Other urls found in this thread:
Looks fun desu
Sonicfags are overreacting, but what do you expect from an autistic fanbase. Doesn’t look that bad, the trailer looked decent actually. The song was out of poace though. I don’t even like sonic btw.
I want a cameo from christine weston chandler
>christine weston chandler
You have to go through the whole arc though so you can have the TRUE and HONEST story of cwcville and her mayor. plus we already have John Cena for at least 2 movies, probably have scarjo do the last movie after the transformation
Doesn't look bad. Gunna see it.
He looks like a little monkey alien.
I want to watch John Cena fight tmitps now.
>blue arms
I'm an extra in the movie, they did put a guy in a red and blue striped long sleeve polo for a background shot.
Looks like a furfag home invasion movie.
Please be true
A real cameo would be too costly due to the extra safety measures that must be taken. There will definitely be a sly reference somewhere in the background, though.
I was expecting this to be a total disaster but it honestly looks pretty fun.
Why didn't he just freeze time?
Because that scene with the missiles he is going to be super sonic.
>sonic looks like an abomination
>jim fucking carey as robotnik
>CG trash
>gangsta's paradise of all the fucking songs to use in the trailer
jesus christ
Cause executive man said "the super speed scene in X Mans was cool, do that for the hordgeporg"
>the americans wake up and suddenly people start saying it looks good
Hollywood is incapable of making anything that doesn't have human teeth. I think Disney is the only studio that understands that if you put human teeth on an animal it's going to look retarded.
Imagine all the laughter and the clapping in the american theaters.
I'm betting he lost his powers there fro some reason. Either he's extremely hungry or it has to do with the glowing hair.
i hope its true.
Chris Chandler's blood must be boiling
At most you'll get a sonichu necklace cameo in the background of one shot
because it's early in the movie before the training montage
sorry this is not anywhere NEAR as unsettling as the OP image
It's not, I'm giving you guys the "sheet of paper test" so you can see the difference. Pikachu is the sheet of paper and Sonic is the dirty teeth.
didnt the writer of gangsta's paradise through a big whiny fucking baby fit over it being parodied? why does he allow this?
>Able to move so fast that when hundreds of rockets are shot at him simultaneously, he is able to essentially stop time and run circles around them
>Gets shot by a tranq dart.
watch the movie and find out, since you're so dang interested.
it's not a bad design, it's downright revolting
and it looks even worse in motion
put down the gun or I WILL ELETROCUTE YOU
he is wearing shoes retard
We must combine these. Create a new Sonichu, and rule as kings in the world beyond the dimensional merge.
The clips where he's running remind me of this.
How is it possible that a fan movie from 4 years ago did live action Sonic better
Its backwards you dumbass, didn't even take the time to put it behind his hands
isnt the guy who originally voiced sonic still alive? why did they pick the lame asshole they did?
Remember this
>expecting wojak redditors to put effort into their posts
He probably edited it on a phone.
You think they made this movie caring about the fanbase?
How much did they pay these actors to embarrass themselves like this
What was the point of this post? Why are you here? Why are any of us here?
What is the point of it all?
if they wanted to make any ticket sales they would have seems they hate money but love wasting it
Of course Urkel is still alive. Ben Schwartz is actually a really good fit for Sonic based on his other roles, so I'm assuming the material he's been given is just garbage along with his voice direction
>Pokemon movie good!
>Sonic movie bad!
Can one of you androids tell me what the difference is, they look identical
Holy shit, thats what it reminded me of.
id rather have urkle
.I quickly cut it out on Paint just for fun. Sorry that I couldn't make it better. Just wanted to throw that out there to have fun.
Shit I want the story behind this now.
This doesn't look like the end of the world bad, just typical bad, like Hop
>Sonic is too fast for Eggman to stop
>Eggman studies Sonic
>realizes the source of power is his shoes
>steals them to use for himself
>winds up using the super speed
>it causes him to go bald or some shit
>Sonic gets his shoes back in time to save the day
>but not soon enough to stop all of the foot porn
I feel like this is what's going to happen.
