How do you cope with loneliness and solitude, the lack of a woman in your life? What do you do when video games stop providing much needed escapism?
How do you cope with loneliness and solitude, the lack of a woman in your life...
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That's when you get a job.
Look on the bright side, user
At least you don't donate to twitch thots like a cuck
Masturbation, then i feel fine for another day or two.
>day or two
it sustains me for 20 minutes tops
I guarantee your first gf will be a turbocunt
I don't get lonely. Some of you fucks seem incredibly needy so maybe thats the problem.
Maybe we are just not homosexual like you
I wasted my 20s playing video games and I definitely am losing all motivation to play anything, so instead I'm gonna join a neo-nazi movement and create the 4th reich with my bros. Wish me luck!
I simply live with the pain
a bloo bloo bloo
Vidya/Anime/Novels/TV/Movies/Music/Drugs still work for me.
Start focusing on self-improvement. Video games no longer fill the void because they can't take your mind off the fact that you're an under-achiever who's out of shape and with no accomplishments to your name.
Start taking small, consistent steps to improve your life. Improve your hygiene, take up some small hobbies, start/improve cooking, get a couple nice shirts. Little things that make you gradually feel better. And most importantly, start interacting more with whatever community you might spend time with. You can't get friends or build connections if nobody knows you exist.
This. Take better care of yourself so that you don’t feel like shit all the time.
>junkie who watches anime
Your degenerate kind is way past the point of any hypothetical salvation and as such my question wasn't directed at you.
What's the point, we're all dead in another 20-30 years anyway
every time I get lonely I go out to remind myself how annoying women are and then come back home and jack off
But i have a wife and a job user, what are you talking about?
based collapsenik
my condolences
Go outside, you fuck.
She sculpted some nice nipples.
I found once I started doing this, I also began enjoying vidya more again.
It will get easier once you're over 18
Get a community, get a job, and develop a skill (cooking). By the time you become a wizard you'll wonder how people survive without the peace and quiet of solitude
based and redpilled
I live with it and buy onhaholes.
I don’t know that feel, I’ve had a gf for 7 years and we’re getting married soon.
Meant to reply to this
This is where you go wrong. If vidya is anything more than harmless fun for you, you are not doing it right.
by having triple digit iq
its hard to enjoy "harmless" fun when you always have a nagging voice in your head that is making you feel guilty for enjoying vidya when you should be doing anything else that isn't the worst imaginable waste of time
What the fuck is up with the random discord tranny invasion in this thread?
So the average IQ?
Fuck off Wojakposter
yes, at least that one
Oh that’s easy OP, git gud
And a girlfriend
i watch porn!
works well!
>stop caring about what vaginas think about you
>do some self improvement
>get a job
Married for 5 years, 1 kid. Divorced (my decision).
Next girlfriend, 8 years. Left me cause we became geographically separated and I wouldn't commit.
The last one hurt because I really liked her and I should have proposed like four years ago, but the point is that, even with the second girl I was still depressed. Now I'm even more so. Women don't fix anything. So now I'm just going to travel as much as I can, especially with my kid in a few years. Maybe a hook up here and there, but no more relationships for me.
Resetera is falling apart, they flee here in droves but are confused with the reality they now perceive, as they’ve been brainwashed
Hopefully you're not a cuck that believes in gender equality. Start treating women like they should, the weaker dumber sex and they'll want your dick for days
>but no more relationships for me.
according to the movies, that's what they always say before ending up in some hilarious romcom situation
Nice blogpost faggot.
>What do you do when video games stop providing much needed escapism?
I'm 27 and I'm not at this point yet. When does this become a thing?
I have a job, friends and a gf and what if I just want to be alone? I have fleeting moments of privacy, but its very rare. Then again, when I was lonely I was even more unhappy. Now I just feel stressed and overwhelmed. It's hard to find a balance.
Woman fix everything if you let them, it’s your fault for pushing everything away because you weren’t honest about your feelings.
When people get lonely and have too much time they spend alone without the ability to vent.
This whole thread should be pruned, I might as well contribute.
There are a lot of other factors other than feelings. Logistics are a thing too. We were very open and hid nothing from each other.
All the guys crying about it are underage. Once you man up you understand life better.
I used to smoke a lot but that only made things worse because I fucking hated the smell afterwards. Now I just project my fantasies and desires on fictional characters that I find appealing
Woah, godspeed user. Let the adian girls live though.
> But you didn’t commit
Blunder aside, he's being sarcastic in that first Tweet isn't he?
women ruin everything they touch. giving them any degree of power or authority, except allowing them to mind small children, is extremely cruel to them. because they will never be able to stop from hurting themselves and ruining their lives with the power you allow them to have.
