Refined gameplay and level design BAD

Refined gameplay and level design BAD

Stupid gimmicks and fanfiction lore GOOD

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Other urls found in this thread:

>From says multiple times Sekiro will be very different than Soulsborne
>Cry that it isn't


more like
>playing to your weaknesses rather than your strengths and having nothing special about your game as a result BAD
>offering a unique experience even if it alienates some audiences GOOD

>Now I could forgive all of that if OP wasn't a nigger.

Woah Matt. Where did that come from?

If only there were something truly "unique" about these glorified walking simulators.

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>Majora's Mask is his favorite Zelda
>Demon's Souls is his favorite Souls
He is a typical Yea Forums poster who actually had the guts to start his own youtube channel to be contrarian on youtube. Trying to sound smart on an anonymous forum just wasn't enough for him

>If all the filthy niggers in the game were lynched and hung by their white superiors, not only would it improve the story but the mechanics could be more interesting.
Jesus Matt

How are shitty gimmick bosses playing to From's "strengths"? If anything Sekiro is one of their most refined and confident games.

when did he talk about sekiro I wanna read this

But he liked Dark Souls better than Demon's Souls.

I would actually agree with this.

Ok games are more worthless than bad games.

>recognizes Joseph Anderson as a by the numbers autist incapable of analysing artistic intent
>hates Matthew because he values artistic intent and the game as an experience and scary opinions

its one or the other Yea Forums
either you fess up that you're mad at his opinions or we all pretend god of war 2018 is a masterpiece because its good at everything and great at nothing

It's almost as if Yea Forums is more than one person or something


literally just watch matthew's video on the subject

>these games have simple combat that doesn't lend itself well to twitch reflex fights
>they can have them, but it should be a minority, because the emphasis of souls games is on the experience rather than the mechanics
>souls bosses should try to be interesting first and challenging second

that's about what he says

Isn't this that fag that thinks Bayonetta has the best combat system ever made?

Let me guess, you think DMC 3 is good

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Sekirobabs don't understand nuanced opinions. If you don't think Sekiro is the greatest game ever, it must be because you're wrong and bad at it.

>artistic intent
Holy buzzwords Batman.
What Matt does is project his own interpretation onto the game and then fellate the creator even if it's not based on reality.

It has one of the best, together with DMC3 and Godhand.

Yea Forums only likes these channels as long as the channel parrots what they believe. Watch when Gamingbrit finally slips and "/ourguy/" ends up in the trashbin with Anderson.

Retard. It would make no sense for Wolf to kill friendly NPCs. You're playing an actual character with specific motivations in Sekiro.

Sorry I didn't grow up on this shit, user.

>From: This is not a Souls game

Are you retarded? You can only assume intent, it's not a matter of reality. That's because you can't take a look inside the developers' heads. Hell, even if you could, they might not even know their own intent when making the game.

I read it in his voice

>What Matt does is project his own interpretation onto the game and then fellate the creator even if it's not based on reality.

This is exactly what acadamic scholars does to literary work of fiction. It's a work of art, its supposed to be viewed through different lenses. Shakespeare didn't write with the intent to redefine theater and fiction forever, he wrote for a paycheck


I think the point is you're prevented from killing them because a video game barrier exists between you and them that has no foundation in the game, it's just refusing to let you do it and not coming up with an in-universe reason why you can't.

Ah so he is a shitter that cant handle different gameplay. Of course nu/v/ likes this guy

Matty has strong opinions but he always shows they're based on his own experiences and preferences, and backs them up with the reasons. I don't agree with a lot of shit he says but I can at least see where he's coming from the vast majority of the time. That's pretty much all I ask for, and it's why I prefer him to say, superbunnyhop.

He literally S ranked DMC1 on DMD just to make a video about it. I don't think he has any issue with the difficulty of these games.

>From: This is not a Souls game
>Game: is pretty much the same as Dark Souls 2 & 3

I have watched his videos.

>>these games have simple combat that doesn't lend itself well to twitch reflex fights
And guess what? The gimmicks are even simpler. They make 3D Zelda's gimmicks look masterful. The amount of freedom you have to solve a puzzle boss is inherently limited because the developer wants you to beat the boss in a very specific way, whereas conventional bosses give you a lot more options because they utilize the core combat mechanics. Having content that matches the mechanics is game design 101.
>>they can have them, but it should be a minority, because the emphasis of souls games is on the experience rather than the mechanics
You experience the game through the mechanics. I think what you and Matt are actually advocating is a heavier emphasis on story. Bosses like Maiden Astraea and Micolash would be completely unremarkable without their dialogue, if anything most people would consider them terrible.
>>souls bosses should try to be interesting first and challenging second
That's a false dichotomy if I've ever seen one. "Interesting" is incredibly vague. I would argue that Genichiro is far more interesting than, say, Dragon God.

Everything this pleb likes about Demon's Souls was done better in King's Field.

What Souls game is a "twitch reflex" fight? holy fuck lmao

>not coming up with an in-universe reason why you can't.
I think the reason is that Wolf wouldn't fucking stab Kuro for no reason.
>video game barrier exists between you and them that has no foundation in the game
He just sheathes his sword and walks slower. Would you rather the game let you attack them and the sword just passes through them? Or maybe they have a stagger animation while losing no health and saying nothing?

It literally doesn't matter. He can make the argument that Sekiro would've benefited from being more like Demon's Souls no matter the series it belongs or doesn't belong to.

>Game has completely different combat, general mechanics, and narrative presentation than Souls
>B-but it has some surface level similarities so it's the same game!

