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HOLY FUCK it's about as bad as I thought it would be. Everything is shit. Even the trailer knows how bad the movie is, they didn't even try with that editing.
this looks a lot better than expected
maybe it's just becuase gangsta's paradise
god, this look so bad
How does this look worse than the garbage leaked images? I'm appalled.
>trailer starts
>fade from black
>90s hip hop sampled beat keeps repeating throughout
what the fuck
>gangster's paradise playing the whole time
I have no words
I cant stop laughing this is amazing
>i-its not going to be trashkino
Yes it fucking is, this is going to be so fucking bad its awesome
Wait, wait wait wait wait wait.
Sonic mentions having to save the world, but that'll not be from Robotnik right? There's some other risk at play here because this robotnik isn't actually "evil world conquering" robotnik yet.
So what do you think it'll be?
setup for a trilogy
He will obviously change from Kintobor to Robotnik during the movie.
Jim Carrey is gonna be the best part of this garbage.
Truly a Kino we deserve.
>Gangsta's Paradise
But why though
will captain vidya be in this movie
Because REMEMBER THE 90's??
Cursed image
I don't know how to feel about all this.
yfw you're not sonicfag
>Gangsta's paradise
>Everything else
>every hero
>has a genesis
I cringed out loud.
Also is Jim Carey the biggest hack alive? He plays the same fucking character in every movie.
This. I cannot wait to see this fucking movie.
I only have anger...
I'm pretty happy. It's been a while since we last had a super campy garbage videogame movie. This is going to be the Super Mario Bros of this generation. It brings me back to my youth.
he knows how to act but if you going to put carrey on funny role you literally know what you get.
At this rate, they could use blue from Eiffel 65...
You know that they put their best jokes in the trailer.
It's complete garbage.
I can't wait.
damn thats bad
Looks like a generic late 90s direct to TV movie
Will be too boring to watch ironically
Tax write off
I fucking hope Yea Forums streams it when it comes out
I hope that Jim Carrey will manage to remain entertaining but I can't say that I have been very impressed by his performance in the trailer.
Will this movie be so bad it's good, or just regular bad?
post yfw gangsta paradise started playing
Will I watch this in theaters?
Will the Sonic movie win Best Picture at this year's Academy Awards?
I think it looks good, like a basic modern movie formula. People are just having a big kneejerk reaction to this because they are sheeple and anything sonic is le cringe dae!! >now let me buy some tickets to detective pikachu and avengers end game!
it's just pathetic how hard people try to fit in with muh in group out group. Well a lot of people said sonic trailer looks bad I guess I have to aswell.
This looks BAD
>unironically defending coolio with an intermission of 90's jim carrey
Oh god what the fuck. Fucking Gangsta Paradise.
Sonic running so fast that he took out the power to the city was a cool shot though. That's honestly the best I can say.
>not some fuck awful butt-rock as is tradition
Entertaining bait.
holy shit the sonic design is even worse with the voice acting
You're kidding right? This Sonic looks like China's ripoff version. Just different enough to avoid a lawsuit.
Was it autism?
But when guardians of the galaxy did remember duh 80s everybody thought it was hecking epic
"Gotta go fast!"
Guardians didn't turn Rocket Raccoon into a fucking apeman
Sonic Universe: Cinematic Kino. Or SUCK for short.
>Gangsta's Paradise
What the actual fuck?
80's music is better than the 90's. And even then I guess they only used Gagsta's Paradise because it's cheap. There's better 90's music they could've used to set the tone.
He looks even more grotesque than the leaked promo images.
to be honest, it doesn't look half bad.
Basically a Jim Carrey movie for kids with some weird blue rat in it.
This is going to be so awful in the best way possible.
I will watch it if only to see Jim Carey be a complete tool.
>"basically, i'm here to save your planet"
>doesn't show what's threatening the planet
Fucking kino.
>the Gangsta's Paradise leak was real
holy fuck
Will i get a job to watch this shit.
>Gangster's Paradise
It's a shame Michael Jackson isn't alive, we could have gotten Smooth Criminal instead.
I didn't believe the leak that said there would be gangster's paradise. Why didn't I fucking listen
>first line was literally "Gotta go fast"
You think they'll use some linkin park music when 2 inevitably comes out and shadow is made by eggman to be sonic's equal?
I still can't believe it.
Why didn't they just make a CG animate movie instead? What's the point of this? Even detective pikachu ended up looking more appealing than this piece of shit. Why is Hollywood just filled with complete retards
wtf they're just ripping off tanic
Remind me, what was that leak?
it's so bad.
Will this dumpster fire kill the furries for real ?
Sonic is the worst part of the trailer. I like Jim though
>escape from the ghetto
"I am here to save your world"
Naa, Its going to be dimensional shenanigans.That robotnick is from his world. Chaos emeralds or some shit
right is actually on model and went i saw endgame the pokemon trailer wasnt actually half bad
You know what this Sonic reminds me? That one series of pictures from that guy that dresses as Goofy. Pure nightmare fuel.
I'm definitely getting some Guardians of the Galaxy vibes here. Quirky rodent and quirky human bantz. This guy even looks a little like Chris Prat.
