/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Other urls found in this thread:
Earlier than I expected. Well done /ct-Never mind
uhhh periscope
>More SouljaSwitch shipping
Thank you for this blessing /ctt/
I love my vita!
Wakie wakie mama Sega
Good morning /ctt/, whats new in the world of videogames this week?
Anyone else tempted to buy an ouya cause they feel bad for Ouya-tan?
I did
Reminder to NEVER EVER actually BUY an OUYA
I bought a Reactor. There already was no hope for me.
>another thread obsessing over vermin
the trailer for the sonic movie just released
Reminder that you're not supposed to marry your consoles.
so, is it as bad or worse than the detective pikachu thing?
Hey newfag
that's surprising, was thinking it would be a terrible idea after the weirdness pokemon was doing.
Don't fuck around with us
I love when women with big tits do the cross-arms thing holding them up
You can't tell us what to do
You can't tell us what to wear
You think that you're better?
Did I stumble into bizarro-Yea Forums or has it really just gotten that contrarian?
older than you mohammed
Aw shit, after dark came early
The pokemon movie looks better than this one.
Ctt is probably older than you
I've been waiting for this.
Gee, it sure is boring around here
what are request?
asking for requests? if so, how about a CD-i on a slide
something you ask people to do, why are you asking?
Requesting Wii making Reactor eat her words by forcibly making Reactor eat her cunny.
Touhou 17 demo releases this sunday.
Requesting PC as a strong Marisa.
>Requesting PC as a strong Marisa.
but PC is already Reimu
requesting n64-tan
damn... tans look like THIS?!?
I want him as a thief witch too!
never saw this one before
where's it from
current state of the SD chart - added titles, added Model 3
bigger resolutions on the site as usual consoletans.neocities.org
artist is mclinskey
source is....some ctt thread from years ago. no way i'd be able to locate it right now
I love ngage
Holy shit
You win the internet today drawfriend. Nice work.
I love it
really nice, great work nailing the original styles
godspeed user
so what should we talk about this week?
the 6th gen consoles are gonna be turning 20 in 2020 and 2021, Dreamcast is already 21-22
like Sony or Sonic?
it feels like yesterday when the NES came out, where does the time go?
Just a quick question from a traveler passing by, do these threads ever get boring for you? After having them for so long I’d imagine it’s at least a little tiring to keep doing them
no they dont, now get out
thread has been up for 5 hours, 64 posts and only 26 IPs, what do you think?
last week's thread didn't even manage to get to bump limit, it's getting slower and slower with time passing
Nah, it comes and goes in activity
Also doesn't help that this time of year is a pretty big dip in Yea Forums's total traffic
Well damn, I probably should’ve expected an answer like that. I’m not trying to be a wojakposter who hates on these threads, I actually admire those who stuck around this long to keep it going as long as it has, felt like I might as well ask a question while bumping the thread
It’s been going for a long time now, so it’s expected to quiet down. All good things do come to an end eventually
they do, but it's easy to keep a thread open in the background and wait for some activity
If you ever get tired of cute girls or lewds, something is wrong with you Mario.
I don't mind it that much, its nice for a thread on Yea Forums no to be mired in memes or consolewars
That's Wario, you dumdum
Whatever you say Xbone.
everyone be nice like Xbone would want us to be
3DS pls
Excellent thiccness
Who's the artist?
I would unironically wear a "lactose intolerant" shirt
Yaya, they have a twitter at @MofoYaya
These threads are a husk of what they used to be.
Do we have VR-tans?
Yes He's also a Husk/Skeleton
>80 replies
>30 people
What the hell?
/ctt/ hasn't been 'big' since 2014, when it started.
/ctt/ had died, these threads are just rot
Has anyone actually made a fighting game yet? Has anyone started? I have some concepts down for one and I might start on one. Will take me like 3 years solo. Probably 5 cause besides the Art I need to learn everything else. maybe 6
I havent been here since last month because I got rangebanned, I really fucking missed you guys, did I miss anything?
I literally fucking forgot it was tuesday, what a nice surprise
Post more mobile-tan
Stadia happened, three or four threads leaking over into Wednesday filled with everything from spammy autists to furry porn. It was pretty funny in retrospect, especially considering how quickly the tourists gave up on trying to get attention.
user... Im sorry, but you missed THAT image.
>The exterminator
Oh, man, remember him?
