>change deflect binding to L2
Change deflect binding to L2
Never even thought of that. I did switch use item and change prosthetic though.
I would think RB is easier to hit
i found they tired my fingers after a while but the trigger is just a little flick
Wish I'd done this, it's probably a bit slower to press but I nolifed the game and ended up with a blister on my left index finger from tapping LB
I will agree that spamming bumpers does get tiring, I play a lot of ace combat and it destroys my fingers. I'll try the triggers see if it works
this game is easy
its certainly not as butt fucking hard as people are saying
not exactly easy, but it rolls over without too much trouble when you apply some effort
>git gud at the game
>console peasant
>doesn't even use gamepad properly
you keep two fingers on the front, one for bumper and one for trigger
Let's settle this fuckin debate:
In the spectrum of ALL GAMES, Sekiro is a difficult game.
In the spectrum of HARD GAMES, Sekiro is an easy game.
uh, how about no?
having attack on a shoulder button is fucking retarded. map that shit to square.
Square = Attack
Triangle = Heal
Circle = Prosthetic
L2 = Dodge
R2 = Parry
Eaaaaaaaasy, breezed through the game like that except Saint, fuck that guy
jesus christ how horrifying
If you combine them all I've probably played the Soulsborne games for like 2000 hours, but for some reason the default control scheme with the triggers in this felt fucking wrong. Turning it into Ninja Gaiden was the way to go.
The people spamming 'it's too hard' are marketing shills. They're playing it up to get people to keep on talking about the game.
>Rebind item swap to scroll
Yep, thats all we need to do
played the game with the demon bell switched on, it was hard
>having attack on a shoulder button is fucking retarded. map that shit to square.
I think the only time I mapped an attack button to a shoulder button was when I moved the attack button from O to R2 for FFXV since holding O for hours on end would get uncomfortable after a while
Sekiro is the hardest game you can walk into Walmart and buy right now.
However it isn't nearly the hardest game ever
Get to NG+5, take up Demon bell and give Kuro back his charm. If you THEN breeze through the game, you have the right to say the game is easy.
>using item is up
>accidentally use the anti-genjutsu item
how bad did I fuck up bros? What should I map it to for the future?
fuck off the game sucks on ng+ and your trying to trick people into playing it
This desu.
Was about as easy as Dark Souls 2 was for me. Sword Saint only took me 8 tries.
>doing Demon and Charmless ng+
>at Corrupted 2
>starting to regret my decision
>too stubborn to back down now
That item isn’t important at all for the Butterfly fight but later can be used to help cheese the first Corrupted Monk fight. But by then you’ll have plenty
Videogames are easy
So you are a faggot, ok.
I was having trouble until I learned you can spam block to get parries. Made the game pretty easy after that. I also started playing it like dark souls, running around more with teh infinite stamina instead of standing in front of them sidestepping/blocking their attacks
What are some high budget games that are harder?
If you rebound any of the controls, you didn’t beat the game as intended and therefore didn’t get the full game experience.
this would just make it come out slower how does this help?
>Square = Attack
Oh nononononononononononono
how does it make it come out slower?
keyboard and mouse is better for sekiro not even trolling
If you activated any idol and used any heal at any point, YOU didn't beat the game. Real pros play hardcore death only. You die, you restart run. You wanne go somewhere? You fucking walk there.
Action in the NASDAQ up because when you push L1 you're pushing a button when you push L2 you're causing movement on an axis
>Yea Forums first week of release
>Yea Forums a month after release
>"haha it was so easy lmao"
Yeah no. When a game causes that immense amount of butthurt I don't think it can be considered easy.
For me, the hardest AAA game on the market has to be The Evil Within especially on Akumu difficulty.
RB is better for me because I was so used to Greatshields in Souls
imagine being retarded and playing this with a cucktroller
TeW is AA you dumbass
"AAA" isn't just a catch-all term for non-indie games
I swapped the eavesdropping and item use button because I always ended up switching items like a retard.
>tfw too slow to react to unblockables
>"He's going for a thrust, No-no its a grab dodge behind him
>It was a feet swipe.
So, this is what its like to be retarded.
>*mist raven*
>reappears behind you
>nothing personnel
why don't you use it?
your mom is fucking easy XD
the snap seed is useless, dont worry about it
I have item on triangle
Cause I wanted to prove to myself I could master the game on parries and dodging alone.
Just always jump retard
>jumping when you can go for THE STOMP
son, I am disappoint
Why do retards pretend that this game is hard?
If anything it's easier than every souls game
>get a free revive for almost every new enemy
>water doesn't kill you
>falling off a cliff doesn't kill you
>better hit boxes
>stealth mechanic thats very broken
>gives you a training dummy
>jumping when you could go for THE MONK
you have much to learn
because you can't summon
>playing with a controller
lmfao I bet you also need the aimbot lock on
I bet this nigga plays Tony Hawk with a keyboard.
This nigga probably plays, DMC with a keyboard
This fucker probably plays, raacing games with a keyboard.
Who the fuck ever heard of driving with a mouse? Fuck wrong with this man?
So, I killed the snake and it jumped me to the area where the bridge broke. I fell off that cliff into the water and missed whatever items were up there.
How to get back?
>one person
you can get there by going in though the secret entrance by the abandoned dungeon by the ashina reservoir and the black samurai
>get stabbed out of the air
My issue with RB is that while it takes less time to bring it to click, its a less natural position for me to do a quick action, particularly given that im pulling my whole finger back instead of just pressing in with the tip of my finger
watch the sword tip
swings out like a pancake? sweep, jump or high monk
stays close? poke, mike that fucker.
grabs you just have to learn
>game published by Bethesda
The only valid point you had was racing games, those are indeed better with a WHEEL, not a controller.
Every other game including TH and DMC are better with a keyboard if you aren't a casual.
This. Go play Ninja Gaiden Black if you wanna be a real ninja.