What went wrong?
Imperator: Rome
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its a game that tries to take great aspects from many of its predecessors but ends up being watered down. choices don't matter, the only meaningful interaction is building and declaring war. the game is also really easy
just wait for the 10 dlcs that make it playable
nothing. its a Paradox game, it needs 100 more patches and 10 DLCs to be good.
this desu. its so obviously a skeletal game that they intend to breathe life into for an added price. its still ok if you really like map painting like you do in eu4
The same as with every paradox game; Its an empty shell that will be filled up by dlc over the course of half a decade until its actually good. And the little paypigs that are the playerbase will eat that shit up every time
There's nothing to fucking do.
They really, really, really pushed their luck this time. Every other shell of a paradox launch has at least as a bare minimum had some semblance of a game-not this one.
There's nothing. You don't have a goal. You don't even have a vauge direction.
Some events will happen but there's rarely if ever anything important in them. The entire game is just blobbing and mana.
Technology? Mana. Pops? Mana. CB? Mana. You can even spend your gold to buy mana. There is quite simply nothing to do.
Every single tribe from the southern tip of iberia to ireland to the north of germany are exactly the same to play as. There is no difference in experience whatsoever beyond geography and (sometimes) what colour your rulers are.
There's literally nothing here. If you thought vanilla CK2/EU4/HOI4 were barebones, they are absolutely chock-full of content and fun and features compared to this.
Nothing? The game just came out and doesn’t have mountains of DLC behind it, and is already leagues better than other Paradox games were at launch. You millennial consumerists are just a bunch of entitled pissbabies.
was quite surprised when they didn't even bother to make religion mechanics diverse lol
Rome has like unique 5 events total, I can't imagine what it's like for the other nations.
wtf is mana in the game? sounds like incoming mana micro-transaction purchases lol.
What went wrong is people have been playing EU4 and Crusader Kings 2 for years, with tons of DLC. Of course people feel under-whelmed after playing games from the same devs that have been developed for years. Likely if the game was made and released by a different company it would be met with more favorable reception.
Sun Mana (religion points), toilet paper mana (diplomacy points), and military mana
Why are there so many anti-Paradox shills on Yea Forums? They are literally the only company making kino strategy games, fuck off back to Total War games you losers.
sorry tranny but mana is anti strategy
>all these retards ITT forgetting how shit vanilla CK2 and EU4 were
It's probably the best Paradox game release in ages
You say this but Stellaris is still garbage even now. 2.0 made it better, but it's still bad.
mana needs to fucking die. Also fire the art department, why do the human models look so atrocious? Gives me Civ VI vibes
I am a paradox fanboy and I hate the direction Paradox has been going for the last couple years.
You have to be insane to support such cancerous dlc policies and the same shitty releases every game.
Paradox is just shit at making games
not even close
ck2 was never this mechanically fucked
EU4 is still pretty shit, its just bloated with a million shallow mechanics now. CK2 was way better than this at launch, and then started going off the rails about halfway through its DLC blitz.
The mana in this game is just out of control. You even have to bribe people with scroll mana, for fuck's sake. Why even bother with money at this point? Just make military maintenance cost hat mana instead. Buildings can cost salad mana. Opening the diplomacy screen can cost scroll mana too.
yeah but HAVING FULLY DEVELOPED their earlier games, they should know to put what they've learned into their finished new games, and release NEWER features and interesting things as dlc, not intentionally release a fucking whittled-down skeleton of a game as if they've got it down to a science knowing what people want and how much they'll pay to get it in back in the game.
i haven't palyed the game.
what is "mana" in the contest of this game and why is it so wrong?
>plan long and short term goals while your numbers (in ck2 it'd be gold, prestige, piety) get higher
>spend your numbers (mana) to do stuff
>watch the map turn your color a little bit
>repeat until the world is your color
>post a screenshot on reddit or something
thank you that'll be $1,000 dollars.
the abstracted currency that does fucking everything and is gained depending on your ruler stats. The worst is scroll mana which instantly assimilates others to your culture, bribes politicians, fabricates claims, changes laws, and changes govenor policies
>Mana: an unclear or obfuscated resource that you gain based on your monarch skills, which are then spent on a specific group of actions within the game.
>it's anti-strategy because the essence of strategy is planning ahead - mana points allow you an instantaneous shift in direction by spending them
the ruler attributes in CK2 don't contribute directly to the kingdom statistics