We had a good healthy thread before last week.
oh well, looks like things have stopped by now, I'm glad to be back
what image?
you missed an image set about the tards of /ctt/
I saw that on the booru, pretty alright but futa aint my cup of tea
Based Retron-tans dabbing on sonicfags and 16bit-tan
We missed you. We had lewds. Nonlewds. The works
Post some huge Switch titties or I'll fucking scream.
Weird how she's become the titty monster lately.
>what image?
He's probably talking about the original Stadia pic. We can't talk about it much or else the furfag shows up.
Sales are catching up.
twins are flat though
of course they are
For the love of god, post Borger
tofu borger?
I'll give Hyperkin this
They make some pretty aesthetically pleasing consoles
i require
console-tan fats
Which tans are chubby?
>dragon's dogma is on switch now
Switch-tan twins having fun with aughtism please
maybe arguing over who to romance
Don't do this. Only villians do that.
If this is what villainy looks like then sign me right up.
Xbone's outright fat, PS4's got a thick milf bod
I liked a lot about it but I also didn't like a lot about it either. It's one of those games I wish I could love but can't.
PS4's packing on the pounds after moving to America
I thought milf bod was more Wii U's thing, PS4 being just curvy but with the biggest bust.
Though I'm not opposed to this development later in the generation.
wii u's dead, someone has to take up the mantle
That's fine. Just no balloons.
does this also apply to the rest of her family? asking for a friend
It would apply to Vita at least
Anyone watch endgame?
No. Was it good? I don't think a Super Hero Movie will ever top Spider-Verse desu.
I did
Admittedly flawed and definitely not for everyone but I think it is charming as hell and I hope those cute twins are enjoying it.
I did alone.
I enjoyed it. Had some good moments. It's just under Spider-Verse. But that's because I'm a huge Spider-Mark
Was it good?
It's the embodiment of spectacle over substance, albeit not necessarily in a bad way. It's entertaining but dumb as hell even by capeshit standards.
what about sony?
it was okay like most capeshit is and I thought it was pretty neat that they did all those callbacks to previous movies
Best girl dropping by for the week
Chub for u.
>what about sony?
Of course
Bless this chub
/ctt/ - Chubby Tummy Tuesday
thank you based user
Imagine the smell
feeling sick good morning/night
literally the perfect female body
Glad you like it bros.
Good evening, I hope you feel better soon.
These are dope.
New adventures when? I didn't even see them in Endgame for christ's sake.
Puppetmaster part II when?
Right after CD-I gets the Infinity Stones and gives half the -tan population "puppets".
does this villain know no limits?
I somehow never noticed the burger on the staff before
Or turns half of them into puppets, or onaholes
I love Xbox 360!
I love her!!
We need more reactor
who's the small one?
that's super cute, user!
I haven't been in these threads in over a year or two. Did you guys ever finally decide on a Switch-tan design or are you still fighting over that?
Welcome Back. And sorta
Best girls there will never be an official you dink
yeah everyone agreed on the twins
Duskull is 2DS' favorite Pokémon. I'm making it canon
Why does someone always ask this in every thread? Is this to intentionally cause even more debate?
GBA is the best chubster.
Legitimate answer: PoJ's is the "Winner." She gets the most consistent art. Arguably because it's a pretty simple design that people can do stuff with, unlike K who was kind of cornered in variety. Sometimes, twins and retard still get stuff.
There's like one shitposter still clinging to dog as "the official" one.
I'm curious if the PS5 and X2 are gonna cause nearly as massive blow-ups. Stadia came and went in a week, in terms of arguments.
what about the other handhelds?
she's also the best /fit/girl
>what about the other handhelds?
Just the Nintendo ones? Or can I include Vita?
if you want to
Not that user, but I got a couple ideas
>GBC: Smeargle
>3DS: Porygon
We have a shitposter that sometimes spams about the planetjunk design bweing """"official"""" but he's just that, a shitposter. There is no canon.
Twins a cute. Retard a cute.
>curious if the PS5 and X2 are gonna cause nearly as massive blow-ups
i think the only way for something like a switch or stadia to happen again is for it to be from outside /ctt/ as both blowing up were caused by outside forces with special notes for switch mixing with thread ideas causing the splintering effect we saw.
also tard switch best
DS' is Pangoro because bancho
Gamegear's is Snorlax.
Because it's sleepy just like her and plush like her girlfriend.
