How do I get past the Sanitarium?
How do I get past the Sanitarium?
Did u defeat sandman yet
You have to find the Battery to turn on the power
After you charge your battery
You had to grab the Valor Ward from the Disposab le Heroes bossfight
are you playing on Disposable Heroes difficulty?
Did you pay the Leper Messiah to get a better seat?
This game man. Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Leave him be. Just leave him alone.
That's several games later you fucking retard
You have to defeat the doctors that are imprisoning you.
is that near the end of Passion Play?
God, Metallica is terrible. Why the fuck did I listen to this thrash 10 years ago?
>he hasn’t collected the ‘whisky in the jar’ consumables
>can't get past Lord Hypnos
feels bad man
You gotta use the Moonshield, user
Unrelated question but pic rel, this fucker keep yelling at me about some grandma and tea and then i'm locked up in an asylum and game over, what should i do?
Just wait till the Four Horseman show up
Can any anons recommended me some synth pop/new wave games?
Burn the Witch.
Metallica (in the 80s and very early 90s) actually rules.
>He never got the Fade to Black ending
The trick is in there man. It's like Nier endings.
You summon the Four Horsemen to dispose of the Mechanix.
Pfft, not even past sanitarium? This is the thing that should not be.
You are a complete faggot if you think 1980s metallica sucks
I will always like the first 4 albums and death magnetic
Impregnate Melissa and do Evil things to a church.
Skewer me all you want but I unironically enjoy James Hetfield pretending he's a cowboy for 10 years. Also Hardwired to self Destruct is a great album.
The boss "fight" is a trick, you're not supposed to attack him once you enter the boss chamber, just leave him be and he'll eventually kill himself.
>complete faggot
Any talent in Metallica either died or got kicked out.
Battery is an alright song, though.
That's 90's and their were mocking other trends of the time.
no one denies that lars is a huge faggot
Metallica died when that nigga got killed by a fucking bus.
Metallica is shit for normies who want to look the part of le ebin metalhead (xDDDD) while being unable to list even five other thrash bands outside of the "Big 4." So many better bands out there.
I've listened to a lot of other bands and still like Metallica
Just stop being a fag
Remember when Kurt Cobain said "I wish I was gay to piss off the homophobes" that's what Lars and Kirk did
Achtually, if you want to look like that you go for metalcore bands.
>Metallica is terrible
babby's first contrarian Yea Forums take. Up there with "b-but beatles suck!!"
"I'm a massive fag and won't let people enjoy things."
>mfw my favorite band is known primarily for one song
>mention to people that they are my favorite
>"oh they sing that X song right"
Now that the dust has settled, what was lars ulrich fucking problem?
Hes part Jew
He's a bad drummer
How do I stop the nuke from launching on rust in peace?
Your move, faggot
MoP is when they started sucking
Was it metalkino?
Nah, AJFA is still good
It was all downhill after that, unless you like their S/T album
I'm stuck on the Brain Damage stage. I can catch the lunatic when he is on the grass and when the lunatic is in the hall, but how the fuck am I supposed to catch him when the lunatic is in my head?
is dis nigga 4 real?
also why is the lead singer so unlikable?
Metallica is the rare time the normies are completely correct.
You need Diana in your party. You can recruit her at the crossroads.
kek. Here's your (you).
You throw the fucking key into the sea of madness retard!
I'm older than you son. They only had one good album.
WTF I love Metallica now
It should have been lars, not cliff
How do I beat the final stage with no continue?
Use and justice for all to kill em all on the metal militia level just make sure you are at the phantom lord part of the level
>I'm older than you son.
Having retarded takes is a boomer staple
Keep your hands off of his stack, he won't get into your head.
Don't follow the worms
That's what I meant?
Nothing except he's a sloppy drummer in a genre that needs good drumming. He was absolutely right about Napster and music piracy though
Fucking thin white duke fight is bullshit.
>He was absolutely right about Napster and music piracy though
Mein neger, the big 4 of germany are my favorite.
He didn't need the money, but he was right that it would ruin the music industry
But they're complete shit though.
They only became popular when they eschewed their thrash sound (which they weren't that good at) and went for a more accessible mainstream sound which they could actually play.
Yeah, that same indsutry which has moved far away from digital sales and into music streaming and downloads anyway
Most artitst barely even make money off of those sales anyway, most of their cash comes in from touring and other deals
How did it do that? Napster is dead and the music industry is worth billions of dollars.
It's for people who don't actually like metal. I mean for fuck sake my mum said she was interested in going to Metallica when they come here later on in the year because she likes Enter Sandman and only Enter Sandman.
