Post Em
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
inb4 >!
Comfy setup OP, what headphones are those?
Radical braaaaaaah
whats new vegas doing under that globe?
The whole thing is a new Vegas shrine, even the record over it. (It’s jingle jangle jingle!)
I have these headphones, a computer that costed me about the same as those headphones and 2 monitors. That's all you need to know.
Based and new vegas-pilled
nice atmosphere.
oh please dust.
this one is new. digging the area a lot.
are you the same residentanon with the black shelf?
I have that chair; So, based on scale, that "bed" is about four feet long.
Does a tech-dwarf live in this cave? Some modern day gnome?
You like em? I really wanna find a good deal on a gently used HD 800, I hear they're amazing
Like this? My setup has been evolving for years
It's a different picture, but I think so. Either way you have a nice set up.
I am not looking forward to packing all this shit up to move. Upside is I can cram all this plastic crack into a dedicated room.
where you moving to user?
bought a house, fuck apartment living
The normal HD800 have an annoying treble peak but are allegedly perfect for classical musics and true audio snobs. The S model that I have sounds perfect with all genres and amps but it's more expensive. Know what you're getting into before buying a flagship headphone. Also the Phillips X2's compete with the HD800S as far as low-end and bass width goes so those are also a good choice imo
good for you. i could never live in an apartment. single home livin' is the only way to live.
>2 setups
for what purpose
Roomate perhaps
Left PC, right consoles
On the desk its HyperX Cloud (Its decent)
On the stand its Oneodio Studio Pro
My SO has her own setup for drawing and games and shit.
i get it user
Oh boy! Time to derail this shitty thread with Meowie's furry samefagging!
What's Meowie's end game? Was he just neglected by his parents? Does he just have awful self esteem? Why does he samefag?
He's showing everyone his butthole. It's a creepy sex thing.
I don't know who this samefaggot is but I have a mild understanding of what he might be going through
>what looks like piss stains on the blanket
of course, to be expected
Probably all of the above, he pretty much whores himself out for pitybux with that paypal autismo link or w/e the fuck it is. Sadder is the faggots who "unironically-ironic" support his furry/tranny habits.
The most important thing to realize about these battlestation threads is that a clean and tidy room is more important than all of your RGB lights, DXracer chair, copy/pasted ikea hack desk, funco pop gaymurr swag and posters.
The best feeling is having a girlfriend or a maid you can trust clean your shit up for you, no consumerist bullshit needed.
He's a faggot. His father died when he was little.
He doesn't want to work like a normal person and just wants to sit at home all day while being provided for. He hopes to find a boyfriend by posting his CUTEEEE battlestation on every given opportunity.
He has time to do this because he already has some people who keep him alive and he just plays FFXIV or some other shit all day long.
That motherboard
>downloading porn
shiggydiggy my brudahs
Always making me kek