Do jump scares belong in a good horror game?

Do jump scares belong in a good horror game?

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Is that dog really threatening to kill its own baby?


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No, that sneeze means it isn't a real threat he just wants to be left alone. Also you can see he doesn't actually catch the puppy with that lunge at the end.

What's a jump scare that got you?

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There's no bad breeds only bad owners kthx

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>westcucks unironically let dirty dogs inside their own house and let them sit on their furniture


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>that music


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After a long day of walking in the kitchen with muddy boots and smearing shit all over my ass with dry toilet paper I like to relax on the couch resting my face on the part of the cushion where my dog previously rested their shitty asshole.

Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable. He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right

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Awww he's smiling :D

If all humans had souls of dogs the world would be a better place. Like if u agree

kill all shitbulls

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lmao he just wants it to think that

dindu ruffins

good job

That's what you get for trying to put a Christmas sweater on a dog

Asian doggo...

Hemlo Asian Gorl!

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Good riddance
and good pasta

Post the one about the pair of pitbulls that were literally eating their freshly killed owner, terrifying police who arrived at the scene.

>pitbull was called scarface
It really is a joking matter to some people it seems, they just get a dangerous animal and think all the stories they hear won't apply to them



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BASED Husky, can't stand small dogs

Godspeed user

my pit bull is nice

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Poisoned my neighboor's son with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his feet, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable. He was an aggressive cunt, aways shouting ebonics at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got another fucking kid.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded nigger, another poisoned sausage. This time i'm getting the dose right


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Memes aside, what's the deal with white women and pitbulls?

Memes aside, what's the deal with niggers and pitbulls?

its the same with white women and blacks - they love aggressiveness even if it costs the life or well-being.

holy fr*cking based!!

Memes aside, what's the deal with niggers

Women are attracted to ugly dogs
I'm not even kidding
It's some weird female instinct

Memes aside, what's the deal?

I mean raw salmon would work just as well

and how is that dog's fault?

Be careful user
The three brackets have laid eyes on this board

>says sorry
no balls
if a growling pitbull comes after you in you own fucking house you shoot it and don't say sorry to some retarded bitch owner
keep your fucing dog leashed cunt

>yfw you only have cats

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Memes aside, memes

t. ancap



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He's just being polite
Women don't care about them being in the right or wrong, if a woman is crying because of you then you better try to make her feel better otherwise she'll never let it go

cats are just fucking houseplants that give you toxoplasmosis, shit taste user

Goodspeed user, just don't get seen by anyone, dont be a dumb cunt the world needs you.

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Any post associated with this IP is satire and should be treated as such. At no point has anyone associated with this IP ever condoned, encouraged, committed or abated acts of violence or threats of violence against any persons, regardless of racial, ethnic, religious or cultural background.

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably linked by a third party, I do not support any actions by the member of this community.

wow really?
who woulda thunk


>Rumors swirled around the death of Bethany Lynn Stephens, a young woman from rural Virginia who, authorities said, was mauled to death by her dogs while out on a walk last week.
>Many suspected that someone else killed her and doubted that the dogs were responsible. Goochland County Sheriff Jim Agnew said the misinformation, particularly on social media, was widespread and has complicated the investigation. So he decided to disclose one gruesome detail that he had been reluctant to divulge out of concern for Stephens’s family — in hopes of reassuring the public that there isn’t a killer on the loose.
>Shortly after officers found Stephens’s body, guarded by her two dogs, they began talking about how to catch the animals. When they turned back around, they saw that the dogs had walked over to the body.
>“I observed, as well as four other deputy sheriffs observed,” Agnew said, then paused before continuing, “the dogs eating the rib cage on the body.”
>Agnew held a news conference Monday afternoon, four days after Stephens’s father found her in a wooded area about a half-mile from a main road in Goochland, Va., a community about 30 miles outside Richmond. Authorities said the 22-year-old had been gone for about a day since leaving to walk her dogs, so her father went out to look for her in the area she frequented. There, he found the canines, guarding what he first thought was an animal carcass.
>“Ms. Stephens was terribly, terribly injured, but it was very apparent to us that she had been dead for quite some time,” Agnew told reporters, adding later that the damage to her body “was so extensive that there was nothing left to compare bite marks to.”

>Stephens’s friend Barbara Norris was among those who weren’t convinced by authorities’ account of her death, saying the dogs, which Stephens had been raising since they were puppies, would never turn on her, ABC affiliate WRIC reported.

Why is she wearing a thong?

fuck did you say?

