How long do you think the Switch will live into the lifespan of the ps5 whatever xbox releases (assuming they come out near the end of 2020)?
How long do you think the Switch will live into the lifespan of the ps5 whatever xbox releases (assuming they come out...
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At it's current rate, it'll die mid-late 2020.
Not too long I guess. Why do you think Nintendo is holding off the announcement of the new model?
3ds has lived for 8 years
2022. Nintendo isn't even competing in the same market as Sony and MS here.
I drink soi milk and eat meat too. Soi is actually pretty good for your health, but veganism is for mentally ill people.
You can hardly find any lobbies.
It badly needs a revision, the WIFI is so shit nobody wants to use it.
It needs also a reliable messaging system with real voice chat and a last seen player list you can communicate with.
Nintendo is so goddamn paranoid with security they feel they needed to never include any of this shit on the Switch.
They took the flip note out because of the porn people were sending, how about leaving menssaging system where you can only type words? That would've been a good idea. But nope, doesn't compute for Nintendo, it's better to ban the whole thing altogether.
There's actually onions in plenty of of consumer products in the form of lecithin.
>You can hardly find any lobbies.
The fuck are you saying? You can find lobbies for ANY game
>It badly needs a revision, the WIFI is so shit nobody wants to use it.
That is because you can't configure your wifi properly. Switch is designed for newer 5Ghz communication, set up your router accordingly. I had issues with it at first, after a proper configuration the thing goes online without any issue.
unless the next generation of playstation and xbox are portable, the switch will always have a niche
How long do you think the 3DS will live into the lifespan of the PS4?
Answer: 8 years
Can't wait to turn gay so I can finally escape the vaginal jew.
>I'm so fucked up
No, something like 70% of Switch owners have another console as well.
It's the core gaming audience and not mobile fags which I'm actually pretty happy about.
The DS sold well because it became a refuge for Japanese 2D games already in development. Now that Gacha games exist, all those small studios are working on their own scams for mobile, while real studios are working on next gen consoles, which leaves Nintendo far behind in products it can offer.
There's also estrogens in dairy products, such as milk.
There's rumors that the Xbox Lockhart might be
I have 5 and 2.5GHz channels,
I'm not turning one of them off just because the Switch is too stupid to know what it should go for.
To be fair, it always felt like a rush job done to make up for the Wii U's failure.
Stop this stupid meme, the packages are really sticky
Why were his coworkers able to open it?
I don't know honestly I just hope the next batch of sports games get some competent ports at least (looking at you FIFA 19).
I can get a Switch for $263 right now is it worth?
Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch
Imagine being over 18 and playing video games
Some companies are assholes and make their bottle caps hard to take off, I get that. But your fucking shirt alone will protect your hand, quit whining.
Or you could just have the two channels separate, just a thought
>It needs also a reliable messaging system with real voice chat and a last seen player list you can communicate with.
No, fuck off with your social shit, you fucking faggot, I don’t want to hear your shitty voice and retarded strategy.
Also, switch has voice chat already, the games just don’t use it, thang god.
jokes on you i'm only 11
Switch is already pretty big, I doubt a 3kg handheld will take off
>unironically posts this numale shit to reddit
>gets 120 upvotes and 59 comments probably sympathizing or discussing the 'issue'
what god awful "community" reddit is this from?
Unironically making fun of people for being KIDDIES for owning a video game console that isn't the video game console you like. Do all Onions Poorstation players think this way?
It's actually from r/Sony
epicly pwned, good sir
i once made this joke and got banned for a month
anyone pls
For what, FIFA? What do you want a Switch for? There are plenty of awesome games on it.
I don't think the company itself cares that much, but since it's main appeal is for kids, I'd imagine many people getting upset that their kids hear certain kind of stuff in a mario kart game
Don't forget about the crazy amounts of estrogen found in chicken.
I know this is just a meme or whatever, but the early batches of the bottles were flawed and legitimately difficult to open and needed tools. So... you’re kind of just making yourself look dumb by posting this image.
does that mean pussy tastes like chicken or chicken tastes like pussy
stop bullying
Shut the fuck up retard
Im practically a gigachad and I eat nothing but chicken
what is that thing on the left?