A million times better than this abomination.
look at dat hank hill ass
In all honesty this looks cheap as fuck, SNL tier
this design being bad doesn't make that design better silly
>military chasing after a hedgehog
Why not just do a movie about SA2 then?
Found a better edit.
If you really need to have it spelled out for you, you don't care either way anyways and just want to throw meme words around.
Fucking this! I think both look like shit, but it drives me nuts that people think pokemon looks good while saying this looks like terrible.
That's how everything ends, not with a bang, but with an autist literally turning into legendary super saiyan form like broly and removing the whole milky way galaxy from existence.
>Although Yankovic traditionally secures permission from the artists he parodies (even though this is not legally required, as parodies are covered under fair use guidelines), and was told by his record label that Coolio had given permission, Coolio later claimed that he had not given such permission (and in fact publicly expressed disgust saying that Yankovic's parody "desecrated the song"). This created a minor controversy, as speculation surfaced that Coolio had actually given permission but later claimed he had not in the fear that allowing the parody would not be seen as "cool", or that Yankovic's record label had lied to Yankovic in the hopes that the song would become popular.[citation needed]
>Yankovic later stated on VH1's Behind the Music that he had written a sincere letter of apology to Coolio, which was never returned, and that Coolio never complained when he received his royalty check from proceeds of the song. A series of photos taken at the XM Satellite Radio booth at the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show suggests that Yankovic and Coolio had made amends.[1]
>On June 27, 2013 during an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit, Yankovic was asked "Is Coolio still upset about Amish Paradise?", to which Yankovic replied "Coolio's cool with me now. We ran into each other a few years ago and it's all water under the proverbial bridge."[2] Coolio stated in a 2014 interview that the decision to refuse the parody at the time was "stupid" and wished that someone on his management had stopped him, and considers the final parody to be "funny".[3]
I hate myself for saying this but I actually want to watch it after seeing the trailer. It gave me a nostalgia feeling of being a silly fun game based movie like Double Dragon, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat
The CGI Sonic looks like something out of 2005
here. This edit looks a lot better, thank you for posting it! Again, I quickly made it for the sake of having fun.
The script is already leaked my friend
Still looks like shit
Damn the Dr. Horrible movie is looking good
I'm indifferent. I never was a huge fan of Jaleel as Sonic but I do almost wish they went the fanservice route for this
How bad is it?
What went right?
Is chris going postal?
He didn't know his stand could do that yet.
>not a game gear
fucking idiot
Sonic runs Eggman over in a car
Let's see.
>Pokemon movie is set in the Pokemon world
>the Pokemon look like they do in the games and anime with a realistic touch
>movie is respectful to the source material in regards to Pokemon moves and abilities
>lots of nods and homages to the franchise
>Sonic movie is yet another "alien thing on Earth" plot
>no other characters from the games aside from Eggman
>Sonic barely looks like he does in the games
>Eggman is Jim Carrey as Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey
>generic action with generic machines
>Gangsta's Paradise
1.) Pokémon is based
2.) Pokémon is realistic, realism is based
3.) The lead is black man, black men are based
I normally associate the Switch with that face, but the Game Gear is a good suggestion, too. Thank you!
Imagine all the rapefugues at the british ones.
4.) I herped a derp with a berp, lerp
I know it's Yea Forums and especially Yea Forums tradition to mindlessly rage and cry about everything equally, but reality is not black and white.
Man, Sonic Racing got dark.
If you've lost Chris Chan you've lost the world. There is no hope.
Judging by him talking over the bullet time, he at least has to switch between thinking fast and thinking slow depending on situation. Running fast? Need that rapid awareness check to not bite the dust. Talking to slow mortals? Imagine someone trying to say a single word for ten minutes, that's how trying to converse would be like for fast mode Sonic.