Reminder that hating metallica doesn't make you cool or different
Nope they were the best thrash band. (Maybe Megadeth)
>sea of madness
There is no sea of madness. It goes Sea of Hate, Sea of Fear, Sea of Senseless Dares, Sea of Greed, Sea of Anger, Sea of Disease, and The Last Sea. git gud
> in a genre that needs good drumming.
Obviously not if they're selling that well.
They used to make money off sales though, that's the point
Because the industry completely changed and artists make less money than ever. That's why they are shilling stuff on instagram and becominrg Business minded like Jay z.
Lol no, megadeth shits all over metallica.
Meliora is Ghost's worst album. I still don't get why it gets so much praise.
>dur babies first album
>dur boomer
Fucking retard
Metallica > Slayer > Megadeth >>> Anthrax
I don't outright hate Metallica, they're just not very accomplished musically. I mean say what you will about Dave Mustaine kicking out band members left right and centre but at least he had a variety of talent in the band while Metallica just stagnated with the same subpar lineup for about twenty/thirty years.
I'm convinced this boss fight is impossible
You got me user. I'm Lucifer.
Metallica aren't even as good as current Slayer without Dave Lombardo.
As expected of a boomer. Doesn't even address anything
Who here /numetal/?
This motherfucker is worse.
Weird Al is a legitimate musical genius though.
He can so effectively ape other band's entire sound it's uncanny.
Are you supposed to?
They always launched for me, I just thought it was part of the story. If you finished the rest of the missions before the final one though, the game keeps going after the nuke launch and you have to beat the secret final mission “Polaris” to get the true ending.
The HD rerelease has a bonus mission after the game too, but it’s not that great. It feels like a.level they cut from the bets and then slapped back into the HD version as “bonus content”
Funny how those titles imply metalheads hate every non-metal genre by default, which is correct. Bunch of whiny manchildren.
>They used to make money off sales though, that's the point
Yeah, but comparatively speaking the money made off of album sales is far, FAR less than money made by touring.
As an example, say you have a deal with your record label to sell and distribute your album for you. It sells 100k units in the first week, great for you right?
Well, not really, since the record label is likely to take at least a 15% cut (even more for some other labels). Since most artists also have other people who need paid besides a label (such as personal managers, tour promoters, etc) you could be looking at a lot more of that money not coming your way directly.
Even though your album made a million dollars, you're only seeing maybe half of that. But with touring, especially in Metallica's case, you can make hundreds of thousands, even millions PER NIGHT of touring depending on how large your audience is. That way, there's less middle-men taking your cut.
I get that on paper it sounds like stopping music piracy is a good thing, but truthfully artists make their money in other places than actual album sales.
I have this feeling that my luck is none too good
>listenign to metal past the age of 15
This is real music for grown up man
This is just copypasted boss with same movements from the mechanix, they only changed some textures
Duh. He's omniscient
Not even metallicas best albums can hold a candle to rust in peace.
The whole series is utter shit. I'm still stuck on the second game, some bad glitch and now i'm trapped under ice...
>select Wherever I May Roam mode
>game becomes open-world exploration
Max comfy
I knew it. I could hear your high iron voice all the way from here.
just equip the black blade bro
I would feel sorry for all the other musicians in Limp Bizkit because they're all classically trained and very talented, but then I remember that they doggedly defend those juvenile lyrics to the ends of the earth themselves.
They always did fantastic album covers, though.
That's actually one of the things I love about Megadeth. Dave's such an asshole that no band members stick around for more than two or three albums. Only Dave II stuck around for as long as he did, and even he eventually had enough. Due to the constant changing of band members, every album has its own distinct sound.
What Psygnosys game is this?
Megadeth's best album was their first one fight me
>they're all classically trained and very talented, but then I remember that they doggedly defend those juvenile lyrics to the ends of the earth themselves
Literally Rage Against the Machine
tfw Helloween had more albums worth listening to than any other german band.
Blue Öyster Cult
>that time he was performing live and someone told him backstage that his parents have both died due to a carbon monoxide poisoning accident at their home
>he finishes the show first as to not disappoint his fans
You say Britney, I say Joan Jett
You say Lady Gaga, I say The Doors
You say Hannah Montana, I say The Rolling Stones
You say Owl City, I say Led Zeppelin
You say Justin Bieber, I say Queen
You say Taylor Swift, I say AC/DC
95% of teens these days listen to the same crappy pop over and over again. If you're one of the 5% who still listens to real music, thumb this up, then copy & paste it to at least five videos. Don't let the spirit of rock and roll die!
>bad ending
Blind Guardian > Accept > Helloween