Daily reminder that one of the main reasons for involuntary celibacy is their pathetic and guillable romanticism that yearns for a fairy-tale relationship, making every pussy in a 10-mile radius go dry,
Im considering rape or murder as payback for all those years in high school.
same, it's so obvious, in the end what seemed like a depression was actually something like the human spirit shining through and making me want to improve myself even though i never really stopped loving games.
Begone thot.
Buy the Oculus Quest (tm)
And sign up with your Facebook (tm) account.
A new world will open!
just b urself
When you become a wizard you gain the power of eternal indifference.
>what do you do when you're lonely
talk to people/go on dates/use or something to find people who like what i like
meta the game, gamers. Think of yourself as a Sim that needs to talk to people or else you'll cry and poop your pants
It doesnt bother me, im perfectly content living 10 miles outside the city by myself in near solitude even if the internet is garbage
And this, THIS
... is the absolute unironically most based wisdom one can ask from v/ here
>making every pussy in a 10-mile radius go dry
I do that by just being myself, though.
Indeed, so why not end it now? No one is asking you to stay if you’re only pooing on everything people are trying to make pretty
>have a woman in your life
>tear up her holes
>immediately want her out of your life again as she becomes a primary source of stress
Cope, a true incel comment this one
Death doesn't sound very appealing either
Also there's videogames that need playing
We were together for four years, which after the first marriage, I still don't think is long enough. But right around then, a lot of things started changing in our lives that made it logistically impossible to get married, and then finally I had to move across the country, and there was just no point. I'm surprised we even made it work the last four years.
And as for the ex-wife, she was medically diagnosed crazy. She had always had some depression, but then she had postpartum and it sky rocketed, never really went away, and kicked off some other mental issues. My job was moving to another state, so it just worked to separate. She's medicated now and we get along very well and the boy understands what happened and is happy. We separated when he was 2, so it's all he's really ever known. So it's all good.
This but unironically.
Do you think "Chad" wants a "le GF XDDDD" even if they can get any girl they want? No, they just fuck them any chance they get.
>b-b-but I'm too ugly
Bullshit. Either be a degenerate and play the millenial one-night stand game, or die a virgin. Simple as that.
So you are giving up on women just because of extremely poor experiences you've had with very selected few specimen who were imposed on you by nothing other than your own poor taste in choosing them to begin with?
After my fiance died, I figured out I'd never find another one as perfect as she was and stopped bothering.
When video games stop interesting me, I'll find a new, better hobby.
>let's take the sex that unironically cries and throws baby tier temper tantrums and give them responsibility
They're like children, user.
>You can't get friends or build connections if nobody knows you exist
I really want more friends, but at the same time I generally hate people
How do I fix this
I'm trying to find a new job but living as a manchild really fucked me up. I don't know how to write an resume, how to balance my budget, how to save, and normal adult shit. I could blame my family for not helping me when i was a neet for two years and almost killed myself then or just my general things adults should do. Playing videogames let me escape my problems maybe i should just kill myself
I am not lonely and I don't give a shit about women. Next.
I hope you’ll find someone in the near future again, as you don’t really sound like you should be here wasting your time on negativity which in turn will impact you too... unless you’re sadistic ofcourse
Guys how do i get a bf?
By killing yourself.
get lean and post pictures of your tummy and bulge on twitter. you'll be swimming in bfs
> I don't know how to how to balance my budget, how to save
Just stop buying useless shit
I how exactly how you feel, but at least I'm in college. But I take the bus, I've never driven a car before, I don't have a license, and I've never even gotten gas before. I'm 24.
You don't hate people, you hate yourself and keep projecting.
I am lean and don't use twitter.
why are you telling me this? don't argue; take advice.
Or be alone and miserable, frankly I don't give a shit.
I can't stop myself user
I can't drive either and I'm 21
You have the internet at your fingertips. This is all on you.
Learn to accept your autism
Yet every single female demands a man accept her for messing around in her youth and taking 25 different cocks minimum since puberty.
Give me better advice.
but that's what fills in the void
Stop roleplaying tranny
Proverbs 21:19
The wife wasn't the best choice but to be fair, she completely changed as soon as we got married, and then the other stuff I mentioned. But the girlfriend was a fantastic girl and a great relationship that real life got in the way of. But of course I'm not naive enough to think I'll never be in a relationship again, what I meant is that I don't care about it and I'm not seeking it out. The girlfriend breakup is only a few months old, so I just want to focus on other things, like my son, my passion project, and my career. In a few years maybe I'll want to date again, but the thought of starting that process again makes me want to blow my brains out, especially with how dating works these days. After the breakup I did go on a couple dates, and I realized I just don't want to do that, I don't need it, and would rather focus on other things.
Thanks user, even if that isn't what I'm looking for right now. But you know the rule... once you're here, you can never leave.
I'm not wasting great advice on a shitty person. If you can't meet anyone halfway on anything you're going to either be alone forever or totally screw up any relationship you somehow stumble into.
Fix yourself.
