>MK11 released a week ago
>Everyone knows it's on Steam already
>Still pay for an ad to show up and say that it's available
Definitely confirmed a flop
>MK11 released a week ago
>Everyone knows it's on Steam already
>Still pay for an ad to show up and say that it's available
Definitely confirmed a flop
Other urls found in this thread:
They have to pay for the banner?
I thought they said it was the biggest launch of any of their mortal kombat games?
Based NRS btfoing Epic Game store
They did. OP's just a triggered anti-sjw warrior.
With the expansion of the market it’s still possible to do that and crater
they did but they didn´t give any numbers and we do know as a fact that mk 11 sold worse then mk x in the uk and that several places including amazon gave mk 11 a price cut right after release
so believe what you will but nothing is proven by fact
either way even if you don´t care about the obvious sjw stuff you should still hope for it to flop do to all the lootbox shit, the terrible pc port and the shitty roaster
Really. My money would be on mk marketing shill, looking for an excuse to show us ads
>anti-social justice warrior warrior
Simply epic
you really believe anything corps say? there are a number of ways they could be manipulating their words, such as using shipments rather than customer sales
We really gotta nitpick everything NRS does even if everyone else does it too huh
Political bullshit aside, I think the game is very fun. Granted I primarily do online matches and haven't even finished the story mode.
There are no lootboxes in MK11.
Storie's the most fun in the series. Managed to be funny, too.
There aren't, but the krypt is a super grind this time around. Kinda moot though since any alternate costumes are almost just palate swaps. Default costumes are just fine.
this shit is pretty unimpressive for "biggest launch ever" one week after release
This game is getting fucked up just like bf5 and rightfully so, using politics to shield horrible microtractions isn't something you can get away with, nice try faggots.
Steam's a bad was to judge that. Fighting games don't exactly do great there. Also, the ports not great.
no, there's just thousands of "hand crafted" bundles of shit that you unlock randomly. aka lootboxes. stop repeating corp talking points you stupid fuck
Of course it's a flop. Sales worse by half compared to MKX in the first week in UK (while X released of fewer consoles, closer to the start of generation), game has fucking fewer players than some no name, litteral "WHO?" games, like pic related. It's a disaster and rightfully so, SJWs get their asses handed to them product after product.
We just got the latest patch on PC.
Before xbone and switch, that's probably why
Trannies rise up
shhhhh. you'll burst their pc gaming echo chamber safespace.
I thought you couldn't pay for advertisements on steam, it's supposed to all be done via an algorithm
>They did. OP's just a triggered anti-sjw warrior.
Yeah they claimed that, and guess what? GAVE NO PROOF. Also, retail shops buying the game from WB =/= actual sales. Game is in the shitter:
even if thats true they're bleeding players like crazy and falling in sales just a week after
I don't even get where the microtransactions argument comes from. The grind is absolute aids and retarded, but you can't actually buy anything with real money. At least on PC, there are usually only 5 things for sale a day so it's not like you can even buy what you want or quickly. It's just a really shitty grind they extended so they can say people are playing it a lot.
>the ports are not great
I play a ton of fighting games and I refuse to touch NRS games because their PC ports are always complete shit.
>he lootbox shit, the terrible pc port and the shitty roaster
cry more, incel fag
Hahaha excuses, excuses. Game is doing like shit on all platforms.
>trusting what a million dollar company that is pozzed says
Are you seriously comparing a fighting game to a Paradox game?
I hate how crypt and menus are locked to 30fps,but other than that didn't have any problems.
>paying for ad on steam
Not possible dumbass
Is INCEL the new VIRGIN? Please, consider killing your entire family and yourself.
I am comparing a AAA game to a "WHAT?" game.
That chart is a little outdated user.
why are pcf-a-ts so insecure?
Versus what? Trusting what an user on the internet says?
Thank god, the port actually isn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be but if NRS can't get their shit together when it comes to patches that will kill this game on PC by itself. I saw OP and immediately thought there's no fucking way they're advertising a game that's multiple patches behind the consoles.
God, the white noise.
>muh greatest launch evah!
Down 40% compared to MKX.