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at least post the correct one of the cat trying to puke a retard eye out .. not just a slap

Poodles are as useful being a dog companion as a geriatric old man


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You're not supposed to have a cat if it's not outside catching vermin all day. People with indoor only pets are certified retarded.

who likes this kind of ugly dogs ?

Can we all just agree that every pitbull on Earth needs to be euthanized?

If you can't appreciate the companionship of a 15 year old cat, I don't know what to tell you.

I miss him every day


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along with owners

>that liveleak video where the victim of the pitbull attack has a gleaming red skull face



they are not quite that ugly yet when they are little

Only nonwhites kill dogs.

Breed of peace

based fucking retard

>tells him to suicide to join his ugly son
>get off facebook

Fucking normies man

God i fucking hate pitbull owners and the apologia so much. It's like trying to get a holocaust denier to see sense.

I just hope their little monster gets hit by a car before it can snap and rip a child's throat out.

Asian Doggo

Meet African Kitty, seuss!

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Link it before jannies find this thread

Only nonwhites own dogs*

Yeah, because having a foreign animal as a pet destroying all the local biodiversity is really smart! People like you are the reason Aussies are literally holocausting all their shitty abandoned cats

Why are the shitheads' names and faces censored? They don't deserve that kind of protection.

why do people like this breed anyway?

Quite the opposite, cats die like flies outside and they decimate the wildlife.

they think common sense doesnt apply to them

Why are you guys so mean to pitbulls?
Is it your psuedo-ironic racism for black people manifesting into dog breeds?

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Fuuuuck, I 'member.

Him smilin’

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based pasta

I have an indoor cat and he catches mice that somehow get in. It's what happens when you buy a piece of shit property that the realtor knows has problems, but they just want their cut

>it's like trying to get a holocaust denier to see sense

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>my pit bull is nice
until it maul your face off


how do I get hands like these?

>hello dogo store
>i'd like the ugliest you have, no hair? perfect
> oh and also i'd like it to be aggressive , what? it even exhibits violence out of nowhere? oh fug nice
>why do i want it? oh i just want a dog to take care of my newborn :-DDDDD

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Maybe you need to look at the numbers, friend.

Of all the shitposting that goes on in the accursed board, I never understand the autistic meltdowns that occur over pitbulls
Like yeah they're obviously killer mongrels and their owners are subhumans but do you really have to go full spaghetti mode everytime you see one?

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>one side of his son's face was entirely ripped off, his skull crushed and one eye dangled from its socket
Jesus fucking Christ. Imagine if you were a parent and had to see that. I'd probably kill myself.

>Why are you guys so mean to pitbulls?
>Is it your psuedo-ironic racism for black people manifesting into dog breeds?
no you mong, its unironically because pitbulls are a dangerous breed that are directly responsible for the vast majority of deaths committed by dogs

Retards virtue signaling, dumb women wanting to tame the beast, or nigs being nigs and using them for dog fights

Go pray to a pedophile, shitstain

Hey man, I can't see your face. Could you zoom out a little?

This, do you actually believe there are any differences between wolves and dogs? It's all racist bullshit.

>telling a man to join his dead son because you love your nigger dog breed
Pit owners need to be gassed

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>a breed of dog which is able to easily kill adult humans when angry
Plus their owners are as annoying as vegans

sure man, this better?

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I would kill the owner of pitbulls and the dogs.

For now

You see a big sweetie, a cute dog who is a protector and a friend.
I see a dog that is genetically designed to be a ticking time bomb.

>outdoor cat
Peak soiboi


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>our pitty is just the sweetest thing! She would never hurt anyone!
>*gets eaten for taking dog on walk*

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Your dogs are cute user.

I used to work at an animal shelter in a city where pit bulls were banned. It was always so... FULFILLING to inform people that, yes, your pitbull was found and brought to our facility. No, you can’t get him back because it’s an illegal animal and he’s scheduled to be put down in 45 minutes.

Please link

>muh toxoplasmosis
Just don’t eat dirt and cat shit, user. It’s as easy as that.

>spook any other dog
>they either bark, lick you or run around
>Drop a pin near a pitbull
>Mauls your child, rapes your mother and evades his taxes
haha must be the racism

Whoah madlad you just admitted a murder!

FBI > submit tip

Well yeah, because that's the "funniest" response.

fucking pottery

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>cat gets shit or dirt on its claws
>scratches you for no fucking reason
>brain damage for the rest of your life
cool pet


I think I'd feel safer around a wild wolf than a pitbull. At least the wolf would probably be wary of me and think it's not worth trying.
Thinking about it, the ancient domestication of wolves is evidence that they're more reliable than pitbulls in general.