Another incel spotted, you’re exaggerating
If you're a gay dude, Grindr. If you're a femanon, Bumble.
have sex
Stop giving the toleplaying tranny attention
Nice try roastie
I do, cope and stay miserable little incel
My girlfriend approves of my shitposting
I've never once felt it. Sometimes I think it might be blissful ignorance or something, but I used to have lots of close friends and since becoming a shut-in I have no fucking interest in re-connecting with any of them. I check their social media every few years to see what they've been up to out of mild interest, but I can't be bothered staying for a chat.
Video games might well just be a form of escapism, but for me they're supernormal stimuli. I could go out and find a 6/10 wife, or a high paying job and have lots of friends take weekend trips on my yacht, but I don't want to. I want to jerk off and play bing bing wahoo for the next 70 years until I croak. This feeling shows absolutely no signs of abating, and every day I wake up fulfilled.
Maybe I'm just mentally ill or something, but I'm really happy that I am.
It honestly doesn't bother me. Masturbation tides me over and I think I'm too emotionally distant to be able to open myself up to someone in a relationship. I don't even know what you're supposed to do in one.
>How do you cope with loneliness and solitude
It doesn't affect me.
> the lack of a woman in your life?
Never needed or wanted one.
>What do you do when video games stop providing much needed escapism?
They never provided escapism in the first place, so I do whatever I'm doing now.
I'd fucking love to know why, in other people, being alone makes them so butthurt that they ragequit IRL.
I like being alone. Less people to bother me.
Unironically this.
gonna post yunyun
Copypasta from r/incel, you should go back
How is posting pictures of myself on twitter fixing myself?
Isn't grindr for hookups though?
>vidya getting more and more boring by the year
>get asked out
>fuck it i'll give it a go
>she detects my autism and dumps me a week later
>now all i can think about is improving myself, getting a better job and socialising
wtf is happening to me did i get the normie virus
>I don't even know what you're supposed to do in one.
Just look at it as having a companion to do stuff with. Stuff maybe you couldn't do or wouldn't think to do on your own. I understand being emotionally distant, I am too. But being with the right person can open up some of those emotions in a way that a normal friend couldn't. Also sex.
>tfw no chinese sculptor gf
you're fighting with every bit of advice you get. I realize now that this is how you get social contact.
Get out
>Isn't grindr for hookups though?
I only used it once (and by used, I mean opened it, made a profile and never touched it again) but I think there's a way to specify you are looking for a relationship and not just a hook up. But yeah, I think most people do use it for hook ups, but not everyone.
>when you always have a nagging voice in your head
That's your main personality. It wants what's best for you. But your addicted and hopeless personality is in the way, and it's struggling to break through.
Give that main personality / nagging voice control of your thoughts and basic motor functions. It'll do a better job of your life than you currently are.
Make me. But also why? And also where the fuck are the jannies and why is this thread still up?
Don’t reply to your own post, it makes you look like you deserve to kill yourself (hint)
>when I was lonely I was even more unhappy. Now I just feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Practice being happy.
Emotions can be trained like muscles can, and your happiness is weak.
You have SOME control over your emotions. It's the stuff you use to stay angry when someone else has shit taste.
Use that control to try to be happier or to stay happy longer.
It's a little of column A and B desu
I don't the lonelines is crushing and makes it harder to function every day
I like being alone. Outside a few of my close friends I see every few weeks I don't like people
>How do you cope with loneliness and solitude, the lack of a woman in your life?
I resign myself to a life of bitter hatred and borderline madness, sinking further and further into despair as I justify a choice I never get to make by lying to myself about my happiness.
>Look guys i'm totally an outcast too
>How do you cope with loneliness and solitude, the lack of a woman in your life?
Stay busy, and don’t fall in love. It’s not worth it.
As painful as being alone is, nothing is more painful then a broken heart.
Being alone, I have become more successful in life in a short time focusing on myself and no one else.
But the pain of wanting someone in your life will always be there, just best to block it out.
Love isn’t real, it’s a lie woman tell you, to hold you back in life.
i have a job but this is my weekends
>How do you cope with loneliness and solitude
I don't
>I can't stop myself user
>but that's what fills in the void
This is the attitude that leads to sissy ERP. Take control of your personality or your anxiety, sex drive and avoidant disorder will do it for you. And do you WANT that part of your mind assuming direct control? Fight. Take control of your own goddamn mind.
user, I'm too old to try and be cool by pretending to be an outcast on an anonymous Rhodesian car painting image board, and I never claimed to be an outcast. That's not what this thread is about. But for what it's worth, I am socially awkward and it's why I don't have real friends where I am now. I could probably make them if I tried, but it would be difficult and I just don't want, need, or care to try.
I wholeheartedly recommend that you pray to God. Don't worry if you don't believe in God or don't know how to pray. Just lie in bed and cry for help and he'll answer you. It's the acknowledgement that you need help that he's looking for.