This was posted by an unironic shill
No but it will create an even more demented sub-series of them.
Gentleman, how do we unJUST jim carrey?
>wahh different opinions bother me
You have only yourself to blame autist
I would've been fine with everything else and written it off as "another dumb video game adaptation movie", and I MIGHT have been able to overlook the bizarre proportions, but I just can't get over how fucking disgusting Sonic's face looks. It's so bad.
I'll probably still watch it though when it leaks. At least Carrey looks to be entertaining enough as Eggman.
Setup for the sequel.
Sonic defeats Dr. Kintobor so bad that he turns bald and somehow ends up on Sonic's home planet due to weird Ring portal powers.
Kintobor has amnesia but reads his name tag backwards and thinks his name is Robotnik, then decides to kidnap all the animals on Sonics home planet to harness their powers for his own gain. Cut to black, wait for sequel where Sonic fights Robotnik on his home planet to save the cute animals from Jim Carey's bald, evil schemes.
He's too far gone.
>yfw sanic can use ZA WARUDO to dodge all those missiles
Paste music that would be better suited for the trailer. I'll start.
Damn I am so glad I am watching the death of a franchise. Sonic has been old for decades.
Is this going to be one of those so bad that's it's good movie or just pure unfiltered trash?
People just want another sonic 06. So they nitpick everything about this trailer but then go and line up for detective pikachu. It's really dishonest. They are already saying sonic 06 looks better (it doesn') when there is no weird hedgehog romance or fundamentally flawed gameplay to worry about it just looks like another basic hollywood cgi affair like the avengers or detective pikachu but it won't get a pass because people have to autistically hate sonic and witsh for a new tortanic. After all it's a movie for kids grown adults will be complaining about being le cringe dae but then go and see detective pikachu and the avengers. It's just like how blind can they be. They are just conforming to the expectations of others.
is this what old out of touch jews make?
This looks so horrible that I have to watch it.
It's time
>the leaks were real
I can't wait to torrent this shit, it's going to be so bad.
My brain must be fucked today
Why the fuck did you post this literally cursed image?
At best this is gonna be so bad it's good.
>implying Carey is JUSTed
user, the madman fucking loves this shit. He's living the dream getting to be his real self on camera as a goofy lunatic in every one of his movies. He doesn't need any help other than maybe some anti-psychotics.
So glad I've not been a Sonic fan since Adventure 2.
I always thought that watching things ironically was a meme but this is the first time that I want to watch (and enjoy) something ironically.
Is this a parody?
Good show.
That is equally as retarded and by the numbers. At least Blue is a good song though.
Mario had his turn, now it's Sonics turn to get a shitty movie.
I'll watch it. You retards take it too seriously.
Looks like a fun movie, to be honest. Sonic just looks really weird.
Is he still on his "there's no Jim Carrey" teenage trip? saw him on that Norm Macdonald podcast and he was insufferable as hell.
Why do people still care about sonic?
Why are these people usually autistic?
Does anyone have the post about Hedgehog America
how Chris-chan is reacting to this?
which would be great, because it's what capeshit movies can't even manage to be.
Literally the last scene of the film, just like Lara Croft buying her handguns was the last scene of the Tomb Raider movie.
I had to turn this off halfway through it hurts too much damn who greenlit this shite
Will CWC end himself after see the trailer?
I will never hate anything more than I hate this
Give it time. Im genuinely excited for this movie. After over a decade here my sense of humor is wrapped in so many layers of irony that this looks like the funniest shit since WonderPark
will this E3 be good
Unironically worse then I expected and I expected really bad.
>skinny bald eggman
>Gangsters paradise playing throughout the whole trailer
>Sonic has random time stop
This is the blunder of the century. I cant wait to pirate it.
>knocks out all power in the Pacific Northwest
>all federal and medical services halted
>localized social collapse
>race war finally happens
>Cascadia rises from the ashes
Based. Thank you, Sonic, for saving the white races.
Are there even humans at the helm of Hollywood, shit like this seems like it was made by a computer algorithm.
Will there be a sequel?
Good of the director to put the test groups reaction in the trailer.
I will get the girl?
Yeah, and that fucking sucks. No one gives a shit about Kintobor. He's just Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey. The lines seem fine, but there's none of the Eggman mannerisms or flair to them (like, any of the Eggmen/Robotniks).
I can't really put my finger on it, but there's a certain way modern Eggman (as in, Sonic Adventure and onwards) speaks and holds himself that is distinct and completely missing from what Jim's shown so far.
What will the CWC cameo be like?
He did say he was going to save the world.
absolutely CURSED
wouldn't have it any other way
His hands are creepy, too. Man, why couldn't they just make him look like he does in the games, maybe with a bit more detail?
Jim Carrey is just playing the same character he's played in comedy films since the 90's, it doesn't take a roboticist to see that.
How contrarian can Yea Forums get for one movie? Let's find out
You think the creators of this knew Gotta Go Fast was a joke or not?
All you had to do was to make Sonic OVA 2;
All you had to do was to make Sonic Boom: the movie
All you had to do was to make Team Sonic Racing: the Movie
What's going on?
Pretty good.
