Why do we support devs who overwork their workers?
Why do we support devs who overwork their workers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>people who watch capeshit are degenerates
wagie wagie
that doesn't even look that bad though
>get black bin bag
>throw everything in within 5 minutes
>move on
why is he in the fetal position like somebody's had a shit on the seat?
oh boo fuckin' hoo
I bet you anything the fags who took this picture did their damndest to make it look even worse. these are the same sort of fags who quit working at a restaurant/factory after 3 days, if that. not an ounce of pity
>please be nice to staff and do what they're paid to do
Is that fucking millennial actually having a breakdown over this? That shit would take all of two minutes to clean up.
Nice memes but this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time, a lot of people want to watch it, the theater staff better clean up its their job after all.
Because if I take the world's burden on my shoulders I'd be a luddite? Tech is built on the backs of slaves, that's just fact.
zoomers aren't used to working hard
Just send the cleaning bill to the clients
>this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time
If you're an investor, yeah.
>chairs are connected together
I bet a lot of people fuck during the movies
just charge an extra clean up fee if you buy/bring food to the cinema
what's so hard?
>it's their job to clean up so i can throw my shit on the floor
literal nigger mindset
>this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time
only up until the next normie meme movie
and then the next
and the next
Star Wars is only a few months away sweetie
>The average person is a disgusting subhuman that can't clean up after themselves
Imagine that. Shit, have they never seen a public bathroom before?
*snaps self out of existance*
Just because a lot of degenerates like it doesn't mean it's good.
Go cry to some Star Wars trailer you limp dicked faggot
Isn't the point of civilization supposed to be that we collectively achieve better lives by acting selflessly? That's why we're not in caves.
Cinema staff are lazy fucks
>The average person
the average american*
Those seats looks nice, is that the standard cinema chair in US of A?
You realize food and drink at the cinema already has about a 5x markup
yeah, and they'll keep going up until americans stop being slobs
Nah. Those are for the 300lb+ super patriots.
>everyone cleans up after themselves
>ex-staff complains they're now jobless
nobody is forced to "overwork", even if there's a crunch, you can just decide to not come at work outside of the ours you signed for.
It's everywhere you stupid fuck
>Put away your trash
>Isn't the point of civilization supposed to be that we collectively achieve better lives by acting selflessly?
No? The point of civilisation is to turn survival of the fittest into a wealth accumulation game with less death, because killing people isn't actually that profitable.
This is why 99% of the world's population are slaves.
>the theater staff better clean up its their job after all
Sure it is, but that doesn't give you the right to make such a fucking mess. Do you also throw shit and food on the floor at home?
>Nice memes but this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time
Only to jew investors and brainlet mutts.
yeah, americans everywhere are slobs, I don't get what you're saying
They are zoomers. School never taught them to do their work, neither did their parents, who acted as "positive emotions and nice words gives me money" teachers. Now they are there, adults and incompetent, and unable to understand why nobody gives a fuck about their feelings anymore.
Ah thought so, have those in Japan but they are for more expensive cinemas that serve you champagne.
>get paid to clean up in the cinema
>"what the fuck, I have to clean up the cinema?"
>Do you also throw shit and food on the floor at home?
Yes you fucking idiot, what's the point of hiring a cleaning service if my place is already spotless?
literally a slave, doesn't even need to be quoted.
Fucking cry babies
>live in a civilization
>is not civilized
I like how you can just kind of tell that the people who did that were niggers.
No it isn't. In my nation we have a thing called common courtesy aka not being a loud fucking cunt and cleaning up after yourself, especially in public places.
> live in a society
> is not social
He probably has real problems either at home or mentally. No normal person would have a mental breakdown just over having to do their job.
That their fucking job. Idiots.
That is literally fucking nothing. Would take two minutes to clean up at most.
how are people this messy? it gives me anxiety if i drop a gum wrapper or something, how the fuck do you hurl giant waves of popcorn on the ground and not give a shit? are they even human?
Clean it up wagey!
It’s america so...
what is the fucking problem with americans and throwing popcorn at the cinema floor
Are they having a cry about literally doing the job they're paid to do?
I mean the drinks are annoying as fuck to clean up if they're half full, but the rest of that is quick as fuck and as far as janitorial jobs go that's as easy as it gets.
Imagine cleaning public toilets or this board for a living.
I think he meant how much they jew you our on food, illiterate-kuns.
I'll give you a hint, it starts with an N and ends in R.
The fact that none of the Americans in this thread see an issue with this neatly sums up why America is a dead country.
>didn't want to sacrifice the time and effort to finish his education and get a real job
>doesn't want to do the only king of job he's qualified for, dronework
they should be happy society is still degenerate enough to warrant their job position existing at all
>time and effort
You know people are born into circumstances you can't possibly fathom, right? The world is not for everyone how it was for you, always sheltered under mommy's bosom.
you know
in my cinema we have two big bins at the outside of the doors
one for trash and one for recycles
sometimes an extra one for waste
everytime a movie ends all the people carry out their own trash and I just have to go in, sweep the floor for crumbs, and maybe pick up a few lazy people's drinks and popcorn bags and that's it
but everytime I see pics of american theaters posted online, it's like something straight out of an indian cinema
Ausfag here, I worked in a cinema for three years throughout Uni and it was rare as fuck to ever see rubbish left behind, and the rubbish we did find was typically the sort people most likely left behind by accident as it was shit that had fallen under seats etc
Do American cinemas not have bins? I know New York is still struggling with the concept and still chooses to just piles trash on the sidewalk, but surely the rest of the country has adopted the technology by now.
>i was born in this trashbin so now i am confined to it
nice projecting btw
>it’s duh niggers
Every time
It isn't the circumstances. It's the education and social circle. And the will to change something.
If course if you are born in a ghetto, hang out with ghetto niggers and go to ghetto school, you will become a nigger. It has nothing to do with circumstances
>"people" who watch capeshit are animals who can't behave
and nobody is surprised
People are absolutely confined by their circumstances. Humans are not magical beings. We are passengers. There are no decisions.
That's one hell of a chip on your shoulder you've got there bud, might be time to take responsibility for your own failings and stop blaming them on others because I guarantee if you've got the time to shitpost, you've got the time to unfuck whatever sorry situation you think the world has thrust upon you.
you could say that
but the reality is americans are just selfish slobs and leave behind gigantic messes no matter what the movie is
>worked in a movie theater during the first Avengers and Ultron
>absolutely understand this feel
I fucking hated people who stayed till the end credits.
It doesn't even look *that* bad
This just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bro!
*lives on daddy's trust fund*
What they refuse to realize is that they're no trash bins within acceptable reach. They only have them by the doors. So how about they take out seats from a couple rows each and put bins there so people have the option to throw stuff out immediately, rather than carry it out with them.
Isn't it you who has a chip on his shoulder, guy who fanatically springs to the defense of the mainstream cultural programming?
The only few exceptions in my experiance is anime movies. Those guys actually clean up. Once got one of those sodas with the glass bead in them from a really big guy. Tastes good.
No one here is living on daddy's trust fund faggot.
Take some fucking responsibility for your life and stop looking for excuses. The fact that you even went to the effort to find that picture, let alone post it just proves you're more interested in finding someone or something to blame than you are in doing something productive.
you speak like someone who's given up on life because you're just to stupid to put a modicum of effort in
>Frycook at Kroger
>Make $15.25 as a co-lead, which is the one thing keeping me from telling them to shove it
>Nobody wants to work the fryers and thanks to the union bending over for everyone they don't have to
>Never get a fucking break because there's nobody trained to do my job
>Constantly frying chicken nonstop for niggers constantly whining and crying that they can't just come in and get 100 pieces in ten minutes so they just buy everything we have and frycooks can be written up for not constantly having chicken out during the times we guarantee it
>Work 8 hour shifts daily that always turn into 9-10 hour shifts because of new union contracts that ok bosses demanding ridiculous shit because "hey now the new minimum is 12 an hour!"
>Nigger worshipping wigger roastie of a boss constantly screams at me for the tiniest thing I do wrong while letting the lazy niggers in my department get away with doing absolutely nothing
>Whenever I go to the management about her she always cries crocodile tears and says she doesn't understand why I'm mad
Cry me a fucking river. I can't wait to be finished with my biochem degree next year so I can get into med school and be done with this shit hole.