How am I suppose to be ashamed of choosing masturbation over whores? I can get a girl to smile at me if I like and I am too infectious to go through all the trouble of covering myself in regalia to make them feel safe. If they can't rescue me then we aren't really equals so who cares?
drinking is a waste of money and literally kills your neurons if you drink excessively.
I’m Christian and this is a load of bullshit
If you want to blame other people for your own problems, then your problems won't get fixed.
Suicide is your only option.
>literally kills your neurons if you drink excessively.
Yeah that's the point, idiot.
God dont exist
for people who don't believe in God even the desire to believe in God or openness to it is the beginning of faith
Ad a man who lives with his gf and has for 4 years... you arent missing much friend, sure the company is nice but women aren't like men, they are needy and clingy and always ruining and taking away vidya time.
You seem to have accidentally developed autismn't.
I am afraid there is no cure.
I relish it. Being alone is far better than being trapped in a bad relationship or having kids you don't want. If you take meditation seriously, you can find happiness independent of conditions.
Making friends with yourself is the first step to fixing loneliness. Every single goddamn person who is lonely is a person who does NOT enjoy their own company, and who wants to have other people around them as a distraction.
It doesn't work.
You need to think of what trait(s) and attribute(s) you like in other people, and practice over time to gain those attributes in yourself.
If you pray to God for an answer, and you get one, then the person answering isn't God.
Firm and consistent boundaries.
Did your father teach you nothing?
The proper way to manage a woman is to let her know exactly how much she can get away with, and if she tries to go even one inch further, you stand your ground and say "No."
Aside from the DeusVult, probably not.
Lots of people somehow thing that beautiful art, be it music, paintings or literature is some inherrent Western trait.
No, I definitely hate people and hate crowds. But I want female company for sex and cuddling.
This is one of those hilarious leftie memes I've heard so much about?
>If you take meditation seriously, you can find happiness independent of conditions.
Meditation is a complete waste of fucking time.
Introspection is where it's at. Dabble in a bit of self-philosophy, but don't sit around staring at walls to kill time. We live in a world with more time wasting possibilities than you could ever possibly get through, and you're wasting your life doing nothing.
At least wagies get paid for being bored.
Wrong, not only is the process thoroughly covered by extensive textbooks but its benefits are scientifically proven. The most important skill in life is concentration.
I got a girlfriend and I spend time with her instead of playing as much vidya. I still play a fair amount and even play some with her (although she's not nearly as into as I used to be which is probably a good thing).
Don't chase after a woman, improve yourself and wean yourself off gaming a bit. Then keep at that until you're happy by yourself, and thats when women will start noticing you and wanting to be with you. Women aren't attracted to self confidence; they're attracted to people who are happy with themselves. Healthy ones anyway.
I created an intricate fantasy world in my head with it's own history, culture, races etc. and I spend most of my time escaping there weaving storylines and character arcs together. I have lots of friends there and even a girl I like.
Nah, not enough words. It's not one of theirs.
>The most important skill in life is concentration.
Really? I found pattern recognition, and the ability to tell good / high quality things apart from bad / low quality things to be a much more relevant life skill.
having balance seems like that we all should have as a standard, but if you had it then i don't think you'd need anything else
Wow, some retards put it in a book? Well, that changes everything, I'm sure it's the best thing since sliced bread!
There are no important skills in life. All that matters is hedonism, and people too dumb to understand that will be miserable until the day they die, while justifying it with the idea that things will one day improve.
Maybe your brain is broken and staring at walls makes cool swirly patterns show up that feel better than crack to you. But probably not, you're just wasting time because you think the perceived long term benefit will be "worth it".
Have sex, that is everyting you need mate
As a former habitual user of dissociatives, introspection and medication go hand-in-hand. I don't do drugs anymore, but I still try to do both as much as I can. Until you can know yourself, you can't fully improve yourself. You have to be able to look at yourself from an outside perspective, but also do it in a relaxed, objective manner.
i often wonder if posts like these are legit or you're just pretending to fit
This is some high quality autism. I like it.
But, why is there only one of you in your fictional setting?
You, as a person, have more than one way of thinking about things. More than one personality. More than one pattern of thought. You switch between them based on the situation.
So why is there only one of you in your fictional world?
Create a fictional person for every mindset you have.
I fem up REALLY well so I just took the pink pill and now I'm never lonely :)
Stacy treats me like one of her own and I get "company" from Chad and BBC anytime I want, it's never been so easy to he popular!
Lack of a women shouldn't make you feel worthless. You only feel this because society programmed you to chase pussy above all else. "If you're a virgin, you're a creep, you're a loser". Take it from old anons: you feel for the meme.
Women are the sauce, not the food.
Oh, I also have done a bunch of stuff to scare the shit out of myself so if girls don't like me I can't give a shot because I know that there's scarier shit than a social distance between oneself and the world. Like no distance between oneself and the world.