They did but it still wasn't enough
incel isnt the new virgin. incels are the counterpart to sjws. bitter, lonely, always primed to be triggered like you seem to be.
Maybe its fun but still you dont buy things from progressive companies. Never ever.
According to THIS site, MK is doing even worse: steamcharts.com
>complaining that the Krypt is the Krypt
Isn't the PC port shit and behind on patches?
if the game is fun, why not buy it?
Literally read the thread you furry degenerate
On what, PC? Anyone who's smart remember that last time NRS released a MK game on PC and bought it on console instead.
>incels are the counterpart to sjws. bitter, lonely, always primed to be triggered like you seem to be.
I am going to ignore your definition of "incel" then since you said it's "counterpart" to SJWs, and then listed litteraly textbook typical SJW traits.
Also I wasn't even talking in a litteral sense, I was talking about INCEL as in a "argument" you fucking braindead leftard.
>Towers a pain in the ass to play
>find out about AI fighters
>set Noob Saibot to 30 Kombo and 30 Reversal
>let the AI play for me
>gives the same rewards as if I was playing
>can even unlock Krypt items and trophies/achievements
Why even bother playing?
Which isn't really unexpected, but my point was that the guy was using a graph probably from the release date to shitpost.
the past krypts weren't randomized, so you could look up what to open for your main and then get the rest naturally as you progressed. there was also only ONE currency rate, vs. MK11 has 4 different currencies. It's a fucking mobile gacha-game level progression system now. You must be a fucking shill
Are you retards seriously using PC sales and stats to determine if a fighting game has flopped or not?
Global, you fucking nobody. oneangrygamer.net
Because you're not suppose to support their shitty ideology. Its war, choose a side. The "if the gameplay is good i dont care" was 4 years ago.
So what's the point, again? Still, some no-name game is doing better than a triple A game.
Because every normie wants to play an oblique ass Paradox strategy games over MK, right?
I love how the narrative by shills has shifted from "EVERYONE LOVES MK IT'LL SELL BILLIONS!!!1" to "W-w-w-well fighting games are niche"
>someone says something sjws dont like
>"fascist patriarchy!!! SCREEEEE!!!!"
>someone says something incels dont like
>"leftard trannies!!! SCREEEEE!!!!"
snowflakes. snowflakes everywhere.
That’s how the nazis win. That’s why.
hey man, you don't come to Yea Forums for the genius discussions
>a nobody calling someone else a nobody
>posts UK stats
Fucking retard
its a videogame. a toy. go outside sometimes.
versus nothing
you shouldn't trust neither unless they give you some kind of proof which neither of them have you idiot
its because the (((day 1))) patch was applied just now.
Yes. Forums are also heavily censored and you are not allowed to complain about it.
>no name
They're niche for sure but stop peddling this meme.
I don't think normies want to play either, what does that matter? I have never said the former.
It's almost like they're the same... huh...
>Days Gone Outsells Mortal Kombat 11 As It Tops Weekly UK Sales Chart
how is nobody even an insult on an anonymous board? you are actually too stupid to insult.
That using false info to shitpost is retarded. Use actual info if you want to prove a point about how shit something is doing. As it stands, MK has more concurrent right now, but slightly less at a peak. Not the absolutely blown the fuck out the original post would have you believe.
i'd honestly blame the shitty microtransactions more than the burka's casuals dont want to sit around and play that long just for a red scorpion outfit
im sure nobody does honestly
Global as in on all platforms, you absolute pathetic quarterbrain. In my post I clearly pointed out it's abotu UK: >Of course it's a flop. Sales worse by half compared to MKX in the first week in UK
Please, fucking never breed. Or better yet, kill your whole family and then yourself so that scum like you never multiplies.
Yes, I agree, why are you calling me an idiot? Why take something at face value because it aligns with your preconceptions of a situation and your beliefs?
Global was referred to the platforms, braindead.
To be fair you have to go to global top sales for a better overview. Farming simulators and such dominate my local top sellers for example.
Look at This is even funnier. Fucking Dragonball beats MK. Epic shit.
