Why don't they just make a Persona game set in college instead of another faggy high school setting?
Instead of a million lame teenagers the main cast can range from young adults to middle aged men and women, allowing more diversity.
Why don't they just make a Persona game set in college instead of another faggy high school setting?
Instead of a million lame teenagers the main cast can range from young adults to middle aged men and women, allowing more diversity.
>faggy high school setting
That's just what Persona is. Live with it bro.
>the main cast can range from young adults to middle aged men and women
90% of people in that demographic are unlikable self-absorbed cunts.
>Japanese game
>Anything that would provide a large array of personal choices and exploration
That would never happen. We'll either have incredible western games ten years from now, or things will be so bad that nobody even wants to play videogames willingly.
>90% of people in that demographic are unlikable self-absorbed cunts.
Just like in highschool.
Because nips can't write collage students to save their life.
Japanese life ends with high school its literally the only happy period of their life. The only college setting I saw working is oh my goddess and I have no idea if there is other shit.
Because that's who their target audience is.
College girls are old hags.
I don't want some used up slut who goes to mixers and gets black out drunk. I want pure high school girls, or better yet, middle schoolers.
Why are Japs so obsessed with their highschool years?
Do they just insta-suicide after 18 since they consider HS to be their "peak"?
Like it or not, Persona is synonymous with high school now. It's like complaining that Halo is always about aliens and space.
unironically, yes they do
Because everybody went to high school at some point in their lives so everybody can relate.
Not everybody has been to college.
That would require creativity and risk-taking.
A lot of people I know - myself included - feel this way in the West too. High school was pretty much the perfect balance of having easy obligations, and plenty of time to do what you want without anyone expecting too much of you. It was also great to see the same friends every day. Everyone feels so busy with their own shit nowadays.
Think highschool, minus any fun, and only work.
This question has been asked many times OP you faggot, it barely changes anything since you simply could have partymembers that are older without most of them being in college, social links are already like that anyway.
Why does resetera always want to change games that don't appeal to them?
American colleges are more like highschools than in the rest of the world. Take a bunch of general education, have a "major" that doesn't really mean shit, only difference is high schools kick you out if you don't show up whereas college is still dead easy to pass regardless if you attend a single lecture
Why do election tourists always attribute opinions they don't agree with to boogeymen?
Name 100 high school setting games
Why do shitposters like to go off topic?
>why cant games pander to meee I need representation I'm in no way just as retarded as resetera boohoohooo
Because it works you incel weebs into seething shoot
>No Persona game with out a salary man, housewife, homeless dude, train conductor and D tier voice actress.
It's a problem with Japanese media in general. There'll never be a Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa anime for example.
Why do shitposters call others shitposters?
Western fags complaining about high school settings and demanding college would probably just bitch about how Japanese colleges are nothing like western ones.
Because they want every game to appeal to the heir tastes.
It'd be impossible. There's no way they could build a narrative around an irregular schedule chosen by the player.
what's problem?
If you want those "mature" shits, just read manga
>faggy college
How about a comfy salary man simulation
Because anyone retarded enough to take sides (when they aren't represented) in "politics" are genuine idiots.
novelty is a good thing though
>why doesn't company do what I want after they released the best selling title in the franchise?
Dunno, seems to that they figured something out that works for them. Why don't you make your idea into a game yourself?
The actual reason is that there's a bit of a perception about college being the time you rest after high school, people that go to college study so much that the actual college is basically time off.
>salary man
Sixteen hour, unpaid overtime, workdays are not comfy.
the most boring setting. If you were ever in college you know that you don't have to be a cuck anymore.
In school you have a fixed schedule, mandatory attendance and other retarded stuff. In college you can do what you want. Sure, some classes require attendance and other stuff, but you decide what classes you want to take and what you want to do in your free time. You also most likely have a car and because you can do between classes whatever you want, you don't have to deal with retarded classmates anymore.
Also the "worst thing" about a college game is, that everyone is an adult. This means, that there is no fun anymore. You insult someone? In school most people can get out of it, on college you are an adult and most likely get sued. You skip class? No one cares in college. You drink? No one cares. You don't do your homework? Most classes don't have homework and if they do you just don't pass the class.
It's sad to say, but college Persona would be extremely boring. Just look at Death Note. As soon as college started, the whole plot ignored the "college life", because there is non. Sure you can party, but if you want good grades, your life is just learning for exams and extremely boring to watch.
What does that even mean? I obviously already read manga and want the option of storytelling concerning mature characters elsewhere.
Lost Odyssey and MGS4 did it well. Anime doesn't even try.
You don't know anything
Manga has a far bigger market than anime
anime is niche shit for manchildren
yeah fuck creativity or innovation, only sales matter
my dad's uncle's cousin works at Atlus and he says that Persona 6 is a GTA clone
>You insult someone? In school most people can get out of it, on college you are an adult and most likely get sued.
>most likely get sued.
have you ever actually gone outside?
And where exactly is the creativity? You just changed the setting slightly. I'm pretty sure kindergarden children can come up with more creative things than that.
>allowing more diversity
and what was the goal of this part? To make it more appealing to a wider audience and to make more money that way? You sure showed me with your post, user.