Being a former drug addict means your opinion is worth less than dirt, so I don't know why you even mentioned it. Please don't ever reply to me again, you aren't fit for life.
At least he's not Team Creme.
By playing Splatoon 2 and have a bf and a good friend.
>But, why is there only one of you in your fictional setting?
Because even though you're right about me as a person, it's all of them in one bundle that makes me, me. My imagination is something I can't turn off anyway, it's going in my head 24/7 and a lot of things that are created aren't exactly planned, things just happen before I know it usually.
Life was actually much better before a girl opened my eyes to me being unable to have a normal relationship
This, but unironically. I know there's a few of you faggots who browse this kind of thread because you legit feel bad, so just listen to this guy.
Being self aware is part of the reason why you feel sad, so escaping doesn't work anymore.
i'm glad i'm not a normalfag like you. get a life you pussy
People change, user. But it doesn't mean they remember the lessons learned from who they used to be. It's important to remember where you came from and how you got to where you are.
It's impossible to do anything useful with either of those traits if you get distracted 5 minutes in and go to Facebook.
Conveniently ignore "scientific proof." Dumb dumb.
Hedonism is a dead end, all unearned pleasure comes with its opposite.
We're talking about mediTation, not mediCation.
>*Doesn't mean they don't remember
Protip: Actual trannies are NEVER this confident, straightforward and direct. You're on the right track to some good bait, but you need to realise that a tranny never just expresses their feelings or opinions (e.g. "I'm bored"). A tranny ALWAYS frame it so their feelings and opinions are somehow someone else's responsibility and someone else's problem ("You're boring me").
Enjoy the divorce at 42 and losing half of your shit and paying alimony dipshit.
That's fucking bullshit
My mom made my childhood miserable because she kept going into relationships to "give love another chance, might end up like one of those romcoms this time"
Fuck the film industry and their bullshit utopian life standards
>We're talking about mediTation, not mediCation.
Typo, that's what I meant.
Well I can't fault your imagination. But I prefer to populate my fictitious worlds with multiple versions of myself and then see who wins.
That's easy to deal with. I only get extremely stressed and anxious whenever the thought of losing my job comes up.
think about why you hate people and see if it's all about you feeling insecure in public or around strangers. if that's the case then you might use some professional help to get through that, even if just a little.
there's a lot of girls who think the same way as you do, so use one of those dating sites/apps and try to find people who think that way. just don't be a faggot and assume that you deserve nothing but a 10/10 and get bitter when she's not the way you imagine. if you're an antisocial faggot then don't ask for too much
if none of that works then freeze yourself and wait for cheap femrobots who can satisfy your needs
Self-improvement is also a cult. It's just trying to impress people online for 3 years while circumstances out of your control make your life worse.
If there's mediTation
and mediCation
can there be a mediVation or a mediBation or a mediSation?
I could go for some mediSations right now. I don't know what they are but they sound pretty good.
>lack of a woman
Constant nagging and bitching is the last thing I need in my life
Did you tell your mom to stop spending so many hours watching TV every day?
If not, why didn't you?
Meditation isn't about inner peace bullshit or any kind of chakra crap, user. It's more about the idea of developing concentration and patience. Staring at a wall doing nothing, not even thinking, is a lot harder than you think, so doing that helps you.
Many times we lose focus because we're too busy worrying ourselves to death with so many things that we can't even concentrate on what's going on at the moment. Meditation helps you to deal with that sort of thing.
As long as you don't work in a Sòylicon Valley censorship dispenser, then just doing your job properly should ensure you keep your job.
have you tried becoming a writer?
Oh I don't know, maybe because he was a fucking child and that's just how he thought life worked?
>think about why you hate people
Because there are very simple and easy things they could be doing to play the game better and instead of doing them, they invest 5x the bloody effort into making excuses and getting butthurt.
That or they're so non-sentient that the very idea of cause and effect doesn't fit in their fucking head, and they have no fucking clue HOW to check if what they're doing is working or not.
Alternatively, they try to use subjectivity, fun, or personal preference like they're some kind of fucking cheat code IRL. No, your emotions are NOT a justification for being shit. You don't magically stop being shit because of sematics. If you have a personal preference for being incompetent, then CHANGE YOUR PREFERENCES.
>if it's all about you feeling insecure in public or around strangers
Doesn't seem to be. Seems to be more that I'm right pissed of at other people's incompetence and low standards.
>if you're an antisocial faggot then don't ask for too much
Ah, story of my fucking life. It seems asking anything AT ALL of any other human being is asking too fucking much. I suppose I can cope with that but jesus christ, I have no idea how people put up with each-other.
Children can tell right from wrong. Not with anywhere near the subtlety of an adult, but they can.
I did, eventually, when I got to my teens. She never listened to me and I eventually gave up and closed up completely to her. She's always been immature as shit, might have something to do with the fact that she had me when she was 16. The fact that she favored her boyfriends over me didn't help much, either.