Its only been out a week! How is it acceptable that there have been so many patches in one week that ANY platform can be behind on them?!
Dont worry discord tranny, once your side will be utterly annihilated and erased from history, i'll have plenty of time to go outside or have fun.
>getting this upset because MK11 isn't the flop he hope it was
>calling it a flop because it sold less than MKX
keep trying retarded discord tranny
>anti social justice warrior warrior
nu/v/ and the trannies really are both pathetic
I mean I know you only accept CNN as official and real, but this isn't you safe space bubble, sunshine. Go back to /r/eddit to feel safe and let yourself sleep well at night. Or better yet, throw yourself in front of a speeding truck.
>not a flop
>While reality shows something else
>Only trannies dress like the new female characters
Thats happening when you have diversity hirings instead of hiring people because...they're the best at doing the job, maybe?
So if I game sold 50 million copies but their older game sold 100 million, the game is still a flop?
>there was also only ONE currency rate
dont lie. your rascal has 1 hour of power, max. until you can make it out of the trailer park, the sjws you fear so much will keep chipping away are "muh vidyagames."
Can you even follow a chain of replies retard? The second thing you linked me is what I originally said is false and gave proof that it is not nearly that high right now.
>So if I game sold 50 million copies
Please, do pic related.
Yes. Anthem outsold most games and it is a disaster. Battlefield V outsold most games is a disaster. TLJ outsold most movies and tanked one of the most lucrative series in existence.
>50 million
>100 million
the delusion of a fanatic at work. Holy shit this is getting bad.
>you only get platinum and onyx coins from the mini-games between battles
The roster is fine fuck off with this meme its miles better then X in that regard and the kombat kids fucking sucked.
NRS is a really shit dev.
They were known for patching their game so fast and so heavily that competitive players straight up gave up.
The changes were extreme too. A +27 move could be -7 the next day.
They are LITERALLY fucking up just like they did with MK9. They learned nothing.
>The second thing you linked me is what I originally said is false and gave proof that it is not nearly that high right now.
Oh yeah, MK is still doing even worse than that, I already responded to that, so what's your point here faggot?
Great counter argument.
valve doesnt offer banners to people with money, they offer it to developers with games they deem worth it. source: i work with vidya
Get Woke Go Broke indicates more that when the company gets woke, general incompetence is soon to follow and results in financial ruin. Because when the product starts virtue signaling suspiciously, odds are the main reason is because the staff has been infested with rainbow haired hipsters with an agenda. Of course sometimes its more of a coincidence since with MK11 the failure is largely not that huge a casual buzz surrounding the game as with MKX, plus the whole Krystal lootbox shit that gave a sour taste for most people even vaguely interested in the game. But still, MK11 had its share of rainbow hairs in its staff, its like they're carrying an ancient curse wherever they go.
It doesn't quite add to this list but its hilarious Disney made cpt.Larson basically a Poochie in Avengers:Endgame because they clearly saw people didn't like her or her movie as much.
Are you guys literally retards or just don't understand hypotheticals?
Nice backpeddling faggot.
Welcome to the business model when your company is quoted in the stock market.
Game is great, Yea Forums will claim it failed no matter what because they don't like the new character designs.
>no Reptile
>no Kenshi
>no Fujin
most Yea Forums weren't even born when MK was first released so I don't even know why they care.
>lootboxes and grinding is great.
We have a whale in our midst.
>Any kind of response to fucking response to tone/source could ever possibly be "backpedaling".
I'd loe to backpedal my bicycle into your head on a pavement.
>Captcha: Pick bicycles
Like pottery.
Can't even have the banner on for more than a day
The gift feels so small after learning that you can have the AI play the towers for you. Other than the time krystals at least.
Most "people" who enjoy this piece of shit game are underage zoomers who are used to microtransactions and grindng gameplay.
> triggered anti-sjw warrior.
what does any of this even more anymore
All fighting games 'flop'
probably less than 5% of their purchases turn into committed players
This is true of all fighting games except smash bros cuz it's the best
consider turning off the internet dude
or cut your throat
This isn't even a GET WOKE thing. The normalfags are annoyed at the ungodly grind for cosmetics and terrible patching system.
