Are you enjoying it anons?
Days Gone thread
Why the off-topic image?
how else is he going to get any replies
No one wants to discuss this shit game, so BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPT posting is the only way to get replies
But the number 1 rule is to not post an image more interesting than the topic.
I played it for 1 hour on release. The controls suck and third person sucks. And spending your time picking up stuff sucks.
Real talk, why are people turned on by the smell of shit?
too much ass
its a fucking square lmao
Shit my bad
yellow fever is a mental illness, that's why
It's hard to find an image less interesting then the topic tho
fucked up brain
>stability control
Would she let me sniff her butthole?
fake pic btw
Nice fake news
>posting debunked nonsense
What a brainlet
f you're chad you can do anything
Game looks gay desu
Based angry white girl larper
Yes. 8/10. 9/10 if you're a big fan of zombies/wasteland stuff. IGN/GS are out to fucking lunch, and all the console warriors shitting on it have no clue what they're missing.
Fun fact about this image. The supermodel in that image is 100% naturally attractive. She did not know this phototshoot was going to be used as an anti-plastic surgery ad and has sued the ones making the ad for dragging her image through the mud and basically ruining her career as a model.
Looks like my butt
>white girls
>on Yea Forums
Try again, schizo ziphead.
This is either Reiko Nakamori or more than likely Yuka Kuramochi.
Reminder that you can post without bumping the thread
>The supermodel in that image is 100% naturally attractive
I am not one to shit on sony games just for having cutscenes but this game looks unbelievably bland and boring. If it was on PC I might pirate it but I'm certainly not buying it.
Not a drop of crotch sweat in sight. Put down the phone and get to work, bitch.
imagine being attracted to bugs
It's Yuka you faceblind fag. Srsly. I dont get how so many people on this board can be this autistic.
>Reading comprehension
>fun fact about this image
>here is something I just plucked from my asshole
imagine being a mad roastie on Yea Forums
lot of qts
How about PLAYS? It's an open world game. Cutscenes make up 5% of your playtime.
Not even yellow fever, but this is actually fake. Same as the dumb fucks who think China banned the concept of time travel in their media and portrayal of imperial China.
No, it's even worse than Horizon in terms of characters, quests and story.
Good fucking god, it's absolutely terrible SHIT.
And the side quests are all absolutely fucking terrible. Terribly voiced characters, piss poor missions, hell, even their facial animations are terrible.
Jesus, what an absolute disgrace compared to The Witcher 3. What a huge drop in quality.
>you're autistic if you can't tell zipheads apart
lol are you screaming irl?
>I dont get how so many people on this board can be this autistic.
Where the fuck did you think you were? That's why I said it was either or.
Wtf bros... You said all zipheads look like kpop models
Pretty obsessed, buddy. Nobody is even saying all nips are attractive. Why do you take it so personally?
That girl at the bottom
imagine being so autistic to spam Yea Forums with threads like this while looking up every image of real asians in archives
you sound so mad right now, are you going to cry and spam BBC shit on Yea Forums like you always do?
That's because you're a pedo.
>mfw spergs ITT argue over which type of 3DPD is better while I stick with 2D master race
probably some angry hapa
The amount of effort you've spend in getting triggered by every single of these threads and reposting the same images is 100x+ more than the effort it took me to spend 1 minute searching up your autistic history.
Retarded cunt.
What are you even talking about, go back to r/hapas buddy
your obsession has clouded your mind, you don't even understand what you're replying to.
The dude gets it.
How the actual fuck did you correlate me making a shitty reference to being a pedo? What kinda bullshit logic is that?
>WhAt arE u TalKINg aBOUT, I Am nOt a PEdo, I aM juST aTtRAcTEd to AsIAns aND iT iS nOT BeCAuSE oF tHEiR cHilDlIKE bODiEs, I SwEaR!
>he took the time to type this out
They're 17 year old in that picture. Why do you want to fuck underage bugs?
>your obsession has clouded your mind
Says the white incel with yellow fever hahahaha.
>never played it
I have both this and HZD and this is fifty times the game that HZD is.
None of that made sense.