I can't believe anyone takes Sonic seriously anymore so this seems like the perfect direction for him. An absolute joke.
Could be good for meme value.
>we need the help of the best and brightest from cwcville
>camera starts to focus on chris and magi-chan
laughed at the last joke
will things get better soon?
>it's the hideous offspring of sanic raping sonic
Reality has become the parody.
Acknowledging memes, does not make them good.
I woke up feeling awful but this trailer cheered me up so much, I can't wait to watch this trashfire
As part of the TRUE and HONEST post credits sequel trailer John Cena in the famous polo will quip about the rainbow energy beam going through the sky over cwcville
Made text yellow because autism
heh, that was funny.
Where's the actual trailer?
we did it reddit!
>he also legit say gotta go fast
>socialism is bad
>but it's ok when a company spendas millions on this trash
They are probably going more for the robotnik for the sonic cartoon, big wacky idiot savant
Welcome to hell.
This doesn't look as terrible as I was thinking it would look.
>The lines seem fine
I'm not a fan of this kind of comedy, where the joke is just a meandering bickering with no real punchline.
DESU Sonic looks exceptionally bad only because he looks human sized in almost every shot.
holy kek
It's the Bumblee movie with a Sonic character and a nobody playing John Cena's character.
>I've already decided it's trash
It seems self aware, the producers seem to know that the Sonic franchise is a washed up joke and are reflecting that in the movie.
I don't see what the problem is.
Of course they understand the origin. There is no difference between pop culture and the internet anymore.
movie would be a million times better looking with actually good CG. Still, it looks better than the regular shit they're churning out these days. At least it isn't taking itself too seriously. And that bag joke was legitimately funny.
Don't get smug before we've seen anything about the Illumination Mario movie. I mean, I'm pretty sure it'll be better, but you never know.
Yeah, the dialogue is really awful. None of the jokes land.
You mean American comedy?
I know that. I'm saying I can't figure out what it is about Eggman's usual voice and motion that really MAKES him Eggman. There's something to his cadence that feels unique to him.
Even then he's not quite there. That one I do know the thing to, it's in his rage and raspyness. That definitely didn't come through in this trailer either.
I mean, that's pretty much what modern Eggman does most of the time. Like that back and forth about the egg car thing they had felt like it really does work as dialogue between Sonic and Eggman, but the delivery was just off.
>releasing this just before Team Sonic Racing release
>The user that leaked the script was actually for real
>sonic lips
jesus christ wake me up
Literally who?
Am i getting this job at google?
Add a meteor in the background
It's the same bland safe low brow humor that literally every movie has had for the past 15 years.
Sorry user
Huh, I guess the dimensional merge IS happening.
Can I escape from the city?
Will CWC shoot up a theater because of this movie?
Yeah he's definitely different from it but everything so far seems to be a different take so that's not so bad, although its still too early to tell since it may just be he starts out more calm and snarky and develops into the more rough and psychotic mannerisms as sonic breaks him.
Jeseus fucking Christ those teeth.
I've only now noticed that he's clearly wearing Nike shoes. Talk about selling out for sponsors.
will user check this sick 5?
We already know Nintendo is smart enough to keep Mario consistently looking like Mario. These two movies will be yet another example of Nintendo showing how to do it right and Sega showing how to do it wrong.
All you had to do was make Sonic Unleashed: The Movie
All you had to do was make Sonic Mania Adventures: The Movie
Blame these men
wait, they are doing the Dr. kintobor stuff?
Where are all the, "I'm actually really hype for this!" contrarian kiddies?
shame. would've killed to see some fat autistic action
That doesn't change the fact that this clip is like that because of the movie it goes with.
Note, I am a guy, but I have always considered the complains about "white savior" to be stupid. And now, even SJW complain about. It just get stupider and stupider.
Yeah, people are mostly all retarded faggots. Welcome to earth.
The Pikachu movie and now this? Is that how we're going to make mainstream films even lamer than capeshit?
>inb4 chris chan commits mass murderer on the movie premier
From Eggman look at Sonics "feather" I can tell that he will create Shadow
any highlights of the script we should look out for?
Did Garfield or Sonic reach ironic meme status first?
Completely agreed user.
I think its the voice.
Yeah, but unfortunately that's not gonna really come around fully until likely the end of the movie.
It reminds me of how hard they fucked up Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman. They had him be totally different from the normal Luthor, almost more Joker like for most of the movie.
But then they go "HEY GUYS, LOOK, HE SHAVED HIS HEAD. NOW HE'S JUST LIKE LUTHOR!" at the very end.
Is it the guy from the west world TV show, he was good in that if it is.
>to watch good movie, you just have to download some bdrip
Good bye theater.
based and cursepilled
they should have give tom hardy the money instead
Will it happen?
>your yfw they pull of a Nicky Larson
Nah, there's weak quip-based dialogue done competently, like in the Avengers, and then there's this. What they showed here was not even slightly funny, apart from maybe the bag bit.
Will this kill Sonic?
Not really, just a possible explanation for how not Eggman/Robotnik this movie is being.
It won't happen though. They're just gonna say he's Robotnik throughout the whole thing.