You forgot
>rings teleport you for some reason like portals from the portal series
I can imagine getting drunk and going to the dollar theatre three months after this comes out
>ree stop liking things i dont
s o y
that's horrifying
Anal the bun
No No
>actually being mad this exist
>not looking forward to the train wreck
Going to be a good time
>human teeth
That script is obviously fake but it makes me laugh at the absurdity
Actually yes, it did
From the trailer I refuse to believe this will happen, but there's just a small bit of me that thinks it will.
Honestly, if Sonic didn't look like shit, I think it would be ok.
Will I marry my waifu?
Well there you have it.
are you serious?
Pokemon. Pocket Monsters. They are wholely supposed to look creepy, menacing and uncanny, and they achieved that in the movie by largely staying true to the original designs.
Sonic's redesign is just pointless. It's just as uncanny as a Forces model wrapped in fur would be, but it's also ugly and has no direction.
Oh allmighty sonic totem, will the movie be good?
if they could be so blatant about it in the sonic boom show they deffo can do it in the movie
oh god when chris dies we're definitely getting a netflix documentary
Animated and not live action
Chrischan is going to be the next mass shooter, isn't he?
>thought it was just a shitpost
>it's going to be real
the professor hadn't given him the clockstopper watch yet
but he ends up with his googles and oversized mustache at the end
it's literally character developpement
ACTUALLY, one can squint and see the way the Rings work in the movie as a nod to the Archie comics, where Dr. Finitevus had a special Warp Ring that was pretty much one of his special powers. If that's the case, gotta give the movie a little credit.
That Tweet was from yesterday.
you should send this to Chris Chan so he can be reminded of the house he burnt down and put his mother out of because he is an absolute fuckwit
>oh my god i have nothing i'll put words in his mouth and call him my favorite buzzword, I WIN!!
Oh allmighty sonic totem, will the Sonic franchise EVER recover
Looks terrible for a Sonic rendition. But legit for a totem.
Has Sonic been shit since 3&K?
In the games a ring would teleport you to the special stages.
its gonna suck aint it
>Not making coffee in you bathroom
The Sonic Totem wouldn't lie to me.
The movie is going to be bad, right?
None of that explains why sonic can do it for no reason
Generations was good
Other than that, pretty much
UHHH meowie
holy shit btfo
cry harder snoyboy
There were warp rings in Sonic 1 ya dingus. Hell, they’re in 3&K and 3D Blast too.
Imagine being the guy paid to play the part of Sonic driving an SUV.
the moans...
>the Jew had to throw in gangsters paradise and a mixed race couple in a fucking sonic movie
So easy to predict
>look up cast
>it's legitimately jim carrey
Only he would be able to do this with cringing.
What about Mania?
Sonic let off an EMP powerful enough to knock out electronics on the entire Pacific Northwest.
According to GoNorthwest, the area has a population of around 15 million. Bump Reveal estimates that 3,978,497 babies are born every year in the United States.
Using statistics from Bliss it is estimated that about 1 in 7 babies in the UK require a neonatal unit upon their birth. Assuming this statistic translates to the United States, this would mean that 568,365 need this treatment in the US yearly.
The United States has approximately 327.2m people living there, meaning that the Pacific Northwest holds approximately 4.5% of the US population, translating to 25,576 babies needing neonatal treatment in the area yearly.
Using Bliss's statistics again, it can be seen that the average stay in the neonatal clinic for a baby is one week. Considering there are 52 weeks in a year, this means that 1/52 of this figure are in the clinics at any one time.
This translates to 491 babies in the area where Sonic the Hedgehog immediately cuts complete power and life support to. Sonic is literally a mass baby murderer.
Will this movie be forgotten quickly?
Only if you had 50+ rings by the time you got to the end.
Imagine having such astronomically shit taste that you need randoms on the internet to explain things to you.