"Wario Land is just Super Mario because they're platformers."


This is honestly one of the stupidest comments I've read in a while. Goddamn.

you're wrong
>From: This is not a Souls game
>This faggot: actually it pretty much is


He is right in that Souls combat is mechanically simple and Dark Souls 3 and to a lesser extent Bloodborne are worse off for trying to over emphasize these elements, but he is also wrong in the sense that Souls doesn't really have the proper mechanics for good puzzle bosses and shouldn't strive for those either. The ideal boss is one that, like encounters, emphasize the strategic elements of the combat.

You can't assume intent but you can examine their actions and words. e.g. Kamiya, it's so easy to look at DMC1 and say that surely he was responsible for the game's atmosphere/tone and more "subdued" protagonist, but none of his later games have those traits at all.

I don't recall the part where I defended academic scholars.

Taking control away from the player so that they can't do what you don't want them to is generally seen as a bad thing, yes. It's not the worst solution in the world, but a better solution is not putting the player in a position to go against what you want in the first place. It's like being a shitty tabletop DM who tells his players that they're not allowed to kill certain NPCs, rather than making it such that important NPCs are protected in-universe. Sure, most people will just go along with it, but it's lazy.

You're mentally ill.

I'm not joking. Get checked. Being unable to see past labels is a sign of autism.

Why would you want to make a game that feels so smooth as Sekiro a slopfest like any other Souls game? Do people really like feeling that floaty?

I think that's completely fair. If you're using these kinds of reviews to find games you're interested in, then it obviously really helps if you agree with the reviewer. So if you really love Sekiro and Matt doesn't, his usefulness as a reviewer to you is diminished.

That being said, Sekirofags being dismissive or completely missing the point of his arguments is divorced from that and they come off as gibbering chimps because of it. Every single thing is reduced to some pointless strawman argument of pretending what he says is "gimmicks == gud" and "game too hard."

nice counter-argument soicuck
how much irish cock do you fit in ur ass each day?

>because a video game barrier exists
Because there are no restrictions on prior Souls games, of course. Lorefags are the fucking worst

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yeah, you're that retard again.

>Making a 12 minute video smashing some shitty tumblr bar tending game all for a joke about it being watered down
Yeah I'm thinking he's based

More like
>MM is a huge faggot who kills time talking about vague abstract shit he makes up on the spot
>JA is the one who actually makes arguments and tries to back them up, which sends Yea Forums in a seething rage because it's not SOUL enough or some other retardation

t. joseph

Why do you think that everyone who doesn't agree with him "misses the point"? Have you ever considered that maybe he was the one that missed the point?

>Because there are no restrictions on prior Souls games
I mean, name one. Anastasia is locked behind bars, there's probably some NPCs you can't physically reach, but I can't remember a single character that's just standing there in the open but you just aren't allowed to hit.

>but a better solution is not putting the player in a position to go against what you want in the first place
That's not a solution. Tell me exactly how you would fix this 'problem' in Sekiro. You don't fucking know.

It's happening

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Joseph Andersons has like 2 arguments in every 3 hour video which are all based on shit he didn't even understand.


"Interesting" is the best criterion precisely because it is so vague. It allows for a lot of creative freedom. I suggest you watch this video by crowbcat in which he juxtaposes Bungie with 343 Studios: Notice how the Bungie employees merely say their game should be good while the 343 employees think it should be "like a typical Halo"? One has a much more specific criterion than the other, but their game is off worse for it.

Besides, interesting and challenging as that user talked about it isn't a dichotomy. Rather, they're priorities. That user wants developers to make sure a fight is based on an interesting concept first, while you may want it to be challenging above all. That does neither mean that the two elements are mutually exclusive, nor that one can't support the other.

Dont respond to discord trannys mate.

Matosis has always been a fucking joke. The only reason he has any notability is because he was one of the first to start the "game analysis" trend. It's like a priest wooing peasants by speaking latin, only now latin is widely available to anyone to learn and the priest's shitty attempts at speaking it fall short.


It wasn't a counter-argument, friend - it was a statement. But eh, I'll bite. If you think that invisible barriers around npcs is the best system to reinforce Wolf's character then you are hella dumb, my dude. Or maybe just lacking in imagination.


>it's real
holy shit


>And guess what? The gimmicks are even simpler. They make 3D Zelda's gimmicks look masterful. The amount of freedom you have to solve a puzzle boss is inherently limited because the developer wants you to beat the boss in a very specific way, whereas conventional bosses give you a lot more options because they utilize the core combat mechanics. Having content that matches the mechanics is game design 101.
Except straight forward boss battles aren't what match the game design, Souls encounters are a lot more about strategic elements than anything else. To give examples, something like Gundyr is a straight forward fight, whereas Deacons of the Deep is more a strategic focused non-standard "gimmick" battle, then there is Ancient Wyvern which is a puzzle boss that has only one solution Of those 3 Deacons match more closely to what regular encounters are like.

This is a terrible ideologue that you think game's should follow. There already is in universe reasoning for why Sekiro as person won't kill NPCs, because he as a person makes the judgment between friend and potential foes when he sheathes his weapons approaching certain locations, but want to ignore that because at one point From Software made a game where you could kill every single NPC and fuck your game up and you want them to keep doing that

All he says is that his thoughts on it are the same as what he said in his Lost Soul Arts video which is perfectly reasonable and understandable if you've at least watched that video.
>refined level design
In your dreams

>Why is that good?