I mean that's presumption, it could be some liberal arts graduate with student loans so they still only qualify for menial labor.
America is less than 50% white. Don't blame them for being the way they are.
Americans are fucking hideous.
>hired to clean room
>complain that he has to clean the room
it really makes you think
> Imagine cleaning public toilets or this board for a living.
Imagine doing it for free.
I absolutely do have a chip on my shoulder, it shits me to no end when I see young, capable, but ultimately apathetic and worthless sacks of shit pissing away their lives because they're too fucking lazy and irresponsible to function at even a basic human level.
I used to wagecuck at a theater, they think THATS bad? Fucking zoomers I swear.
>job is to clean
>bawwww I have to clean
That's a big yikes from me, enitled burger. You even go so far as sucking ass on a thread like this. Big oof.
Yeah, that sucks having to clean that buts it's not the worst.
>Yes goyim, good goyim, all your hard work will pay off one day
>i went to a matinee yesterday, and the head-shaved, obese womenlet behind me would cry loudly when she wasn't chewing on $30 chicken tenders and farting into her seat
>all the kids started screaming when they saw taika watiti play fortnite on PS4
>kids in general wouldnt shut up
>most of the audience was obese guys in graphic tees and obese women with neon short hair/sidecuts
i wish theatres would die
>Could easily pick up your garbage and throw it in the trash bins
>lol naaah that's what the help is for
Fucking boomers continuing to be parasites
Meanwhile anons here try to tell you unions are good lmao
>muh niggers
Stop making excuses and take some responsibility for your actions you fuck.
This is the answer for OP and whoever feels bad for that lazy asshole in the pic. Literally every job has a crunchtime and a peak.
When it's winter and pipes go bursting it's up to the plumber to fix everything yesterday. When it's summer and people can't stop having sun strokes it's up to paramedics to give them IV crap and ice them up.
Nobody feels bad for them, why should they?
Go to better theatres, there are some out there that will actually kick people out for talking during the movie.
no-one actually buys food or drink at the cinema though
everyone just sneaks it in a backpack because nearly all cinemas are in a mall or shopping center with a supermarket in it
Nobody mentioned niggers and what do you expect? Niggers are niggers, sand niggers are even worse. You think you entitled burgers have it rough, until you see how many sand niggers get away with slavery and human life trafficking, drugs, guns and the whole spectrum and everyone is corrupt. Things are worse than you could imagine, yet despite all of that and all the opportunities you have, you always paint yourselves as the greatest victims too. The world doesn't revolve around burgers.
They're on the way out the only things keeping them alive is boomers and Gen x also the movie industry cartels forcing theater premieres to make money.
weebs confirmed more self-aware than capeshit NPCs
imagine being retarded incel. Imagine repeating the same boring, shitposting day cycle every day.
As someone who also works in a movie theater, fuck this lazy-ass entitled zoomer piece of shit. I appreciate people who take care of some of their trash, I think it's the decent and responsible thing to do, but at the end of the day, that's your motherfucking paycheck on the floor and seats, both because you're literally being paid to clean it up, and because your pay is possible to begin with because those moviegoers overpayed for salted tortilla chips and carbonated sugar water. As long as the money comes in on time and you get all your breaks, shut the fuck up and do your job.
The problem isn't that they have to clean the room, the problem is that cleaning the rooms can take longer than the allotted time you have to clean them and can fuck up the cleaning schedule.
t. Movie theater manager
Everything I said is correct. Sorry you're too dim to figure it out.
But I'm not an ameriham
Glass bead...?
>waaaaaa waaaaaa do my job!
>Bring me chicken tendies and do my job!
>*Shits on diapers*
The absolute state of this generation
Reminder that the japs are more civilized when it comes to public events like this. They cleaned after themselves at the last World Cup and have for years, most notably at a Foo Fighters concert which made the act famous
You write like an illiterate, entitled, pseduo intellectual who got spoonfed everything. Go drink your chocolate milky, you fucking baby faggot.
>Please do my job for me
Most of these jobs are held by Uni students you mong.
>wahh do my job for me!
No. If you don't want to do it you can be replaced.
Stop saying sweetie in every thread, you look like a condescending faggot and ultimately disregards your existence
It's really popular among weebs.
> why aren’t they good little goyim like me! I never complain!
Maybe you should, cuck
Unions are a double edged sword because they protect absolute mouth breathing retards just as much as they defend you.
>Can't be written up without union approval so any time wigger tries to write me up for having chicken out a minute late it gets denied
>On the same hand any time the niggers don't do anything or make the salads for the deli case "they're overworked"
I did stay until the credits ended in endgame but I carried my garbage on the way out and put it in the bag the cleaning lady had.
People complain their jobs are shit but when they can ease other's jobs they don't.
Honestly I'd rather be picking up shit all day then working at the popcorn mines for 8 hours when its packed where it reaches near 100f. Zoomer has no idea how lucky he has it in that theater and not being in the concession stand during a capeshit premiere.
>5x markup
A $7 bag of popcorn generally costs about $0.06 to make.
Said the nigger who replied to him. Yeah, you're much better than him, you fucking mindless apathetic drone. Maybe you should spend the time you do here in a more productive manner yourself, like sucking your boss off, mindless wagie drone.
Because both things you mention are natural and are a result of the Earth's circulation around the sun, the OP's pic is a result of NPCs being NPCs.
>drive up to a car wash
>car wash faggot starts complaining that my car is too dirty and that I need to be more nice to him
>toilet is clogged with shit
>call up plumber
>he starts complaining that my toilet is too dirty and I need to be more nice to him
Is america really like this? What went wrong?
>Go to see Endgame saturday night.
>Everyone behaves properly and at most laugh at the quips
Maybe your country is just full of savages.
I work at a McDonalds that is having food ordered every 30 seconds. This is the food we have to cook for each order. Please be nice to staff and cook the food yourself.
Seething pretty hard there user, I must have struck a nerve.
The truth is funny like that.
>be user
>shit and piss on the roof of his car
>go to car wash
>employee asks user what the fuck is his problem
>user goes "do americans really?"
Sam hyde is 900% aryan.
It can be good if you have someone who gives a shit and isn't just another suit. Most of the time its just another suit or career politician.
And why the fuck one needs union to have a strike or get better working conditions?
>b-b-but this isn't fair
>this job is apparently inhumane to me but I can't just quit
>I can't get a better job because I have no skills, yet still believe that I'm worth $50/hr
Friendly reminder that there are ways to get paid for simply learning a trade, usually getting a guaranteed job afterwards as part of the deal. Anyone who complains about being in a shitty dead end wageslave job can only blame themselves and deserve no pity.
I really, really like this image.
This. Besides the popcorn they left everything on the seat which is easy to clean up.
Try working in a restaurant that has a "kids eat free with adult purchase" night and tell me that mess in OPs pic is in anyway a big deal.
do your job wagie
The issue is that such a mess was left in the first place, it's not even hard to understand so anyone who isn't trolling is very stupid not to understand this.
You guys will talk shit about everything lmao.
It has nothing to do with any human factors you're talking about. You've only been programmed to think that way.
>put in time and effort to get education
>get an okay paying job
>get drowned in student loan debt
Even if I do shit and piss on my car it's still his job to clean it.
Wasn't kony the most important film of all time.
Endgame is just an advertisement for Carol danvers.
>HURR it's yer jewb!
How to spot anyone who hasn't worked in maintenance.
That literally is his job tho.
Well that explains the mess, fat people are always fucking untidy slobs.
>not getting the literal thousands of dollars thrown about to literally anyone who applies for grants
>not being smart enough to net some scholarships on the side
>not going to a college in your price range instead of some Ivy league knockoff with $100,000 tuition
>not getting a degree for a real career that has a healthy and open field with job security and good pay
If you are "drowning" in student loan debt you only have yourself to blame.
