>threads from yesterday are still up
I feel like we're all getting tired and leaving this place while not enough new users are getting in to replace the ones leaving. desu I feel like I've his the crossroad after 7 years of browsing and posting on Yea Forums too.
Threads from yesterday are still up
You'll be happier with your life posting on Yea Forums when you realize that Big Boss is Venom Snake despite being a body double and the Medic.
That's because Yea Forums is only for shitposting, and if you want serious vidya discussions you're better off going to Reddit or Discord.
I see a lot of Yea Forums users these days complain about the declining quality of this board (I feel this way myself, to be honest), so maybe it's getting to the point where people are just getting fed up and leaving.
Dont worry next year is the eleccions in murica the shitpost is going to back harder
yesterday's thread died for this blogjak
Go die in a hole newfag wojak poster
>That's because Yea Forums is only for shitposting
Is it just me, or have even the memes and stuff gotten worse on Yea Forums these days? It's gotten to the point where I miss the dumb shit from 2012, like Jimmies and Master Ruseman.
I get the feeling it's going to be even more bizarre than the last one
Nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the ride I guess, there's no getting off
>reddit or discord
lol no I'm good
its because the same memes spammed non stop these days are ones that are just edits of old ones from almost 10 years ago
It's not just you. Things have definitely gotten worse.
People are probably also leaving because mods delete board culture threads too quickly these days. Excessive moderation is killing this place.
>Excessive moderation is killing this place.
Is it just me, or has Yea Forums gone from one extreme to the other? I remember there being almost no moderation back in the early 2010's.
The people from 2007-2012 feel out of place now. The new people, aka zoomers, only use Discord because there's where their favorite streamers are. This is sad but a reality we need to face.
There were a lot more fun threads for sure. You can't open a LOL thread anymore because it just gets deleted on sight.
too many newfags and too many zoomers from 2015 who think they're oldfags
i dont know why moot complained about calling out redditors, look where we are now
>just edits of old ones from almost 10 years ago
Didn't Yea Forums completely spaz out about other sites like Reddit and 9gag doing this kind of thing with rage faces?
even of youre joking thats how the vast majority of the current userbase view the site. the core userbase of Yea Forums (those who only use Yea Forums) is miniscule compared to the total traffic as opposed to decade ago when most users were core users. this leads to ever decreasing quality of the site because Yea Forums is full of outsiders that spend all their time sabotaging and vandalizing boards and then they just say "lmao fuck off newfag Yea Forums was always shit". they have 0 respect for the site because after theyre done shitposting here they retreat back to their subreddits or whatever forum they are a core user of.
2012 was the nadir
In everything except identity, Venom Snake is Big Boas.
honestly this
the only threads left open nowadays are twitter /pol/ bait threads
Yeah this board has changed. real video game discussion can happen on /vg/ or the otherchan that shall not be mentioned but that chan has also gone downhill as well. We might have to move to the tor chans for a non normie site soon but I will continue to post here until after the American 2020 elections just to see how bad it gets.
A majority of people I know that used to post here left years ago. Also the mods want new jannies due to the influx of normies and we have some that don't even play games and they allow Yea Forums threads here.
>The people from 2007-2012 feel out of place now.
I'm a newfag from 2011, and I feel this way. I still feel "new" because I missed everything from the 2000's, but I also feel like Yea Forums has changed a lot even since I got here.
>people dont even call out iphone posters and reddit fags anymore
>You can't open a LOL thread anymore because it just gets deleted on sight.
To be fair nowadays webcomics are just shit political propaganda except for a few exceptions
>Remember Yea Forums being flooded with "LE ALL-CAPS IRONIC SHITPOSTING XD"
>The "CRINGE YIKES INCEL" spam on Yea Forums now is making me miss the 2012 ironic shitposting
They are just another social forums, Yea Forums isn't better than them
lol threads have been pretty much just pol shit for the longest time, nobody story-times stuff like the Doom or Duke comics anymore
>directly linking to kotaku
>directly linking to reddit
>reddit/twitter/discord screenshots
>at best user calls them out
Its over
Reddit has a terrible layout, I could never get used to it even since 2011 when I found about its existence.
Discord I don't even know how that works. Other than using it to watch a few streams like live E3 and whatnot, I almost never used it.
Also both require you to log in, i came to Yea Forums to avoid forums and users that love to name call you whenever you get on their wrong side.
Guess why man.
Mods have become so ban happy that if you don't post from a phone you're prone to go on a 3 day vacation for the petiest fucking reasons.