Recently I moved out of the house and didn't feel much of a grief or sadness. It was just a "Well, it happened" moment
Vidya used to be an escapism for me, too, but with some therapy and someone to share the hobby with, they have slowly become something more enjoyable.
>How do you cope with loneliness
>implying I'm lonely
>the lack of a woman in your life?
>implying I give a shit
>much needed escapism?
>implying I indulge my hobby to escape anything
Video Games
Pretty much this. They come in waves. It's weird, a couple days a week the entire site turns to shit (more shit than it usually is), and then it goes back to normal.
I think most get scared off.
Right from wrong is different from having the ability to know exactly what is causing the wrong feeling. Also, children don't tell adults how to live their lives. It's up to the parent to sense that the child is unhappy and figuring out, using their fully developed ADULT intuition, why. Placing the blame on the child version of that user is stupid and ignorant as shit, dude.
Anyone else in a situation in which they aren't allowed to get a job? Or is it just me whose life is that fucked up?
This, I’m a 26 year old virgin with zero friends working full time. It’s not because I didn’t try, it’s because nobody wants me.
I tried this as a kid but not god ever bothered turning me into a girl.
How do you live? What is this situation?
Build estes rockets
tfw you have too many girls and video games still provide the escape you need from the girls tryna mess with you.
i live a hard life.
Le' epic troll
How are you not "allowed" to get a job?
My grandfather is insane and takes the car he bought from me away from me for absolutely no reason periodically. I want to die everyday, this feels like some form of hell.
By finding a woman who lets me put my wiener inside of her. Pretty much cured my emotional problems atm.
You dont hate people, you just hate the people you've met thus far. Try looking for people you might have more in common with
I actually turned my life around because of a post like this a couple years ago.
So thank you, user. Giving this type of advice helped me when I hit absolute rock bottom.
How is this thread still up? Getting some dumb whore into your life won't make you less miserable, you delusional virgins.
>Woman fix everything if you let them
When you do that, and they leave, your life will fall apart.
>there are very simple and easy things they could be doing to play the game better and instead of doing them, they invest 5x the bloody effort into making excuses and getting butthurt
Sounds like you're doing the same, mate. Doesn't sound like you'd be your own friend, so why would you expect to have the person you want? More like, why would you even want something you're not even trying to make it happen?
In any case, seems like you hate just a certain kind of people based on some experiences and keep focusing on only them to consider there can be people who think like you and are exactly in your situation of being too busy hating instead of realizing it's stupid to live your life that way.
>It seems asking anything AT ALL of any other human being is asking too fucking much
No, I said that you can't ask for too much if you don't offer too much. The more you want and the less you have to offer the lonelier you'll be. You want an intimate relationship with someone or just a breathing fuckdoll? Because if it's the former then you're doing everything you can so it doesn't happen. Why focus so much on something you're not trying to achieve.
I want to be the fastest man in the world, but man... I hate exercising or getting tired. I refuse to walk, but still want that...
Either you change so it can happen or just forget about it.
>Woman ruin everything if you let them
Get a bike and find a mcjob near you
Why wouldn't they want you?
Knowing I'm not a Wojakshitter helps.
Then don't let them leave.
I work 40 hours a week the least I could get is someone doing my cooking and cleaning
I just work. It feels great. I fixed my diet for maximum efficiency and I know I'll stay young for a while so I just work and work until I get super rich. Getting a wife won't be difficult then
Had to wake up early today, so went to bed beforehand and found a long asmr video. It turned out to contain a lot of yawning, soft moans and breathing. Got a wet dream that night.
The best thing you can do right now is leave this site. If you leave this site you are now infinitely superior to everyone here. Why do you care what people on here think? All there is here are utter degenerate rejects trying so salvage some form of socialization.
But why bother with them? They'll never have any money or wife or kids or land. The best thing you can do right now is quit watching porn, read The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe, and go out and socialize. So go out there and show these bastards what you really are.
>>Many times we lose focus because we're too busy worrying ourselves to death with so many things that we can't even concentrate on what's going on at the moment. Meditation helps you to deal with that sort of thing.
That seems like an awful bandaid fix. Instead, you should learn to either not worry about those things, or cut them out of your life.
Your form of inner peace is as empty and meaningless as you are.
>tfw I wasted 5 years getting a bachelor degree in an Engineering field and I get paid for 13.50 an hour
Listened to my boomer Dad and now he wants to tell me how I should have had a at least two internships and been studying projected job growth over a 5 year period in high school.
Boomers just always have to be right, don't they?
I know when it becomes all to much, I can simply kill myself.
That keeps me going.
