Why aren't games fun anymore?

Why aren't games fun anymore?

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they are, you just outgrew them. find something else to do

is that an 80 dollar bill?

Video games aren't fun anymore because Big Boss is Venom Snake despite being a body double and a Medic. You should really find some time doing other things like accepting the truth that HE IS Big Boss, even if he is the phantom.

Pick up a different hobby, like 3d modelling. Save up for a 3d printer and print your own custom waifus.

games both:
stopped being marketed to men, started being marketed to children and women

stopped being developed by men, started being developed by $0y and women and diversity hires

based BiBoposter spoiling the game 3 years later

because of the jews

because the thought of males having fun is extremely triggering to feminists

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appeal to largest common denominator, games that try to appeal to everyone end up appealing to no one except zoomer gamers who don't know any better

on the flip side of the coin here's your niche indieshit game in glorious pixel art that looks worse than what commodore 64 could manage

>Big Boss is so badass even his body double rules

Blow it out your ass

well, at least it's fun

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I still like games though, try playing something outside of your comfort zone maybe? Good games are still being made, without a shred of doubt.

platformers aren't my jam but that one has SOUL

soundtrack is brilliant too

>end up appealing to no one except zoomer gamers who don't know any better
WOW Why would a company try to sell their products to the biggest part of the market that has demonstrated that spends a lot of money on games?
What a wild fucking concept user. You should work for nasa.

SID and it's amiga counterpart are fucking legendary, get out of that jabroni Mega Drive soundfont


They are, but your definition is arbitrary and will shift however you need it to so you don't have to appear wrong.

Well that's kind of the complaint, isn't it?

why does every single game released in last 10+ years assumes you've never played a viya gaem before
why does every single game in the last 5-6 years uses the exact same control scheme, UI and game mechanics
where does this duckling syndrome copy whats proven popular game design take us

Yeah but that market is oversaturated and said demographic has the concentration span of a golden fish (have you seen a kid under the age of 12 playing another rpg that is not Pokémon) you can try but you will most likely fail or you could hold to what you already have or even better do what Bravely default did and just look another demographic, and they have department full of people who are into marketing and such they should acknowledge that there is money to be made somewhere else in a safer way instead of fightin a war that they most likely going to lose because muh big gain.

Go back.

Play more games.

I too just watched X video by famous eceleb X and desire to discuss the X games he just talked about. These two things are completely unrelated.

How do I solve for X in this equation?

They are. You just became jaded.

women with a stick up their asses

Was checking new graphic cards to buy. See the RTX shitshow.

Then I remember there isn't even any game to play.

"Fun" is an offensive creation of the white male colonialist patriarchy.

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>fun is forbidden until further notice

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When I meet my friends I often call him a fat bastard or punch him on the arm, just for fun. He does it back as in "hey there you cunt!"

My gf hates this and always complains at me for doing it later in the evening, every. single. time.

You have women like this working on the games industry now.

me political opponent think happiness bad

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Because games are designed by committee, designed for normies, and designed with social values and the puritanical left in mind. Games aren’t made by people who want to be creative and express themselves and make experiences fun anymore. They’re designed by people who grew up with games that want to turn their games into movies because that makes them “respectable”

Buy JP games because they still hire based on merit, western developers have to abide by laws to hire women when they apply. They get sued if they don't take them.

These women don't work in the games industry because they love games, they work there for the high paying jobs and a lot of them are fucking prudes

Mass female hiring turned Blizzard from one of the best and most loved developers to the most hated and crappy developers.


what kind of liberal webcomic humor is this shit?

Because you are on Yea Forums too much and only focus on the bad shit.

I literally never post on Yea Forums

Games Don't Have To Be Fun.

ding ding ding
also the main reason why games don´t innovate anymore or try out new stuff.
games from around 2014 are pretty much exactly like modern games aside from a few minor graphical updates

thank god I live in a place where I can go to a strip club and fuck a cutie for half an hour for only $150.

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>WOW Why would a company try to sell their products to the biggest part of the market
but the biggest part of the market is still by far white men and sex still sell crazy well but the only thing we get are sjws games nowadays with ugly women and anti white male stories

>Why aren't games fun anymore?
Because all the new AAA shit is made by a committee and focus groups.