Something I've noticed is that people used to not be afraid of posting off-topic threads, like "plus tip" or "this guy at the club" or "BOOM BOOM CRASH", but these days people try to be sneaky with the "What are some video games where" off-topic template.
>actually owning an Iphone
i get fucking banned for posting cat pics nowadays
ill use a cat reaction pic in an on topic thread and get banned for it
I don't, I post from an android.
It's just easier whenever you need to post something you know it might rack you a ban.
Oh god no.
I want a discussion not circle jerking.
Honestly at this point you can look at a good amount of threads here and see corporate marketing. Like why does an American anime imageboard need to have shit about the next AAA game every day with a few amount of posters in them.
even in boards like /g/ and Yea Forums people are blatantly shilling crap to anons here.
I'll tell you why. The mods keep pushing discussion of flavor of the month games to /vg/ to die.
Perhaps we would'd bleed anons if faggots like you stopped posting le ebin feels man or the smug frog
Funny enough we’ve figured out the problem with Yea Forums
It’s been straight up spammed by porn companies samefagging 30 threads at any time.
Cuck threads
Blacked threads
Fake wife, ex girlfriend sister pics
Hell you reverse google search some of their more common pictures it always leads back to Xhamster or Pornhub.
They also steal pictures from other anons and claim their different people
Think geek is Fucking scum.
what bothers me is when a blatant shit thread is left up for traffic, and when anons calling the hotpockets out are deleted but not the thread.
maybe stop posting garbage? I have been banned maybe 3 times in total and I've been posting since 2006.
That's an extremely creepy way of saying GameFaqs.
never forget
Fucking hell
Seriously why haven’t they word filtered
Cringe to CANDYASS
And Incel to Uncle?
>Kys Incel
kys Uncle
>Eh fuck off nephew
It's because of phoneposters + absolute retards tying their core identities to certain memes and refusing to ever let go.
RIP /scp/ you've become what you feared the most: discord trannies
>website infamous for circlejerking
lol no and discord is only good for using for voice chat with your friends
>it's another fucking twitter screencap thread that lasts 460 replies before getting deleted while some comfy on topic thread gets deleted as soon as it reaches 50 replies episode
memes nowadays are mostly just pushing by huge marketing conglomerates
see: le boomer, very obviously a monster marketing stunt Yea Forums was too stupid to see past
thats assuming it doesn't get shitted up constantly by REEEEE SHILLS
I think the thread limit should be higher. The slower more quality threads die so fast while the cunny threads and memeshit stays up and pushes all the good shit off the board.
its pretty funny that most indie games have more anti-shill posting in them than fucking Borderlands 3 threads do
Speaking of Yea Forums, I remember when it used to be the largest board on Yea Forums, and how it used to be blamed for all the shitposting on Yea Forums.
It’s goes deeper
Here’s the copy pasta from Yea Forums and /g/
There's a team of active botters on Yea Forums every waking minute. But who are they? What do they do?
They're a group of people working for a company, called MindGeek, who actively push a cuckold agenda on Yea Forums.
This company is the parent company to major pornographic websites such as Brazzers, XHamster, Pornhub, etc. where they consistently feature cuckold and fake incest porn as their primary content. But what do these botters on Yea Forums post? 24 hours a day, they post the following threads that are cuckold-related, and damaging to one's psyche, turning them into addicts, cucks, left-leaning "open minded" yet cucked people.
They will even samefag in most of the threads, claiming to want more of what the OP posts.
Here's a list of the threads they are behind. Notice how they are revived diligently every waking minute.
>What would you do? (wwyd?)
>Pics you're not supposed to share (fake girlfriends)
>Girlfriend/wife/ex (fake)
>Fake incest stories
>Trap threads
>Generic BLACKED threads
>Some regular thread where someone posts a pretend girlfriend right in the middle asking if anons want more
>Cock/Cum tribute threads (images of a person's penis next to a phone image)
You can also spot them by the filenames which are from apple devices. They also resort to name-calling and ad-hominems, like how Israel's Hasbara project calls people Muslim or schitzo.
Seriously it’s insane
I just come here out of habit, its probably been a few years since I properly discussed a game. I hate to say it, but for us boring fucks that have based our life around videogames and Yea Forums we need off topic threads on Yea Forums.
Do we know if we have something like this on Yea Forums?