I personally want every competent coder to be replaced by an H1B pajeet who bought their degree from a New Delhi street vendor so that every game they make becomes so irreversibly broken on a code level that it forces the industry to crash
>Born on a low wage family
>Father beats the shit out of me to make me a good student
>Get good grades, recieve Scholarship
>Study at a University, get the title I'm an Architect now
> Got out of the fucking mud thanks to my efforts and thanks to dad
>Go online
>See shitters like this drowning on self pity
The only one at fault for your situation is yourself, pick up your life and make a god damn effort, if you are shit posting here then you are NOT trying hard enough, who's paying your internet? The phone/Pc you are at now, you paid for it? If is not you then you have no shit to complain, work harder, get a promotion
>B-but is so hard to get one
Then work hard for it, it's always been like that, a change in the economical system is NOT going to change that, because life is meant to be hard, life is meant to be a battle, get over yourself and dominate your life instead of letting someone or something control it.
Why do people get so offended by the idea that companies should pay their employees for working extra?
Survivorship Bias
Do you really think your story invalidates, for example, the story of the child who was born to crack addict parents, pimped out and gang raped for crack hundreds of times, etc.?
Micromachines, son
That's nothing, the Black Panther premiere was a real shit show. Snuck in malt liquor, KFC bones everywhere, spent casings, a couple of condoms, spilt popcorn, and candy everywhere, cups filled with piss and someone left a fucking pocket pistol on the floor.
>Similar situation
>Make it to Uni
>Absolutely nothing interests me
>Everything requires at least 4 years of insufferable unoptimized learning
>Thinking about switching careers yet again
I envy anyone that found his niche in life that early.
>thanks to dad
>The only one at fault for your situation is yourself
do you not see the irony in your own post?
Why is it always this sort of fucking "bee yourself" tier anti-advice?
>and thanks to dad
Kind of invalidated your whole post there champ.
I'm all about complaining, shit, I complain all the time, but complain about shit that matters, like getting paid too little or About bosses abusing you, not doing your fucking job
If you have time to make shit up, project and shitpost, you have time to go back in the cagie, wagie. By the way, nice reddit spacing, you fucking entitled baby faggot.
>mfw not american and have a minimum wage job that doesn't make me want to kill myself
>mfw customers are polite and reasonable because they're not spoiled brats enabled by spineless management
>living in America
>everyone talking about going to college/uni
>i followed in my dads footsteps and went to tradeschool to learn to be an electrician
>some odd years later, 90k a year
It's not as grand as some jobs, doesn't pay as much as some jobs. But I didn't have my ass destroyed by school loans nor was I gouged through time. I slept well, I ate well, I had a pretty nice place to live and it was all extraordinarily stable.
Do these people still get their asses wiped by their mommy?
How so? The effort is still mine, if you act like no one was/is there to tell you to make an effort then you are a dirty, dirty liar
That's like 2 minutes of cleanup, get some gloves and a garbage bag.
>everyone has someone who loves them!
now you're just being silly
Because if we don't they'll deliver shit games or indie trash.
>The effort is still mine
There is no such thing as a decision, just a convincing illusion of one. Why is this so hard to understand?
I'm not putting remote controlled drug dispensers in my fucking body, the potential for things to go wrong if the controls end up In the wrong hands is immense.
Why do Americans hate workers so much?
What are some games with unsustainable trends that will lead to bloodshed one way or another?
same, i fucking hate this industry
Because the American dream tells them that through hard work and perseverence, everyone can make it to the top, but the reality is that no matter how hard you work, the world needs ditch diggers too.
Stimulated drug release systems have been around for years. This isn't some new thing, success rate has been pretty good from what I remember. Particularly for things like epilepsy.
This, jobs with a freelance-like quality are incredible efficient, I have a friend who makes furniture and sometimes earns more than me, we sometimes drink together and laugh about it because I studied to get where I am and but he just started to make furniture and he's doing just as fine as me
>most important film of all time
you mean film of the week/month.
nigger nobody going to college knows what the fuck they're going to be doing
Cleaning up after yourself is the first step to becoming a human being.
>it' s capecrap
Ah, that explains it.
It was someone's hard work, just not theirs.
First step to get out of your situation: learn how to read
Since you think like that, can't you like... Meme yourself into doing better? Delude yourself to do better, What's so hard to understand?
Why are people freaking out over Endgame? Like the amount of hype around it is just absurd to me. It's just a movie where a bunch of super strong dudes punch over dudes.
I actually agree with this, I went to end game and people fucking trashed the theater. It isnt hard to throw your shit away.
Is just that you need a soul to enjoy things user
I have no idea, only reason I went is I got a free ticket. That's the only captain marvel too. My university was giving tickets away like candy. It was an ok movie.
But it's soulless.
No hes right, capeshit is honestky for the lowest common denominator entertainment wise. Same fan base as the magic Mike movies.
Normalfaggots absolutely lose their minds over the latest mega-marketing spectacle. It doesn't matter what it is. It could be 60 minutes of a turd air drying. If it got a $500,000,000 marketing campaign like the newest Disney Avengers Avatar Of Ultron movie did, normalfaggots would be DYING to see it. They don't care about the art at all, only the feeling of being "in" on the next big thing.
Ah yes let's also start serving beer and pizza to these fucking slobs to.
This, I usually go to theatres in the morning on weekends for releases this big lately.
People are fucking slobs and the fact that some theatres did 24/7 weekends just to try and meet demand for the film is pretty shit for their workers
I get it, its the big end to and 11 year project, still havent seen it yet, probably going next weekend but I feel bad for any cinema workers who had to take on more than they were ready for
>people freaking out
is this the first time you noticed normies freaking out about the latest big name shit thats coming out?
Now this is bait
"America" is a unique game about a society of people doing all the wrong decisions and eventually collapsing in on itself
try it
No, I just don't understand how people can even care for stuff so mediocre.
>literal billion dollar opening weekend
Being a contrarian isn't a personality user
>Wage has go down by 5%
>Corporate goes up by 4%
The graphic makes it worst that it looks, still, why americans let this happen?
How so?
Because if you suck enough corporate cock one day you too have the chance of making it rich.
there is "important films of all time" and then there is garbage overrated trash of the month.
Man, do I looove some raw data with no context!
>someone doing their works means I don't have to have any sort of human decency
The cleaning persons are their for accidents, not so you can behave like a literal pig.
Not too mention that you are fucking retarding in a cost sense. Because who do you think pays those cleaners? You, you fucking idiot. Yet I bet you cry about increasing ticket costs.
>They don't care about the art at all, only the feeling of being "in" on the next big thing
It's like with star wars and how all the normies act like they are such nerds for loving it so much. Starwars isnt even nerdy, its scifi for people who dont like scifi.
>the theater staff better clean up its their job after all
that doesn't mean you have any right to be a faggot and leave a mess just because no one will see you. not surprised to see burgers having a 3rd world nigger mentality
Just like Star Wars prequels were a fucking phenomena at their time but these days a punchline at best. Just like the current SW flicks will be.
>hero good
>bad guy bad
>hero punch bad guy
>Avengers movies are on the top 15 of the box office
> With movies that span over a decade
Manchildren here will get mad but you're right. Capeshit is on the same level as transformers movies.
2 things
1. Economists said that outsourcing everything not nailed down was good because the people who lost those jobs could just get new ones right away, muh GDP
2. Companies did everything they could to force women to work (not let them, force them) as well as to import all the labor they couldn't outsource too because fuck the proles who think they deserve any money
It's your fucking job to clean up, stop being a bitch and work for your pay.
I've never ever seen an Avengers movie, and have never saw the appeal.
weakest bait I've seen all week
Biggest problem with America, at least from my perspective as a citizen, is that the division between state and federal on many things, as much as thats supposed to solve certain issues, is actually becoming the downfall of the nation.
People sometimes look to other developed countries and say shit like
>but [BLANK] does this, we should adopt this system
And usually they don't take into consideration that the place they are referencing is one country usually with its own sets of laws and social/historical influences
Here you literally have to balance things across an entire region of 50 small countries and attempt to satisfy a bunch of shitters who don't get along
It's neat knowing I live in a big country but why the fuck should I give a shit about the midwest when I live in California, I wouldn't ever expect the mountain states to give two shits about us either because we just live differently and there's different groups in different places
America is just too split up and it makes it easy for big business shitters to get away with stuff like this
Just look up how minimum wage varies across states
I don't get paid to clean
Oh man I guess that means the fast and furious movies are masterpieces!
Stop being such a slob.