I have played video games since I was 7 and I have asburger's but it was diagnosed at 24. I think I act strangely but I can't tell when. People seem nice at first but they become more hostile and mean as I get to know them more, which is why I've become more and more of a recluse. Last new year's was the first one I spent alone. I have a decently paying job and I take care of my money. Video games used to make me happy but they all just end up making me angry when I think of my life while I play them. I hit my head multiple times while playing Bloodborne and punched a hole in my door out of sudden anger burst, also while thinking of my useless life.
I really tried to get someone to like me: I talked to multiple girls on OkCupid and went on date with two with no results. One of them visibly disliked me by the end of date and for other I just felt nothing and was bored by the end of it. It's been the same with all the females whom I've interacted with.
I don't think I can keep this up any longer. What did I live for? Just to work a job to earn money that I have barely any use for? Just to be a clown for the normies who need someone worse for them to compare and then elevate themselves?
Uggo. Girls don’t want me for obvious reasons, guys don’t want me because I make them look bad to girls by association. There’s a reason they hire big dudes to keep people like me out of “cool” places.
>wrong on both accounts
wew that's just bad luck
Fellow aspie here, diagnosed at 6. I have just as much problems as you except the only woman I've ever loved and still do is a literal autistic tomboy with daddy issues. It seems so easy for people to get a couple, then again Aspergers have it hard for everything. One day everything will be fine, I promise you.
It's natural selection, so don't feel bad. The least you could do is not reproduce so your son/daughter don't deal with the same shit you dealt with.
This user knows what's up.
>You need to think of what trait(s) and attribute(s) you like in other people
There are none.
People are assholes and lazy disgusting pieces of shit.
Fuck them all.
Or I could just wait to snap eventually because “it’s just natural selection bro can’t judge me”
From what I've heard, people with assburgers have a hard time getting lasting relationships with other people. Don't beat yourself from it, just learn not to give a shit, love yourself more and accept that you can't do jack shit to change the past. You still have your present and your future, so enjoy them while this shitty life lasts
Dude, are you retarded or just that bad at reading? Literally said that meditation isn't really about be-happy crap.
Yeah, I guess. Nature and life isn't fair, it sucks but what can you do? Just be glad you weren't born a woman where you're intellectually and physically inferior to men. They can judge you, though, in a court so make sure you really don't have anything left worth living for before you snap.
But user, I do have a gf that I fuck or get bjs from whenever I want to :^)
Good thing you were diagnosed early. I spent most of my life believing my issues were caused by lack of both social contact and exercise but it later dawned on me that the game was rigged from the start.
Were you put into any special class or anything like that? The teacher pointed out my issues to my parents at 7 but my mother refused any treatment and my father just didn't care enough.
>tfw a girl likes you
Lonely virgin cope. You will never know the feeling of raising a family and kids. A cute daughter and son. As God intended.
>tfw girl won't leave you alone when you just want to be alone and play video games
Girls who constantly want to talk to you are so annoying, especially since they don't have hobbies or anything interesting to say.
Have sex
>What do you do when video games stop providing much needed escapism?
What do you mean "stop"? If you mean sex drive, just fap. Who cares? If you mean loneliness, just get friends or abuse social media to get the necessary dopamine responses from communication. I don't understand how that isn't enough for some people.
ban this fucking nigger
shadow banned...
No but one of my teachers told my mother I was autistic when I was 4 or something. To be fair it's not that bad, socializing is definitely the hardest thing ever for me though
They hate him because he spoke the truth.
Just become a suicide bomber if you want virgins that badly. Nobody wants bitter incels like you alive anyway.
I was with my first wife for 3 years before we separated. Then I lived alone for 4 years. Now I’m married again and my first kid is due in like 20 days. Some days I honestly miss living alone. As an introvert I was always comfortable just living alone and playing vidya/watching movies when I got home from work. I hung out with friends whenever I wanted and occasionally fucked bitches.
>live at home
>cant drive
>had relationships and Tinder hookups but I got bored of them
>had a job but got bored of it
>attempted suicide a couple weeks ago/constant suicidal thoughts
>no friends I see regularly
>giving up on university soon
>all I want to do is sleep
fuckin audacity of these cunts
I've been in a relationship with a woman for more than a decade, and I absolutely relish the moment I get to myself. Believe me, after that length of time you start to long for the moments when you can be by yourself and not have your every waking moment guided by someone else. You lose the ability to just stay at home and mess around all day, you always have to be coming up with things to do and such and such. Part of me truly wishes I could go back to just being completely by myself.
maybe strive to be an interesting human being instead of sitting inside playing vidya all day
Get a dog
>Sounds like you're doing the same, mate.
You'd think so but no, I've tried my best to not do whatever mistakes I'm making that cause my teammates to be paint drinking morons, but I'm not capable of fixing the mistakes on my end.
>Doesn't sound like you'd be your own friend
I get along surprisingly well with other frustrated elitist assholes. It's amazing what a common enemy can do.
>so why would you expect to have the person you want? More like, why would you even want something you're not even trying to make it happen?