Mainly things like MK8 and Smash for local mp with some friends, it's weird because I expected more of these games to be out but they're taking their time.
how do people like this exist
Sure thing, bitchtits.
Right: Onions
Left: Onions Opener
The latter would probably entail a bad batch of chicken, but the former would suggest a trip to the hospital.
Bottle opener
>being a man and not having calluses on your hands
I mostly type and bake, so I don't have calluses on my hands.
go to the gym faggot
daily reminder that alcohol, dairy, and meat raise estrogen more than onions and this meme is gay and parroted by people who look like the pictures they post to mock people
Girls always tell me that my hands are very soft and rub them for a while.
And be surrounded by homos like you? Fuck no.
give them something else that's very soft to rub ;^)
Imagine being over 30 and still being alive
have sex
>pushing lies
Fuck off tranny
Imagine telling a fucking Viking that "alcohol and meat raises estrogen ehehehe xd"
Enjoy your short lifespan tranny, guns are dirt cheap right now btw.
Probably 4-5 years, Nintendo seems to be a relatively safe place to invest your money.
I don't have a time estimation, but i'll say it has a great chance of going 5 years or more.
Ninty just straight up isn't competing with Sony and Microsoft, they're circumventing them by doing their own thing. They've cornered the handheld market like always, but managed to swing that into home console market. It's a brilliant move, and it's built up momentum.
As long as they stay the course, they'll be fine. Being an indie showcase isn't hurting either, with stuff like Katana Zero coming out on Switch and PC. Bringing VNs to the switch is helping too, scavenging from the Vita market.
2025, no earlier, no later
It'll be forgotten when Microsoft makes its comeback.
What is wrong with tranny soiboys? Are their muscles non-existent?
I can open a beer bottle with my hand, these faggots can't open plastic bottle?
The fact that he fucked up the bottle like that just makes me think that the caps actually are too tight and he isn't just weak from onions
onions soi
I can do it too but my hands always end up getting scratched the fuck up, is that normal?
Still using a glass bottle opener, but i'm getting there with enough practice.
Switch will live to see 2022 at the very least, possibly a revision in the future could extend it's life to 2025.
i just hit the cap with the border of table, its easier and looks cool.
You ready to give up your food Yea Forums? Too much carbon emissions means we need to drink Sòy and eat crickets only.
He didn't fuck up the bottle. that's just the shrinkwrap label.
this, but please dont be so mad at videogames
lucky you, im probably going to reach around 110 year old, because its the average age all my old relatives reach before dying.
Is Switch next gen, or is Nintendo allowed 2 consoles in one gen?
These faggots will never understand the beauty of instant coffee
Onions is bad for you. Why do idiots think you could or should replace a meal with a fucking drink.
Unless you are old. Sick. Or have actual problems you shouldn't replace any meal with a drink.
god i wish that werent me
>nintendo specifically avoid political messages in their games
>sony's biggest ip features jewish lesbians
>it's nintendo that gets all the onions memes
I don't get it
>The time I said this was retarded and a literal soi boy on Yea Forums tried to defend his weak wrists because he drank this shit
Probably because Nintendo has a reputation for making games for little children and adults who play these games look weak, underdeveloped and emasculate.
,>Make drink for beta faggots and women
>Make the lid tight so these asswipes need to publically shame themselves to drink it
Nintendo makes games that everybody can enjoy regardless of age, it's just that some people think that if if a game isn't rated M or T then it's for kids
>weak, underdeveloped and emasculate
that's videogame fans in general
hmm... i wonder why.
There was a time when Nintendo refused to allow T and M rated 3rd party games on their consoles because they considered themselves a company aimed at children. Hell, I remember when Bayonetta was a big deal for being an M rated game released on a Nintendo console.
Not true, there were plenty of normies that lifted and played games like Halo back when I was in highschool. Now it's even more common. These soiboys just love their noodle arms and moobs though.