This is why America wont last, the union is an empire too big for it's own good. America is failing so badly people are turning against democracy.
It's not that much of hype and you can actually expect it since capeshit itself seems decent at least. Onions Wars getting much more hype and it's nowhere near as good or interesting as capeshit, now that is absurd.
>being a degenerate
Hope natural selection comes for you soon
Leaving a seat in that state speaks boatloads of what a subhuman fatass you are.
It's popular which makes it good right? You fucking stupid retard you should be lobotomized
clean faster, also after this i'm going to do such a fucking mess when people stop going to see cape shit and i can have the room to myself.
Nobody cares about your shitty non arguments lol
holy shit no kidding
>go to see MiB2 in theatres
>some sort of kids night thing happening
>kids are fucking off the walls all night
>throwing shit
>everyone in theatre has food or drink on them at least somewhere
>many of the adults (lots of people here used to see literally any movie just for something to do) left before too long
>basically just kids and their handlers and a handful of teenagers/adults
>wait until after credits because a friend said there were credit blooper things
>lights come on and reveal the popcorn planet of stickytopia
>holy fuuuuuck
>make a really grand show of carrying my trash past the employee to the garbage
>he probably felt like he had to drain the ocean and i walked past with a thimble of water to 'help'
this is why none of my jobs have involved the general public
wagies rise up
I will never understand this shit, I would have to physically resist the urge not to pick up my garbage and throw it away on the way out. Trash can is literally within arms reach as you walk out of the theater, you don't even have to fucking stop walking. Room temperature iq mongoloid shit.
Of course not, but they are not as bad as you were memeing into believing
I don't think people are turning against democracy, I think people are just starting to realize that our system is a bit to busted to last more than a couple hundred more years
America has progressed rapidly on the tech side which is the only reason it's still relevant but there's too many societal issues here that will be it's downfall.
user if your job is to clean after others, YOU lost the natural selection.
Take a shower and clean up after yourself.
I was just talking about this the other day. How can you quantify productivity? Didn't productivity soar due to machine advancements? Have you been to a factory recently; no humans weld its all machine welding and painting too. Should those machines be earning an hourly rate given that they can perform a task that the worker pressing 'go' on some console can not do? Why should the worker get a raise if their only job is to press a button all day?
maintenance is keeping hardware working and shit
cleaning my mess is being a janitor or housekeeper, but you can shorten it to 'wagie', wagie.
Lol have you ever watched capeshit? Starwars is brainlette tier but capeshit is way worse, it's the same fucking plotline released over and over and over. It's all for manchildren but capeshit fans are the lowest of the low. Might as well just watch the first iron man over and over because that's the exactly plot structure every capeshit movie has.
>Why the fuck should I care about the midwest
We grow your food, dickweed.
>tfw I live in a giant three bedroom house alone I pay $300 a month for while you pay $5000+ for a shoebox apartment
oh wow i get to swallow a pill that costs 15x as much for maybe, what, 2 or 3 doses instead of 1?
human greed knows no bounds
Theres a difference between things naturally getting dirty and excess based on the retardation and low test of the people using the facilities they are using
>but i payed to be here
Great, you didn't pay to act like a brainlet so stop doing it
What is the appeal of going to cinemas?
Why would you want to watch a movie whilst being surrounded by people being obnoxious the entire time? You can just watch the movie at home and not deal with any of that shit.
The only time I go to the cinema is because there's one near me that does niche horror films which have cheap tickets and they also sell beer there for a decent price
>no humans weld
Have you ever been to a factory? I currently weld in a manufacturing plant lol.
You right. People have to experience authoritarian shitholes on their own skin at least once and then stop with that commie crap once and for all.
wagie wagie
This. Everyone should work a shit job like this at least once to develop enough empathy to not behave like a caveman in public.
>DeNiro's mutt
>implying california isn't responsible for a good chunk of the countries agriculture
I've been considering moving down to Arizona desu
A good friend as well as an ex I was casually seeing a few years ago both have spare rooms in their spacious 750 a month apartments
Just can't find work down there
I used to work at a theatre
I make sure to create the biggest mess possible just for spite, often dumping out the second half of my bag of popcorn twice. A third time at the end too, get raped
I bought a nice projector with my bonus last Christmas so I never go to the theater anymore. Only downside is people constantly want to come over and use my projector so they dont have to pay for a movie ticket and get butthurt when I dont want to be around people which is why I bought the projector in the first place.
Look here 4chaners, we've found the galaxy brain of the century, everyone clap for the intelligent man
Fry me some chicken, boy. Cluck cluck.
I mean there is truth to that, I had a drafting teacher who was an old Russian guy and he used to hate communists and socialists. He got in trouble for ranting about them because it had nothing to do with drafting class lol.
>reddit spacing
Explains a lot really
Was considering doing something similar and setting up my own home theatre.
Like doing touch ups or welding 100's of different pieces together to form something larger? I was referring to the latter. I highly doubt you could keep up with a specialized machine user. I mean if you are welding 100's of pieces together to form something larger all day then that machine is actually better than you in every way. Never gets tired, never makes random human based error and can perform with consistency every hour of every day.
You cant even defend these films lol.
And then get fired for "unrelated reasons". Sweeney did it. So did many others.
If it's popular is because is good, note I'm not acting like it's a masterpiece that will enlighten our generation, I'm just saying that is good, standard, stop over reacting to people saying something is 'good'
Also I was calling you out on saying it's "the flavor of the month" when it has been a literal decade
Sometimes people also take shits on the seats
Archaic bullshit. At first no one had TV, now it's just motion pictures companies battling piracy.
It's worth it man, the initial investment is expensive but over time you end up saving a lot of money by never going to the theater. If you're into film it's worth 100% worth it.
>eating while watching a movie
Do people really do this? Why?
Thing is, if your job is cleaning a movie theater you need to understand that shit like this will happen and honestly? That picture is not that bad, its just a bunch of boxes, popcorn on the ground is probably a bitch but whatever.
Instead of going abloobloobloo someone made a mess, when it was bound to happen if you used 1% of your grey matter (reminder that a lot of kids and niggers go to cinemas, yet people assume it was some kind of neckbeard) . But you said it yourself, natural selection, now clean up wagie wagie.
I might get around to it soon as I was planning on replacing my speakers anyway.
I cant prove it but I swear someone shit in the theater when i saw captain marvel, I didnt see any shit but the smell was so bad people were gagging and they ended up giving us rain checks on the tickets. The stank gave me a killer headache.
That post was a lie because i crave attention
I know right! I don't understand the need to be fed that our fellow humans have!
Yes, that particular mess isn't that serious and he looks like a massive crybaby but making people's job harder for no good reason is bad. It's not just minimum wage shit, this shit extends all the way to the upper rungs of the ladder where company founders have to dance to the retarded whims of investors.
sounds like you're above 70 IQ, congrats
Almost everyone inherits money over time, like when your parents die. My ex girlfriend inherited 50k. She was fucking poor.
this. It's like no-one on Yea Forums has ever picked up a small mess before.
So you guys throw shit on the street too right? I mean, it's the street sweeper's job to clean it after all.
>expecting basic human decency from a decadent society
Go outside and actually focus on your surroundings. Find one square inch that isn't littered by something.
That was just the movie.
>reminder that a lot of kids and niggers go to cinemas, yet people assume it was some kind of neckbeard
I noticed this too but I dont point it out because it ends up in debates but my theater is mostly black and they fucking trash it. They also love to shoot eachother outside of it for some reason. The entire mall is that way now though, the majority of stores shit down and moved to the rich white ppl mall in the suburb next to us.
wow what a mess, some fucking boxes and a tiny pile of popcorn, how do they cope
Look at India. If public shitting wasn't looked down upon by western society, you bet your ass people would.
Yeah the movie wasnt very good, I still have my rain check because I havent really had the drive to finish the movie. I've never really cared for Larson even before she got political, I didnt like her in United states of tara
Because the relationship between you and your employer isn't my problem. Don't like the work? Then quit. Otherwise get back to work, commie.
You tried
I laughed out loud at this post, mostly because it was written by a poor teenager who has no idea how badly the rich are going to ream his delicate asshole.
Why does this low effort garbage post have so many yous?