>Janny " working " at a particular time of the day has a hateboner against a Vidya series deletes them & sometimes even the attempts at remaking the thread since they literally did nothing wrong
>Meanwhile, the billions of cancer threads, from thinly veiled off topic to straight up off topic of many kinds doesn't get deleted
The worst is that it's not even what bothers me the most about this shithole. The whole desacralisation/pseudo self consciousness many people operate in these meta threads is the easiest way to identify the shittiest of users.
we need more sub boards. or alternatively limit thread making privileges on certain ranges. I already cant make threads because uploading images from my isp range is blocked, yet I see shitty porn threads or games for this feel threads. I swear those are made by 1 same autist.
Seriously who the fuck is reporting treads about comfy on topic threads?
I can’t even have an comfy SMT DeSu thread without either 200 posts about persona or getting deleted/ pruned by mods
DeSu2 is literally a Persona game
If the forum forces you to have a nickname and logging in, I'm not using it.
if mods cared as much about deleting 450 post bird webm threads as they cared about deleting twitter screencap threads Yea Forums would be a nicer place
>mods still delete TSR threads with rouge in the OP without a goddamn reason
God fucking damnit i hate this
>twitter screencap threads
Is it just me, or was Yea Forums not obsessed with Twitter until around 2014 or 2015?
at least Yea Forums's mods arent as bad as 2012/2013 /int/'s mods
theyre getting there but they have a long way to go still
>let's ruin one of the last places where you can have anonymous discussions because it's for le shitposting
Fuck off jew
That's a game I'm really interested into and it just gets nuked because the stupid jannies don't feel like baby sitting the threads.
They could just leave the threads be and whoever is agitated by the porn could just hide those posts. That could be a nice solution.
If they're that fucking mad at some drawings, they can just delete the OP picture and the NSFW images within the thread. Other threads do it, there's no need to nuke a perfectly fine thread like that just because a shitposter or a faggot having a stroke.
>2012/2013 /int/'s mods
Never been on that board. What happened?
The majority of the board is getting to the point were they weren't even around for that
Yea Forums is full of shills and Pretendos. I feel the same way.
there was a mod that would nuke an entire thread if ANYONE mentioned israel
not even politically, just mentioning the country would get everyone in the thread banned for off topic political posts
like a thread about international food, if someone brought up jewish food, the thread would get instantly obliterated
I hate meta threads but, fuck has anyone else notice the extreme, real fucking extreme of phoneposters lately? It's gotten to a point where theres about 8 phoneposters per thread. I havent ever seen these many phoneposters before ever.
They're also saying some dumb shit, usually their distinct filename is tagged along with some fucking stupid ass normalfag tier meme or another fucking wojack or pepe. I seriously cannot fucking stand them good god.
Also these fucking image dump threads are getting waaay the fuck outta hand, it's just a bunch of circlejerking waifufags having absolutely no video game discussion, it's so fucking boring.
The only threads that seem to be decent are around early morning or late at night, the night time threads are usually accompanied by child porn sometimes and it gets damn tiresome.
Also i keep seeing the same, fucking exact damn same threads over and over and over again, seriously what the fuck is problem here?
I also fucking hate these stupid ass fucking jannies they do nothing, i cannot belive they sometimes leave threads where child porn is posted up and just delete the porn, its so fucking peanut brain i don't even know how to begin to comprehend and decision like that fucking these jannies seriously.
Instantly don't care. Die.
Phoneposters need to be fucking euthanized. It will improve the quality of the place by 200%
>Implying less people coming/staying is a bad thing
Just wait, a new golden age will dawn upon us once all the tourists and people not committed to this place leave.
Maybe all the spyware ad shit will also go away once this site becomes less profitable.
Have you noticed the worryingly large amount of posts filled with broken english as well user? The entire board is going to shit.
I see. Wouldn't that have been easily exploitable for people wanting to get rid of threads they don't like?
I honestly I can't even argue with linking reddit posts anymore. They've dug up more info on vidya than Yea Forums has in years. While they did the math on drop rates to prove games like Anthem, Battlefront 2, MK11, Fallout 76 etc. are shitty grindfests as well as other shitty practices in the industry, Yea Forums posts a pic of some literal who's twitter opinion to the tune of OH NO NO NO NO or take a rando "leaker's" guess on the smash roster as law.
>endless reposts
>new autist namefag or equivalent every time I come here
>endless shitposts
>literally who twitter screencaps
you used to be cool Yea Forums
Fuck off redditors are the reason those posts existand without them the board can be great again.
>you now remember 2013 Yea Forums mods
Something I've noticed is that people on Yea Forums these days type like they're on YouTube comments or something, with stuff like "ur", "lmao", or "stfu" posted on Yea Forums unironically now.