Political Correctness

This. A product developed for a specific audience will always satisfy that particular audience more than a product designed for the masses. Originally, you were that specific audience, now you're just a small part of the larger mass. Like Metallica after the black album.

>t. Only plays shitty western games

cause you look in wrong places

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They're not made to be fun anymore they're designed to exhaust you and take more and more of your money.

This. People commenting about political correctness can't think further than their hands can stretch. The fault lies in the system not the symptom.

fun = sexist

Yeah. Most anons didn't figure this out when these game companies started releasing surveys. Shit is ridiculous. People willingly want to get exploited.

Yea Forums - Because fun isn't profitable. Fun is too hard to control and predict.
Games aren't really playgrounds anymore. They're more like Skinner Boxes, designed to make you do repetitive tasks over and over for minor rewards all for the sake of giving the experimenter (in this case the developers/publishers) some sort of benefit (i.e. money)

Only people talking that there are no fun/good games are those who can't see past their nose, so anything below AAA or incredibly known game may as well not exist.
They don't even acknowledge backlog.
Utter retards and I don't want to think that some replies here actually serious. Fucking idiots.

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>playing modern western games period

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Yeah that's pretty much every thread in a nutshell. You can recommend thousands of games and they'll just give snippy surface level assessments. There mongoloids don't want to play shit. A bunch of fucking plebs. Including the above post.

I did this when I was 8 and the cleaning lady saw it and she told my mum
My mum told my dad
My dad installed Need for Speed 2 on the PC
I never finished Duke Nukem 3D

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Recommend me a game that plays sort of like kingdom hearts except without the disney//ff shit and is on pc/emulatable

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didnt you get the memo?

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Elaborate on "plays sort of like kingdom hearts".

Women became more than 1% of dev teams

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Dante's Inferno

>why does every single game in the last 5-6 years uses the exact same control scheme, UI and game mechanics
Because they all use the same engine or engine based off the engine everyone is using, either Unity or whatever that other popular one is called.

Easy. Find an eceleb whose name is also the name of a game and an integer.

hell son, guilty as charged
what's the deus ex of weebshit then oh wait there isnt one

Pretty much

Since 2010 I think I bought on lauch, at full price, like one "AAA" game a year

I get to hit stuff while having a bunch of other side options and movement

I've only noticed default unreal engine movement physics before, only lately (lately means 2007-present), in shit shovelware where they couldn't be bothered to rewrite placeholder code
everyone uses some sort of middleware for UI, scaleform often enough
quake's movement is unmistakable but varies game to game friction/acceleration/air acceleration or lack thereof

on the whole though, nah, engine doesn't mean shit my son, brainlet talk

here's 30+ games

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Pretty much this
This, but Rage 2 might be OK..

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>bayo 2 in great tier
>automata in good tier

Bump MadWorld up 2 tiers and I completely agree with this list.

>plays Bethesda shit
No wonder you have low taste and such a grim outlook on life.

>This, but Rage 2 might be OK..

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>onimusha 3
>only good tier
>no prince of persia sands trilogy

because you play western shit

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Oh shit are you going to dump the rest of these where you cherry pick a bunch of middling western games and ignore all the good ones?

I have to agree, it looks pretty good, hook me up fitgrill

only if you are a good boy

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>move from the second gayest hobby to the gayest hobby

Man times have changed. Duke nukem 3D was revolutionary at that time. I wonder how bad it will be received if it was released today with all the forced diversity and feminism bullshit prevalent and obligatory in the western gaming industry.

>published by bethesda so it must be bad
Difference between made by and published by, user. You fucking idiot.

what's the best way to play Duke Nukem 3D? Megaton Edition?

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was this written by a literal retard?

I completely agree with the pic’s point, but it is so fucking shitty I wanna blow my goddamn brains out. The most bland and uninspired generic descriptors of the game on the left make it seem like the difference between them isnt actually their quality but just how long the text is to describe it. For instance, I could just take SSB and say “you hit people off a stage” and it would then be moved over to the left column for being shitty.
This image is retarded and you’re a retard for sharing if.