>now look at this ring that I just found
This photo is actually from the Charlottesville rally
And again sonic has never been able to materialize warp rings so why does he in the movie? They're also literally portals and not just warp gates, ya dingus.
>sonic can travel through rings
wait some Yea Forums shitposter "leaked" this. Was he lucky or did he know something?
It is definitely an interpretation of the special stage rings from Sonic 1.
I think both look like fun desu.
What the fuck I love Sonic now.
I want art of the whole Sonic cast in this style
Nah the dude posted it verbatim to the trailer. He probably saw it when they released it to test audiences or a festival.
>taking obvious bait
Should I go buy a box of Duel Power?
Not to be nitpicky or anything, but that's how you'd access bonus stages in sonic, son. Through big-ass rings.
Should've been Danny Devito. He even has the right body proportions.
The important question is, will there be an official tie-in game to this movie?
From Sonic 3 and on, you just find a big ring and hop in to teleport
What about Savage Strike?
He also killed anyone relying on life support in general, he killed some machinists, he killed at least a few pilots, and likely caused some accidents to further expand his destruction.
But EGGMAN is the bad guy.
someone was PAID to make this.
The totem has spoken
And that yeah, I hit post and remembered Mania
Faggot needs to make more videos.
Fluttershy is best mane 6 pone
Hollywood is getting desperate now for a new movie material if they adapt shit like this.
You don't need to "squint," just play Sonic 3 and find a special stage
I remember discussing with someone the notion that being naked while wearing shoes feels more naked than just being naked. This image completely verifies that notion.
I would have to agree.
LOL I saw this in reddit too upvoted my good sir
has our lord and savior stated his opinion about the trailer yet?
Those rings take you to a strange pocket dimension, not to other parts of the world.
They only paid 90 million. This movie will definitely break that. It's a no-lose situation for the people funding this film. Shit, if I were in the same position as the investors/producers, I would have done the same exact thing. It's literally free money.
Who's the actor playing Basednic?
read the thread dumbass
Better reason than some retarded character from the comics did it
>being naked while wearing shoes feels more naked than just being naked
huh, it does
Those were the light posts. The big rings had no ring requirement. When you have all choas emeralds, they give you 50 rings instead of a special stage.
T. Autismo sonic fan
I was already down to see the movie but now I really have to just to spite this train wreck of a person.
No, they paid 90 million for just the movie. Don't forget the marketing which puts it at at LEAST 130mil total if it's the standard 1.5x, but given they did shit like license music, I 100% bet you it's the more ambitious 2x for 180mil, which it simply can't reach in the two weeks from when it premieres to Frozen fucking 2 which will be promoted to Hell and back before Sonic even hits theaters.
Did you just test that out?
Does urkel sound anything like when he was young though?
This might be hard to believe, but this image was actually posted in another thread. Good to know you keep track of what goes up on Reddit so you can be angry about it, though.
Not really, at least the Archie variant works like that.
now do Dick Dastardly.
Why didn't Jotaro just freeze time through the whole part 3 instead of the final fucking chapter?
SnooPING AS usual I see
Looks just as bad as the Detective Pikachu movie.
You underestimate the autism of Sonic fans. Not to mention people like me who are only going to see it to laugh and ridicule it.
This movie will make at least 200mil total easily.
>Movie trailer is so shit that it triggers a violent peasant revolt in Venezuela
I’m impressed.
some of you're cool, don't go to the theater if you live in charlotsville
>Sonic is literally a mass baby murderer.
Yes, but they were all White.
Robuttnik's robots look so boring in this movie
>Yea Forums hasnt created a hyper realistic sonichu yet
I can't believe Lee is dead
almost everything that one user stated came true, the only thing he got wrong was them using a tazer to knock sonic out but other then that everything user stated was true. Hell even the one gag script of sonic running over eggman might be possible.
>t. has never had sex with nothing your shoes on
Shit's pretty hot, though. Definitely recommend.
if he doesnt say this in the movie im going to lose it