>implying this site is worth coming to in any format other than while I'm literally in the toilet
>that uncomfortable feeling that even if we could go back to early Yea Forums, today's internet wouldn't be able to handle it
You know what? That actually makes some sense, dunno why I didn't think of that and I was trying to figure out why Yea Forums has turned out like that. Now to figure out why the other half of the board are facebook and wwyd threads
>implying anyone goes to Yea Forums
I don't need ledditor math to know the games you mentioned are shit. Also just because the plebbit post is long with a ton of upvotes it doesn't necesserily mean its correct.
Much of Yea Forums's traffic comes from twitter/youtube children who are bandwagoning on to the funny edgelord website and getting their identities mangled in to misanthropy in the process
moot wanted to remove it years ago.
if Yea Forums was removed by moot back then they would have destroyed this site.
that's 90 percent of the Yea Forums userbase, the other 10 used to be that but are now over 18.
You certainly aren't helping with your wojak blog cancer you fucking human failure SAGE
>"not enough new users are getting in to replace"
Are you fucking nuts? It' s already bad the way it is.
This board has the weirdest mods. They delete on topic threads but let waifu garbage stay up
Now that somebody spams Yea Forums endlessly, we should just leave right?
>website more popular than ever
>it feels empty!!
yup and /vg/ itself is unusable because actual videogame discussion has to compete with dozens of gachashit threads and other generals that just dump ecchi pics to stay alive
Blame excessive moderation on that.
I would gladly drop my phoneposting if mods weren't so prone to ban me for posting slightly off-topic threads. Hell, this even I wouldn't dare posting a TSR thread from my PC because I can't change my ip. There.
But by all fucking means find a way and reduce phoneposting Hiro, I'm all for it too.
before you leave, take these
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
>create image dump boards
>lmao let's just use blue boards anyway lol
Seriously i fucking hate waifufags
so it's the same as ever
Sorry but I can't take Yea Forums seriously when it claims to hate trannies and gay shit but then, at the same time, the board is filled with ERPing and trapshit. You don't deserve any respect. End your life.
>sage is le downvote
business idea: make sage the default option. only way to bump is to manually type out noko. there I fixed the site.
>Yea Forums has no circeljerking
>movie game bad
>japanese game good
That might partially be because of all the non-native speakers here. When /vint/ was a thing 2 years ago, it revealed that half of Yea Forums were Brazilians. I'm not sure what the numbers are today, but I doubt that many of them left.
>People can't visit Yea Forums before they're 18
Yea Forums has too many people to effectively moderate. It's like trying to herd ten thousand cats. We desperately need a seperate board for eceleb cancer,rumors and industry news. Maybe even a separate board for pc and all the consoles because platform war threads are nothing but shitposts.
youre just confirming that Yea Forums consists of multiple separate communities which is what my point was.
I already have it set that way for me.
Maybe stop pushing everyone away with you fucking wojak shit.
I'm busy nigga
Also whenever I have the time to browse I rather go to /ck/, it has the perfect blend of funposting and people who actually know what the fuck they are talking about
Oh and also i forgot to mention the fucking same words being slung back and forth by people like this is a fucking grade school food fight or something "incel", "have sex" "cuck" and "tranny"
i have seen those words soo many damn times, its just, whats wrong with calling someone a retard? Why can't that comeback in style? What happened? Why do i also see people just replying with the same insults back at each other? not another single word is typed back its just "have sex" come on, why cant the just refute what they say so ad hominem arent necessary? They act like literal kids! Its probably because they are, i cannot see some grown men acting like this over the internet it just has to be fucking kids, i refuse to believe that grown men act this way on the fucking internet.
I cannot stand it, only because there are actually some genuinely good threads, that are pretty uncommon but they do exist definitely. Nah, people would rather reply to another twitter screencap or another simple flavored green text post again and again and again. Why can't a thread seem to last if it doesn't have fucking twitter present? It's fucking atrocious and annoying to all fucking hell, worse part is that actual """"discussion"""""
happens in those threads sometimes
(of course though in those threads the only discussion thats happening is talking about whatever another attention whore is up to but whatever)
but why cant a video game board focus its attention on a fucking video game? It makes no damn sense.
underageb& spotted
I like the blend of discussion and shitposting on Yea Forums to be honest. I just wish both were of higher quality, but who doesn't
I hate women and I wish I could fuck them, what is wrong with that?