It might be sooner than that unless that bit with all the missiles is at the end, that looks like an overreaction of someone at breaking point.
Does anyone have the leak? I want to see just how bad we're headed towards.
It's just Jim Carrey playing himself.
Which I would appreciate but I actually like Robotnik as he is
>it actually had gangsta's paradise in the trailer
God damn. We live in a fucking simulation don't we?
>people actually excited for this
Dude how retarded is the sonic fanbase? The only good thing is Jim Carrey but he it's literally acting like him instead of eggman
Should I get into nerf?
I think the Sonic franchise is never recovering from this
I think it’s looks pretty good but I’m an optimist so probably pretty rare in this shit hole.
>"SONIC THE HEDGEHOG is a live-action adventure comedy based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise from Sega that centers on the infamously brash bright blue hedgehog. The film follows the (mis)adventures of Sonic as he navigates the complexities of life on Earth with his newfound – human – best friend Tom Wachowski (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom join forces to try and stop the villainous Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) from capturing Sonic and using his immense powers for world domination. The film also stars Tika Sumpter and Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic."
Looks like it's the second half of the film that has the Eggman shown
if they do it right he'll be an asshole to begin with, his whole "who's in charge" bit will be due to an 'underappreciated' roboticist finally getting the opportunity to shine and being a smug cunt about it, finding one of sonic's quills will be a "holy shit i can use this heghug 4 power mang" moment and he'll go mad with ambition from there on out
at the end he finds himself on a planet full of powerful creatures to make robots from
yeah no he'll be an insane dude the whole time and people who know the series will think he's not from earth but it'll just be shitty storytelling and characterization fucking the worldbuilding
I can't wait for this shitshow. It's been a while since I've seen an honest to god bad movie and not just a forgettable bland one. This honestly seems like it won't have any redeeming factors. It's impressive when you think about it.
Honestly the world needs a movie like this. So much capeshit and anime going on we need the cringey movie styles from the early 2000's back. I look forward to laughing at this movie.
if it managed to recover from sonic 06 and sonic Boom, it will be fine with a fucking movie adaptation that everyone have to suffer nowaday.
Furfags were a mistake
>I can't really put my finger on it, but there's a certain way modern Eggman (as in, Sonic Adventure and onwards) speaks and holds himself that is distinct and completely missing from what Jim's shown so far.
Eggman is Shakespearean. Jim Carrey is a cartoon.
They made a Nicky Larson movie?
Honestly comparing it to DP perfectly shows all the problems with it. Needing the elements of what you're adapting to literally come from another world is lazy and condescending. It's like telling the audience you think they won't understand unless you make it explicitly clear his world is not our own. The Monster Hunter movie is doing the same shit, if you had any question over whether this was a technique used by hacks.
Pikachu is also unafraid of portraying the full scope of the world. There are Pokémon everywhere. Sonic is the only part of the games present until Jim Carrey becomes Eggman at the end of the movie. It shows a lack of confidence.
As someone already stated, the humor appears pretty thoughtless. Basically every gag in DP is taking advantage of the setting and characters. Sonic is just going with bickering and fish out of water ET stuff. They think Jim Carrey just being wacky is enough. They think Sonic just being a talking animal is enough.
I know this is bait but having "(POPULAR MEDIA FRANCHISE) IS IN OUR WORLD NOW?!?!?" plots will NEVER work in film. It's lowest common denominator bullshit and always leads to disaster because you're gonna spend more time explaining just how such idiocy is possible when you could just be building the world or establishing characters. You can't compare the Pokemon adaptation to this shit because at least they went through the effort to create the necessary set-pieces to make it clear that it takes place in the Pokemon world, not ours. And it clearly shows. There are a few duds here and there, but i'm willing to say 80% of the Pokemon we've seen so far work wonderfully in live action.
He's a fucking awful Eggman already judging by the trailer.
and believe it or not, it's actually one of the best manga live adaptation ever.
The only thing more pathetic than giving a shit about Pokemon in 2019 is giving a shit about Sonic.
How? How did they do it? This could have easily been pandering shit that would have at least gone down as mediocre fan service, but this is actively bad. I am genuinely confused as to why and how Sega are able to pump more and more money into sonic every single year. Everything he stars in has been so mediocre/bad for years now with only a couple of exceptions, how does he still manage to turn profit?
Are traps gay?
>That doesn't change the fact that this clip is like that because of the movie it goes with.
And what does this fact change exactly? The music video is still over the top melodrama. Much of the video isn't even made of movie scenes. But just Coolio and what's-her-name in a dark room, looking sternly in each other's faces, like they're having this hardcore conversation. And then Coolio unironically barks "FOOL" in her face. The shit is ridiculous.
You have to be able to laugh at this kind of stuff.
>but I have always considered the complains about "white savior" to be stupid. And now, even SJW complain about. It just get stupider and stupider.
Well when white savior movies stop being ridiculous, then people will stop mocking them. White girls always want to save an "marginalized" group. That's how we got into the whole SJW situation to begin with. It's not the jews. It's "concerned" white girls.
So this is Reiwa era, not bad
Literally looks like a Ken Penders drawing
>how to save this movie:
put this music in:
Everyone hates it. Look at the dislikes.