Why would anyone get SJW Kombat 11?
Except MK11's grinding is just pure cosmetics that have no effect online
To try and get a feminist gf in hopes of fucking for the first time in their life.
Whale confirmed. So how many Kombat Bucks did you already get with the allowance your mommy gave you?
What's the matter? Can't get a refund anymore and are trying to cope with it by coming on Yea Forums?
Go play the game. Or are you still waiting for the AI to finish grinding for you?
get woke go broke
>"N-not related"
I love when you """people""" have to resort to that argument
You were talking about newfags and oldfags right? Now your argument is "online"? Nope. Doesn't add up and has no point when it comes to oldfag MK fans.
Piratechad here. Why is this a sign that it is flopping? I believed vidyas shilling themselves on Steam was pretty normal
burka flopbat
the best new character from mk x didn´t even make it in because he was male neither did his dad or rain
instead we get "fan favorite" black woman
But it is, because Get Woke, Go Broke doesn't always mean they suffer financial loss over some backlash against the virtue signaling. It also includes any financial difficulty experienced shortly after they went Woke, whether the cause of the financial difficulty is directly linked to it or not.
Yeah bro commercial success = tanking
Grinding implies you're forced to do it in order to progress or be on equal footing. MK11 has no grinding because the grinding is entirely optional. No one fucking plays fighting games for single player.
It literally isn't. I know people here would have you believe that the entire game is failing due to trannies like 16-bit taking over, but go look at reviews and the normalfags complain 90% of the time about the horrible cosmetic unlocking system. If the 'microtransaction' stuff wasn't in the game, there wouldn't be nearly as many bad reviews for the game.
Its not even 60fps
>company paying for ad space on a platform they're being sold on
>somehow this is drama worthy
i hate niggers so goddamn much
You aren't incentivized to spend money on microtransactions, if anything the problem is you can't spend money directly on what you want. They've already addressed the grind not even a week into release.
Confirmes for not playing the game, maybe you should do some research instead of taking the slobs around here at face value.
whats the point of this thread and why go to steam just to see a ad you can just go to youtube
>No one fucking plays fighting games for single player.
Casuals do. Its the primary reason MK9 was a success from launch, also why SF5 wasn't.
>I know people here would have you believe that the entire game is failing due to trannies like 16-bit taking over, but go look at reviews and the normalfags complain 90% of the time about the horrible cosmetic unlocking system.
This isn't the case. At least 50% is talking about SJW bullshit alone or as one of the problems. Actually look up reviews on Metacritic for example, read YT comments. I even saw this shit on normiebook.
It's shipped copies that are currently warming up shelves so hard it might cause global warming to be real.
>Before the game flop
"Stop reviewbombing the game you incels!"
>After the game flop
"Didnt you read those legit reviews?"
I have read them and a lot of them also complain about the design (if you hay any actual number that doesnt come out of your ass please share it)
I don't have a dog in this race, but you don't pay for those banners. Steam approached us when we were close to launching our game asking us regarding which artwork we wanted to use for our title at launch for a promo banner.
Maybe if you contact them they'll sell you promo space, but I'm not unaware of the process if it even exists.
>You aren't incentivized to spend money on microtransactions,
Yes, the godawful grind surely doesn't do that. And Diablo 3 auction house had no affect on loot drop rates either, pure coincidence it takes 1000+ hours to get the stuff you can optionally pay for.
Are you this dumb? Or an underage yourself? MK fanbase is based on single-player gaming adn they always loved unlocking everything in teh Krypt since Deadly Alliance, including cosmetics, renders, sketches etc. You literally don't know what you are talking about.
Fucking Tekken 7 had a big cosmetic grind but no one gave a shit. Why does Yea Forums care about this all of a sudden?
MK fans do retard, that's who their audience is
one angry gamer told them too
So why do you care about a grind that only effects casual players that are too scared to touch online?
Unless you're a casual player yourself?
You can unlock T7 cosmetics over night by pressing X with a certain character (forgot her name).