You talk as if that's all they have to clean whats in the pic and not the entire theater
niggers, what else?
I'm not racist at all, black people just love to use cinemas as their own living room.
why didnt they show that then
go back
>niggers in awe as a single white man attempts to uphold some simple civility
Wow all those people making up the background seem like really well civilized and well mannered people. We should let more of them into our countries!
She was barely in the movie, it was about Steve and Tony
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
>crying because they have to do their job
If you have to clean up after yourself, what is he getting paid to do?
>please be nice and do my work for me
>mfw i left a huge mess last night at the kinoplex and giggled as the thought of some wagie screaming on Yea Forums/reddit because of it.
I even spat on the leftovers.
Minimum wager doesn't like doing basic work
Why is the American wageslave mentality like:
>Everyone should suffer as I suffer!
instead of
>We should all escape this together
He's at least able to get a job. whilst you rot away on Yea Forums like the rest of us.
Quit worrying user, we are all going to kill the rich once the far right and left realize they have the same enemies.
There's no thrill in waiting for a problem to be solved.
>going to the cinema in the first place
that was the first mistake
>Why are people freaking out over Endgame?
They're literal NPCs who have no thoughts or feelings of their own, so they treat entertainment as religion and follow whatever their god, the TV, tells them to buy.
Blind consumerism is the biggest fucking disease on the planet.
Jokes on your Frog Poster. We're like that on the inside, while working in a sterile environment.
Its the far left commie party of South Africa. Very racist against white people puts all other brands of SJW to shame.
Get a God damned job, you smelly hippie.
My job is to make free money from my properties. Sometimes I have to call mexicans to clean or maintain them but that's about it. If you give me all your tendie points I'll let you stay for a while.
>Complains about crab mentality
>Is a socialist
Socialism is literally about pulling down achievers though.
have a (you)
>warrant their job position existing at all
It... literally isn't.
I guess it's all a matter of perspective? Yes, if you're the guy with 500 million dollars, some of that will have to go to the starving kids.
>please do my job for me
hahaha lmao
>giving a fuck about other people's issues
hahaha double lmao
You're a Bitcoin billionaire that owns a different Lamborghini for every day of the year per year and has a harem of trophy wives who suck your 14" cock too, right?
Holy sweet fucking jesus I can tell most of the people in this thread who respond with "imagine complaining about doing your job?" are either fucking children, work a bullshit job or are unemployed and projecting their own insecurities.
Its called basic fucking human decency. It takes you literally no effort to just not be a slob and throw your shit out. If I saw someone making a complete mess for no other reason than they didn't feel like being a normal person I'd tell them to get their shit together.
I work a hard as fuck skilled trade and bust my ass daily at it. I make good money. That doesn't mean people working lower skill jobs deserve to be treated like slaves. Not to mention have you ever worked anywhere fucking ever? Everyone complains about certain tasks at work no matter the situation or your pay grade. My co-workers and I make 100k. When a crane breaks down and we all have to stay late you can bet your fucking ass we all bitch and moan about it despite the fact that we often make double time for it. Its human god damn nature.
All you faggots are just desperate to feel better than someone for once in your god damn life and have no actual real world achievements to feel good about so you do shit like this while you sit in your underwear eating Cheetos trying to fool yourself into thinking your better than them. Pro tip good people don't disregard the feelings and work of others. They may not always go out of their way to accommodate them but they sure as fuck don't shit all over them for no reason just because they can and the other person is getting paid. Literally no one likes the people that do that.
>office shit
wagies on suicide watch
This is why your countries are all shitholes.
>this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time
Suck cock
Nothing is stopping these people from achieving qualifications that get them jobs that aren't hot dogshit. Complaining about doing monkey work when you signed up for monkey work is what is laughable.
that Bloomer just turned into a Doomer after he realized humanity's true face.
i pirate all my vidya
If this ever happens it really will be the outcome. I really don't know how the wealthy don't see this coming. They will build mega security compounds and invest billions into security drones and AI but just putting that money back into the system is an abhorrent idea to them.
I can't remember where but there was some AI researcher who did a private conference with some billionaires and they were all concerned with safety if society fell apart and kept asking the best way to protect themselves and all the researcher said was "the best way to not get killed by other people is to make sure other people don't want to kill you." but they didn't seem to understand. He tried to explain that their private security forces wouldn't pick a pay check over society and even if you could have unlimited robot death drones with facial scanning what would be the point, money is only good in a functioning society. These people are so detached from the real world they actually don't understand anymore.
They are all idiots I'm afraid
The american education system is purposely bad to keep the sheep ignorant and easy to steer
lol someone left a guy sleeping on the floor?
How is it important? There's going to be more with new super cool and diverse heroes, now that this theatrical universe arc is over. I stopped halfway through the entire release schedule caring about these movies because I grew up and realized that they're all basically the same.
why do we support billionaires exploiting people for their own selfish greed
people dont care and are afraid to take the risks necessary to make change
Multiple things are often stopping these people you fucking mongoloid. When I was younger I worked at a local hardware store with a retired military engineer who left his job because his one son suffered an accident and got brain damage and he had to work a job that gave him flexibility to take care of his son.
But you'd come in and shit in the aisle and when he comes to mop it up you'd laugh at him and judge him for being "pathetic" only because you're a piece of shit who's never had to deal with actual hard shit in their life and develop empathy for others. You're not actually concerned with any possibility that might contradict your view, you're just looking for a reason to feel better about yourself.
>Get paid to clean up a theater
>Literally cry when you have to clean up a theater
>dude wtf it's not okay to make him clean up a theater
Epic post and virtue signal, union parasite.
Spotted the americunt
I could get my car washed, shit and piss on it in front of you and then ask you to wash it again and it would still be your fucking job, retard.
That would take all of five minuets to clean up. Everyone involved can stop being such a faggot.
If it was meant to be an advertisement for her she should hire a new agent. Not only did captain marvel look like an asshole, all those clip that are floating around make her look like one too
>why do you make me do what I get paid for
I'd be hard pressed to find a Dev I support at all anymore.
Honestly I'm sick of the current market. I'm sick of it. No innovation. No improvement. Just cash grabbing political entrapping garbage.
wouldn't be any worse than crushing an extended release tablet or whatever and getting the entire dose at once
Your parents needed to hit you more you spoiled fuck.
I'm not seeing anyone here crying, there's just a picture of a guy looking bummed out by it. But again keep acting like you're so much better and tougher than the "basedboys" so you can feel better about yourself.
Imagine ruining your life to take care of a retard.
A sane father would have drowned his braindead son in a river. So yeah, I'd shit in the aisle and make that former welfare queen's life a little tougher, in the hope that it finally pushed him over the edge so he'd kill himself.
Some people just don't deserve to live.
niggers are being niggers, white man is being white man. hilarity ensues.
Cleaning up movie theaters is a shitty jo-
You know I'm not really that active on social media but for being the supposedly most important film of all time, I'm not seeing lots of people talking about it. More of my friends on Facebook were talking about GoT for fucks sake.
>acting like a subhuman sperg is okay because everyone else cleans up for me
I honestly can't even tell if these posts are joke posts or not anymore. And the worst part is I've met people like you in real life. Channers who think they're the pinnacle of manhood and alpha. When in reality they have a 1 plate bench and got a hitler youth cut. No matter how angry they get though they still can't make friends or get people to like them so they think being more of an asshole and fake alpha is the path and that "being disliked" is a sign of being right. Pro tip most successful people in this world have lots of friends and are well regarded and treat others well.
Wow, they did a great job on Sonic's look.
>your parents needed to hit you more
Under no circumstances is child abuse okay, why do you think niggers act like niggers? Nigger moms hit their children on a weekly basis.
At least the transformers can act.
desu that sounds more like a situation where the dude would rather live in prison where there's a bed and free food than in the streets so did a small crime. Probably wasn't expecting 15 years though
>When in reality they have a 1 plate bench and got a hitler youth cut
you whiny shits are such shallow assholes. the instant someone says something you dislike it's a snap decision to invent some stereotypical appearance and attack it
print out an image of richard spencer and yell at it about muh poor wagies. leave us out if it if you're just going to play pretend
More like
>go to uni and incur more debt so the debt based society can continue
>end up working a job for menials since 4 year degrees are common and meaningless
>meanwhile tradeworkers can easily earn six figures if they arent mouthbreathers working for a GC.