I've wonder that for a while. But what can I fix on my end that'd get teammates who at least pretend to bloody try?
>you can't ask for too much if you don't offer too much
The same goes for other people too. It's a wonder they get along with each-other when they have so little to offer.
>The more you want and the less you have to offer the lonelier you'll be.
Understandable. So, what is it that my teammates might want? It sure as fuck isn't being carried to victory because they bitch about that too.
>You want an intimate relationship with someone or just a breathing fuckdoll?
Neither thanks, I have a waifu.
>Why focus so much on something you're not trying to achieve.
Good point. But what can I do on my end to unfuck my teammates?
>Either you change so it can happen or just forget about it
I know that. But short of learning to force their ISPs so I can get their billing details from their IP and going to their house to stab them, what are my options?
Or, alternatively, where would one start learning how to get personal information out of people when all you have is an IP address? I guess I do have an option available to me, though it won't be easy.
This is why long term relationships never work, just tell her to leave you alone for some time
That means you’re couped up in the house for too long and if you’re young that’s pretty normal
I get really high and masturbate for 12 hours a day
Yeah, weak men usually end up with narcissistic bitches. Meaningful relationships are only realistic for men who get to have a choice.
Based megumibro
These fucking virgins really just need to get laid. I have no idea how anyone could stand the idea of having a woman near them so often and deprive them of any kind of alone time.
I'm not blaming anyone else.
>Tfw two girls like you
>But they're both ugly and you can't speak their language very well
I wish I didn't have such high standards back then
>I wish I didn't have such high standards
High standards are the only thing that separates a man from a games-as-service using, 20 tickrate accepting, amiibo-buying, movie watching, censorship-of-anime-tiddy tolderating, easy mode, unoptimised, excuse-making C A S U A L.
>dont know how to balance a budget
You moron just dont spend more than you make. I'm sure you've played RPGs or any game with a currency, you should know this
>tfw want shrooms but have no friends or hookups
>know I would fuck it up on the intra-net and get CIA'd
The big problem is, it takes a real fuckload of effort to hunt boars IRL for that mad dosh.
Not a bad living but it's nowhere near as easy as in an RPG
Don't you just go to whatever bar / nightclub is popular and ask whoever's obviously coked up if they can point you to a dealer?
This is how I know you're a virgin around the age of 18-20.
All right, fine. How DO you find a dealer, then.
Go outside. Find a hobby. Spend money on going to shows or check out some free events nearby. There's so much to experience in the world, playing video games is only one part of the human experience.
Please for the love of god, take better care of yourself. Don't do it for anybody else but yourself. We're all gonna make it brahs.
>This level of constant need for ceaseless agitation
>Always doing things, working on things, having relationships, creating things
>Almost everyone stuck in the mire of Sexual lust
Westerners are dumb. You need to sit the fuck down and sign out of Samsara.
shut up rosenstein.
Glad to know other aspies are in this shit. I'm trying to reduce my IQ with weed as I know many of my issues are caused by thinking too much.
work until I can afford a silicon doll and maids later on
Megumin is love, Megumin is life.
Based, I'm a fan of bimbos myself.
Good plan.
You're clearly a fucking sperg, and that's the reason no one wants to be with you. Kill yourself.
>Every single goddamn person who is lonely is a person who does NOT enjoy their own company.
Wrong, you fucking brainlet.
There is nothing outside of yourself that you need in order to live your life. Everything you need is inside. Take a break from the Kali Yuga, once in a while at least...
>Get rid of 5 useless possessions
>Quit 1 unhealthy food
>Meditate / Do nothing for 20 minutes
>Read that book you know you want to read but keep putting off
>Stop jerking off for 3 days
Is a good start
A lot of assumptions about women suddenly stop working when they're applied to Asians.
Any time I start to really crave for companionship it means that I have gone for too long without jacking off.
What do you mean by useless possessions? What if you know they’re useless but want to keep them?
>wash your balls
>clean your room
>your general mood and wellness will improve when you take care of yourself
Did you really need somebody on Yea Forums to tell you this?
based and redpilled
I do it like this
>Take material possession
>Ask yourself "When was the last time i had a need for this?"
>If the answer is over 1 year ago, get rid of it.
Once you start getting rid of useless material "baggage" that is binding you to this world, you will start to feel truely free.
>just stop living lol
Is this life here on earth the only life you can concieve of? Is pleasure of the flesh the reason for your existence? Then yes, it is to "stop living".
I have a woman in my life. I convinced her to get an abortion because we both have no education or career prospects or any real method to support a child and now she resents me for it and we don't have any sex life anymore. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, relationships.
name of video user?
What's the point of being ripped and focusing on a career in a dying economy when Western Society is on the brink of collapse anyway? You can't logically refute the existential dread of the modern day
mmmmmmm I sure love going on Yea Forums to talk about my favorite vidya. What a bunch of amazing gaming threads!