Is it not obvious? He lists Fallout 76 as a "top game" and leaves out every GOTY nomination.

yeah but hiting people in smash is diferent from hiting people in something like yakuza

meanwhile all FPS games PLAY the same, you point at something and you click

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It is sarcasm, retards. What the fuck went wrong with this place.

Games are just a front for gambling industry aimed at children and manchildren, shills are therefore more important for pushing the product than actual dev teams.

Then there's the whole clickbait industry and their indie kikestarter chums. The fact that people are willing to 'own' games on Valve's DRM platform held by a literal FBI informant was proof enough that it was game over some 20 years ago. Digital distribution was just the final nail in the coffin.

tldr - consumers are to blame. People paying money for video games ruined them, because the more money you put towards a product, the worse it gets. Pirate before you buy (at least). There's a reason this phrase is outlawed from all media outlets.


that has to be the worst thought-out and longest strawman ever mad

Megaton. But you can also try alien armaggedon 2.0 mod

i tought about it and i came to the realization that is the way the governament is trying to force peopel to grow up and procreate

unlike japan, where they put the mesage that growing up and having kids is a good thing whitout changing the quality of the product, the west will try to DESTROY the product to force you to move on with your life

Troll images are shitposts no matter the intent.

>where they put the mesage that growing up and having kids is a good thing whitout changing the quality of the product
Could you give some examples for such media?

dragon ball
goku grows up, has two kids and the end quality is still the same

why you do this everyday?
were you pissed when you discovered?
no one is playing that and no one gives a fuck

Hmm.. I wonder what kind of third worlder is behind this post.

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>every watered down mainstream product designed for mass appeal is by default good
cringe and bugmanpilled

sony is the real enemy

I'm suddenly reminded that I spent so much time trying to see those pantsu and never was able. That was before we had internet as well, so I couldn't just google them. Thanks for posting this pic, I guess I need to replay the MGS series

I see 110

what's so fun about the patriarchy?

Games were always for children

It's a conservicomic, shit for brains.

Time to rise up.

idk if people are gonna look at KH3 as a top game of 2019

nu-males entered the industry who are more focused on hamfisting liberal propaganda into their games rather than making an actual good game

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you arent wrong

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Twitter, feminists and jews.

Cycling to ballet?

girls kissing is cute though and I'm an alt-right nazi bigot

Hot girls kissing for male attention is cute, not actual ugly jew dykes.

What are good vidyas on steam?

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>RE2 not being you aim and shot stuff
Way to spin the narrative

You grew up and games became worse. Its a lethal combo.

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Games have always been marketed to children, fucknuts.

dude no

Aarklash Legacy

>Ugh, The Last of Us? What is this, a game for children?
>I'll have a REAL man's game, like Super Mario Bros.!

She actually used Duke Nukem as an example of a game men could play without it turning them into misogynists.

I'm playing Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and it's pretty fun
>yeah its a game where you shoot at stuff, but there's fun mechanics and the story is presented in a cool way.

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I want to fill her with my seed in a log cabin in front of a fire as she gives in to all her woman instincts of getting dominated by man

this. that guy just made up a bunch of shit and people agreed with it for some reason

Because games are now just cash machines to milk players out of money to improve the corporate shareholders stock options.

it isn't a mental illness. it might be a part in the development of other mental illnesses, but as it's understood it isn't a mental illness. you know how a hermaphrodite is born with both genitals? well a transsexual is born with a female brain and a male body. it's not a mental thing.

this but unironically

4 years late.

It's not like you do it to her right? Why does she care?

>well a transsexual is born with a female brain and a male body. it's not a mental thing.
Explain the Wachowskis then.

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explain them how?

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>a transsexual is born with a female brain and a male body. it's not a mental thing.

Explain how they are not mentally ill. If they have lived most of their life as men and were married to women, clearly the "born with a female brain and a male body" argument is bullshit.

Like both of them got same girlfriend who was pegging their prostates until they became women.

wow, pathetically low effort desu

Because you're not a child any more.

god she needs to do incest porn

Partisan taste user.

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Nope. It's just children have been raised by consumerism to be part of the general audience. That's why you hear so many squeeky voices while playing GTAO

I agree, 3d printing is pretty faggy

anno 1404 and rain world

Mmm... bend over, Anita

Homogenized game design.
Developers used to give a brief concept pitch to a publisher, get all the money they needed instantly and then go make shit up as they went along, inventing new genres along the way. Now they pick from a handful of prominent genres and follow their design conventions by the numbers.
There's more than enough evidence to show it's a social contagion.