>matthew puts out like 9 videos last year
>including 5 zachtronics 20 minute videos
>"last year was a good year for me in terms of videos"
fucking lol

>Discord advertisement at the top
>spells his name incorrectly in the first sentence
Fuck off, Chris

Joseph Anderson is a fucking weirdo. He can make a good point about Silent Hill 2 being far fetched and also miss basic symbolism like Pyramid Head in the same sentence.

>From says
Great, but then maybe they should actually do something about it as well. The core of the gameplay is literally souls-tier.
The basic katana moveset is a clunky as hell souls-tier.
From can say "b-but it's nothing like Souls at all" but then they actually have to design a game that has no souls elements at all instead of enormous inspiration and design taken straight from souls.

ODST is the most "interesting" Halo game but no one fucking remembers it and it got shit on when it came out. 343 Halo games aren't bad because they try to be like the typical Halo game; they're bad because they completely miss the mark when trying to achieve that goal.

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Is chris Icycalm?

Matt is pretty basic bitch when it comes to these reviews and stuff but I fucking love how much he booty blasts the discord trannys!

>That's not a solution
Yes it is. That's a basic part of video games. It's the reason "win in the game, lose in the cutscene" is frustrating. Because it's giving the player the tools necessary to win but telling them their use of those tools is pointless whenever the game chooses.

>Tell me exactly how you would fix this 'problem' in Sekiro. You don't fucking know.
I mean no, I don't, because I haven't played it. But if I wanted to make a game where you're not allowed to kill any NPCs, I probably just wouldn't have NPCs within slashing range to begin with, rather than slapping the player's controller out of their hand whenever they get near one.

>Reviews Zachtronics 5 videos in a row in depth

>DeS - 9/10
>DaS1 - 10/10
>DaS2 - 4/10
>DaS3 - 4.5/10
>BB - 6/10
>Sekiro - 5.5/10
Do you agree with Matthew's rankings?

That's wrong though.
Every point MM makes is backed up by argumentation and reasonings and examples from the game he talks about or explanations on his own feelings on design and what makes it good or bad.
JA may have a couple of points but at times he's literally too much of a brainlet to understand.

You don't understand. The town was making him stupid.
Joseph is actually an author so he understands this sort of thing.

>SH 2 is so effective that it literally changed Josephs psyche

I don't think he's ever argued for puzzle bosses. Usually what he comments on as a good boss is something where there's a quirk to the fight or the arena that you can take advantage of. Something like Tower Knight, Armored Spider, or even the Taurus Demon. He's looking for the kind of approach you take with a fight like Old Hero, where if you realize that he's blind and put together that you can muffle your footsteps, you can make the boss into something that isn't a dodge-and-punish affair.


You have to separate what defines Souls as a series and what is simply developer engine quirks and design philosophy because it is possible.

>I haven't played it.
that's fine since matt has played it and you can just use his opinion which i presume is what you're already doing.

>There already is in universe reasoning for why Sekiro as person won't kill NPCs,
Yes, but the player is not Sekiro. If the player wants to kill a character but Sekiro doesn't, then not allowing them to do so is sacrificing player agency for narrative. Which is a valid way of designing games, but at that point, why isn't it just a cutscene? Why create a narrative moment which still masquerades as gameplay if the player's actions have no influence?


The fuck is Owen?

Matthew is nice to listen to but his tastes are kinda shit and contrarian as fuck desu.


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how the hell are Souls games "glorified walking simulators," please answer honestly I would like to hear your reasoning on this

>That's a false dichotomy if I've ever seen one. "Interesting" is incredibly vague.
It's not a dichotomy, it's a priority. Interesting would be vague, except when you give lots of supporting statements clarifying exactly what is meant by interesting, which Matt's done plenty of.
>I would argue that Genichiro is far more interesting than, say, Dragon God.
But what is your actual argument? What makes Genichiro an interesting fight?

>whenever he's asked about other critics, matt always deflects with "I don't watch other youtubers"

>but whenever mecha or tgb pops up in his stream chat he's all "aw yeah ya boy is here"

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Yes, they missed the mark because 343 was too concerned with making it like Halo rather than making it a good game first and foremost. Thanks for repeating what I said.

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I'm making a comparison. Art is about interpretation. In an ideal world no one gives two shits about arbitrary scores and we examine games on a deeper level. Matthew recognizes that the Zelda team went back to the original philosophy for BOTW which was freedom and exploration. He then examines the game accordingly through that lens which is what you're supposed to do. Not go on 20 minute rants about how flurry rush doesn't work perfectly in a game about exploration

> you know I'm a writer
fuck off maddox

Oh, so you can't read and that's what you got out of what I said? Whatever.

that's because mecha is one of the best content creators currently doing stuff on youtube

but I can't explain tgb because he's shit

What you said was merely supplementary to my original argument, it didn't refute it in any way.

pretty sure it's a britbong thing

Tell me about mecha, never heard of this guy

As retarted as this is, I don't think you can expect much more from putting somebody on the spot during a livestream like that. Especially if you can't speak correctly like JA

Old game GOOD

New game BAD


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Source on this being his rankings?
Also no, for me:
DeS - 9/10
DaS1 - 9.5/10
DaS2 - 6/10
Das3 - 8/10
BB - 9.5/10

>I have to religiously listen to ecelebs because I have no opinions of my own

That's the most stupid thing I've ever read in regards to from if you honestly think the similarities are simply developer engine quirks.