I don't even like 3D but it's funny seeing all these white roasties seethe in every 3DPD asian thread.
>haha i spam pictures of bugs with plastic surgeries, are u mad and triggered yet!?!?
Yikes you remind me of Barneyfag.
>Why do you want to fuck underage bugs?
where did i say i would? seriously.
That's because you have yellow fever. Facts don't fit your narrative.
damn this faggot from /r/asianmasculinity is so fucking mad right now because anons are posting photos of real bugs without plastic surgeries
I think you should reread the original post. He said nothing about attraction or sex.
I didn't even post this thread you spastic cunt. I just love how triggered you get in every single one of these threads and decided to post your autistic history from archive. Imagine getting this upset about it though. Why? Are you an ugly bitch? Mixed race kid? What is it you little bitch?
Yeah, sure. I can only imagine how utterly retarded and underage you are to enjoy this fucking garbage game.
>you have yellow fever
I don't though. You however might have some kind of fever affecting your brain.
> damn this faggot from /r/asianmasculinity
It's a white incel with yellow fever or hapa. Asians aren't dumb enough to delude themeelves into thinking their race is beautiful.
seek help
Are you about to cry? Gonna make another thinly veiled gook thread with plastic surgeries and get BTFO again?
Fuck off to where you came from.
Spent 10 minutes trying to understand this reply, still don't. Send help.
Is there a reason why nature made these abominations so ugly
he's mentally ill
imagine getting mad over people laughing at your bug fever
>I have not played this game, and you are retarded and underage for liking this game I have not played.
The only immature moron here is you, fag. You see a few screens, maybe a webm or two, and your mind is made up. You are the paragon of shallow, easily-manipulated sheep. All it takes is one jank animation or a generic concept and you reflexively dismiss it as irrelevant. Absolutely pathetic. Your library is probably half mainstream trash and half obscure shit you don't even like, but feel the need to gather around yourself like a cred shield.
As a resident /jp/sie I'd rather not have these people over tbqh
imagine getting mad that other people like a type of woman you don't
Why did I laugh so hard about this
>check out /jp/
>entire catalog is full of kpop, jpop, idols and yellow fever wank threads
What the fuck happened
I never understood this image, why is she being held in that position, it can't possibly be comfortable?
Is this her chiropractor?
>You see a few screens
Piss poor cliche zombie story that any adult who's even remotely interested in that genre watched a million times before.
Shit moderation
Why would anyone get mad over a bunch of white incels with yellow fever? You're a laughing stock lmao
>I haven't played it.
I've been playing for 20 hours. Maybe 30 minutes of that was cutscene. This is an open world game, you steadily-unraveling retard. You spend most of your time exploring and getting into trouble. Anyone calling this muh movieshit is a fake gamer who doesn't play games before they spew their stupidity on v.
>i-i'm not upset
t. person who saves/makes images of other people's attractions
>mentally ill hapa with nigger dick fetish
alright, that explains it
>BBC fetishist
The absolute state
Imagine saving this shit on your computer.
You're literally saving images of black dicks and reposting them in every thread about 3DPD. Tell me how you aren't mad or upset about this with a straight face.
Well you sure do look like you're fuming
the hapa/yellow fever incel is projecting again
I don't care about 3DPD. It's just amazing how upset you get about this shit. How sad is your life?
anybody who paints their face is not to be taken seriously, I though clowns though you that.
it's funny how the white incel with yellow fever spams BBC shit and calls everyone a "roastie" whenever they laugh at his bug fever but now he's accusing others of doing it
this is some psyop shit
Go back to BLACKED retarded subhuman. I don't even give a shit about 3D whores but you managed to out yourself as a brain dead retard and you keep going.
>Go back to BLACKED
What is that and why do you hapas and weebcels have an obsession with cuck porn?
This game is so underrated that the only replies it gets are fags fighting about bugs and niggers.
what did you guys think of the "secret" ending? do you think we'll get a sequel?
>I've been playing for 20 hours. Maybe 30 minutes of that was cutscene.
Kill yourself, fucking schizoid retard.
If nu-Yea Forums likes this absolute shit tier acting and shit story, then there's no hope left.