>Randy owns the Duke Nukem IP
>is so out of touch with 90's shooters, he'll either make the next Duke Nukem a lootshooter, or just keep the IP in the dust
>Has the E3 2001 build of Duke Forever that is reprotly 90% finished, but refuses to release it (even monetized) due to bad blood with some 3d realms guys
JUST nuke my Duke.

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Games are still fun, just not AAA games.

Remember Hotline Miami? VA-11 hall-A? Furi? If you don't then you're a slave to corporate marketing and really need a redpill on good games.

Try Katana Zero, its a good new one.

They'll drop or minimize the womanizing aspect of Duke and/or make it a multiple protagonist game where you play as Duke and a strong powerful womyn.

Because you are a misogynistic alt right CIS straight white male.
First, remove the ABSOLUTE DISGUSTING image you posted on your hateful shitpost
Women should not be objectified, EVER.
All past occurrences of women in a sexualized or demeaning form SHOULD BE DELETED FROM ALL MEDIA

We've had enough with you fucking fascists.

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE. you can take the back seat for now, fucking scum

>This reply to your pathetic ass is brought to you by A WOMAN .(formerly a man)

>VA-11 hall-A
>A game

How come I can play old games and still have more fun than with newer games?

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>well a transsexual is born with a female brain and a male body

Trannys exist because of a mixture of things, most notable are the lack of father figure, overprotection, rejection and lack of interaction from the opposite gender, no self control and lack of confidence, social media, demasculinized males, pushing agendas, unreal expectation blah blah lot of shit here.
But the creme is always one thing: hornyness.
This is the exact same shit why there is a fuckton of gay males on date sites looking for straight guys.

Check this out fampaitachi: your life is described as an alley whore sucks dicks for crack money. The situation is dire, there are other guys in the same exact shoes as you are... And this is the point where you mid starts to malfunction. Just maybe these guys are on the same wavelength you are, same hobbies, matching persona and everything. Now you are starting to wonder: Do I really need females, do I really need to go trough all this crap to get one, when its so piss easy to just reply a guy who already wants to suck you off and even will wear a woman's clothes doing so, just to appeal you?

And there you go: one heterosexual male successfully turned into a faggot, and he's protected by political agendas too, and even endorsed to be one, because nobody gives two fucks about him.

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Its as much of a game as AAA movi--games, these days.

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Wrong. Old games and a lot of non AAA games are still fucking good. Only Western AAA is fucked now and only fun if you are 12 or a dumb normalfag who likes to press "X" to win.

>Why aren't games fun anymore?

Because we let in too many women.

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Nostalgia goggles

What about fags who have beard wives?

2020 - Video games contribute to a rise in toxic behavior should be banned

this but unironically

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You have gotten older and big budget companies do not cater to you any longer.
Try indie, other genres or b games.
Aaa is mass market aka everyone including folks that want a movie in a game.

>tfw beat Lunar Apocalypse in one sitting without dying today

Finally got good.

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Yea Forums is the one place where you can always count on someone who is blatantly wrong about something to be corrected by someone who manages to be even more wrong in every possible way.

Transformers : Devastation?

and I can call you a lying nigger too. You lying nigger.

Case in point, I suppose

People weren't "outgrowing" games in the 90s and 00s.

>Why aren't games fun anymore?
Maybe you are just playing the wrong games. I got Pathfinder on GOG and i've been having tons of fun with it. Now i'm waiting on Cyberpunk 2077 to get a release date at E3.

top zoomer cringe

if not a zoomer an extreme casual that probably has a super mario t shirt

I'm a zoomer and I have more f*n playing Blood than playing modern shooters like nuDoom or the latest butterfield

there is a Duke Nukem 3D mod for Serious Sam 3 VR, play that

naturally playing on damn I'm good?

Eduke, just drop in whatever level data
pirate 20th anniversary world tour and then run the new episode in eduke too

>Pathfinder:Kingmaker is a zoomer game now
Are you drunk?