>suffering awaits
God damn we will never know if traps are gay.
>Japan's emperor steps down
>Immediately live action Sonic
Surely a coincidence.
holy fucking shit lol
I can't believe they actually thought Gangster's Paradise was a good song choice for this.
I have no more shits left to give user, I'm just along for the ride
did that fat albert movie do well?
Indeed, let us commence hunting season.
Honestly looks about as good as it could be
its basically the wests version of isekai
popular trash
>The trailer was so bad that Detective Pikachu is trending on twitter.
Jesus christ.
gotta go fast!
The movie has to be a joke. They did that on purpose. They had to.
No wonder Sega said they didn't like this. Even Sega knows this is too much. Not even fucking Sega thinks this is good.
Mr. Sonic's Wild Ride is starting. ALL ABOARD
is nothing sacred?
>evil villain
>is actually kooky and wacky
I hate this shit so much, it's so over done
Will Kayla and I become really good friends?
I'm looking forward to this enormous shit heap
This is 100% the worst trailer I've seen this year.
dafuq did i just watch
Only the Sacred games by Ascaron.
We could have gotten a full movie with the same level of quality as the Unleashed cutscenes or Night of the Werehog.
Instead we get this.
Is this movie going to be The Room but with a budget?
never mind, watched the trailer again, looks shit
Miyamoto's a co-producer for the Illumination movie. He did a good job directing with the Pikmin shorts and I'd imagine he'd reign in anything that would make Mario look bad.
Like at worst it may end up being the standard Mario-fare. But it won't be a generic hollywood adaption
Long time no see
>Carrey has generic government goons besides his drones
>not even an Agent Scratch and Sergeant Grounder
>no basic beta Orbot/Cubot
The Pikmin shorts are top tier.
never mind, watched the trailer again, looks shit
is this the super mario bros film of our generation?
>eggman isn't fat
i could look past sonic but not this. what the fuck
I honestly think the franchise is in a more fragile state than people realize. Sonic could survive 06 because the franchise had still procured a lot of new fans through the Adventure era. I can't say it ever really recovered from it. To this day, 06 is what all the normalfags I know think of when they think of Sonic, that or memes. They don't care to hear about the merits the franchise had or has. Boom was a blown out of proportion joke. The only reason people made such a big deal out of a tie-in for a tv show was because it was Sonic.
The franchise just isn't picking up new fans though. More of the Adventure kids are either checking out or changing their tune. Kids today have grown up surrounded by Sonic's history as a total joke. They only ever hear about steps in the right direction before the franchise trips over itself. This isn't something confined to discussion on message boards anymore. Right now, Sonic's best reputation on media like twitter, instagram, and youtube is that of a lovable loser.
I think they're intentionally trying to make that of Sonic and Pokemon after the Mario movie got cult status
guys I'm afraid
this may kill sonic porn
Nicky Larson / City Hunter was a based as fuck French movie, the kind SJW Hollywood would have never done
Holy shit that was awful
It´s the story of the doc turning into Robotnik.
Very nice
Jim Carrey is alright
shame about all the rest
>looks so bad but I'm still gonna go watch it
I hope you don't do this, pirate it if you will but don't you dare allow the people who made this gain any more money than they need to.
Will I get a gf
Sonic trailer uses gangsta's paradise instead of Open Your Heart or some other sanic song by Crush 40. Who made this shit?
Sonic Mania sold well
Team Sonic Racing will do fine.
Mario & sonic is quite popular with normies
I'd watch a movie with him playing both Sportacus and Robbie.
r34 artists will draw sonic and the other protag fucking.
Mark my fucking words.
>I hope you don't do this, pirate it if you will but don't you dare allow the people who made this gain any more money than they need to.
I want more of this. I wan to see this fiery trashheap make capeshit numbers. I want annual summer blockbusters of this garbage
I hope this works as an origin movie so we get a proper one as a sequel.
Is it her?
I'm going to keep posting the link to this movie until everyone gets to enjoy it!
Gf when?
One movie's bad enough, why the fuck would you ask for more?
What does that have to do with him not being fat? There's no reason why he still couldn't be fat.
how many Smurfs movies again?
I feel like they made a big mistake with it though. Basically, Jim is the star. Like, when I looked up the trailer, the second result said "Jim Carrey Movie" at the end of it.
Detective Pikachu had the right idea of making the big name on their card be the voice of their CG character. By having Carrey be the villain and Sonic not being as big, that shifts how people are gonna look at it.
>Sonic and the black chick
I'd watch it.
>Dude how retarded is the sonic fanbase?
Pretty retarded
Get fucked.
if sonic looks like that, imagine what rouge will look like
It's not as bad as... I mean doe slook bad, but I kinda get what they're trying to do with the movie. Not my thing, but meh, why not.
That one thing I can't understand : the music for this trailer.
It's a kid's movie you stupid fucks
The leak already said that he gets the Eggman look at the post-credits of the movie
give it to me raw
I just want a Sonic movie in a proper setting, not the real world
>Gangsters paradise
>Kids movie
Like a blow-up doll with fur.