Counter requesting Wii and Reactor sharing ice cream together.
Vita's could be...Mimikyu, maybe?
Vita's favorite is invizimals
This thread needs more Zeebo, draw more Zeebo.
It's so early though
Nuon-chan is the cutest tan.
Would unironically kill myself and sell my soul for a thicc Xbone gf.
>switch twin samefag at it again
Fucks sake I thought you gave up. /ctt/ decided months ago that poj switch is canon.
why is mama sega so cute?
she is cute in the picture i posted but not in yours
well what about this one?
much better, when do you think more SEGA will be made?
I dont know
Company-tans are a bad idea. We should focus on consoles.
we tried that, then Switch, Scorpio, and stadia happened, i think its time to try something different
not nearly big enough
needs more burg
did anyone save the lewd stadia from the flock earlier?
>tfw trying to get a big girl to my place right now
I'm so close lads, pray for me
Good luck, user!
Have some BIG MEATY T H I G H S for support
Holy shit, good luck, dude!
Fuuuuug she said she can't come until Thursday evening.
Give me your power lads, I want to grip her belly for dear life while she fucks me or I fuck her.
Dang, well hope things turn out well for ya user
I think it will my man, it just takes patience. Thank you for your well wishes.
I gotta shave my pubes soon.
first time posting here
im taking sketch requests hopefully nothing lewd because i'm too dumb to draw lewd things
just get a roofy, bro.
ps2 bullying gamecube and dreamcast
Nuon riding a bycicle.
I play my vidya on hard and I fuck my bitches the same way
Better luck next time, man.
When you're close to thirty that's not even an insult
Ps4 becoming a true american.
CD-i holding a serving platter, on the platter is you favorite game(s)
Throwing out the idea of PS4-tan and Switch-tan getting into a huge argument which ends in them making out due to sexual tension.
What has said sounds about right.
PS4 doesn't play well with the other -tans, that's why Switch is with Xbone while PS4 uses Vita as an onahole every night.
I like it
How about Switch-tan inside her bedroom closet trying to pick a jacket to wear?
she'll sometimes compromise for a chance with pc's dick
To be fair, who wouldn't?
>mfw went from not lewding 2DS/CDI to this simple image alone giving me uncomfortable feelings
while i'm working in the rest of request i finished also i noticed i dont know how to draw bicycles
very nice, thanks.
cool, thanks user
starting with a big burg
Is that the Windows 7 Whopper
i couldnt decide which game to use, so i put a small lot
tony hawks pro skater 2 (ps1), smash bros (n64), project diva extend (psp), danganronpa 2 (vita) and theatrhythm final fantasy curtain call (3ds)
sorry for the wait desu
That's a lot of games.
i... actually dont know how to draw that situation but i tried my best
no, its just a big burger i drew from scratch
indeed, i couldnt choose only one
I can't get out of bed to reach my charger.
got a bit of time and the thread's not dead
what girls should I quickly add to
I guess stadia and action game master. I know there is more but I'm drawing a blank.
Same energy.
That's the opposite of what I asked for but I am still absolutely pleased.
Now we need these two bullying each other until they makeout so this pairing can be postable.
Good Morning
But it's only 7 pm
>Tony Hawk
god I wish I was 3ds
Should probably stop the incest stuff.
Ah. Almost forgot. SEGA Beena
Best Pairing
no, you shouldn't
Holy shit
I wanna make PS4 overheat so badly
I wanna sleep on that tush.
Requesting this expression with your favorite tan or any loser tan.
I'm finally able to post again.
Oh no..
Welcome back.
An ancient evil awakens...
No worries user. Looks cute!
There is no god.
u know what to do.
Do I?
yeah u do.
Delete the photo quick!
I love that outfit 2ds has on
Also Apple Arcade I guess
tenth round & they still haven't scored any points
Are you still with us?
Make Stadia. She'll dominate the industry someday.
stadia has like 4 different designs on the booru so I'm procrastinating on getting to her
How the fuck are you still alive?
its okay, they know i dun mean it.
Absolutely cute
Who's this bird?
Atari Falcon
Nice birb
Cute bird
where the momma atari porn at
not here
Cute. How many left?
crazy old cat-lady.