As a 21 year old that took a break from uni to work after 2 years, I just laugh at the graduates that brag about their 20/hr 9-5 jobs.
might just be the end of the shift and thats what a dude that has to clean up shit like that for 9 hours for a minimum wage looks like. Just a guess, who knows
wow man you are at drive in movie levels of projecting right now
Huh, my theater has recliners, but this one is interesting in that it seems to be made for couples. I like that idea.
Starting with you
Lol what a pussy
I feel bad for you, man. I don't know if you think being a doormat makes you more approachable or something, but it's pretty obvious you're just as petty and rage-filled as you think I am.
The only difference is that from your point of view, your pettiness is "justified", and mine isn't. Grow the fuck up, and stop deluding yourself.
Shoulda said discipline. But the guy reeks of a spoiled piece of shit who would boss his mom around screaming for more tendies as she said "ok sweety"
Any decent parents teaches their kid respect for other human beings because you never know the whole fucking story.
That also works because you never know the whole story and if you weren't safely on the internet you might get your ass kicked. Dump your fucking popcorn on the ground and expect the "stupid lazy degenerate" to clean it up is a quick way to get your face smashed in one day by a guy who trains muai thai in his spare time or something along those lines. These same people that act hard as fuck online and talk down to others with such venom are soft as fuck and protected by their separation from everything. The internet has ruined us.
And i say this as a brown belt in BJJ. You fucking NEVER know what someone else knows and you best not be a piece of shit unless you want to end up looking like a fool to the world with your face smashed in. Your high and mighty worldviews won't mean shit then.
Clean it up wagie. It's not even that bad I don't see anything sticky or stained it's all shit that can be picked up or swept.
>Being a doormat means not wanting to drown your crippled son
whew lad
>Dump your fucking popcorn on the ground and expect the "stupid lazy degenerate" to clean it up is a quick way to get your face smashed in one day by a guy who trains muai thai in his spare time or something along those lines.
Imagine thinking that being an asshole justifies violence from some thug who is obviously just looking for an excuse to pick a fight.
I don't kick my popcorn over because I don't see much point in antagonizing people who are probably on the verge of snapping like you are, but seeing you try and justify an over the top response makes me wish I was. I can just imagine you beating up some punk kid who accidentally knocked over a drink and didn't apologise well enough to your minimum wage ass.
I never said it was a justified response I said it was a thing that could happen and any decent parent should teach their kid of that reality. You should assume people are dangerous and treat them in such a way that respects that possibility. When you treat people with utter disrespect and end up on your ass wondering what happened you look like a little spoiled first world bitch going "waaahhhhh this shouldn't have happened!" well maybe you should have avoided that outcome? All you had to do was not be a complete twat thinking that you could behave however you want and the rules of society would save you.
I don't think its ok for a person to hit me with their car, but I'm aware of the possibility and as such I don't run out into the street.
Again I'm not saying I would do this to people, but that there are people out there who can do this to you. They shouldn't. And if they did someone should stop them. But sheltered internet kids forget that this is real and talk mad shit and forget that hey maybe this guy is having the worst day of his life and I'm about to get knocked out.
Which is also why everyone should learn to fight because it teaches you to respect the danger of other people in a real way. Is that little power trip you want to have worth it? Or should you just extend a tiny bit of effort and do an easy thing to avoid a situation that could end up poorly for you? I'm not saying be a doormat, but something as simple as oh I dunno not leaving your entire fucking bag of popcorn all over the seats and laughing at the pathetic minimum wage workers as you leave.
Might've been on accident, either way. Clean it up wagie wagie
Working in a cinema seems like an alright job, especially compared to other retail/fast food jobs
If you talk to the older generations they will back me up on this. Everyone and I mean everyone used to box back in the day. And because of this you knew that the guy you were talking shit to knows how to fight, possibly better than you. And this could come to blows. So are you ready for that? Is this something worth fighting over? These days people feel too safe to say and do anything and that's why we treat each other with way more disrespect.
>retard that uses the term wagie unironically plus an anime reaction pic is telling people how things are in teh real world
Yeah it's probably pretty cool, especially on slower days.
>work at the counter for a bit
>only have to deal with waves of people every 15-30 minutes
>do nothing for an hour
>clean up
>repeat for 8 hours
>free theater food
>get to watch shit a lot of the time
I'd rather work there than some place like target or wal-mart.
>but something as simple as oh I dunno not leaving your entire fucking bag of popcorn all over the seats and laughing at the pathetic minimum wage workers as you leave.
Except in your situation, what really happens is that wagie spergs out, beats me up for dropping some popcorn and providing him with a job, and I get a massive lawsuit payout from the cinema while you lose your job and go to jail for assault.
Sorry wagie, looks like you never win.
Want to know how the real world works? It doesn't matter to you.
>Get a vacuum and a trash bucket
>Clean that up in 5 minutes tops
Lmao so hard
As someone also overworked and underpaid I say deal with it or get a new job.
Life is what you make it
What do you do, not buy the game and put them under? Buy it and enable it? Buy and cry?
None of it matters
>it's another "NEET frogposter tries to brag about his 'awesome life' while simultaniously making threads on /adv/ and /r9k/ on why its everyones fault but his on why he's such a pathetic loser" episode
Getting real tired of these reruns
>Why is this so hard to understand?
People too stupid to arrive to this conclusion by themselves will never accept it, because for their emotionally driven minds the notion is unacceptable.
>keep the slaves docile
Impressive kikes, impressive!
>retail job
Enjoy dealing with fat people and blacks
Ok what do you do if you're leaving the theater and some other movie goer, who saw you about to leave after making a huge mess tells you to clean your fucking mess up and stop being a lazy slob? Honestly I want to know your reaction.
Because if its "Fuck you and fuck these people its their job." stop and ask yourself "is this the response of a decent, successful human being?"
Because we are consumers, we don't give shit about staff. Developers can starve and beat them to death for all we care. The only thing that matters is the game they end up producing: how good it is and how much it costs.
your narrative makes no sense since christcucks are the most staunch defenders of G*ds chosen people
troll harder
you would be surprised how many people are antisocial who don't like to talk to one another
Well said brother USA USA USA!
>*african variety
>want $15 an hour
>always fucks up my order
bye wagie
I have watched Endgame twice. Once in Thailand (International release comes out 2 days before US) and once inthe states.
I was in an low-middle class area for my viewing in Thailand and it had a 100x better audience than the one in the states.
In the states, everyone claps, speaks during the movie, annoying "LEEETS GOOOOO". Overall really bad experience.
I recommend watching movies in IMAX from now on just so you can have more high class, respectable people watching the movie with you, at least in the states.
>what is respect
>what are principles
>what is personal responsibility
>what is dignity
>what is consideration
Why would you admit out loud to hating everything that's objectively good for society?
>>Ok what do you do if you're leaving the theater and some other movie goer, who saw you about to leave after making a huge mess tells you to clean your fucking mess up and stop being a lazy slob?
I tell them to fuck off and mind their own business, they aren't my fucking mother.
>stop and ask yourself "is this the response of a decent, successful human being?"
It's the response of someone who isn't a doormat. Again, I wouldn't leave a mess ideally, I do think it's a rude thing to do, but confronting someone for it is even more pathetic. Get off your fucking high horse, what if the guy you're whining at is leaving because his son just shit his pants, or he left the mess because it was just a fucking accident and he has no reasonable means to clean it up, or that the kid sat in front of him dumped popcorn behind him and he doesn't think it's his problem? How much of a fucking busybody cocksucker do you have to be to confront people?
>movie theater I typically go to literally doesn't allow kids
>also have a zero tolerance policy on assholes
Worth paying the $15 so I don't have to deal with the dregs of society. Only shitty part is that its an hour and a half drive.
Literally 2 minutes of work.
Fucking faggot zoomers, they literally hide trash and dirty dishes at my job so they dont have to do it
its dark in the theatre and at the end you have to leave promptly so its reasonable to expect mess, if you dont like it stop serving food
people can make fun of him but if he tried anything like throwing the trash back at them, every single one of those "progressive people" would curb stop him
I don't personally do that. But it's their job. Can't be that hard to sweep up some popcorn and put some cartons into a black bag
That's just being disrespectful.