DeS 6/10
Das1 6.5/10
DaS2 4.5/10
BB 5/10
DaS3 5.5/10

haven't played Sekiro

> praises DMC5
> praises KH3
> says remakes shouldn't just replace the original
watch his videos first user

I saw one of this guys videos and he's fucking terrible. Not to mention his fans are literal cucks, going
>Durr I wish I could love a game like he does xDD

What do you mean?

>DeS - 8.5/10
>DaS1 - 9/10
>DaS2 - 3/10
>DaS3 - 5/10
>BB - 7/10
>Sekiro - ?/10

>Silent Hills video
>Literally says Kojima and Del Toro could've been placing their love for Silent Hill on the movies or games after 4

I agree with the main idea, but that video was fucking terrible and his response to the backlash only cemented how far he has his head up his ass.

I always thought Sekiro was bland, but I guess it's only okay to have that opinion when based e celeb says it.

Seriously though, technical refinement does not make a better game.

DaS1 plays like dogshit, had dogshit enemies, has dogshit bosses, its share of dogshit levels, has dogshit music, and shit like poise is broken.
Some "objective game analysis" he is.

mechagamezilla, an irish comedy channel that made some really good game videos. he's currently making The Infinite Review, which covers not only games, but anything. it's really good and perfect if you like original comedy writing instead of shouting and memes.

why the fuck do you make up shit about e-celebs, it's creepy

> DaS1 10/10
> the 2nd half is total garbage

Forgot Sekiro: 8.5/10

>Praises two new entries in franchises he always liked


>baiting with dmc3

He never ranked anything.

Here's my 2 cents.
>DeS - 9/10
>DaS1 - 9/10
>DaS2 - 6/10
>BB - 9.5/10
>DaS3 - 7/10

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2nd half isn't total garbage though. Only really Izalith is downright bad, but at least Solaire and Onionfriend is cool there.

>Shits on reviewers that only focus on story over gameplay
>Praises Travis Strikes Again for it's story despite the shit gameplay

>implying DMC3 isn't good

He's always out here crusading for the idea that NG+ content and extra modes and shit are important and that we shouldn't accept them disappearing, which is nice.

But then he reviewed DMC5 and called it literally perfect for an hour while neglecting to mention the fact that 3/5 playable characters from 4SE are missing, including fan favorite Vergil, or the fact that Bloody Palace was just missing from the game until a month after release. Also things like turbo mode, boss rush, etc. that would've taken no time at all to put in.

>> the 2nd half is total garbage
Easiest way to spot secondaries.

Why is Yea Forums constantly so assmad over MatthewMatosis? Honestly, did he tickle your favorite game a bit?

The best reviewer

If you want to roleplay, play an RPG. Expecting every single game out there to cater to the whims of the player is stupid. You don't get to choose shit in most games, you're there along for the ride, and you're not supposed to self insert as the MC like a retard; Sekiro is one of those games.
>sacrificing player agency for narrative.
There's literally nothing wrong with that. Play another genre.
>Which is a valid way of designing games, but at that point, why isn't it just a cutscene?
You're seriously asking for games to havr unnecessary cutscenes that actively take control away from you only because you're a fuckwit that wants to kill NPCs?

>Starts video off saying HD remasters are better than remakes because they preserve the original vision
>Then flat out admits that the Crash remake trilogy isn't that different from the originals
>But still complains about the Crash remakes "replacing" the originals because he can't get over the shitty Rachet remake

DMC5 has more content than any other DMC what the fuck are you talking about

He criticised sonygafs favourite game of all times GoW and praised BoTW, this can't stand!

Jealous of his gf.

Who is the patreon backed pseud and why should I care?

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dude stop arguing with him, he said he hasn't even played the game

There's literally irrefutably less content than the most recent release in the series. Yeah sure, that's a special edition, but we couldn't have even had Vergil playable in BP or something? A character literally everyone wants and who has been playable twice now, and he's just absent. As if Itsuno would want to leave him out if he had a choice between including him or not.

Don't forget
>There's no reason to play the nsane trilogy because it's 30fps and the originals were 30
>Because the original games had great graphics for their time that invalidates nsane trilogy having great graphics
>Completely glosses over all the quality of life features the nsane trilogy games have


He's an young irish man that got famous on Yea Forums when he made a video about how much he hates niggers. It's somehow still up.

You're a fucking retard

Vergil has never been in a vanilla version of the game and comparing an SE version to a vanilla version is stupid.
The others are nitpicks, BP was put in and turbo mode is not necessary although its welcome. Turbo mode has coincidentally also never been in a console version which is why it isn't in 5. Consoles cant handle it


I wouldn't really call Sekiro refined. It's more refined than souls, but comes up short compared to other action games. From traded in their strengths to bring their weaknesses up to "acceptable."
Not that I want more Souls though. Bring back Armored Core!

Cutscenes can be skipped on replays, or by people who don't want to watch them. Meanwhile being forcibly slowed to a walk and having your sword put away for you has no upside beside maybe a slight benefit to immersion.

This is the most based thing Ive seen since Mechas vinesauce podcast

It's amazing how many big names all love Mecha but his videos still struggle to break 10k views

>Complains about loading screens in Nsane
>The originals also have loading screens
Legit didn't understand what the fuck he was on about

>"The biggest strength of Sekiro is that there is not a single nigger to be found in the entire game."
What did matt mean by this?

He doesn't want to be involved in the drama. Just look at Hbomberguy. Is that spiteful goblin really a person you want to associate yourself with?

>comparing an SE version to a vanilla version is stupid
Yeah, because wanting more content in your games is a crime. I have to pay at least 120 dollars if I wanna play Vergil. That's just how much it costs to develop literally one character. who everyone wants regardless, including Itsuno.