That's what I believe as well
How else would we get all these fucking Reddit & Twitter screenshots? Who would actively seek this shit out and not be a core user of these shitholes?
Speaking of which, why isn't this shit banned on sight?
Stop shitting up random threads with your gay ass erp shit you fucking faggot.
All the fun and communal threads get deleted by Janitors leaving nothing but division, shilling and shitflinging as they're outsiders trying to sabotage gamers.
It's simple. This board and Yea Forums in general has become infested with SJW mods and jannies. SJWs do this constantly, infiltrating and destroying from within. This leads to increased censorship and no-fun-allowed policies, which in turn drives quality posters away. Did you notice that there are less and less funny new memes? Well, lefties can't into memes and people who were making good memes have left.
It's gotten to the point where I unironically miss early 10's Yea Forums.
Yea Forums - The Vidya will never return
I've started phoneposting because I got banned for posting a RoR thread. I never asked for this, the mods made me a monster.
movie games are fucking shit, and there's plenty of shitting on weebs too
I worry that people that post stuff like this are actually being genuine sometimes
Yea Forums must accept refugees or it will not survive!
zoomers dont know how to sit out bans. if you get banned for a raunchy joke and you knew that you would get banned for it then you shouldnt evade it. inappropriate humor loses all its value if it has zero impact on the audience, in this case the mods.
I know how to fix this fucking hellhole.
Bring back so that when you get banned, you can't lurk.
>Oh and also i forgot to mention the fucking same words being slung back and forth by people like this is a fucking grade school food fight or something "incel", "have sex" "cuck" and "tranny"
I've noticed that there are a lot more shitposts like this that are literally just a single word repeated over and over. I don't understand why this has become popular now.
phoneposters are lazy
It's true, look how much things have improved in 5 years.
>Wojak poster complaining about threads still being up
Jesus christ, I remember when Yea Forums was considered a slow board because everyone was on Yea Forums. It was a better time then this. How about, instead of complaining about Yea Forums discussing video games, YOU make threads about it, whats that you say? Too busy getting (You)'s with shitty wojak posting about how "HURR IS Yea Forums DYING GUIZ WHERES VIDYA THREADS". Fuck off, you and your newfag friends who came here in 2012 single handedly contributed to the death of Yea Forums. Your rampant shitposting has ruined this board until it's a husk that doesnt even discuss video games anymore.
Imagine being so pea-brained that you can't fucking make threads discussing video games, so you need to shit up the catalog once again with shitty wojak threads.
Fuck off and leave, maybe this board will become good again.
Out of curiosity, wasn't it early 2012 when this was changed? I think I remember being banned and not being able to lurk.
I think /vg/ needs to die. Back when it was made, it was to alleviate the flood of Katawa Shoujo and ASSFAGGOTS threads that were flooding the board, which was a real problem if you wanted to discuss or play something else. Nowadays, once a repeating thread gets moved to /vg/, people suddenly stop playing the game in question. (RIP /scp/) People circlejerk about characters, start waifu dumps, and write shitty fanfictions to keep threads alive. And that only lasts for so long, so the general ends up dying anyways. It sucks that you can't have recurring vidya threads here without faggots shouting "GO TO /vg/" anymore.
Why the fuck was this removed again?
I keep trying to talk about Mass Effect but the threads all die before about 20 replies
/vg/ has created such a den of autism I think the mods are scared of what would happen if their holes were flooded, it would probably make /new/'s deletion look like a joke
should I even ask?
they're just sleeping, they've been neutered
don't ask me about the pizza tho
It started with MLP, then trap threads being spammed 24/7, then everyone left
Good. I also noticed I can actually discuss interesting topics on Yea Forums again. I also didn't need to fight off normalfag scumbags in quite a while. Is Yea Forums literally saved?
Not him but given the sheer amount of gachashit & things of the kind found on /vg/, it might honestly be best for these faggots to stay there. I do believe however like the other user said that the " Go to /vg/! " stance is just dumb: Most of what's told to go to /vg/ is never destined to live more than a couple of months or, at worst, have the decency to not take up the whole catalog, and these exceptions can be counted with 1 hand. No one who wants to talk about Doom gets told to go back to /vr/.
I remember telling the general faggots on Yea Forums to fuck off and make a steamgroup for their autism and that their circlejerks dont belong on Yea Forums. now that discord exists /vg/ should just be deleted. it serves no purpose.
Lunch time at the vet?