If I wanted to watch a move I'd go watch a movie, and certainly one with a better plot than The Last of Us.

>implying games haven't always been marketed towards a younger audience
>implying there haven't been women, black, etc minority devs before
nah i'm pretty sure it's because you got a job and started voting with your wallet based upon your completely shitty taste, and now we're stuck in a consumer hell for it.

>Asura Wrath
Don't get me wrong, it's a great game but it's just a glorified QTE

Just like my gay yaois

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we really need to rise..

Based and class pilled

This is the real reason.
Every new game is now a whale hunt.
One whale is worth hundreds, potentially thousands of regular players.

Oh, man, yeah.

The moment when he sings is fucking great. And there is only one ending.

love this pose, cute feet

Games are art now, user. They're about feelings and emotions and telling deeper stories about lesbians and dads and dad lesbians.

>well a transsexual is born with a female brain and a male body. it's not a mental thing.
>male body
>female brain
>not a mental thing

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i don't get it

>meanwhile all FPS games PLAY the same, you point at something and you click
Imagine thinking that Metro plays the same as Dusk, Imagine thinking Fallout plays the same as DOOM, just imagine being so fucking clueless about video games while posting on a video game imageboard.

That literally means that it's a mental disorder
Quite literally

>just imagine being so fucking clueless about video games while posting on a video game imageboard
I mean, this is Yea Forums we're talking about here.

>i don't get it
I'll try to explain like you're 5 years old.
A whale is someone with a lot of money and time to waste.
They will dump hundreds to thousands of dollars on a video game just because they can.
Developers do whatever it takes to get as many of these whales to do the same thing on their games.
Most games being developed in our current era are with these people in mind.

you point at something and click
so deep

>grand strategy isnt deep because you point and click too


I used to think those weren't tassels and she just had really long nipples


grand strategy
>you build and upgrade houses that let you create unities of diferent sizes and speeds that let you build more houses
>diferent classes have diferent houses that let you create diferent unities

>you put thing in the center of the screen and thing dies
>then you put thing ion the center of the screen and thing dies
>sometimes, the game lets you put things on the center of the screen. and then the thing dies

I dont believe you. But I could be convinced with proof.

Because people want games to be movies for some bizarre reason.

>you click m1 after putting the cursor on a target

grand strategy
>you click things until numbers go up

fighting games
>you push buttons when it's safe to to reduce the opponent's hp

its almost like you can arbitrarily ignore complexity for any genre! stop buying video games, you're the reason new games suck.

sounds like something made by a cringe lord racist.
But he nailed it about the media. The titles are perfectly accurate

>Le ding ding ding

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>they all look the same, a hand holding a gun

grand strategy
>can be only combat focused like total war or building focused like age of empires, completly changing the game

fighting games
>can be 2d or 3d. can be power focused like street fighter, combo focused like guilty gear or shit like mortal kombat

>he thinks you can't ctrl-f multiple instances of repetitive Yea Forumsisms in this very thread
>some of which are shared with the very image he posted

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Because classic FPS games dont waste your time.

New shooters by design want to keep you playing for as long as possible.

They have no respect for your time.
They have no respect for your budget.

Stick to the classics.

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Because games are about money now. And to make more money you have to appeal to as broad as possible audience. That means no fun, more systems made to suck your time and money.
Thank late stage capitalism for that. And enjoy your last decade until inevitable ecological collapse. Then same people gonna sell you gas masks and sunscreen.

>shit like mortal kombat
you had me fag

>can be a mech game, a boots on the ground milsim, an arcadey quake like action shooter, and rpg shooter, a puzzle game about portals, completely changing the game

do you see how fucking retarded you are?

>Dante inferno
>Shit tier
fuck u cunt

ah so that's why TLOU has a multiplayer mode

>>can be a mech game, a boots on the ground milsim, an arcadey quake like action shooter, and rpg shooter, a puzzle game about portals
>and they all look and play the same
see my problem with the whole genre now

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>pick the literal worst examples of the genre
>they all play completely differently anyways, disproving the point
i lay a curse upon your house. if you ever buy another video game again your lineage will know eternal suffering.

i thought shin megami tensei was fun

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>>they all play completely differently anyways,
hahaha good one

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>Fallout 76
>top game

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what about it?