This, tekken 7 does the exact same thing and Yea Forums doesn't give a shit.
kollector and the black guy could be ok if they had actually tried giving them costumes instead of just have them be topless to appease the faggot on the design team
mk x did a way better job with new comers
Obsessed and retarded.
hmm lets wee where the game is now
Why do you fucking care about a game's well being and it's sales unless you are a fucking shill?
May as well fucking destroy the whole World because who cares about anything unless they are that thing.
Nice backpedalling. You are officially retarded.
Katarina. The AI can't handle her 44444444 string and it'll take you all the way to TGP offline with a rubberband or any other way of holding down the button.
You can also just use cheatengine if you want since the flags for cosmetic (and even characters) are local.
>Game released 3+ months ago isn't doing as well anymore
yes he is Obsessed and retarded
>Play online or do towers
>Get currency by playing the game normally
>Run around in the Krypt and get some shit
It's already being discovered the top tier chests are the same for everyone so if you want a certain thing for your main you can get it for sure. I'm playing the game in my spare time and already have most of the chests open of the ones I have access to (only missing 2 areas, 1 of which is a grind but only has Jax shit inside)
You sound like a cry baby kasual players who's too upset that he can't get scorpion mask #23. This explains why so many retards on Yea Forums are crying about the cosmetic grind. They're either casuals like you who never touch online or never even played the game.
That user is for the most part right, thanks to NRS treating every single recolor as a separate skin along with all the other crap I'm pretty sure there's thousands of items yet only 5 of them can be available at the store on a rotation that changes I think every 8 hours. NRS has completely locked you into a grind with zero options to target which items you want, whether its with in game options or real money.
Also if anyone knows, since the chests contents supposedly aren't random and instead the chest themselves are place randomly, does that mean when you buy something through the shop and open the chest later it was supposed to be in you just get less shit?
>Katarina. The AI can't handle her 44444444 string and it'll take you all the way to TGP offline with a rubberband or any other way of holding down the button.
Yeah that's what I meant. It's almost as if devs let it there for a reason.
nice assblast retard
>So why do you care about a grind that only effects casual players that are too scared to touch online?
We're talking about why the new MK11 is selling worse than MKX. Whether you like it or not, casuals drive the sales of fighters, just look at the casual darlings Arcsys DBZ and latest Smash game, neither game is particularly competitive but casuals loved them so they were a financial success.
Best mk ever
its time for you to go back and dont think sony went broke
game is so bad they're not even cracking it lmoa
>so if you want a certain thing for your main you can get it for sure.
With a shit-ton of grind that people clearly don't like doing. Not everyone is a whale like you who plays the game 24/7. Trying to excuse loot box grinding bullshit makes you a pretty obvious corporate whore.
You can tell how successful a game is by how much Yea Forums shits on it
>Another game from 3 months ago, look guys, MK is doing fine you see?
And you sound like a faggot who just got destroyed and has nothing else to do now other than to backpedal.
>Guy making money off of what he does is somehow obsessed
Wise guy, he smelled a gold mine right on time.
>"PC" is banned in the NRS chat
t. Ed Baboon
nobody can be this retarded billy is that you
takeda and kung jin were completely fine you faggot the new characters for 11 suck apart from geras and kollector
>a add on steam it must mean the game is flopping
um what
holy shit you're a retard
Just let the AI grind for you while you do other things and just press continue every now and then.
seething tranny
>Shit ton of grind
Nah, hearts weren't too bad to get considering you can get some guaranteed every match, appear as loot from chests, rewards from doing things in the Krypt, and are a guaranteed reward from every tower whether it be a score bonus (which aren't hard to get) or tower rewards. This is before the patch too which increases the amount you get which I haven't had a chance to play for the past 2 days (I don't play 24/7 retard).
So the hearts you get, while not enough to open EVERY chest you come across are more than enough to open specific character chests you're wanting to get.
Had it on ignore since the announcement.
>sjw warrior
>social justice warrior warrior
get the fuck out of Yea Forums normie
First time MK buyer. I've played it in arcades and have played/borrowed injustice and purchased injustice 2.
Game graphically is a million times better than any previous game. Looking at MKX it's ridiculous how bad the series looked. Was a reason I probably stayed away from it because it was 90s cringe.