I said in general
that's like saying the general archetype of the "gamer" isn't a socially retarded nerd because grills play candy crush or facebook games sometimes
>Hell, I remember when Bayonetta was a big deal for being an M rated game released on a Nintendo console.
holy shit zoomer alert
it hasn't been a problem since mortal kombat 2 on snes
Viking: "Hvat ir estrogen?"
Imagine how bad the /pol/posting would get if /pol/ was deleted. This is the best case scenario. Sad, isn't it?
Honestly this argument has been a thing since forever.
Video games were never a masculine thing to begin with, its more that adults never really had time to pursue an actively take part in gaming, but the world changed a lot, and now its more accepted.
The fact is: you are a person who never fully matured mentally if video games aimed at children take a huge portion of your time as an adult, this also can be applied in general, sorry man this is the truth.
I say this as an advice, not an attack. You really should rethink how you live if you make the famous open mouth excitement over the said media, not only video games, but movies too. If this happens you are a lost cause. Not because your behaviors are childish, but because a gay ass video game plays such an important role in your life, when you should have a fuckton of things which are a lot more important.
>he does it for free
I kind of wish I could just say "I just wish janitors would do their fucking job" but frankly /pol/posting has become such a problem it can't really be contained by 2-4 jannies on at a time.
Though I think IP banning Australia would be a start.
It's true, though. Although in the case of meat it's due to the extra estrogen fed to cows, mostly, so it would've been different in Viking times. But it also goes to show how little effect this shit actually has.
Whats the thing with onions and why is it always subpar people consuming it?
They're more than capable of dealing with it if they try, as they have shown in times of crisis. They just have a far too lenient attitude.
Switch launched in Late Feb of 2017, so Holiday 2021 will probably be when the last major first party games are released. In mid 2022 we'll get the next console and if we're lucky they'll give the Switch a drip feed of budget titles like the 3DS got for a year or two.
>do your job, spend your money, how dare you sit at home doing nothing
also you're no longer allowed to smile at dumb jokes and toilet humor, as they are childish and immature, dumb no fun wagie
>Hell, I remember when Bayonetta was a big deal for being an M rated game released on a Nintendo console.
I never said anything you
Retard zoomer, learn to actually post correctly first.
Hey, I'm just saying what I remember seeing. I haven't been a Nintendofag since the SNES.
>Nintendo is so goddamn paranoid with security they feel they needed to never include any of this shit on the Switch.
Trust takes a long time to earn but only one incident to lose. Right now parents trust that if they give their kid "the nintendo" their kid won't see anything pornographic, violent, or full of curse words. The moment there's a messaging system all it will take is one cable news clip about a kid seeing a naughty picture over chat and that reputation of clean and safe will be gone for years. At that point why even buy your kids "a nintendo" when you could just give them your old phone?
I cannot imagine being so weak both mentally and physically.
I was gonna get a xbox one for gta 5, but microsoft thinks white people don't matter so fuck xbox one and fuck sony for censoring anime games.
Calluses go away surprisingly quickly. I did crew up until junior year. They went away in half a semester.
Is that Woolie on the top left? Does the fucker even like pokemon? That nuzlock lp was a fucking shitshow.
I hate reaction videos so much.
Does that drink even taste good?
It tastes like cheerios
i'm not a tranny so that's easy
Jesus christ, I can probably make better tasting protein shakes than that shit, then.
The man who made it was one of those weird autists who hates food, so he devised a nutritional gruel to keep him alive in college.
Except it's banned from some countries for not meeting the minimum requirements for a meal replacement.
You shouldn't use those as fucking meal replacers. I even accept my workout shakes aren't like such, and I toss in fruit with whey.
It looks like a fucking childrens' toys commercial stand, what is wrong with these grown ass men
>You shouldn't use those as fucking meal replacers.
Their lawyers are of course very careful to point out that it's not a meal replacement... but they'll still sell you a month's supply at a time and sell the bottles out of a van with "let us take a meal off your plate" painted on the side.