Humble Bundle

It's that time of the week again! Danganronpa bundle dropping soon! *Puhuhu*

Attached: It's bundling time!.png (740x416, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


if my post ends in a number it's gonna be shitty ebooks or something

You wish! I can tell you it gonna not be that and will be some other shit instead.

If 5, I buy it.
Please, be a cool action packed bundle.

Attached: Humble Hope Bundle.png (1000x608, 754K)

Attached: Danganrompa bundle.png (500x497, 198K)

Attached: Top tier bundle.png (500x500, 39K)

No hype? Guys.... guys?

Attached: Dot3.png (267x190, 83K)

It will probably be some kind of japanese-themed bundle. As long as it's not another trash visual novel bundle, it should be ok.

It may actually be a Danganronpa bundle as we already know it's going to be a VN bundle

If 7 it's sex related books

Humble Final Fantasy bundle.

fucking nothing
maybe a good game in jew tier
one guaranteed good game in pay whatever tier
bundle of the year all years

Unlikely, as FFXV Royal Edition is going to be a May 2019 Monthly headliner, along with Yakuza Kiwami and Yoku’s Island Express.

If 7 humble ps4 bundle

If 3 humble xbone bundle

If 9 humble Nintendo bundle

Cool if true. It got leak?

Bullshit, never going to happen

it's golden week, so you all know what it's coming

Attached: 1.png (407x691, 197K)


Who else "paused" their Humble Monthly for the first time this month?
What the fuck were they thinking

Attached: Humble Monthly.png (906x332, 33K)

Another glorious Nep Bundle ?

Attached: 38bed67596609a541a65de17000ede96.jpg (900x1243, 782K)

The fuck is wrong with you? We had one not long ago. Chances are next to zero to have one in the near future.

This month is;

>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Cat Burglar: A Tail of Purrsuit
>Life is Strange: Before the Storm
>.hack//G.U. Last Recode
>Strange Brigade
>Whatever the humble original exclusive is

what is the next bundle is then?


>haven't bought a monthly in half a year
>buy it for ass creed origins and cancel it again
>are you sure you want to cancel?
>really sure?
>we'll give you a discount if you stay
>no thank you

Source or never happened.

>The fuck is wrong with you?
Where do I start ?

He's lying, here's the real leak

Attached: Monthly leak.png (1600x900, 330K)

I'm happy for the 3 of you with that console

All fake until you have real proof.

>January 4

Monthly not bundle you retard


You better be wrong. I just fucking bought the Lightning trilogy today.

Might be worth it if legit, but I doubt Square will give away XV.

>Royal Edition
no steam no party

Gentlemen, prepare for nothing.

Isn't the Royal Edition and Windows Edition, the same thing?
Or does one have Episode Ardyn?

1 minute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1477330286506.png (512x95, 75K)


Attached: monokuma bubble pop.gif (498x298, 1.17M)

It'll be something for sure!

If .hack is in it, it'll be worth it.

Come on...



Attached: 5930.jpg (700x502, 142K)

lmao fucking LEGO games, gtfo

fucking legos

Wow, what a great bundle

Royal is basically the GOTY/complete edition.


Attached: 1505893365515.jpg (720x720, 34K)

humble denuvo bundle.

>If .hack is in it, it'll be worth it.
Never played these games, but I've been kind of interested in them. Is there any advantage to the Steam versions over simply emulating?

>Lego Batman
That shit was fucking GOAT when it first released, back in the time when they released Lego Star Wars / Indiana jokes for the first time

It's fucking nothing as usual

Fuck off.

Attached: 1551504322743.jpg (1920x1080, 778K)

>Royal is basically the GOTY/complete edition
>doesn't include Episode Ardyn

Bravo Square

is this the least amount of games ever in the $1 tier? usually it's 3 or more, never 2.


Attached: 1542124953910.jpg (763x551, 148K)

remember when you could pay a penny and get everything

I might go for the top tier lads. Someone convince me not to.

Also no Lego Star Wars...

From what I heard, the releases on PC were well made, so there's no big difference aside form higher textures and whatnot. I can't say for certain though user, you're going to have to look into it. I do recall that emulating the games was a pain a few years ago, when I tried it.

Seeeeya Friday!

Attached: Monokuma_And_Thats_That.png (404x206, 92K)

>Weebs triggered by based Lego

Lego is fun, you fuck off

>no epic store keys

Is Lego GTA fun?

have they added online coop to the lego games yet because honestly if not they're worthless

You still can pay a penny (or the minimum possible payment for whatever payment method you choose) for games in the lowest tier if they're DRM-free. The $1 minimum is for Steam keys. But even when there are DRM-free games, nobody gives a shit, because people actually value Steam keys more than DRM-free copies because muh achievements or whatever.

Anyway, I think Humble bundles always had a beat-the-average tier. At least, that true as early as Humble Indie Bundle 4. That bundle was fucking great, by the way, because if you paid more than the average then you also got games from Humble Indie Bundle 3.

In fact, I'm not even sure if paying above the average was necessary in that case. Many early Humble bundles would start with a few games and then get more games added to the beat-the-average tier later on, but you would also get those extra games regardless of how much you paid as long as you bought the bundle before the extra games were added. It was really nice. They don't do anything like that anymore.

Pic somewhat related. It's Humble Indie Bundle 6, the second bundle I ever bought.

Attached: hib6.png (912x427, 428K)


Attached: PEqVm0R.jpg (348x901, 125K)

LEGO® Worlds: 2L66O-S37OL-H6LJ7
LEGO® City Undercover: BK3IL-GHTOS-8G5I5
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes: 9Q69T-P14FD-3SRJL
The LEGO® Movie - Videogame: 4G995-P58A8-KSFSP
LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-4: TDJPG-KM543-G9817

Disney cucked this bundle

Fake and gay. Keys have no letters O.

Why the bear in these threads every time?

Even if these keys were legit


stupid dubfag