>BP was put in and turbo mode is not necessary
BP not being in from the beginning was dumb and served no purpose. Having no turbo mode is also dumb and serves no purpose. You have to realize that something being minor just gives it MORE reason to be in the game, because it's so paltry to implement that not having it just feels like a waste. You're telling me one single day of development time couldn't have been spent tossing turbo mode into the game for the people who like it.

Point is, if you introduce something in a previous game and fans like it, then excluding it needs to be for a good reason, not just "eh yknow whatever."

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how? it's not even the same game mechanically. you can jump and swim for god's sake

I remember on twitter when he was crying about people buying Kiwami 2 instead of the original game and got asshurt when people pointed out to him that most people don't own ps2s or have functioning ps2s anymore on top of the fact that the HD remaster wasn't released outside japan

and that buying a ps2 and copy of yakuza 2 off ebay would cost way more than getting kiwami 2

He has a very small but dedicated fanbase. He makes more on patreon than Matt despite getting 1/20th the views

Critpoints is an autist who considers anyone that can't breakdown a game's mechanics frame by frame as a fraud

how can you be so assblasted about BP being delayed a month? Would you rather the entire game be delayed a month?
Also as I said, turbo mode isn't around because its never around for the first editions. I think Itsuno and his team know way more about what is easy to implement than you and me. And besides you can just use a trainer to get turbo mode if you use PC and the problem is solved.

He's also wrong every sentence, this is just a guy who wants to ride the name off someone bigger

The main problem with that video is that he was saying people were getting their hopes up about Silent Hills without having seen the actually game (he isn't wrong), but the rest of the video is him going on about how Silent Hills would turn out terribly (making a lot of dumb points) despite the fact he doesn't know anymore of how the game would turn out compared to the fags he's criticizing.

is it icycalm rebranding himself? dude is a joke, said games are for immersion and enjoying gameplay is for autists and lists mario world as one of his favorite games, because as we all know super mario world is an atmospheric immersive experience.

Matt is absolute kino and spot on about everything he says.

I'm glad the patreon has done well, and I'm glad he is still making videos. It's a shame the kind of videos he makes is destined to be underappreciated, but those who do give them a good chance are rewarded with some of the best stuff going
He literally is too good for youtube, he should be writing for a tv show or something

>it's really good and perfect if you like original comedy writing instead of shouting and memes.
What if I like both?
What if I enjoy everything from dry informative talks about mechanics/story from Matt to Sseth meme filled reviews?

Completely different guy. Critpoints is actually the inverse of who you're talking about. He believes that gameplay should be the first thing games prioritize with story being dead last. If the guy actually made videos Yea Forums would be sucking his dick because a lot of what he says aligns with this shithole.

He also said all arcade games are always better quality than non-arcade games, and that DMC 3 is the only hard game that isn't an arcade game. He's a fucking idiot

bootlicking patreon shill

Nope. Just speaking absolute facts. Stay mad.

shill thread.

Then I guess you just gotta try it out yourself

Demon Core is good but I love the E3 one
Fingers crossed we get another one of these this year

>You're telling me one single day of development time couldn't have been spent tossing turbo mode into the game for the people who like it.
Dude just double all the coding by 2 lmao

I am a kirby fag, but this is pretty much the state of modern Kirby games.
I don't mind the fanfiction lore, but they should really get out of their comfort zone for the gameplay again

He lost all credibility when he said Sekiro is a bad souls game

He lost credibility when he started praising gimmicks.

He lost all credibility when he made that shitty video on Dark Souls 2. How do you fuck up dunking on a garbage game?

but he said he liked the game

honestly with the infinite review it's best to just watch them in order to get the most out of the callbacks and subtle "storyline" threads

I get where he's coming from. DS 1-3 being a rollfest really makes you miss the gimmicks all the bosses have in DeS because you have another option to make the boss fight more, dare I say, fun. This is why Sekiro is the step in the right direction. From has stated they no longer want to be shackled by the souls blueprint.

>He lost all credibility when he made that shitty video on Dark Souls 2.
Go to sleep Harris.

Matthew himself admitted that video was shit.

Fucking source

Anyone who genuinely believes Demons Souls is better than any of the other soulsborne games besides Dark Souls 2 is either a nostalgia-fag, hipster or an unusually devoted PS3 sony fag still living in 2009.

Matthewmatosis himself is also undoubtedly autistic.

Dark Souls 2 is, and will always be shit.

Storm King, Dragon God, Old Hero, and Adjudicator are the only bosses in DeS I can remember not being "roll fests" (and two of these bosses aren't even good). The rest were more of the same you'd expect from the franchise except they had some dumb gimmick like dirty colossus or tower knight.

Sekiro is a perfect blend of "here's a fight" with puzzle elements rolled in as actual gameplay elements instead of 'duh, pull the lever'.

Could you imagine if he actually said it?
Now THAT would be an epic gaming moment.

>How do you fuck up dunking on a garbage game?
Good thing I never said it wasn't shit.

None of those bosses are good except for Adjudicator.

That's the point he's making. After Dark Souls, the game still is a rollfest and the bosses gets more linear than ever. Just look at Dark Souls 2.

>I’d order my priorities for games in this order: (discussed in more detail in my standard of quality)
Challenge (for single player games, multi has challenge automatically)
Clear Feedback
Game Feel/Kinaesthetics
User Experience
Quality of Graphics/Sound/Animation/Story

What the fuck did he mean by this?