Anyways MK11 visually and gameplay wise is stunning. But the micro transaction and tower bs is what killed this game. Injustice 2 had it right, but then patched the best methods out. I played that game every day and once it was made clear they wanted me to shill money not unlock stuff, I stopped playing.
I got mk11 (on ps4 even tho I would prefer pc bec holy shit the quality on ps4 is abysmal) because I just wanted another fighter to play and try to get into. Figured going from worst to better then best to worser like injustice isn't a suicide mission for my playtime. On PC this game is fucked. I'm not going to wait a month to be up to date and have the game crash.
I don't think it's even possible considering the fact you're constantly communicating with the server to get rewards and shit
Catch a ride?
Forgot to mention the Krypt items like the lockpick which open heart chests for free and Sindel's brush item which halves the cost of all chests for a minute. Not super common but are significant if you can get them
>Nah, hearts weren't too bad
Once again we're talking from a common gamers perspective. The opinion of a whale like you is irrelevant because NRS devs could masturbate on a plastic box and you would happily grind 1000+ hours to get that box, then to call the grind "not that bad".
originally you got 1 heart for a brutality/fatality
you can't actually believe that's good
also you don't know what each chest holds within it so you can't open just specific character chests you want
they already put in a patch to give you more so retards are bitching over nothing
>gear level up tokens
wait, what does it mean level up gear, is it like for honor or some shit?
please dont tell me things get stronger with that or even at all
when you level up the item you will unlock a socket where you can equip an augment
>Just let the AI grind for you while you do other things and just press continue every now and then.
Why not just play an actual fucking game?
gear are statless cosmetic pieces that you can level up to unlock slots. Slots are used for augments. Augments give you +damage +resist, unique effects etc but it only affects towers and AI battles.
they multiplied the rewards by 3, when it should've been at least 10
patch my ass
its only for the tower shit not online
so it's another shitty port AGAIN?
I play other games while the AI grinds for me.
>"Awful grind got patched and it is now merely tedious and frustrating grind, you should be happy!"
from what I've read, it's worse than MKX
kollector sucks too
its way faster and they give you way more koins for doing shit the think i wanted and dont think they are done fixing shit some of the grind is till there
Oh thank christ its only offline, for a second i thought they would have some online select your buffs fuckery
Still, a bit weird to have that in a mortal kombat game
Not anymore, they just released a patch that makes it on par with the PS4 version, while also being ahead of the xb1 and switch versions now.
>Its war
no matter what they do you guys will shitpost about it on Yea Forums anyway
You keep saying i'm a whale which is someone who spends money on the game to get advantages over f2p players, which isn't accurate for me or anyone. I don't grind for skins or anything else, I play in my spare time and generate currency without intending to because it's easy.
The lower cost chests are randomly placed, the more expensive chests and heart chests are the same for everyone. So if you wanted a chest for Sub-Zero you can literally look up where the Sub-Zero chests is and get the same stuff, google it it's already confirmed.
I'd still fuck it
When you have nothing else going on in your life, why not pretend you’re under attack?
>on a pavement
Back to the mud hut, Sadeek.
I guess you have been pretty disconected from the whole ride
thanks for the info i didn't actually know that it was still bullshit though at leas't it's all been fixed now
what are you retarded or are you going to post that article where it's still a top seller
he's right though. Ironically you agree when the other side use the same words.
>Ironically you agree when the other side use the same words.
no I don't, you don't even know me you retard
Not him but that seems presumptuous.
Both sides are kind of douche bags for the ideals in the first place.
Too bad 90% of the game is online only, including single player modes.
Spoken like a true corporate cuck. Theres no excuse for loot box grind and always online in the first place in a fucking fighting game. The single best option is to remove that shit altogether, there was nothing wrong with the way how you got stuff in MK9.
Did you believe seans lies aswell?
That's like a basic 101 marketing ploy.
Make people think lots of other people are playing it and that it's doing well
>just let the game play itself and grind koins for you!
Does dilatating make you grumpy?
