Can we get a webm thread? I like physics stuff in vidya
Can we get a webm thread? I like physics stuff in vidya
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why can't modern games use soft body techhhhh
fuck ray tracing it's so minimal and 8k bullshit is useless
work on physics make this the next great leap in tech
Normies like GOOD GRAFFIX, not physics or gameplay, as long as it is cinematic eye candy or panders to something popular (see Thanos dabbing in Fortnite) they'll lap it up and ask for more
>check how hard i can pee
But this looks cool. Are you telling me normalfags wouldn't eat this shit up if it was GTA?
Shit, do you even remember when they dropped the first GTA V "I guess it was the weather" trailer and someone made a fake leak of this game saying it was GTA and everyone lost their shit over how the cars broke apart?
is this some kind of benchmark or an actual thing you can interact with
also, both of your posts end in 51 and are exactly 300 posts apart, neat
you can download it and with your cursor interact with stuff, runs at 60fps realtime on okay hardware, nvidia flex
that's awesome, thanks
just got a 2060 and i love shit like this
also here's a webgl particle simulation of fluid you can try
Wish I knew how to control slow motion better when I recorded this so it wasn't as long
if GTA had car damage physics like this players would have to find a new car every 2 minutes and complain about it, that's why Rockstar made the cars basically tanks in V
thats also super neat. thanks.
also maybe i'll just do the last crash into the fence nothign else looks as cool as that in this webm
also it would run like crap on any console
Ray tracing is the next big leap in video games, bigger than DX11/12 & tessellation.Once it's settled in and used effectively with newer hardware, most games will look very poor visually and you won't be able to go back.
You dont have to make it so it's like real life and you can total your car in any collision, but shit if I ram head on into a wall give me SOMETHING. GTA IV had better destruction that V even.
It runs like crap on consoles any way.
I really see raytracing as a framerate thing. People who play with it will love it but most normalfags probably aren't gonna even notice a difference, just like the consolekiddies saying 30fps is playable. Actually getting a leap in physic technology would be a big leap across the board.