"As a gamer, I-"

>"As a gamer, I-"
dropped. nope, sorry, dropped. what are some other red flags when you read vidya recommendations online?

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If the recommendation page is full of joke responses. Or if they mention a popular e-celeb.

>game recommendations
the fuck is wrong with you? are you some kind of vanilla faggot? Pick games that interest you and play them

People that read vidya recommendations to decide what games to play.

People trying to explain and quantify their fun as if they think they can properly articulate their feelings and opinions, or that I care. I don't. Just tell me if it's good or not.

>opinion about a JRPG game
>complains about "the grind"

>The only criticisms he has are boilerplate points pulled from reviews with zero indication that he arrived at the conclusion independently.

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as a gamer i find you homosexual

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>vidya recommendations
Just watch some gameplay and if it looks fun play it.

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I do this and read the negative reviews

doktor! turn off the pain inhibitors!

Gay shit?


I love this shit, lol

Dude, you said what was in the image, that's really clever man, I actually laughed out loud.

I love this shit, lol.

wtf but /v called me underage when I said I watch gameplay footage

>"As a
Could've stopped there honestly

>the virgin tomorrow vs the chad yotsuba


It's a video game recommendation, not some sorta argumentative essay where you have to build up ethos for the reader. Just say why you like it or dislike it and move on.

>lost my gamer credentials when my wallet got stolen my some nig
what am I gonna do bros...

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pretty much every theme but tomorrow makes my eyes hurt during the night

ALL recomendations are fucking dogshit.

Yep. The worst thing about multiplayer games is when some asshole in the discussion has to chime in with, "As a ____ main..." They never fucking fail to piss me off. Dota 2, Siege, etc.

well as an Anonymous main in 4channel I think you're a faggot

lol who the fuck plays video games?

have sex.

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me on the bottom left

You have weak virgin eyes

Who knew a faggot would fuck your mom.

I'm a banepost sort of guy
For her

You probably said it in a gayer way like "just watch someone else play"

Pretty sure this is called
aggressive love-ism

The only thing worse is when they say "this gamer"

this meme used to mean something.

as a gamer i hate women


Anything whining about the "politics" in a game in some conspiracy theory tier ramble about how a game is anti-white and anti-capitalist pretty much instantly makes me block the reviewer.

the recommendation itself is the red flag