If you aren't playing the game at that moment you might as well
Is this for real? Literally a shameless mobile game.
huh.... OP, you dont pay for those banners.
it's almost as if Yea Forums doesn't actually play vidya and this is their wet dream
no valve is running a charity
It is. Video is the first result I got on YouTube.
Try smug
good for you you know you can do this for injustice 2 right
about what a add on steam?
what game
I don't remember that being an option. Was it patched in or did I just completely miss the feature?
About another WOKE company going BROKE.
>Captain Marvel
>Black Panther
>MK11 will sell over 8 million copies
That meme is wrong, and only incels use it.
that was the point of his post
if anything, the amount of replies he got signifies how many dumbfuck newfags there are, like yourself.
it's sad af as fuck.
can you name the other ones that went broke but any chance
>Just let the AI grind for you while you do other things and just press continue every now and then.
so $60 games are undifferentiable from idle mobile games now?
>I don't remember that being an option
dont think you ever played the game then
i've never ever heard the phrase "go woke get broke" outside of Yea Forums
it's cute because these games do huge fucking numbers and do fine.
it's the NEETs posting anime pictures on an anonymous forum who thinks they're broke.
yes then i can go online with the shit i have nothing new
I played it mostly at locals and half the story, didn't really go deep at home.
The idea is if you wouldn't play the game otherwise you could just put an AI on endless tower, put your controller on turbo and take them through the endless tower while you go out or something.
Yea Forums is stupid.
>but any chance
first of nice grammar retard.
second. telltale went woke followed by broke with bioware and dice are going to follow soon.
also the devs of dishonored, mafia 3 and wolfenstein 2 were hit
This post sure made the incels upset.
what happened to just "play the game whenever you want and have fun right away"
games nowadays seem more like work contracts then anything else
They hate to realize they're more obnoxious than the people they hate.
"SJW" has lost it's meaning, entirely. Outrage culture is now neckbeards being mad at the SJW boogieman while shitting all over the place.
>losing money doesnt equal tanking, who cares if we spent more on advertising than the game made, it still sold alot of copies and thats what truely matters
if a game costs
1 million and makes 2 its a sucess
if a game costs 20 million and makes 10 million its a failure 10 million loss
>Instant reply
Man you surely are seething. To answer your question: TellTales and a lot of indie devs that leave the industry on a sea of rage
Sjw hasn't lost it meaning it still means social justice warrior
Also you need to go back
You can play and have fun whenever you want, anything you would be grinding for is a luxury so you grind for it only if you really want to get it, better spend some time than money, especially if that time doesn't require any attention on your part.
that one had a lot more probloms than going "woke"
>wolfenstein 2
wolfenstein is has another game coming out dont think bethesda went broke
>mafia 3
again that game had lots other problems or where you mad that you play as a black guy
and i think all the company's that made those games are still going strong
Thanks for the erection, user.
>b-b-b-b-but this indie dev
so you cant name them ok retard
They expanded too quickly while being a one-hit wonder.
There are plenty of companies that undersold because of SJW stuff but TTG ain't one of them.
not an argument now name all the game companies and publishers that went broke
Not him but this post is pathetic
It wasn't literal you dumb troglodyte. You people are fucking hilarious.
Go outside, really. Get a clue. I love making fun of obvious nerdy introverts IRL because of how people like you act here. Can't catch a win anywhere.
>attacking grammar
go back to r,eddit
Yea Forums literally disregards entire posts and arguments because of
>reddit spacing
new here?
Remember when people were talking about Mortal Kombat in Mortal Kombat threads? Good times.
>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>Riot Games gave special benefits to the all female team to protect their narrative
>The only way a new franchise can be woke and succesful is by giving it for free
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>This post has been mass reported by a bunch of assmad trannies
>Bloodlines 2 will milk money out of degenerates after calling them mentally ill while keeping tit monsters
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>A game noone ask for beat MK11 and his whole multicultural rooster by putting a white cis male as protagonist (despite SJW journos going apeshit)
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and Mic.com shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.
Can I propose a toast for us /pol/boys?