>went yesterday as a casual viewer
>audience didnt even get the best jokes (the screeching car when tony figures out time travel)
>had to try and not laugh at the serious scenes
>everyone started clapping at the end
>friend goes "fucking CLAP people." out loud
never go on opening night unless you really really care, its not worth it.
>please do our work for us while we get paid
>please work for free while paying for overpriced popcorn and cinema
how about no
>work in retail for 3 years
>dad and his kid comes in
>kid throws up
>a lot
>dad yells me to come over and start gesturing over the floor
>i tell him to wait over there
>get paper towels and a mop
>hand it to him
>he looks at me then throws it in the puke
>do what you're paid to do
im a neet now
Boomer Christcucks, user. Boomers.
>Kikes have no place in the Christian Faith.
>subhuman sperg
thats literally their job
when you eat at a restaurant, you are not fucking obligated to pile up the dishes and organize your table faggot. cry about it. get good and quit fucking crying over picking up a plate.
Sounds like something a spoiled brat would do.
Based Dad.
>clean up after yourself
If you expect me to do your job for you, then i also expect to receive a cut from your wage, you bitch.
>hand it to him
nigga its your job, act like you were doing anything anyways. its fucking retail
>I tell them to fuck off and mind their own business, they aren't my fucking mother.
Again, this is how you end up on your ass one day. And feeling self righteous about that aint gonna save you. And unless its all caught on camera you aint getting that law suit. You need to realize there can be physical consequences to your actions.
I love how you talk about not being a doormat then fly off the fucking handle at the idea of someone confronting them. Basically you just want to do what you want and get no resistance. If you don't want to be a doormat you better be able to stand up and not be a doormat.
>please be a good goy and do the job I'm getting paid for
Yeah, no. I'm disgusted by people acting like a fucking gypsy but this is a pathetic copout.
so if i shit on your floor you're supposed to clean it up?
>welfare will buy you a house anywhere but Detroit
lol ok
Nice, I found the Faces of Yurope to go along with it
>Again, this is how you end up on your ass one day
and this is how YOU end up in jail for trying to be a white knight for fucking zoomer wageslaves who make 9 bucks an hour to pick up popcorn. Holy fuck.
>You need to realize there can be physical consequences to your actions.
like doing your job? pick up my popcorn cuck
Can't wait for wagies to be replaced by robots
Dance, wagie, dance
I don't get it
>And unless its all caught on camera you aint getting that law suit.
I'd say having 20 witnesses will make the lawsuit pretty fucking easy.
Not being a doormat doesn't mean I have to lower myself to the level of some wagie cuck who thinks he's hot shit because he can throw a punch. What are you going to do when your bravado leads you into a situation where you're attacked by multiple dudes at once, buddy? Life isn't a fucking game.
nigger. nobody is fucking obligated to do that. yes. if its MY fucking restaurant? Yeah, thats my fucking responsibility faggot. Because its MINE. If someone shits on your floor purposely, like revealing himself in front of an audience? Yeah thats fucking illegal retard.
You not wanting to pick up a mess is not the fault of the customer, its you being a fucking pussy incapable of the idea of cleaning. You genuinely think you are ABOVE cleaning up others messes, as you make 9$ an hour lmfao
>shit analogies for food
sounds about right
>Ok what do you do if you're leaving the theater and some other movie goer, who saw you about to leave after making a huge mess tells you to clean your fucking mess up and stop being a lazy slob?
You literally wouldnt have to do anything, you guys have zero fucking social awareness its not even funny
Yes. You also get hauled off in a police car or an ambulance, but the nice thing about retail environments is they're designed for easy mess disposal. Wiping some shit off a marble floor is not difficult.
>implying wagie cage is bad
As someone who slaves away at a shitty warehouse, I'd give an arm and a leg for one of those.
Sitting all day just controlling the mechanical arm to do all the hard work for you? Sign me the fuck up.
Go be a racist asshole shitcunt somewhere else.
I would never ever throw the first swing in a confrontation. I'm trying to talk about hypothetical situations here, not what I would do. The biggest point im trying to stress is exactly what you said "What are you going to do when your bravado leads you into a situation where you're attacked by multiple dudes at once, buddy? Life isn't a fucking game." because you could say that exact same thing to all the people here spouting "I'd tell those wagie cucks to clean my mess." My entire fucking point was that life isn't a game, people can be more dangerous than you realize and as such treating others with a bare minimum of fucking respect is important. Clinging to the idea of "yeah and then I'd sue" isn't going to save you when you treat some wagie like shit someday and he snaps on you.
you'd actually be told to fuck off and not come back. most likely get the police called on you to bring you to the mental ward.
>when you are to dumb to be a wagie cagie
user pls
You wouldn't. Shooting in CA, based Border Patrol ends it with only one person being shot.
Meanwhile in Yurope, 12 of you get mowed down with a truck of peace and can do nothing to stop it.
I don't really care about red states because as much as they cry about muh second amendment, they never actually manage to stop the shootings.
>throws shit out
>but can't take the bants back
Classic Euro
Resetera is calling you back, fren. You're not welcome here.
That wasn't a bant, that was just being a complete fucking asshole.
Neck yourself
yeah Russian commies wanted to bring down the Tsardom because of the nobility being high achievers, not because they enslaved like 90% of the country or something.
is this the same tranny that attacked ben shapiro looks like exactly the same
>Clinging to the idea of "yeah and then I'd sue" isn't going to save you when you treat some wagie like shit someday and he snaps on you.
Well, yeah, it will.
I mean, how does your philosophy work with random nutjobs? What if you're just chilling on the street and some guy runs past you and throws acid in your face because he doesn't like your fucking shirt?
Treating everyone as if they're one second away from snapping turns you into a doormat. Imagining yourself as a badass who can defend from any situation is just going to lead to you getting your ass beat by a bigger crowd, so the only sane middle ground is to just assume that society is going to continue to function, and wagie probably isn't going to snap because he really needs this job.
Fuck off, Mohammed.
One day power loaders will be real.
Literal entitlement brought on by baby boomers because they had it real good growing up, unless you were like black or whatever.
>shilling for the muzzies this hard
you first, if you don't get tossed off a building first that is, you fucking faggot
>throws acid in your face
>because he doesn't like your fucking shirt?
is this what europeans actually believe? because of your SHIRT. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
I don't know, but the fact that people who treat service staff aren't seen as obnoxious cunts really says a lot about their culture.
Like they could unionise or riot or break the legs of anyone who acts like a dickhead, it doesn't change the fact that the whole culture is rotten
Amen brother
Same reason why you care for the things that you like
because they like it
What are you talking about?
That person is clearly part of the mess the staff found at the end of the movie, it says so right there in the image.
My first job was cleaning movie theaters way shittier (plastic seats) and way dirtier (tobacco spit cups, used condoms, piss) back in 2008 for $6.75/hr and I had no problem with it
Holy shit, imagine doing a job that you wanted to do. Shut the fuck up zoomer
>most important film
I know you're joking but it's pathetic to know that there are people who actually think like this.
Nobody fucking cares about higher ticket costs. Its their job to CLEAN not fucking being a net just in case of accidents. Bet you never lifted a finger in your fucking life.
Why did all you fucking retards reply to this?
Still better than you, NEET.
my philosophy works just fine because I treat other people with respect and when I don't get treated with respect I can stand up for myself with confidence knowing I know how to defend myself. Generally speaking most situations are completely avoided by treating someone with respect. If you view that as being a doormat then that's your fucking issues talking. On the off chance that someone does get in my face I can be calm and confident because I know if it does come to blows I'm as ready as I can be for it. But I also know that it might not be enough and would rather avoid that. I don't put myself in situations where I'm aggravating a crowd of people because that's fucking insane.
If you go to the zoo do you poke the fucking lion because you think "nah man the zoo will save me. They have tranqs and shit." Treat people the same way. You don't have to bend over to people, stand up for yourself but if a small amount of effort can avoid aggravating a situation you'd be crazy to not do it. That said at least if you prepare yourself you can be confident that you know how to defend yourself as best as possible. You'd be surprised at how far that goes in being able to carry yourself. If people see that you aren't afraid of a fight they generally calm down.