BB and Sekiro have both shifted away from that.

>Cry that it isn't
From Software took a Milkshake, removed the straw and put in a spoon. The way you eat it changed. What you're eating didn't.

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What does this even mean? Rolling is the best and most consistent way to avoid damage compared to your other options: blocking and parrying. So no shit you're going to be rolling a lot. Same with how you need to use your weapon in 99% of cases to kill enemies. And what do you mean by linear bosses?

Because souls combat isn’t close to anything complex or interesting by itself so stuff like switch or maiden astera made up the difference.

Enjoy your archaic input buffer in a game that that’s all about deflecting at the right time though. Real advancement from rolling at the right time.

I listened to that while making dinner and it was very comfy

Sekiro? Blood borne?

You're fucking pathetic mate.


So is MM. It's a match made in heaven they're so completely autistic.

>From traded in their strengths to bring their weaknesses up to "acceptable."
This desune
From aren't really evolving, just puttin a different spin on something we already know and they've been doing it since Demon's Souls

Yeah man, those like 70f attacks are truly reflex based. Maybe Matt should check the wiring to his brain.

Should I just binge this nigga's videos? Never watched him before.

Too bad DMC3 is just a shitty backtracking item collection game otherwise it'd be good.

Other action games have worse bosses and worlds compared to Souls. Your average Bayo or DMC boss is dogshit compared to later Souls bosses

>Since Demons Souls
>What is Armored Core

It's better than Dark Souls 2, 3 and Sekiro.
Better level-design, better bosses, better and more interesting world-building, more interesting characters

I haven't played sekiro, have they fixed the input lag that rolling has because it's mapped to the same button as a other functions? If they haven't even fixed that then it's pretty unacceptable if they're going down the pure action game route.

>From says it's not a souls game
>it's pretty much a souls game but with a jump button and posture deflect instead of Stamina

>Better level-design, better bosses
LOL compared to DS2 it is

>better and more interesting world-building, more interesting characters

Armored Core feels nothing like souls

You are retarded

Fuck I want to fuck an Armored Core hnnnnggg oh baby please help me fuck and SUCK an Armored Core

since kf you mean?
>Souls is just putting a spin on Armored Core
Looks and feel nothing like playing a Souls game to me bucko. What's your argument?

Ok you are beyond retarded

now that the dust has settled

>god tier: DaS1 = BB > DeS

>contractual obligation tier: DaS2 > DaS3

Anyone who says sekiro is a souls game is fucking retard.
>no stat leveling
>no stamina management
>no weapon variety
>no pvp/co-op

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>better bosses
Puzzle bosses are only good once, when you figure them out they're worthless for a game with a lot of replay value like Souls

You can make this argument for basically any game series.

I'm talking about the gameplay
Demon's Souls might be a successor to KF, but gameplay feels nothing like it, KF is first person.
Demon's Souls happened and then Dark Souls 1 was pretty much Demon's Souls but tighter, Dark Souls 2 was just Demon's Souls but worse, Bloodborne was just Demon's Souls but faster and more aggressive, Dark Souls 3 was just trying to be Bloodborne in a Dark Souls setting, Sekiro is just Demon's Souls with posture instead of stamina.

So, which one are you butthurt about, DS2 or Bioshock?

>Demon's Souls happened and then Dark Souls 1 was pretty much Demon's Souls but tighter
totally untrue. played worse, objectively.

>no argument
Based, i'm waiting for you to fuck me fella, but you're still standing around and fidgeting.

Well, uh, when you fail the game tells you by covering your entire screen and you press r1 to attack

You literally haven't heard of From until Souls

Butthurt Sekirobabs is the new thing because he said he wasn’t gonna do a video on it. Remember when harpies were screeching at AVGN for not wanting anything to do with that Ghostbusters remake? Same thing.

This looks cool. What're the best AC games?

Sekiro is a souls game
The basic katana moveset is exactly like how a souls weapon plays and feels like, slow and clunky as hell
Level-design souls-tier
boss fights designed in the same way relying on the same:
>omg congrats you killed the boss
>lol but here's the second phase aren't you surprised?
gimmick that they've been overusing lately
Obligatory shit gimmick fight longing to be Demon's Souls but failing every time so we get shit like Bed of Chaos and Monkey's
Maiden-In-Black-tier NPC
Fire Maiden NPC

No one cares that he isn't doing a video. It's because based on his tweets a lot of his complaints with the game seem to amount to "It's not Demon Souls!"

There is only two real puzzle bosses in the game, Storm Ruler and Dragon God, three if you want to count Old Hero. You stretch the word puzzle and gimmick to mean anything that isn't a fight fought in a square room against a lone swordsman.

But I played Armored Core before.
Still waiting. Souls is literally nothing like Armored Core.

Project Phantasma, Master of Arena, 3 and Silent Line, Last Raven. Haven't played Last Raven or Nexus but that's what I hear
You only heard about From from souls, fuck off shitter

so you're making up things to get mad about based on a tweet

>It's because based on his tweets a lot of his complaints with the game seem to amount to "It's not Demon Souls!"
You didn't even watch the Lost Souls Art of Demon's Souls video if this is take on it.

Not an argument retard

This. Also Super Castlevania and SotN are the same.

Based retard thinks Souls is the same as Armored Core
Maybe actually play Armored Core first fucking Soulstard.