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A mixture of everyone wanting to make interactive movies and shareholders pushing out soulless garbage to make a quick profit off retarded normies

>mech game
Generally mech games means same exact same classic fps gameplay but in a robot.
> ground milsim
the definition of generic
>arcadey quake like action shooter
so just a buzz name for a fps with fast movement
>rpg shooter
no having weapon stats doesn't make your game a special rpg shooter
> a puzzle game about portals
you mean that type of games that get released once in a decade?

That's why I play Ion Maiden

>who cares what all those jewish doctors think? Here's a dumbfuck theory I pulled out of my ass that has absolutely no bearing in reality.

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same shit sequels without innovation over and over again, (((shittendo))) even releases the game 999 times

Cause i cant smoke weed anymore and live with my super enabler grandma and two uncles in a small ass house and have to take online classes. Life fucking sucks i hope robertos mom lets me live with them so i can move back to Reno

catch aids

You seem to be a big fan of Far Cry, Battlefield, CoD, and Bethesda games. You should try playing other stuff.

Pretty much this.

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I think Blobbers would be pretty great in VR, all your companions can be behind your back, and you could turn around and high-five them, looking around easily with the camera in VR like you do in the grimrock would be awesome, and the gridlike movement could be enhanced with the actual feel of depth, like looking down a hole and seeing stuff move around before dropping down, all the cool ass immersive surround sound/audio

but i haven't heard of any good blobbers for VR, it would literally make me buy into the VR meme if a good game like that existed

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>stopped being marketed to men, started being marketed to children and women
Are you retarded? Games started out as being marketed to children, bach when Sega and Nintendo were the big dogs in the console market.

Intellivision and Atari literally marketed to Children/family

id put it in great tier. the item rng shit kinda bogs it down.
korra never played it. mutants in manhattan is just shit tier

You will buy a game even though it is not marketed to you, and the PR, devs, and publisher is not only hating and shitting on you, but actually despise you, except your money.

You had at least bought one game fitting this description in the last two years.

True or false?

>Too stupid to find the good western games because he's too busy whining about AAA garbage.
>Not playing Stardew Valley
>Not playing HuniePop
>Not playing anything by Wayforward
>Not playing VA-11 HALL-A
>Not playing Golf Story
>Not looking forward to N1RVANA
>etc etc

But tech companies pay much more than game companies.

Interesting. Why are most trans people white?

They're not.

you mean microtransactions, crate sistem, lootboxes, and freemium p2w stuff then, right? Yea, that's pure cancer.

But they are. White males.

The same reason white men are the biggest consumers of cuck porn.

DNF had all of Duke3d's over-charged sexuality and masculinity and more. I guess its the best game of its decade then right?

>Not learning CNC.

Because you're a fag, OP
pic unrelated

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I rarely see anyone talk about Shinobi, is it actually good?

>The German swastika actually looks like one of those failed wall graffitis by confused teenage edgelords

Check. MATE.

then who the fuck are we replying to?

They literally were and are...

You don't have the right friends anymore to enjoy them with. You could be playing Mordhau right now with a bunch of your buds but instead you're shitposting on Yea Forums.



>female brain
>male body
The androgens that are needed for a penis to develop literally also affects the brain and central nervous system during pre-natal development.

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i remember being recommended this game by Yea Forums in a hidden gems thread. i miss that Yea Forums

i still have the soundtrack on a harddrive somewhere

1. Devs realized you make money with games.
2. More games, larger audience.
3. Larger audience means more average (read "stupid") people.
4. Stupid people can't into games due to bad motorical skills or ability to read characters/jokes/story between the lines.
5. In order to protect the income, devs had to lower standards to keep average people buying their games.

Basically normalfaggotry is to blame.

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insanely inflated budgets make it harder for devs to take risks and experiment with new mechanics/ideas.
the suits dont really care if the game is good as long as it sells
the HR department hire terrible writers and devs who want to push their ideology AND the suits rush them so the games end up buggy as shit

its a smattering of reasons all amalgamated into one giant serving of shit soup

>americans can't recognize a 20 dollar bill

So considering androgen insensitivity is a thing you wouldn't consider something like that to be possible here?