I'll eat the ban. Things have gotten objectively worse, reddit invaded /pol/ and turned it into a zionist cocksucking party as reddit is, but edgier. Yea Forums lost all the board culture, /jp/ no longer has Elona threads, /d/ lost decent uncensorers and editors, and Yea Forums... Well just take a look, shill central and I only use it to post /ss/ and cunny porn at opportune times to get the most out of them.
I mean, back then we had people joking about not playing videogames while people actually talked about decent culty videogames and genre specific threads that explore more games in that area were all around us, but now, every good videogame gets redirected to /vg/, any good games similar to MGQ back in the day just get ban hammed even if the game itself is good (talking about Degrees of Lewdity)
This is correct
It's early dude, Europeans are just lazy and uncreative people. Once the Americans wake up we will have some nice new threads, don't worry.
Unfortunately true, not that either of those are much better. It just shows how shit this site is these days.
>any good games similar to MGQ back in the day
I remember trying the first one out back when it was hyped up on Yea Forums. I think I only played a bit of it, though.
That's a big fucking fish
Why the fuck do you want to delete /vg/? Yea Forums is already the most popular board and you want even more faggots here?
Sometimes I wonder what this board would be like if dubs were never disabled.
meant for
I don't want to delete /vg/: As I said, given the content most prominent on /vg/, it'd be an absolute disaster, beyond the board just getting cluttered
Why do you still visit Yea Forums?
The election is the root, but not in the why fags would have you think. r/The_Donald is only contained to /pol/. However the rest of the faggots who came in as a result about the election because they feel like Yea Forums "got to powerful" during the election: neogaffers/reseterafags, people from r/anarchism and other subreddits, and discord brigaders, are on nearly every board. Every single one of these groups hates Yea Forums and wants it to die.
Some of these people have even become mods and jannies, which is why you see a spike of no fun being allowed even compared to 2015.
The only boards that are safe from it all are: /mlp/, the various porn boards, the niche hobby boards, and /trash/ because they either get extremely triggered by the content posted on those boards(/mlp/, /trash/, porn boards) or simply don't give a fuck about the boards(the niche hobby boards).
Can't call people faggots for being wrong on other sites.
Yea Forums is a website that would actually benefit from a lower userbase
fuck off
i have nowhere else to go
i grew up here
Newfag here, I started 6 years ago and never really got bored of it. I did notice the big declines in post quality after Gamergate, the Fappening, moot leaving, and the 2016 US election, but despite all that bullshit, I've never built up the patience to just leave. I also don't know where else to go. I don't like Reddit, I don't use social media, and I hate public Discord servers.
>2020 burger elections imminent
>new unthinkable bullshit that will make this site even worse
it's hindsight. it should had never been made. i know deleting it now would be detrimental to the whole site but so is its existence as well. its a rancid tumor.
The banner was right
I'm here forever
Because it's only 90% you niggers, compared to 100% everywhere else.
I can post freely without my posts being rated or having a history behind them. Everything I write is judged on its own merits, which is disappointingly rare these days.
I am almost certain people are actively trying to worsen the quality of the site by derailing threads here.
I'm not sure why, my guess is that someone is brigading the site, or trying to weeken influence in the run up to the US elections. But could just be underage phone posters too
>furfags are left alone with their furry threads on Yea Forums
>when they have /trash/ and Yea Forums
Can't get into the flow of things on other sites. And really I know know about reddit as a forum of discussion which I find worse than here.
Everywhere else i've tried to go, discussion either felt overmoderated, or disingenous in one way or another: Just a Like or Karma system fucks with people's head so much. It's not like (You)s are that much better, but their intent is essential. I also think Yea Forums's just nice to browse: An image & enough text shown to know the subject, everything's exposed nicely & there's enough room to find something you want to dig into, at least sometimes. Anonimity is also nice for more genuine discussion, though it is a double edged sword in some ways, but the pros outweigh the cons for me.
How have your board preferences changed over the years? For me
This, 100%. Majority of people on the popular boards are people from other websites who see Yea Forums as their own personal dumpster. The people who actually like the site are in the minority.
I stopped posting on here as much ages ago, browsing Yea Forums instead. It really is apparent what the average age on this board is.
because its anonymous and i can talk about my weird hobbies without being ostracized
Why was 2016 so much worse than 2012 for Yea Forums? I remember Ron Paul memes being a thing on /pol/, but not nearly on the same level as Trump shitposting.
Yea Forums is literally the most active board on Yea Forums
How do I stop shitposting and start playing? I`m not even sure if I want to upgrade this summer, my backlog is enough for a 1000 hours maybe.