It's an amazing port compared to mkx.
it's down 40 percent get woke go broke
>but let me leave out that it doesn't count digital sales
What's with the projection user
you need some friends because you obviously don't have any
now how many of those went out of business
In AAA land, absolutely.
>projection buzzword
i have so many friends to keep track of that i'm sick of half of them.
you people have nothing but assumptions when you feel dumb and i love it.
Cry harder trannies. Your kind and ideologies are not welcome in the industry even in your denial.
Cheers fellow /pol/brl
Based frog
you know what you are right EA they are not around anymore
Learn what a buzzword is before you post again user it's a very simple easy to understand word
Also I just did what you did so have fun making fun of yourself
>Dead or Alive 6 joined the #MeToo movement of woke and broke videogames
How empty someone's life must be to create then fuel these fake outrages, spend valuable time pretending to be retarded to defend them then go away thinking you "won" not because of any actual argument you made but because you found enough excuses to ignore what people are telling you.
At least it stops poltards from shooting up schools and churches, I guess.
a toast back you
retards here that are mad at a fighting game dont have the costumes from the previews game
>He wasnt there when the stock value went to shit.
Maybe EA didnt go broke, but the a lot of its franchises did
>Mass Effect
All woke crap. Why do you think the next star wars have a white guy as a protagonist?
Ahh a hypocrite you're truly low IQ user.
>they said
hahahahhaa and he believes it typical NPC
no it didnt
Good job user. You just killed another tranny
imagine being this autistic
Defaults are ugly on a lot of characters. Thankfully that 500k Koins that NRS gave out got me a lot of them
Im guessing...Foxhole? Those guys 100% didnt have money for a banner.
update RDR2 to 30+ million copies
FFXV also claim that too and look at how it turned out, lmao.
>Battlefield V didnt flop
Jeez user. I bet you can lie better (unless you are this delusional)
What the fuck is going on in this thread
PC players aren’t getting updates and the Krypt is Jew tier and encourages an offline grind
Game is fun but some of the characters like Jacqui and Jax are terrible additions
>PC players aren’t getting updates
but is up with ps4 update wise
>retard can't read
>but you don't pay for those banners. Steam approached us when we were close to launching our game
you can read can't you
this game is a fucking mess, they should be offering refunds to people
its literally mobile grind shit now. alternatively pay 5$ for a recolor in the store but be sure to strike when the time is right because everything in the store is timed :^)
>I have so many friends guys believe me when I tell you that on Yea Forums
Shitposting shills vs political shitposters vs just ordinary everyday shitposters.
You should respect other people's cultures. in this culture, saying such things about someone's waifu is a serious macroagression.
>How empty someone's life must be to create then fuel these fake outrages
You could ask that on ResetEra since their outrage threads last for months
Bikini babes have nothing to do with social justice brainlet.
outraged internet people are so 2016
Is what they say , on the other hand all the evidence point that is most likely a floop
Yes it did.
Or a modest success that didn't flop despite not being the biggest game ever.
If people could buy those banners then why aren't they up much more frequently and for longer?
For DICE and EA standards it was a floop.
>it's another "a game is either GOTY or a flop, no in-betweens" episode
Aren't you guys tired of this?
Yes, these days it's either 60 million players or your game is dead.
>Also, retail shops buying the game from WB =/= actual sales
You guys understand that this distinction only matters when copies in stores have so much difficulty being sold that stores decide to return stock, right? Which certainly does not happen around the launch of a big game regardless, yet Yea Forums exclusively only ever mentions this point at game launches for some reason? Does Yea Forums understand what they're saying whenever they mention this even, for the most part retail shops buying a game does equate to an indicator of actual sales as far as the devs are concerned
Guess Anthem is doing just fine, right brahs?
Don't know about Anthem but afaik TORtanic is actually doing kind of fine.
>britbongers have terrible taste in vidya
no big surprise
He won't answer you because it doesn't fit his delusional narrative that MK flopped.
they're avoiding MKXI though
>advertising the PC version
>when the PC version is at least 3 patches behind consoles
>Reptile not in game
>Shang Tsung DLC and not base
>Fujin on datamined DLC list
Kabal being back is great but fuck off with that