>DMC is just resident evil because they share surface level similarities
>Wario Land is Mario because they share surface level similarities
>Dragon's Dogma is just Monster Hunter because they share surface level similarities
>Completely ignore all the other aspects of the game that makes it different from Souls

Not what I said at all, but given you're literally brain damaged I don't blame you

It's like you really don't know how easy it is to make something like that, despite the fact that modders managed to do it within days of release

Based retard. Refer to the other two replies.

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That video literally amounted to "DeS tried interesting things (that were shit but we don't mention that) but the newer Souls games don't in favor of making previous elements better (that are good and far better than the gimmicky shit I want)

That's literally what you've been saying all the time.
I've been saying Demon's Souls is nothing like Armored Core and you've been Ree'ing "OMFG SOULSHITTER NOOO" since.

You said From have only started to release the same game but refine it with Souls, I said you haven't heard of Armored Core because you haven't, then you went insane

>surface level similarities
This is your brain on Sekiro superiority syndrome

Not him, but I did.
It was pure boomer nostalgia bootlicking about novelty over working games. Why do people latch on to this guy?

Based Retard. People made Turbo on PC a week after release.

Wrong, I said they started putting a different spin on it with every subsequent game after Demon's Souls. Not refine it.
Stay delusional assmad-chan.

Based retard, allowed to post online all by himself

>no argument but retard and "no you didn't hear about Armored Core NOOOO"

>Donkey Kong is just Mario bro
>The Last of Us is just Uncharted bro
>Devil Survivor is just Persona bro

>Demon's Souls was like so unique duuude
>King's Field? What's that? Oh sorry I don't play shitty old games lol
Matthewphimosis is a hack

Absolutely based retard, does your handler know where you are?


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When did he ever talk about Kings Field?

>tfw people say Sekiro is nothing like Souls and only has surface-level similarities
>but also say Souls is exactly like King's Field

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Are you retarded? Can you not read? That sentence he wrote didn't say "Souls is exactly like KF"

>no argument but retard again
*double dabs* Where's your handler mate? You need some help finding your handler little friend? You got lost? It's okay, I'll take you to the front desk.


Because he knows those guys personally I believe and talked to them before

I read through both and I agree with him. MM is good at making obvious and general observations and talking about them. When it comes to talking about game design and the more technical side of things he really shows he can't "critique" games that well.

>no argument
You've literally not presented any argument at all.

Uhhh but they removed rpg features clearly it's like a totally unique game completely removed from anything souls is.

Bloodborne also isn't a souls game, stop saying "Soulsborne" RIGHT NOW THEY'RE NOTHING ALIKE LITERALLY

Crazy, that different people hold different beliefs. I know, truly your mind must be fucked by that.


he actually complained that it's too similar you retarded from faggot

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This but unironically

>The dude seriously describes for like, a minute or two, the concept of level streaming, and how RAM is the active memory used for the game process, and therefore faster to pass through the CPU onto the screen than the information on disc. Only he calls it Prefetching, which is a different thing, though similar. This isn’t a new technique. This isn’t important information to the design of Dark Souls in any way. This existed YEARS before the game came out (It was in Metroid Prime and Mirror’s Edge, which both predate Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls). Unless I’m mistaken, it was also used in Demon’s Souls even though he claims it wasn’t.

>This information on “prefetching” has nothing to do with game design. This is like listening to him in his Super Mario 3D World review talk about how nice the bump mapping looks, even though bump mapping hasn’t been used since the era of the N64 and early Gamecube (I remember when Dungeon Keeper 2 had a patch adding in bump mapping as the hot new thing). We use normal maps nowadays and they’re commonplace in all games, not a special feature worth marveling over in a Mario game as if it’s somehow special to Mario or even executed in a particularly significant way in that Mario game. I don’t need a video gushing about technical details that aren’t even correct. More pressingly, there’s a lot of information on the level design that he could be going over, the arrangements of enemies together, the design of individual enemies, that he totally doesn’t cover. He could be giving you all this design analysis that he’s passing over.


t. chris/icycalm


Soulsfags should be banned.

This is the greatest thread on Yea Forums since the conception of Yea Forums
Absolute peak of intellect and valuable discussion

>the same guy who actually liked HBomb's DS2 video
>specifically the part where he's incredibly disingenuous to Matthew and his arguments
Uh, yeah, that's gonna be a YIKES from me, famalam.

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>He just sheathes his sword and walks slower.
This is only the case when you approach Isshin, Sculptor, Kuro and rice girl. Most other NPCs can be attacked, but the attacks go through them with a small warbling effect. There is one NPC you can kill though, the carp feeder, but that's part of his story. I think it's mostly a way to dummy-proof the game rather than an attempt at reflecting Sekiro's character. I don't have much of a problem with it personally, but it is a little silly looking.

Yes. Some of the early stuff might be rough, as expected. But there are more good videos than bad, and most are short.

Except he criticized that fag's video as well. He doesn't think DS2 is a great game; he finds that the actual flaws with the game go unnoticed while faggots continue to parrot Matosis' "HURR GROUPS OF ENEMIES BAD"

Matthewmatosis has a cameo in a Mecha video. I can't imagine him doing that for any other channel.

Just started, it's kino so far, I like Tapper, Big Rigs, and Tomb Raider 2 the most and currently watching Jumping Flash.

>it's a Yea Forums pretends that the only video game YouTube reviewer that can form coherent thoughts is bad episode


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Which video?

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Just mass report his Bioshock video for nigger-word and deplatform him already.

Are you trying to impress people with Breath of the Wild vocabulary?

You know its okay to disagree with people you like, right Yea Forums?