>sonic 06
That was bad but Unleashed came after so it was enough. 06 was also considered bad enough to be an outlier
>sonic Boom
Nobody cared about this to begin with. Also not really a Sonic Team game
I'm not a fan of modern rap but 90s rap is pretty damn good
Will Chris finally kill himself after watching this shit?
So is Detective Pikachu and so is Spiderman: Into The Spider Verse. That's a terrible excuse.
Sonic Mania is exactly what he's talking about. It's another part of Sega getting Sonic "right" but then immediately fucking up with everything after.
Team Sonic Racing is just kart racing and nobody cares about M&S really
>Jim Carrey does the robot movement thing
Is that straight from The Mask???
Didn't you know, user?
Animation is for children! Except when it's used for CGI effects in the newest hollywood garbage with an action story designed for children, but it's all fine as long as there are live actors in it!
What movie is that?
Yeah they both look bad to adults but kids love them? Missing your point
yeah I guess that's a decent way to cope, thanks user
I can see the light user
Except the Mario movie is actually entertaining once you accept that it's not really a Mario movie. It also gets better when you learn that Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo were drunk off their asses for most the shoot.
>Not Running In The 90s
>and anything sonic is le cringe dae
To be fair, Sonic these days isn't helping that perception.
>Nobody cared about this to begin with
>unlike a Sonic
Those games still sell. However it's got less to do with Sonic having a good reputation than it does the novelty of the crossover with Mario, whose mini game collections have always been popular.
how could shit like this get approved?
does no one at Sega care at all?
That is ironic
Fat Bat Tats
>oscar winning spiderverse
>looks bad to adults
>ultra realistic boobie physics
>people thinking this unironically looks good
Don't do this, guys. Don't delude yourselves like this.
It just makes people appreciate DP more.
Boner no stop BONER NO
Guardians doing "remember the 80s" was actually relevant because it was the time Peter started growing up in, but also showed that he refused to move on from the happy days before his mom died.
>He doesn't know about the best video game movie
Will I ever make something of myself?
Yeah every "bounce back' for Sonic is smaller and shorter before they fall back down a pit. Early Wii titles like Sonic and The Secret Rings(Releasing very soon after 06 possibly dodging the fallout) managed to be one of the best sellers in the franchise.
It's notable that Generations, Colors and Sonic Mania that 'revived Sonic' have all failed to sell as well as Sonic & The Secret Rings. Hinting that the series hasn't really recovered from the damage Sega's dealt.
Phoenix Wright?
Will I get revenge on my old friends
Naw if they do a sequel like that it'll be Metal not Shadow
You have objectively bad taste if you think Detective Pikachu and Spider Verse look as bad or worse than this Sonic film.
Sonic totem will chris chan shoot up a theater playing sonic movie to properly end the saga?
i dont believe the sonic movie was necessary to make DP to look good.
yeah some pokemon look ugly, but 1.- only SOME of the pokemon look ugly, 2.- Pikachu looks nice and appealing and 3.- the story is respecting both the pokemon world as a whole as well as respecting the story from the original game.
What I mean is nobody cared enough about it to make an 06 size stink.
>suffering awaits
B-But will it be worth it?
this kind of cringekino only happens when the planets align. it's everything that could go wrong going wrong. this is a once in a lifetime experience and it needs to be experienced in a theater with an audience
Have fun.
Literally the trailer
Just to let you guys know, this movie is literally being dragged out behind the shed and shot. You know what comes out in literally 2 weeks after it?
Frozen 2
Even if we assume this breaks out and is a hit with kids, it will literally have it's box office legs cut off once that comes out
Can this movie please get cancelled
Honestly this seems like it has potential to be so bad it's good.
Unleashed was critically panned. Yes the reason it was panned so horribly was because of Sonic becoming an easy punching bag for critics after 06, but it was still a game filled to the brim with bad ideas and filler. I don't understand why Unleashed is now seen as this gem that saved the franchise's reputation when it just laid the groundwork for Colors, the actual game that did that. Even still as other anons have pointed out, it's never really been the same.
Yeah the trailer's editing was so half-assed, they clearly do not give a FUCK.
Should i watch the sonic movie?
But those are the only good villains.
watch it for the lul
agreed, this, pretty much like the Dora the explorer movie HAVE to be seen properly as the summer's greatest comedies, just on the grounds on how out of touch the makers are with reality.
in fact, i do wonder if they make these movies badly on purpose because they count on people like us to watch them?
Will my suffering end?
hahaha btfo
Two weeks is a fair amount of time. That being said I do agree there's zero confidence in this movie. This trailer was shown off weeks ago and withheld out of what I can only assume was fear.
Based. I'm going to see both. Jim Carrey is a bonus.
People are sheeps and will bandwagon on anything.
Time to beat my dick
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this got the Atari ET treatment and the source footage got "lost" in the Nevada desert.
Here you go Yea Forums
oh fuck you I knew it reminded me of something.
Why do all mainstream movies seem to have the same jokes? Its always the same shit no matter which trailer I see.
Worst 5 fucking minutes in the game
Is the brown guy following Robotnik like a puppy supposed to be Snively?
