tick tock tick tock tick tock.......
Rest in piss steam, another Epic exclusive another record
it's on uplay too you absolute retard
I got it on Uplay tho, not exclusive.
Nice. Steamcels are on a sucide watch, lmao.
Its not though, I can and did get it from ubisofts own launcher.
based retards, back then it was on steam and uplay and it didn't break records
Imagine being such a cuck that you will buy a game that requires Uplay
another based retard
the anti epic campaign literally boosted anno, thanks steam faggots
based retarded correcting retard
> Ubisoft didn't share any specific numbers when it comes to sales so we don't know what platforms did the game have the most impact on.
> However, since all Steam pre-orders were honored, the player numbers on the Valve platform were still immense, reaching over 25,000 at peak.
> pc market has been growing steadily for years
> anno as a franchise has had small but steady growth as well
> uplay numbers never announced
> BuT iT DiDnT BrEAk rEcOrDs bEFoRe
steamcucks on suicide watch
say goodbye to your 1000+ indie game collections..
Sales went way up on Steam after they announced it would become an Epic """exclusive""" a few days later.
Oh yeah retard as if most people buys any ubisoft game any place other than uplay.
>the anti epic campaign literally boosted anno
sure, not the fact that people were pissed how 2205 deviated so much from the formula.
this is a new cola situation, and has nothing to do with epic, retarded shill.
>still coping this hard
kill yourself, it more than doubled the numbers of anno 2205 even on fucking steam, the anti epic campaign is the best way to sell more games in 2019, thanks to you subhumans
nobody literally knows what uplay is based steam shill
Da fuck faggot?literally every ubisoft game requires uplay to launch epic shill
Can neither of you read?
FRANCHISE RECORD. Record inside the fucking franchise. Wow it's fucking nothing. Not exactly a huge surprise when it's the best one since 1404
it launches in the fucking background, you start the game and move on based retard
i can read, which was the point of my post, no shit it's a franchise record but the point is the other retard was trying to argue it didn't break records before when it was on steam and shilling for epic. when that's a stupid take
>fastest selling game
>Doesn't release number
dont kill yourself user calm down, franchise record means it sold better than every other anno, its pretty normal to do these statistics, anno is still a niche game
oh boy can't wait until they reveal that steam pre order numbers alone are much higher than life time sales on epic
No shit. It' sa good game.
I own it too but much like anyone with half a brain I got it straight from ubishit
Be that as it may, highly doubt it's beating Steam's numbers despite the game being pulled from the store.
Made between 500k and 1m in preorders alone, are you serious?
Keep sperging,based shill.
Anno 1800 had a great timing in a sense absolutely nothing came out on Steam this Spring.
the "thanks to epic exclusivity" is easy to understand now, people didn't want to deal with that dogshit of a launcher so they rushed to pre ordered on steam
you guys LITERALLY unable win despite nearly all games journos shilling for epic
>Announce game moving to Epic and Uplay store only in a few days
>everybody scrambles to buy on steam because fuck Epic, yo
I'm sick of people boosting steam sales on niche games by announcing they will go to Epic soon.
I don't buy from commies commissar Mao
how come epic pays for such obvious lies?
The open/closed betas did a lot for them too. They didn't have to advertise. Right after the open beta started, the game shot to #1 seller on Steam, globally.
More proof that 2205 was a mess from the beginning, as they cancelled their plans for having betas, knowing that 99% of preorders would be cancelled after playing it.
Why are """""""games journalists""""""""""" allowed to make up literally factually incorrect articles?
We're winning. The shills are getting caught into arguments with our local autistic residents and losing focus.
Because they're tired of the game """"journalists"""" that are on valve's payroll.
>Epic Game Store Exclusive
You can just buy it through the uPlay client.
Is the uPlay client not a DRM client suddenly?
And it's no secret that Ubisoft is collecting hard on the Epic exclusivity money knowing full well that people doesn't like the store, so they're basically getting the payoff AND directing more people to use uplay in one fell swoop
Ubisoft is basically outplaying the chinese
so they're tired of their own imagination?
>People hate Epic so much that they immediately buy the Steam version of Anno before it goes exclusive to Epic
Epic Drones what do you have to say about this?
The funny thing is, Anno 1800 features a 'fake news' mechanic to fuck with people's heads.
Falling for this bait for the 1,000th time.
the fuck?
Conveniently forgot to mention that it's the first Anno game released in the twitch boom era.
Nice, the epicshills' narrative destroyed in one picture.
>Most of sales through steam
>Metro Exodus also available on steam
this gaslighting campaign from epic is quite dirty
valve retards coping
its also only making epic look worse so thats a win in my book
>Is the uPlay client not a DRM client suddenly?
Looks like it. Somehow uplay is better than epic store(and it kinda is for me, while being slower and less responsive).
Ayyy..pirated metro,will pirate furthur exclusives...thanks based sweeney.
It's easy to break records when your store has like 20 games on it and only existed for 2 months.
What do you expect from a ChiCom owned company? They're trained by the best.
Based retard
So they’re basically just giving people another reason to pirate
it was bound to be uplay only anyways, poorfag
inb4 90% of the sales are from Uplay and Steam
Just kill yourself OP you massive faggot