And yeah, there's gonna be crazy people, but we're not talking about fucking outliers here. We're talking about the general public.
South Africa
>all the people millennial-bashing ITT when there have been ads/PSA to clean up after yourself in theaters since the 1950s
That's not just Americans sweetums.
It's a Gen Z thing
I agree that people should clean up after themselves, but this reaction to a slight mess? Literally takes a few minutes to clean up that row. Fuckers need to get their shit together and just clean it up and then remind people it would be nice of them to clean up their shit.
If your store only uses paper towel and a mop for puke then you're violating a number of health codes.
Yeah again, I agree with them, but there's no need to be such a sensitive retard about it. Just clean it up and call the people who made the mess pigs. If people wouldn't make a mess, they would need less people and 50% of cleaners would get fired.
Used to work at a fastfood donut place as a baker back when I was aimless and had no goals. Made me realize how shitty people can be.
>was responsible for emptying the drive-thru trash bin outside every shift
>stupid municipal law made us remove it
>people still threw their junk on the property in protest even though it was outside of our control
>every shift I had to clean up the garbage left behind by hundreds of people
Minimum wage just isn't worth it anymore. I'd rather fake it 'till I make it with welfare.
have fun with those dusty old bones when you hit forty.
murrica ladies and gents
As a former janitor I was thinking exactly that. You could easily clean that shit in a minute.
Shit or piss? I guess you're always pissed huh?
Detroit's expensive as fuck.
I went for a trade once and even the teachers were discouraging us because of the hard physical work. Yeah, money is nice and all but what's the point if my spine is fucked by 35?
Screencap me also
pretty sure the average brit is uglier than the average american, from what i've seen. their teeth are always completely fucked. american men actually put some effort into their appearance since they have to compete with big muscular unga bungas for the all white women. brit men only have to compete with dirty pajeets.
>this """"""capeshit"""""" is the most important film of all time
Imagine being so far in the bubble of your own fandom that you actually believe this.
>projecting this much
>thinking a inb4 will save you
oh wew
>If people wouldn't make a mess, they would need less people and 50% of cleaners would get fired.
that's simply not true. this is nothing but a cheap justification for being an asshole and trying to feel superior.
>no u
Nice try you dumb frog bastard.
Whoa, not cool mate.
>Work with children instead of empty waging
>Avoid the NEET and wagie life
It feels like the logical conclusion. The difference between the rich and the poor keep increasing. Companies and conglomerates grow ever bigger, more powerful and have a lot more freedom to act according to personal desires and benefits. It's not sustainable.
What a lazy asshole, try working in healthcare or manufacturing.
Good job. Now go to the toilets and clean up all the piss and diarrhea on the walls.
>most of Yea Forums is underage and has never had a job
Color me surprised.
What colour is that?
Youre too optimistic
while i think that 'people' that don't lean trash after each other deserve a death penalty, aftetr reading something like that i would probably just shit in the middle of the theatre.
>Do people really do this?
I do this.
At home.
Clean it up, wagie.
Gotta work hard for your minimum wage "job."
>they implement these at my mcd
>they still have the same amount of people working behind the counter like before
Just the large screen and sound system for big action movies. Hollywood likes to bitch about people not seeing arty movies in theaters but theaters are annoying and expensive so I'll save my tolerance for them for what makes the most of the experience.
I work at the same movie company and while picking up trash is easy money, by the end of a 12+ hour shift dealing with trash on pretty much all the seats you'll have no energy left to pick any more. All the Avenger movies have a 10 minute to leave the theaters spotless and it's non stop running cause management is on our asses for not being fast enough and corporate are Jews and don't schedule enough people for when big movies come out. This leads to people burning out by the end of the shift. And don't get me started on the IMAX theaters. 500+ seats of people too lazy to pick up trash, we have a bin full of around 300lbs of trash by the end of it
>people should do my work for free so i can sit on my ass all day and get paid
my all white PA movie theater is spotless every single time. This is either California or inner city negroids. Judging by the leather seats, it's California - aka the litter capital of the world
>found the jannie
>the tiny amount of money i paid entitles me to be a shitstain on human society and harrass the workers because i have nothing else in life
why are you taking this troll retard seriously, user? he's obviously just teasing you since like 3 comments of his
>go to cali
>it's just minorities
>everyone is a fucking asshole
>see a girl at a wallmart pull her shorts out of her ass in the most disgusting way like she just shat herself
Never going there again
How the fuck did you write this post, read it over, and still feel justified in your actions enough to post it?
No matter what business or service you're in, even if a customer INSISTS on cleaning up the mess, you go do it, because they're not the ones getting paid to clean up shit, YOU are. You filthy fucking degenerate neet.
>American "culture"
It's worse really cause theres no end credits scene and all the capeshit fans wait around for it and bully the ushers who only want to clean for the next showing in a few minutes but now can't because the theatre is throwing popcorn at them so they can see literally fucking nothing at the end of their 3 hour movie.
>Trade school making 70k a year
>Learn useful skills to maintain a home without needing a "professional"
>Tfw not gonna be a desk jockey
You fucking snot-nosed brat.
oh waaaaaaaaagie...
Remember this thread next time a thread that's actually about video games gets deleted
No one gives a fuck, hall monitor. Go cry elsewhere. LOL
I don't care about the devs. They don't care about me.
What exactly they produce, 68 burgers?
This right here. It's irksome as we got a 10 minute window and I have to spend half of that waiting for capeshit fans to leave after waiting for the non-existent end credits scene
>tiny amount of money
guess you dont have problems giving out 40-50€ to the homeless and watching the movie in your house every week
you need to be 18 years old or older to post here
You're literally sitting down in an air-conditioned office typing on the computer all day. You probably spend several hours a week posting on twitter or watching bullshit on Youtube. Stop bitching.
>implying those 40-50€ pay fucking anything at the theater let alone a wage
>implying the theater would miss you and wouldn't kick you out in an instance if you showed yourself to be more trouble than worth
CNS fatigue is worse than physical fatigue - trust me.
same reason I buy from establishments who pay their workers dogshit and purchase products made by overseas factory workers... I don't give a shit.
Also, that doesn't even look that bad, fucking entitled zoomers. The only truly bad cleaning days are when someone pukes or you have the random incident where the bathroom is covered in feces from the walls to even the ceiling (it happened one time and I have no idea how but it did).
us spics make good gardeners tho. Got my lawn and palm tree trimmed beautifully for only 80 bucks (which is a steal given the yardage). Also, the service which the homeowner association employs does a good job as well. Same goes for any plumbing and roof tiling that's been done. (Worth mentioning I deal with Cubans where I live rather than Mexicans).
This is one of the better off topic threads.
I have no qualms with the hispanic under normal circumstances, most are pretty humble in my experiences with them at home depot
13% 50%
But it has literally nothing to do with video games
If it had some kind of vague connection, sure, but there is no reason this should be on Yea Forums. Meanwhile actual vidya discussion gets deleted all the fucking time
Personally I find people who don't clean up after themselves to be shit people. How hard is it to just bring your popcorn bag with you and bin it? I'm not even in a work environment where I deal with the "masses" and I know that shit.
Yep i agree, if the guy in the pic was a spic that shit would've been cleaned in less than 30 seconds for half the wage and no tip. The bad part about dealing with us is that you either get someone who actually works and gives his best or someone who is a complete lazy bum.
Good thing that's something that happens to athletes and not lazy office workers.
This alone is why I've had to basically hold off on going to see a movie in theaters until the absolute last week possible.
>for half the wage
that's not a good thing. only thing you do with that is make the gap between poor and rich larger and pull down the quality of life to the shithole you came from.
user stop. You violated the law, we now live in post truth era. The only thing that matters is that hwite people are evil and need to be replaced.
>that's not a good thing
For you
>good chunk of the countries agriculture
yeah, of grapes
wow retard, thanks! let me know if you want some bread
t. iowa
Redpill me on roombas. Do they have like, an area of effect clean or something? How do they get into corners and tight spaces?
eh. still better than
and so on.
thank you user.
reminds of the time my neighbor paid the guys fixing his patio ahead of time. Doing that or paying by the hour is basically begging to be scammed.