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Dark souls is terrible at everything but gimmicks and level design

I think it was one of the christmas ones, can't remember which
It's just a voice, don't expect a face reveal

The Bioshock Infinite video is good though.

>hamsterson, son of hamster

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what a thread
what a hotbed of intellectual discussion

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Honestly I don't really agree with his points but I'm happy these reviewer guys are actually reviewing games I play instead of exclusively nintendo games and WRPGs.


Nope. People will defend this

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That's from a six hour long playthrough of the game that he commentates. No shit he's just saying things to fill time, he has six fucking hours he needs to get through. If you want a review, why would you watch a commentary?

I wonder how some of these content creators can honestly express surprise at their stagnating popularity when they make maybe one video every couple of months

I wonder where Chris' insightful 6 hour long commentary is. Oh wait, non-existent

What the fuck, that's bullshit. I tolerated it in past games because they were slower and had rpg elements to back it up, having input delay on your dodge button is fucking retarded. But im sure all the fanboys will defend it, "lol it's fine just git gud".

>A commentary being long excuses being wrong

Why do they always look so ugly? Seriously, most youtubers look like shit. You'd think there would be way more attractive people considering it's video content

translation: never got past the ogre

Imagine calling something the wrong name for 2 minutes in a 6 hour video. How will he ever recover?

newfaggot spotted

Imagine thinking someone's point is moot because they used evidence from a video to support what they were saying.

it's okay to admit you're just bad at the game user

So what exactly is the point?

This is all retarded and wrong in every way. It gets the contents of his videos factually wrong and then makes stupid interpretations. Like how Matt talks about how the specular map in Mario makes things seem bright and shiny, then this retard misconstrues specular mapping for bump mapping and then gets the technical details completely wrong (N64? The fuck?). Matt also talks about level streaming in the context of how the game has to hide background loading with hallways and elevators, which he literally shows affecting the level design.

Talk about being a hypocritical asshole.

go to bed Brit

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>got so buttblasted he deleted his twitter and is only on instagram now

This is the same guy who thinks that 4 is the best dmc game.

>shilling your garbage blog
hey chris


>AAA games BAD
>obscure puzzle games GOOD

So he’s retarded AND has shit opinions. Wow, some people have all the luck.

all me

No, I agree. Available technology NEVER influences game design and calling it the wrong name for two whole minutes is just the nail in the coffin. Matt eternally blown out by actually thinking level streaming had anything to do with DaS's open world.

>a thread died for an e-celeb shill thread
where's the tranny jannies when you need em

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>Vergil has never been in a vanilla version
Fucking Matt Walker crushing my Vergil dreams. Don't do this to me Capcom.

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I'm looking forward to this, his podcasts are always excellent. I hope he manages to get other big guests in future.

Here's the 5x5 he posted in his about page.

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>a thread for crying about liberals died so people could discuss the souls games
Oh no how terrible

Pretty based

>All those fighting games
Yeah somehow I doubt he's good at any of them


based as fuck

He might be a mongoloid but he likes some good games

Because back when DaS2 backlash was at full force, this fucker put out a longass video with a smart sounding accent for the voiceover that allowed DaS2 haters to latch onto something and organize some of their chaotic and stupid thoughts into something that looked smart and professional.
>If this clever game design guy has issues with the game, my complaints must be well founded too!
Not only did it help them wage their war against DaS2, but it also helped them feel like their opinions were correct.

The day I met matthewmatosis
>Meet mate from Ireland online fighting games
>travel their from UK to go smoke and run some locals
>Had to couch surf from apartments to apartment in Dublin
>One FGC head has a gathering for a small party
>Gaunt ginger lad with black hoodie in the corner, not saying much, writing on a notepad
>be civil and get around to asking him what’s, good offer a drink
>nothing much he says, awkwardly fixated on the paper
>ask him if he’s plays Sf4
>he mutters something to the effect of it being repetitive
>ask him what he does
>says he reviews and analyzes games
>felt awkward vibe, shook his hand and asked his name
>said it was matt
>see Yea Forums post this guy
>it’s the same guy

It’s weird seeing how I’m so confident online. He wasn’t very timid irl and when he wanted Tom ask to use the bathroom he had to repeat himself 5 times to be heard

How he’s so confident online*

it's not bad
he's still a dumbass though

I saw Matthewmatosis at a grocery store in Dublin yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Unironically better taste than matt.

haha, brilliant

kys seething das2 fag

>chris wagar

DaS2 is rubbish though.

Replace the phrase "artistic intent" with artistry and you might be right. Never heard matosis talk about intent as anything more than a supposition into what a game is attempting rather than that being the thing that makes a good game.

Also the real difference with Anderson is he forms an opinion and nitpicks to prove himself right, whereas Matosis actually analyzes what a game does.

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Except hardly anyone likes the "unique" encounters like micolash yet almost everyone loves orphan, which is a strictly combat focused encounter, which to Matt is apparently playing to the games weakness.

God I love this pasta

I'm not much of a fan of the other series he's covered, but I stand behind just about everything he's said about Ratchet & Clank, 100%. It's like he made those videos, so I wouldn't have to.

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The best part is even back in Demon's Souls, fights like maneaters, flamelurker, and false king are what people love. Meanwhile shit like Dragon God are hated. And they're all early versions of what he claims makes latter Souls bosses "less interesting"

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dark souls 2 is trash

>eceleb thread

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>Entire point of Souls is that historical events are warped based on the perspectives of those writing/experiencing it
>Complain when shit starts contradicting itself

>from nigger got mad at matt for not liking dark souls 2
typical from stan