To fit the chart the other user did, Taito-tan, TI-89-tan, and the 4 or so Stadia designs
Beyond that though, there's the new Switch designs made last week or so, plus a couple old alt designs I found, then beyond that I don't doubt people'll suddenly discover "hey here's an alternate Game Boy design that was drawn only once in 2015 in a 100px image and only has the head" and I'll do my best to interpret that into something
And if not, it'll be time to go back to filling this with SEGA girls
I dont think TI-89-tan should be there, it's just a calculator that happens to run some games, not an actual dedicated game hardware
>Hey kid, wanna.... gay yuri selfcest?
I mean, PC is there and also isn't a dedicated gaming platform, not to mention things like the Periscope already arguably stretch things thin
I do agree we gotta be careful about not stretching too far and wide with this but going by the Booru, there's been rare TI drawings for years now so it's a bit late to complain against it I guess
good point, besides what else can play vidya that's not hardware? I think there are some tvs that play games and that's it
cute vita
How's that update on that Sega Sisters family photo someone was doing?
>And if not, it'll be time to go back to filling this with SEGA girls
who are you planning to make first?
Might either have some more fun with the super-early stuff (a Zaxxon board, for an example) or some of the modern stuff that gets forgotten like NAOMI or Ringedge
alright, I had an idea for one actually
Sounds edgy
>that face
she doesn't have anything hidden under there, does she?
I still love Xbox 360!
This looks amazing
I think you should continue with incest stuff. All Xboxes love their brothers!
I'd ravage Vita dressed like that so bad
Looks awesome
shark teeth are great
Please post Xbone
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy good shit
My wife. My beautiful wife
>licked by cat daughters
Must be nice.
>licked by cat daughters
with their sandpaper tongues
Must be heaven.
Go back to hugging her ass Wii U
Nice kots.
Original co-creator of this -tan. Holy shit this rules.
I appreciate the fact that you guys have been including TI-89-tan, but it's totally cool to drop her from the roster if you want, I totally made her as somewhat of a joke initially.
Why is she so lonely? :'(
she isnt lonely, she has (you)
That's sweet :)
Trust no one, not even your comf.
>another week with no new gba-tan
>another week with no new wii-tan
>another week with no new switch-tan (twins)
Why must the best nintendo-tans be so unloved?
Requesting Master System playing Dig Champs with Mordecai and Rigby
you could draw them, become their champion, user!
No worries, man. The chart I've been doing is in no way intended to be a "roster"- last thing I want is to be like the guy who killed Channel-Tans by enforcing an "official roster" etc. I'm just having fun drawing all these designs and discovering some obscure ones I like, and that absolutely includes your TI-89. It's not meant to be taken as more than "this drawfag having fun", and it doesn't "take" any space in the roster.
Hope you don't mind if I give her legs someday though just because the idea of giving her Astro Boy legs and powers amuses me
She can fly!
would like to Xbone getting a borger like this
Well good thing these threads are dying off, tumblrinas should seek another forum to circlejerk their epic creations.
>inb muh newfag/tourist
>>calling others newfags
>>when these became a thing in 2014
fucking MUH
Do it!
not as best as twins but still great
what about a spicy coney hotdog instead
pretty cool
These are good.
What a cute SNES, holy shit. I wanna marry that console.
Look out she's got a gun!!
Dammit, I'm a sucker for robots. She might be my favorite tan of all
we need to compile all the obviously robotic tans
Wonder what she's hiding under there.
I like that my stupid request actually got drawn and people post it a lot
I dunno why I laughed so hard at this pic
nobody knows
So since Nintendo has officially declared an end to the 3DS support, can we get a funeral pic for her?
Sorry I'm retarded, who is she?
texas instruments 89
Tans don't die, they just retire
I love wii-tan and her cute buns I wish it weren't so. Twins are nice but switch is only ever posted for shitposting purposes. No matter how nice the different designs are I wish none of them existed. GBA is okay.
Oh no, 16bits. What have they done to your creation?
Thanks user
Based onion sega
I like trainer Wii more than loli Wii.
The duke isn't a thicc bitch and the Atari doesn't have a penis, disappointment.
When is Wii gonna makeout with Reactor as per tradition with Nintendo and Sega Girls ?
for the sega reactor user so you stop using that SD drawing as a reference for her
It's more than one, but thanks!