It's like the worst parts of Sonic X and Sonic 06 fused together to create this
Because they do have the same exact jokes, with the same missed timing every single time. A god damn AI could make the script for this sort of movies.
had to turn it off when jim carrey was telling the general he's in charge he should've left his shtick in the 90's and this movie should not have been made
they will make her look like a shovelfaced ape to appease SJW and she'll be flat chested and have no ass
oh god, this is it
I know - I feel like I know I've seen the Military/Robotnik scene where he interupts-then-pauses-until-the-other-speaks-and-interrupts-again routine in at least two dozen other movies
Rouge has boobs though. Female sexuality is a no no in movies. Women are supposed to act like men.
the most expensive joke in human history
>that cameltoe
oh dear
>Two weeks is a fair amount of time.
Tell that to Hellboy 2019
>Ever sacred
ha yes, Mushroom Hill Zone...
Elise a cute.
I'm not saying it saved the franchise's rep, but I'm saying it was seen as a step up from 06 in the Day stages. Surely you remember back then when people would say "I would totally play a full game of the Day stages"?
Anyone have this "Gangsta Paradise" leak
I gotta see it now
I guess at least, the artist tried.
He has a particular "zany" persona but he's actually a really talented actor when given other types of roles. If you've only ever seen him in family friendly comedies, yes, he's the same in all of those.
Check out some of his other library though. He's above average as Hollywood actors go.
Fungus are fucking aliens
I'm really just interested in the chrischan fallout. This is spiritual for him, honestly someone could actually die
What will Sonicfags do after?
Will I get always be a waste of space and not a disappointment? what about a gf?
She would have been hotter if her hips weren't such a mess. Also her tail that mysteriously pokes out the front when she picks things up.
Okay then
fucking finally
I haven't paid to go see a movie in ages but I'm going to go see this glorious trash opening night. I can't believe they really used Gangsta's Paradise what the fuck.
I don't know how to feel about this, really. This is like we're back to the 90's with these so-bad-it's-good vidya movies, but tryhard edition.
It was an omen
Will Smith (Genie) vs Jim Carrey (Dr. Robotnik)
Cute and funny webm.
Is that the last one?
That is something. We're probably on the verge of collapse.
probably a black tranny
>Those dislikes
Whoa man
Sonic's arms really are not blue. His legs are fast, that's it.
>In other news,there's been a wave of suicides at Sega, the video game publishing company, most notably the Sonic Team department.
on the bright side, Michiyoshi is doing a new dojin (Tails X Amy)
>that costume tho
Am I a furfag for wanting to plow Rouge? She doesn't even have body fur, she basically has the body of a human minus the tail.
he will try and save sonic fandom by killing real life hedgehogs and sewing the flesh, spines, and fur into his own skin to become real life sanic the trans-species hedgehog
Are spoilers out? I don't wanna go to that shitshow thread to check it
i want rouge to be my sassy but loving girlfriend
Was this the leak that had Sonic run over Eggman and a Weird Al parody of This is America?
I'm more exicted to see Chris Chan freak out
Obama is probably chuckling right now.
Will I ever get laid?
Will persona 5R be completely butchered by Snoy culminating with the elimination of all female social links because they’re “gross”?
As far as I'm concerned, no. I've honestly tried to fap to other characters and I can't.
>/spg/ just died
>Gotta go fast!
Will I graduate this semester?
Why can the nips make even sonic autism sexy?
Wish there was a way to filter porn by country of origin so i wouldn't have my boner ruined by hyper futa and whatever western shit
When's the last time they did a good movie?
I can't, it'll blind me
His rage and despair will be the catalyst for the impending dimensional merge.
I don't know, I mostly avoid /snk/ when it's spoiler time. I like to go into a new chapter untainted.
Everything about his movie was designed to piss off Sonic fans but please Yea Forums users
just search things on pixiv where it's still 90% jpn artists
please let this be the end-credits song
Will you suck my dick?
It's even older than that, though, it's from APRIL OF 2009
The Sonic games consistently sell over 1M units regardless of quality, and I can attest kids still know and like Sonic based on my cousin's kids. Sonic is fine.
Where is Cybershell to respond to this
gotta go fast with the money
will bannerlord come out this year?
imagine the same but with Team Fortress 2.
Honestly thank god I didn't donate to that gay patron shit
I would feel bad for Sonic fans, but then I remember that this is a MOVIE FOR CHILDREN and I think that the target audience will enjoy it.
>will bannerlord come out this year?
Good. The merge is taking too goddamn long and I want my robot husbando.
I heard that site was being invaded by western autists who think they're epic mangaka because they draw tumblr anime and know katakana.
pyro's bit would be terrifying in live action
>the Dimensional Merge was triggered ten years ago in this very same month with this song
Truly, we have been living in a trollsta's paradise all along.
Am I gonna get a job in this new era?
it's almost too perfect
Which raises further questions. If Rouge doesn't have body fur does that mean she has a fleshy hairless tail?
You were expecting anything else? This is as good as it's gonna get.
This movie caters to Sonic fans as much as the Detective Pikachu does to its fanbase (read, not at all). This is yet another bold faced cash grab. Ironically, the fact said movies are being cynical about it might actually make them worth a watch. JIm Carrey might pull Eggman decent enough.
