my inspection done by Igor, luckily I still passed He has surprisingly soft hands
>I thought P5's animated cutscenes were great
How? I couldn't watch a single cutscene without getting distracted over how brightly lit they were or how much bloom they had in them.
I love my waifu Futaba so much that I will pick up the shitty animated anime again, just to see more of her!
Also reminder that Atlus fuck it up bad by not making Operation Babe Hunt 3.0
And not including a hot springs event.
if they dont, im not getting it. its that simple
>Bad fanfiction about two characters not dealing with their problems in a healthy way stops shippers
You could easily write that and replace the characters with anyone
Was anyone else confused at how Makoto iwas some godlike brainiac that was amazing at everything in the main story but was a robotic spazz that didn't even know what an arcade was in her side story?
>never played a persona game
>just wanked off to all the hentai
Are these games any good?
Makoto personality is retarded, and her confidant event is stupid.
They made her look cool when she got her Persona, and then made her seem smart in the group, but she becomes completely useless after Futaba comes in.
5 is the most enjoyable to play but they are all good
No user, we have daily threads about a series of games that all suck ass.
3, 4, and 5 are kino. Ignore 1 and 2.
1 is meh and outdated
2 is good though I recommend playing it but it’s nothing like 3-5
pleb detected
>Also happens to have the same VA as Futaba
2 and 3 are the only truly kino games in the series. 5 is the most fun to play though.
>Chad Yu
>King's game
>Summer S. Links
>Naoto thinking she's gonna get iced
Cope harder
2 has the best story
Everyone on this site has autism and it shows in posts like these.
Ryuji/Ann, Yusuke/Kasumi (it's all about that elegance and Yusuke's the only one who could truly see it all), Joker/Makoto (although Joker is meant to be really malleable personality-wise, there's no doubt that he's the quietest and the calmest which just meshes well with Makoto's lifestyle. They're the 2 authority figures in the group, it just makes sense). Haru and Futaba stay barren.
Side-note: Kawakami probably fucks Mishima after he graduates
1 and 2 are standard JRPGs with much more interesting stories than the usual fare. Very dated but worth a try.
3-5 are much more unique JRPGs that combine traditional (but more fun than usual) JRPG gameplay with dating sim elements.
I'd recommend starting with either Persona 3 FES (the re-release of Persona 3) or with Persona 5.
If R wants to be a good game, let us date the twins, you cowards
Maybe not but yours definitely did faggot
>Side-note: Kawakami probably fucks Mishima after he graduates
You know what. Why not? It's a curveball but it's probably the best ending possible for both of them. It's a shame, I expected more from Mishima in the story, I hope as a twist he becomes a Phantom Thief in R
Not having Kevin
Anyone have any fat art of Ann? She's always eating sweets so seems like the next step
You just know she's going to age horribly by the time she reaches 50
>35 Year old ann
>SSBBW camgirl
haha this is a funny image post more
what persona character was made specifically for anal?
Makoto is an obvious one
You know, i was thinking of going for the Kasumi route just because she's new or maybe going for Makoto this time around but i just know that i'll end up with Futaba again. This always happens in these games, i end up picking the same romance option in every repeat playtrough.
The Sleeping Table.
Bend over.
but why?
Best girls have been Priestess, Moon, Hermit, Justice, and Star.
she's half white/asian, her ass was doomed from the start
>tfw you will never wake up next to Makoto
Meanwhile, in concept art...
where do i view the p5 models?
>In the original draft you were gonna live with Sae and Makoto
What could have been
my sides
People were trying to pretend Ann got censored in Smash, except she didn’t
She is genuinely flat unless she forces it by bending
Yes, what could've been indeed
All the Lovers paths are shit
>I have other friends
We all know you ride his dick when nobody's looking.
anne x ryuji makes no sense since ryuji tells her to fuck off when she gets all flirty
now haru x ryuji is a patrician ship
This just in, couples fight. More at 11.
What's going on here?
What a cute couple
Couples shoot down their significant other's advances? What type of broken relationship are you in?
>Pant suits
Unironically this. Braindead downeys literally fall for the same bland uninspired garbage over and over again
is her crack censored by sony? where is it?
Why not
>remaster P5 and add new stuff
>still don't let you wife Sae
neck yourself weebcel/hapa/gook
they are keeping the best new content secret
You cant upskirt pants.
its okay to be wrong user
God I want to fuck her flat ass so bad
large asses are fucking disgusting, full stop.
Nothing beats a small, tight and shapely ass.
Playing P5 for the first time, does Ryuji have a thing for Ann? I want to romance her but I don't want to cuck my bro.
Pantylines though my man
Imagine huffing Ryuji's feet after he's been wearing converse with no socks all day
To attract black guys.
Same guys (A1)
Ann is fantasizing about domming Makoto while sitting behind her.
you're pretty confident, sony shills. hate to break it to you but it's a solid 100%
Modders will get royal on ps3 right? RIGHT? I havent touched my ps4 since all the yakuzas came to pc.
Anne's butt is pretty big in other big in other cutscenes but it doesn't matter because her butt is cute and perfect anyway and I love her!
They’re saving Sae for P5A.
kill yourself
>Literally just her ass in several shots
Fuck, you're going to make me actually watch the shitty anime
I doubt it. It sounds like P5R is taking advantage of being PS4 only with things like proper PS4 pro support.
I wonder what it could do to take ps4 support? I guess higher polycounts on models? I mean if I have to ill get it on ps4 but fuck I have so much shit hooked up.
Why do you always say this to me?
So how did y’all get into persona/Megami Tensei?
All her romance voice lines are already recorded. You can find a compilation on YouTube. It would be the most retarded thing to not finish that content they obviously cut.
That being said, the gameplay fucking sucks and the English translation was awful and all the chat messages were the most vanilla uninspired writing on the planet. Why the fuck would you put yourself through that again just to plow the lawyer. Like all the other romances they won't even put in the effort to have Makoto act all awkward about it.
>ps5 will be out soon
>lets rerelease the game on the same console instead of the new one
I think it was through the music.
PS5 will have PS4 BC. And having to remaster the game for a new gen is too much effort for Atlus.
>Female yusuke and akechi
Yep, thats a boner