This is appreciated
A Dick.
draw sega pluto
also lewds for periscope and pluto
switch-tan wielding a strapon
I wonder, as anyone did digiblast-tan?
it's an european console that fough in a era where the psp and ds where kings, he had the features to play cartridge games as well as cartoons and a lot of addons
this or this
Holy crap I remember this. Though I live in the us. Swore I've scene this before
This thing since I too love DD
i actually owned one! ((italian here))
they publicised the game so much in there!
especially the ability to use it with the tv despite the fact that was also an addon.
I want to see N-Gage and 360 comparing their toned tummies. And anyone else if you desire.
Xbone and borger
what ideas do you have for digiblast? like clothing and looks.
whats some of the history of the company that made digiblast? was there some noteworthy games on it?
>doesnt even have a wikipedia entry on english
Well to begin with it really sucked at seeling copies of it (arround 100.000) it was on the 7th generation, as for clothings i would say either some low life netherlands, some of it's games were ports and lastly one of his main features was to also be able to watch cartoons and it's frame technology was ghosting!
hope it can fill some details
>Understands Italian
can we just make cicciolina the digiblast tan
post sms tan
Here is the list of all the games it had
wouldnt it be better if gba and ngage compared their tummies?
I miss Ink's lewd drawings
She looks so lonely.
And cartoons
Maybe, but I thought their designs were more similar because of the headset and short white hair.
Like me. Dont worry, I will finish Wii soon(tm), so she can have a friend.
Thats nice of you.
yeah good point
Hey bitch, don't blame me for shitty devs leaving motionless screens uncapped.
>low life netherlands
google isn't giving me anything to work with, what do you mean by "low life netherlands"?
Might not be the intention.
>Winx Club
That brings me back. I remember all the kids watching and playing with toys of that shows around 2005.
hobo works too, it didn't sell a lot!
We need more borgers
Too many will make you fat.
Xbone already is fat
She's chubby! CHUBBY!
No, she's thick.
No, she's dummy T H I C C
as in, stupid
Sega always loses, baby.
That new Intellivision is getting an exclusive Earthworm Jim title
>tfw E3 is right around the corner
That's her perfect physique, what is she talking about?
Fucking Hollywood made the Sega tans cry!
>already took the week off work for it
I can't fucking wait
*the shambling corpse of E3
Quick reminder that there is a Mario movie in the works and it's going to be perfectly average, which is plenty enough to destroy Sega in a second, entirely different industry.
>implying the absence of Sony won't automatically make it better
with this, I've finished the basic chart the other user posted. Now to add the other Stadia designs and other random shit. Also this
That's a perfect Xbone right there
>Pose is based on the original drawing
Cute as hell, mate. Nice work. I'm her father btw
why do you feel the need to say that whenever she's posted?
just start tripfagging already
>whenever she's posted?
I don't do that, come on. I only do that when I'm brought up. This time I only felt the need because this particular guy drew her
>Game Gear wide awake
That's some high quality horror there.
How do I commission spade
All Sega sisters are rolling in their (metaphorical) graves
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. The Minions guys are doing it.
It's time to post the tofu
But my favorite is K
Has there been a general consensus on switch-tan yet? The others have more or less consolidated around a design, right?
Still alive.
Wonder if he still hate us.
PoJ, but I heard some people agreeing she should be a redhead. I think it would be neat
Orgasmic pits
Yes, Illumination is a shitty corner-cutting company that panders to the lowest common denominator, but they have been consistently mediocre with everything they put out. They have never not made at least 5x the film budget at the box office. Normies like their shit, and they will buy all their stupid snot-nosed brats tickets.
Maybe a more subdued red. Brown is also an acceptable choice
Whatever you want
The design most used is PoJ's, sometimes with the hair reddened a bit instead of jet black, but the other designs also still get use
Is a "she"?!
Thats hot!
These two are cute together
As much as a Black-hair-fag I am, I completely agree.
So how about that afterdark?
Shit, we dead nigga
It's wednesday my dude. We've BEEN in afterdark mode since last night.
And now we've passed the bump limit so we're dead
RIP see you next week
here, the stadias so far
One of the last 10 posts for Mama Sega Facesitting
my wife
Amazing how this thread lasted so long.
We dead alright, that's for sure
hey cool, my two designs got in
thanks m8
please draw periscope porn
last one for the road
Djinn mommy looks like an evolution of the loli
When do these threads go up?
By this I mean what time do they go up?
Dumb fatty, dumb fatty
they seem to be during afternoon GMT to me
Thanks, see you guys next tuesday.
Vita's penis.
Is pretty fat and tasty
SouljaSwitch is better