The secret with those two franchises is to avoid the stuff done by the own company.
Pokemon you play mystery dungeon and the internet battle simulators, and sonic you play Mania and the good indie stuff on him.
There are western artists on Pixiv but the Japanese artists heavily outweigh them. The problem is Pixiv is far more mainstream these days so there are a lot more bad artists that have joined the site.
I bet the Japanese hate us so much right now
It will be Yea Forums‘a meme factory until Trump is out of office in 2025
If it'd be live action, fucking kill me.
If it was a full movie SFM style with Valve's quality, I'd all for it.
>Realistic Pyro
God help us.
HAPPENING(a little)
well shit. it's just as bad as expected, if not worse
>Why can the nips make even sonic autism sexy?
They've been playing it safe with Sonic and sexuality for some time now, just like Nintendo does. Mass appeal and all that. Rouge is still hot when she appears, she just doesn't appear all that often.
ok, time to get real.
Cinematic Mod: the movie.
>in fact, i do wonder if they make these movies badly on purpose because they count on people like us to watch them?
Probably. Worked with the Emoji Movie
oh my god I think I threw up inside my brain
well, shit
what could have been
Detective Pikachu is catering to Pokemonfags though. It's got scenery from various games, 60+ Pokemon, is built around the Pokemon world and features brands inspired by Pokemon. The designs are also more or less all 1:1 the original but with realistic textures. The thing that makes a "X but in the real world!" movie like Sonic so lazy is that they don't bother learning about the originals world and they just want to shit out something easy. Detective Pikachu's staff learned about the world of Pokemon. It's not a Red and Blue movie but it's still very much a movie that cares about Pokemon as a brand.
People only want to see Dora for Moner though.
It's Happening
>works out
Goddamn Jeff Goldblum is sexy.
Honestly, that trailer was funnier and more charming to me than the games have been in like ten years. Sonic looks fuckin' weird, but him pretending to be a cat or looking at his pedometer while being attacked actually made me smile, where Pontac's shit has just made me wanna stick my head in an oven.
imagine the money and time spent to do this shit
entertainment industry really contrasts how fucked we are
Not him, but Detective Pikachu looks equally as bad as this
>Sonic in Paris
Thos black creatures sure mean business!
Will I get a job this month
This is a prime time to genocide furries.
I will give zero fucks as long as this doesn't rub off on the main franchise at all.
Kinda surprised there isn't a low effort movie tie in video game to go with this. Or was that more of a 00s thing?
... so they just took the portal idea from Doctor Strange?
Sonic x Bioshock Infinite
The fuck is up with his lazy eye?
and so it begins
Whenever Jim Carrey is in anything he just plays himself. Look at The Grinch, he's not playing the Grinch, he's playing Jim Carrey in a fursuit and green makeup. That's his biggest problem, he can't be anyone else when he acts.
it's over
oh my god
1995, Gangsta's Paradise in trailer for dead-faced urban drama.
2019, it's the theme for Sonic vs Jim Carrey.
CWC is about to go nuclear.
Well, Valve originally wanted to do a TF2 TV series with SFM with Adult Swim, but didn't end up in anything concrete. So our only hope is exactly what you don't want to happen, or a shadow of what could've been since, you know, the original writers are gone.
>they don't bother learning about the originals world
Partly true. This is a setting that would fit nicely with SA2, but with SatAM silliness and Sonic 1's plot.
Ok, that was a stretch. Though I doubt their end goald would have been met with an adaptation of fucking Mobius or Green Hill.
I can't wait.
>People just want another sonic 06
No, I want a GOOD Sonic-related thing. This movie is the exact opposite and I'd rather play Sonic 06 100% ten times in a row before watching this dumpster fire.
>So our only hope is exactly what you don't want to happen, or a shadow of what could've been since, you know, the original writers are gone.
Then I'd rather have nothing. Although Jay Pinkerton is back at Valve. I think he's one of the main writers for TF2. When there was content to be written.
Well to be fair Jim Carrey as Jim Carrey is pretty fucking funny when he’s allowed to do his thing.
We need the dindu wipe
her your sonic boss, that would be $90 millions (+ tips)
Little did we know, that THAT was actually the real dimension merged Sonic and not CGl.
Guess how I know you never actually played Sonic 06.
As a Sonic fan for over a fucking decade I came here to laugh at you. Sonic doesn't even look like he's in the scene for half of the trailer, unlike with Detective Pikachu because from what I can tell they have little animatronics and puppets and shit. There is a big difference in the production of both movies.
>can only see posts as a follower
please keep us updated user
/snk/ is shit, but the manga has become one of my favorite series of all time desu
At first it was kind of ironic, but now I really like it.
You think it's actually good?
Sonic 06? No. It's a contemptible pile of nonsense. Also, playing through it takes like 15 hours because of all the padding bullshit and loading times. Nobody who's actually played it would choose to play it again over watching an inoffensive looking movie.
>reading comprehension
>As a Sonic fan for over a fucking decade
I am one year older than Sonic and have been there with the series for it's entire lifespan. Get on my level pleb. You're not even a second generation Sonicfag.